Broken Beauty and the Beast I...

By Miss_Ambrose

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For the past few weeks, Dean Ambrose has been going through a tough time. Brock Lesnar finds him and they get... More

Untitled Part 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

401 8 2
By Miss_Ambrose

Dean was absolutely furious, much

like last week. He just watched the fucking Wyatts beat the hell out of his boyfriend, Roman Reigns, and his new friend that he likes very much, Brock Lesnar.

"Wyatts!" Dean stormed through the backstage halls "Bray!"

He thought he had come to a dead end when- "You were calling?" The husky voice sent shivers up his spine. He turned around and he was met with Bray Wyatt and his "family" , consisting of Luke Harper, Erick Rowan, and Braun Strowman.

"Y-Yeah I was." Dean said, a little intimidated. He was pretty beat up from his tag team match, which he lost, with Kalisto against Sheamus and Del Rio, earlier. And he didn't really feel like getting any more beat up.

"And why's that? May I ask?" Bray Wyatt said, getting closer to Dean. Dean tried to back away with every step Bray took. "Because you and your stupid fucking family attacked Roman and Brock for no fucking reason!" Saying that made Dean less intimidated and angrier than he was before.

But the anger was replaced with fear when Bray pinned Dean up against a wall, holding both Deans wrists against the wall with one hand and he pressed his right knee to Deans left thigh, pinning one of his legs, as well. Dean immediately tried fighting out, but the larger man had a tight grip. He whispered in Deans ear: "Don't ever say anything like that about my family ever again, or you will regret it very much, my dear." Dean shivered.

"Let go, Bray" Dean said quietly, clearly agitated. "As you wish." Bray said, letting go of Dean. Dean nearly fell to the ground, his body was numb from the pressure Bray put on it.

"What the fuck?!" Dean yelled.

"What's wrong, my darling?" Bray asked, feigning innocence.

"What's wrong is that you.....and them fucking beat the shit out of Roman and Brock for no fucking reason!" Dean yelled in Brays face.

Bray laughed. He fucking laughed. Dean was really trying to contain himself, right now.

"Ah, the Brute and the Beast. You would think I'd be surprised that your mentioning the Beast, as well. But, I'm not. He was all over you when you were falling apart, last week" Bray said calmly.

Dean looked at Bray with confusion in his eyes. "H-How do you-" Dean stuttered. He was cut off by Bray: "I know everything, sweetheart"

"I know things that you don't even know about yourself." Bray continued. "I even know about him"

Dean looked up at Bray with wide eyes. But Bray continued "I also know that with Romeo, the same thing is gonna happen." Bray laughed, maniacally.

Dean shook his head "No. No. No. No! Roman would never! He loves me!"

Bray walked up getting close to Deans ear. He whispered: "So did he"

That was it. Dean wouldn't let anyone talk to him like that. He took a swing at Bray. Bray stumbled back a bit. The rest of the Wyatts were about to attack, but "NO" Bray yelled. Bray then calmed down. Dean relaxed a bit.

After a couple of seconds, Bray charged at Dean, Deans back hit the wall. He was then pickup by the collar of his sweatshirt (Romans really). Brays fists dug into his neck, when Bray picked him up and slid him up the wall. Dean was trying to fight back, but he couldn't breath.

"L-Let go" Dean tried to choke out. "You brought this upon yourself, my Dear" Bray said, adding more pressure to Deans neck. "But you know, one less person in the Rumble match could be beneficial to my family and I." Bray then dropped Dean to the ground.

Dean gasped and clutched his neck, trying to breathe. He didn't get much breathing room though, because Rowan and Harper began kicking him. He tried to curl up to protect himself, but he didn't really gain much protection. They just kicked harder. Dean whimpered, he shielded his head the best he could.

He was then picked up and thrown into a wall. Again and again and again and again. He screamed every time his back hit the cold, hard wall. But his screams just led them on, making them dish out more, more punishment.

They let him drop to the ground. He curled up into a ball, just Incase they decided to inflict more abuse. Bray bent down to where Dean was curled up. "I told you Dean, I told you!" Bray yelled at Dean, as he grabbed Dean by his hair causing him to yelp.

