Playing His Game, Les Twins B...


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playing his game.
under his spell
Afraid of his game
confession:teach me to love
making love
tame the blaze
beast vs ca blaze
laurent's turn.
a/n read this

Own up to your word.

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This story  is long, didn't feel like editing. Sorry  for mistakes. P.s it's  going to get dirty.


Laurent's pov:

I tossed and turned gripping the bed sheets, my body heat seemed to have gotten hotter as I kept panting. I could feel his eyes on me, observing me, stripping me, teasing me. He licked his lips as he sprayed the whip cream down my abdomen and stopping at my v-line. He tossed the can aside and crawled on top of me. A thousand volts of electric lust and power seemed to have flowed throughout his whole entire body. It ran through his veins and appeared in his eyes. He stripped of his clothing that defined his muscles and his slim shape that seemed to fit comfortably and leaned his head foward inches away from my ear.

Larry: "I hope you're ready, because I'm hungry for desert."

Laurent: "wait- ahh! You sh-shouldnt be doing this"

Larry: "does it look like I care?"

He pointed to his face showing a blank facial expression. His tongue connected with my chest as he licked the whip cream all the way down my body. I moaned causing his lips to form into a devious  smirk. Suddenly my vision started to become hazy. The room looked as if it was shaking, everything started to dissappear, even larry. And just when I was about to tangle my fingers into his soft hair, he dissolved into the thin air like dust. It was at that moment that I realized the reason everything was disappearing and looked as if it had gone away never to return, is because someone was interrupting my dream by waking me up into reality. I heard my name being called repeatedly and I groaned not wanting to wake up just yet. I didn't want my dream to end, but I did want the person who is shaking me forcing me to wake up to go away.

Larrys pov:

The light shined into my room forcing me to wake up, I ignored it though and placed a pillow over my head hoping to block out some light. The birds chirping outside My window grew louder and I rolled my eyes and quickly grew irritated. I guess this was mother nature's way of saying wake the hell up. I refused to obey though. A different and unique sound seemed to have sparked my interests, I sat up in my bed pulling the covers off and listened closely. I could hear laurent's voice next door, the walls where thin so I got up stretching my body and placed my ear to the wall wanting more of that beautiful  sound. It gravitated towards me, it told me to follow and listen, and this was an order that I was more than glad to obey. I walked down the hallway arriving at laurent's room,  I pushed the door open stepping inside and carefully tip toed my way to his bed. The tan carpet placed on the floor helped me smother any loud footsteps that I could possibly create. I licked my lips as I saw laurent sprawled out in the middle of the bed, His fingers dug into the matress, and the beautiful moans that caught my attention came from his obvious wet dream that he is having. A smile slowly showed as I ran my fingers over his erection. I rubbed it with a little force and saw his back arch a bit. As much as I loved the show that he was giving me, I decided to wake him up.

Larry: "wake up! Lau wake the hell up"

Laurent: "mmm...go away"

Larry: "wake up!"

It was hard for larry to continuously wake laurent up, he decided that being gentle was obviously not going to work. So he shook his body a little more harder, suddenly the covers flew off laurent's body and he yelled in annoyance ready to throw a pillow at him. Or hit him with any object for that matter. Laurent sat up, eyes wide open now as he saw Larry looking down at him. He gasped realizing that he just dreamed about him, he questioned if Larry was standing there the whole time, and when he felt sweat dripping down his forehead and his erection sprung up and hard he quickly covered it with a pillow not realizing that Larry caused half of the damage by rubbing on it In reality just a few minutes ago. Larry chuckled at his brother and crossed his arms while looking back at a paranoid, horny,  and frustrated laurent.

Laurent: "Im up already damn what's the big emergency! "

Larry: "it's about time, no emergency just wanted to bother you and wake you up. It's fun, hurry up and get dressed because we are going out to eat. I'm hungry"

Laurent: " Vous êtes comme une bite!"
(You're such a dick!)