Bray pulled Dean up to his full height and threw him at the person in front of him. Braun Strowman. Braun caught Dean and put him in his signature standing triangle choke hold. The pressure was so tight that it caused to Dean to loudly scream out in pain.


Roman was limping to the backstage area, and Brock Lesnar was right behind him, limping as well. He wasn't really worried about being attacked by Brock, since both of them were brutally beat up by the Wyatts.

Once Roman and Brock reached backstage, they heard a loud scream. It made them sick to their stomachs, because they both knew who that scream belonged to.

They both ran as fast as they could, pushing and yelling at anyone in their way. The limping in both, Roman and Brock, was gone when they heard that scream. "Dean!" Roman yelled. "Dean! Dean!" Brock called out. Roman normally would've asked why Brock was so concerned, although Dean had told him that he had roomed with Brock last week. But, at the moment he just cared about finding his boyfriend.

They both nearly hit a dead end, but-"DEAN!" They both exclaimed. Braun was choking the hell out of an already unconscious Dean, as the rest of the Wyatts watched, enjoying it. Once Braun noticed them, he carelessly dropped a limp Dean on the ground. Roman ran in and speared the hell out of Braun Strowman, and beat on the rest of the Wyatts.

While Brock scooped an unconscious Dean up into his arms. Deans body was already forming bruises, and marks on his neck were appearing. Deans pained eyes cracked open, "B-Brock" he managed to crack out, some tears came down Deans cheek. "Hey, hey. You're okay, Dean. You're fine." Brock wasn't sure if he was reassuring Dean or himself, he wiped Deans tears. When the Wyatts left, ran away really. Roman then came and knelt down by Dean. He stroked Deans hair. "Hey baby boy, we're gonna get you patched up." Roman kissed Deans forehead, while Dean was still in Brock's arms.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Roman exclaimed. "I need to take him to the hospital!" Roman said. He started gripping at his hair, pulling at it.

"Hey! Enough! He's fine, I'll take him to the trainers" Brock then got up, still holding the limp, bruised, beaten man in his arms and ran to the trainers. Roman went with them as well.

Brock dropped Dean off at the trainers. The trainers had told Roman and Brock that they had to leave while they were checking on Dean.

Brock and Roman waited outside the trainers. "I'm going to fucking kill the Wyatts!" Roman exclaimed, and punched the nearest wall. "Hey fucking relax!" Brock exclaimed. "How the fuck am I supposed to relax?! Dean could be seriously hurt. I'm fucking supposed to protect him!" Roman said, pulling at his hair. "He's strong, he'll be fine. You know what he's been through." Brock said. "Just because he's been through so much doesn't mean he has to continue to go through hell. He doesn't fucking deserve this." Roman said, quietly.

"Um Roman, Brock" One of the trainers had just come. "Dean just woke up. Fortunately, he doesn't have a concussion; however, he does have many bruises and cuts, which we patched up. He'll have to take some painkillers, because he may have some minor headaches." The Trainer stated. "So whose he going with, tonight?" He asked.

"Me" Brock and Roman said in unison. Then, they both gave each other looks. "Can we just see Dean, already?" Roman asked, a bit annoyed. The trainer moved out of the way to let Roman and Brock in.

They saw Dean just lying there. With his hands covering his face, and taking in sharp breaths.

"Hey baby boy." Roman said gently as he and Brock approached Dean. Dean removed his hands from his face, and showed his puffy red eyes, and tear drenched face. "What's wrong, Dean?" Brock said, wiping away the tears. Dean shook his head "N-Nothing, I-I'm fine" Dean said straightening up. "Dean" Roman looked at him, with that 'don't lie to me, baby' look.