Larry: "Im pas dire , mais je peux vous montrer ce que cette bite peut vraiment faire." (I'm not mean, but i can show you what this dick can really do)

Larry got the last word as he saw his brother being literally jaw dropped. He chuckled winking at him before playfully blowing him a kiss and calmly walked away as if nothing happened. While Larry freshened up like always doing his morning routine, laurent took a cold shower resisting the urge the throw his head back and realise  all the sexual frustration and thoughts of larry  that made him grow hard. It amazed laurent that all he really had to do was run his hand up and down his erection giving it a slight tug here and there, and all his problems would vanish. But much like his situation with larry, the more he ignored the problem,  the more it began to hurt. A few minutes later Larry got dressed and finally headed out of his room expecting to see laurent finished as well. Naturally Larry would wait for him to get dressed, but seeing as though he was on the verge of starving desperate times calls for desperate measures. He barged into his room and knocked on the bathroom door to which laurent opened dripping wet, skin glistening, and it was Larrys turn to stare in awe. Of course this made him want laurent more. Laurent smirked as he watched the lust in his eyes.

Laurent: "what you want larry, my eyes up here not down there"

He lifts Larrys chin up with his index finger and Larry blushes realizing what he is doing. Laurent only laughs at his actions.

Larry: "u-umm...hurry up, I can no wait any longer"

Laurent: "give me a couple seconds and I'll be ready, I'll meet you in the car"

Turning around and heading towards the car now, Larry felt embarrassed at how obvious he was staring. He felt that he was weak at his knees, and that couldn't happen again. A few minutes later laurent came closing the door in the car wearing all black just how Larry liked it.

They headed towards the nearest restaurant soon ordering  and waiting for their meals  patiently. laurent sat across from Larry and he looked down fiddling with his fingers. The atmosphere began the grow quiet, and tension seemed to have followed the twins everywhere they went. Larry smiled remembering this morning.

Larry: "tell me, did I make you feel good In your dream?"

Laurent: "h-how did you,-"

Larry: "I know everything, plus you where moaning pretty loud."

Laurent: "I am telling you, I like women larry. It will never happen!"

Suddenly the waiter came with their two hamburgers and fries, the twins licked their lips wanting a bite quickly. Larry smirked and winked at the waitress. He figured the only way to get laurent fired up is out of jealousy. She flipped her long black curly hair removing it from her face. She blushed looking at larry more.

Waitress: if you guys need anything else don't hesitate to ask me.

She bit her bottom lip, her red polished nails brushed against Larrys shoulder. He leaned back in his chair smiling at the view of the waitresses petite round behind.

Larry: "well you could write your number down for me belle"

She giggled and fiddling with her fingers. Laurent rolled his eyes smacking his teeth. She noticed laurent's attitude and frowned.

Laurent: "his joking, I believe you can go"

She rolled her eyes swaying her hips purposely walking away. Larry giggled and laurent grew irritated. He got tired of larry playing his games. Larry was all man on the outside but on the inside laurent thought of him as a scared kid.

Laurent: "are you kidding! You go from oh laurent I want you, to hey let me see if I can get her number in less than five seconds!"

Larry: "jealous?"

Laurent: never! L-lets just eat ok"

Larry chuckled, he mentally gave himself a high five for his plan working so successfully. Larry new his brother was passing stages in his head that was quite funny. These stages that laurent was passing would have him ended up in larrys bed sooner than later. First stage is denial. Only because laurent wouldn't accept the fact that he has desires for his brother just as much. The second stage is realization. Laurent knows the efforts that larry is willing to go through and its entertaining in his mind, but he also realizes that he could never disown his brother for how he feels. So the question in laurent's mind is, what is he afraid of? He knows his feelings of wanting Larry is increasing. So what's stopping him? The third stage is jealousy, which he just passed. Laurent secretly loves Larry being assertive and aggressive with him sometimes . He loves the fact that Larry knows what he wants, and laurent always gets hot and bothered knowing his twin wants him, weather laurent admits it or not. It  kills him to see larry with somebody else. The forth stage is lust. Eventually having all these stages and emotion inside laurent will become dangerous, there is only so much he can hold. He sees the sparkle of lust and desire and passion in Larrys eyes and it only reflects back at him. And Larry knows that laurent is at his breaking point. The final stage is something that laurent is not ready for, something that he wants to avoid in his mind. But when that final stage comes he
will deal with it. Hopefully.

The twins finally got done with there meals, they slouched on their seats bellys full and satisfied. They where distracted by the good food, or maybe it was good because they where really hungry. Either way they where satisfyingly great and ready to go. The waitress soon came in with the check that Larry paid for. He looked at the tiny slip of paper that was placed on there table and he smiled while she walked away wishing they come again.

Laurent: "what's that she gave you?"

Larry: "her number"

Laurent: "give it to me! Throw that shit away!"

Larry: "non why! I new you where jealous!"

Laurent felt something rising inside of him, he remembered at the comments Larry said. Making it seem like larry can do so much, meanwhile he was laughing the entire time at the table while laurent just sat there with a blank facial expression. He found nothing funny. He was fed up with larry, the stage of lust is complete. Laurent yanked Larrys arm forcing him to stand up as they quickly walked out. Larry was wide eyed not knowing what is happening as they now entered the car.

Larry: "what? Did I say something wro-"

Laurent: "your going to do it..."

Larry: "what the heck are you talking about?"

Laurent: "it's time for you to own up to your words, take us home larry. If you really think you can so call, give me the best sex of my life, then show me"

Larry: "oh I know i can. Just remember when we do this ...there's no going back, shake on it"

Laurent: "let's do it"

That's it, they had shook on it. Like larry said there is no going back, laurent mentally prepared himself for what is to come as they got closer to home.  Laurent gulped before giving a firm handshake, he was really going to do this. His heart pounded as they sped down the road and stopped into the drive way. He shook on it meaning he can't punk out and be shy now, they unlocked the front door closing it behind them as they headed towards Larrys separate room. He locked the door behind him while putting on a devious smile. Laurent forced himself to be brave as Larry walked towards him.

Laurent: "why did you lock t-the door?"

Larry: "so you won't escape, can't have you doing that. If this is going to happen we do it my way."

Laurent: "your way?"

Larry: "yes, ready ?"

Laurent was speechless. He only nodded his head up and down, his throat felt like it was going to close up on him. He grew nervous but tried not to show up.

Larry: "strip"

Laurent: "wa-what?"

Larry: "I know you heard me. "

Laurent peeled off his shirt slowly exposing his chest to the cool air. Larry licked his lips as he cupped his erection groaning. Oh how he waited for this moment to come. He pulled away his hand tried not to realise so quickly. His eyes remained on his body as his pants dropped to the ground stepping out of them. He slowly tugged on his boxers removing them teasingly. Larry didn't like that.
He walked behind laurent, making his breath hitch at the feel of a hard slap to his ass.

Larry: "don't do that to me, we do this my way, got it."

Laurent: "sorry"

Larry pulled his calvin Klein down and kicked them away.  Now every little detail of laurent's nude body was exposed And his for the taking. Larry smirked loving the view, he grabbed laurents hand making him stand in from of the large mirror on there dresser. Laurent saw how Larrys hands caressed him from behind. He saw how larrys fingers trickled up and down his abdomen and gripped his hips in a tight manner. He looked in the mirror noticing how his pink tongue gliding smoothly up and down laurent's neck and he shuddered and closed his eyes at the wonderful feeling. And he was only touching him lightly.

Larry: "watch what I do to you in the mirror how good I make you feel"

Larry pressed his fully clothed body behind laurent as his hand snaked over to his hips and it carefully wrapped around his now hard erection. Laurent's breathed hitched, oh how he wanted to end this all right now and forget it happened, but at the same time he wished for Larrys body to be on his. Pre come dripped as Larry started to move his hand faster making laurent moan. His thumb swiped over the tip making him go crazy with lust. His eyes left the mirror, Larry noticed now stopping.  The hand wrapped around laurent's erection felt good and he whined when the wonderful sensation ended.

Larry: "didn't I tell you to look at the mirror? "

Laurent: s-sorry"

Larry dragged laurent over to the bed instead. He didn't question any of what he was doing. He crawled on top of laurent now kissing his way to his jaw line. Laurent's back arched a bit as he felt the barely there kisses brush on his skin. Larry new he didn't like to be teased, his lips then began to travel to his neck and laurent smirked as he felt him sucking on his sweet spot. Larry placed his legs between laurent's and immediately started to grind on him. His jeans rubbing on laurent's Sensitive  dick hurt but increased the pleasure too. His hands gripped Larrys shirt begging for him to take it off and feel his soft skin on his. Laurent couldn't take it anymore.

Larry: "patience bebe"

Laurent: "no please! Dont tease me!"

Larry: " in your dream, tell me what I did to you"

Laurent: "you...kissed down my chest-"

Larry: "you mean like this?"

He smirked and soon started to kiss down laurent's chest, he nibbled on it as he took slow long licks straight down. Just like in laurent's dream, he tangled his fingers in his twists pushing him lower wanted more. He sucked in a breath of air seeing as though his dick was disappearing in Larrys mouth. He arched his back more, his mouth hung opened but no words came out. He felt the back of Larrys throat and moaned louder. His tongue swirled around it as he sucked making his cheeks hallow. Slurping sounds could be heard as he deep throated and sucked. His teeth gently grazed it and he hummed sending vibrations making a shiver go up and down laurent's spine. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. He groaned and whined yet again seeing Larry come up taking a  breath of air. He smirked as he watched his twin beg for more. He was so close, but Larry couldn't have him come, not yet. He placed his index and middle finger to laurent's mouth and ordered him to suck on them. His plump lips wrapped around his fingers as he tongue grazed on him. He smirked loving how this looks, he pulled out and without a warning he pushed his fingers inside laurent stretching him.

Laurent: "ahh!! Larry!!:

He loved how perfect his name rolled off of laurent's tongue as he pressed his fingers against his prostate making him moan louder. He wiggled around clenching at the bed sheets and pushed away from the pain but Larry only went further by adding another finger. His screams turned into sounds of pure bliss as he felt pleasure rush throughout his entire body. His cock hurt painfully and now he was a whimpering mess. He gave Larry the satisfaction which laurent hated, but it felt to good so he couldn't care less. He removed his fingers seconds later and looked down at laurent smiling. He said something that laurent never thought he would have to do. Larry new laurent's ego wouldn't make him say those words that where to come, and this made Larry laugh.

Larry: "beg for me"

Laurent: "w-what?"

Larry: ""

Laurent: "never!"

Larry: "ok I'll just go watch TV and -"

Laurent: "no wait!...ill...ill say it.."

Larry: "I'm waiting"

Larry crossed his arms and waited patiently as that same cocky smirk stayed apon his face.

Laurent: "please! I ...I want it!"

Larry: "you want what? Doesn't sound convincing enough"

Laurent: "don't play with me! I want you inside me! So stop fuckin playing larry!"

Larry granted his wish gladly. He slowly pealed off his clothing, to which laurent licked his lips enjoying and taking in the view. Once fully naked he took his position on top of laurent jamming himself inside. He gasped feeling full already, his walls clenched around him making Larry groan. He whispered in his ear for laurent to relax. That the pain will subside. He Didn't move an inch until laurent was comfortable. Yes Larry was waiting for this along time ago, but he cared for him still and remembered to be gentle. Once he gave the ok, he started to move, at first it was a slow pace but then Larry went faster cathing his rhythem. Skin slapping skin could be heard, the headboard banged against the wall and sweat dripped down there bodies. Laurent clawed his fingers in Larrys back scratching him, his legs wrapped around Larrys waist giving an even deeper sensation.

Larry: "how does this feel?"

Laurent: " it feels amazing! I love -ahh!! I love it!"

Larry: "good bebe, you feel so tight"

They reached their peaks, Larry slowed down his pace not wanting to come yet, laurent smashed his hips back, he felt Larry lean forward and press his lips meeting his, they shared a sloppy kiss and enterlocking there fingers together. Larry began to suck on his neck making a mark, it was all over from there.

Larry: I'm close!

Laurent: "me to!"

Soon the warmth on pleasure clashed down apon there bodies, it felt like it was never ending as they came. Their bodies smashed against the bed as they now laid next to each other panting. They stood still for moments as they slowly climbed down from there high. Darkness took over as their eye lids got heavy. Larry found himself spooning laurent.

Larry: "told you I could give you the best sex of your life"

Laurent: "no kidding, I love you larry"

Larry: "I love you too"

They closed their eyes falling into a deep sleep. Laurent remembered the very last stage that he didn't want to come when receiving what Larry had to offer. Laurent had gone  from being in love with pleasure and happy to being afraid. He was afraid....afraid that Larry would no longer have interests in him tomorow. Afraid of the possibility of falling deeply in love with larry but Larry not feeling the same way at all. Afraid of all the negative thoughts taking over in his mind. So many what ifs popping up.
After all, laurent was playing his game.

Thank you for reading! Ending it here! Comment vote tell me what you think! Stay in touch for next chapter.  It's getting good in my opinion. I kind of wanted to skip ahead of some stuff in the story to get done faster and get the good part.

Peace Love all the other stuff.

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