"Before the Wyatts beat the shit out of me......Bray tried to get into my head...." Some tears went down Deans cheek. Brock placed his hand on the small of Deans back for comfort. "Uh. He said that the same thing that happened with S-Seth is gonna happen with you, Ro" Dean sobbed quietly. Brock wrapped his arms around Deans body to calm him down. "Dean, baby, you know I'd never hit you." Roman said stroking the sobbing mans hair. Dean shook his head which confused Roman. "T-That wasn't what Bray meant. He meant something else. And Rome, I know you would never, I'm just scared." Dean said, as his tears were falling on Brocks strong arms. "Dean, what did he mean, then?" Roman asked. Brock looked at Roman. Dean probably didn't tell him about what else Seth did to him, Brock thought. Dean just continued sobbing into Brocks arms. "Dean didn't tell you?" Brock asked Roman. "Tell me what?" Roman asked with a confused look. Brock looked at Dean. Dean nodded. "Um. Seth....He, He raped Dean." It pained Brock to say it, hearing Dean cry harder. Roman was shocked. He had no idea about this. He just wanted to hold Dean in his arms, and try to take all the pain away.

"Dean, oh my god. Baby, I'm so sorry." Roman took the smaller man in his arms and kissed him everywhere. "I would never ever do anything to harm you, okay baby?" Dean nodded. "I love you so much. I'd never hurt you." Roman said.

"I'm gonna go shower, change and get you a change of clothes really quickly, okay my love?" Dean nodded. Roman mouthed a 'stay with him' to Brock.

"Thank you, Brock" Dean said with a stuffed nose. Brock wrapped his arms around Dean, once again. Dean buried his head in the crook of Brocks neck. Dean had eventually stopped crying. Brock stroked his hair. "You're so beautiful, Dean. You don't deserve any harm that comes your way." Brock said quietly. "I'm not beautiful." Dean mumbled. "Yes, Dean. You are." Brock gently touched Deans neck, it was red from when Braun was choking him. The thought made Brock furious.

Brocks thoughts were cut off when Roman came in. "Hey baby boy, are you a bit better?" Roman asked. Dean nodded his head. "I got you some clothes. Here lemme help you, baby." Roman took off the sweatshirt Dean was wearing. He carefully put on the other sweatshirt he had gotten him, it was Romans. He then carefully unbuttoned Deans pants, and took them off. He got Dean some sweatpants instead of jeans, he wanted Dean to be comfortable. He also got Dean some Chuck Taylors (Converse shoes).

"Thanks, Ro." Dean wrapped his arms around Romans neck, and leaned in for a kiss. Brock kind of shifted awkwardly.

"Alright, let's go Dean." Brock and Roman both said in unison, and gave each other a look.

"Deans rooming with me." Roman said. "No he's not. He's rooming with me." Brock said. They were both getting a bit angry.

"Dean who do you want to room with?" Roman asked. Dean looked up at both of them. "I wanna room with both of you. Can all three of us share a bed or something? Please?" Dean said. Roman and Brock looked at each other and both nodded. "Yeah baby. Sure we can" Roman said. "Of course, Dean." Brock said. Dean smiled and got up.

Dean winced when he got up, his whole body was still hurting. "Here, Dean. Lemme carry you." Brock said. "No, it's okay, Brock. You don't have to." Dean said. Brock lifted Dean up bridal style, anyway. Dean was about to appose, but he decided against it.

Brock followed Roman to the car. He placed Dean in the backseat. He then kissed Deans forehead. "I'm going in my car, okay? I'll meet you guys in the parking lot of the hotel." Brock said before he left. Roman got into the car after he put their luggage in the trunk.

They car ride was silent until Roman spoke up "Hey baby, you good?" Roman asked, softly. "Yeah, Ro M'fine. But, please don't start problems with Brock." Dean pleaded. "I won't, baby. Anything for you." Roman said, sincerely. "Thanks, Ro."

The rest of the ride was comfortable silence. Once they got to the hotel parking lot, they met up with Brock. Brock had decided they would all stay in his hotel room, since he had paid for a large room.

Once they got up to the hotel room, they changed their clothes. Dean didn't want to wear anything but his briefs. And Brock and Roman didn't really feel comfortable in front of each other, so they just wore a pair of shorts and no shirt, or a T-shirt.

With Dean wearing nothing but briefs caused Roman to rub some antibiotic cream over his body, since it was full of bruises. When they were all ready, they got into the bed. Brock was taking some pillows and blankets and placing them on the floor, causing Dean to look at him oddly.

"Brock, what are you doing?" Dean asked. "Getting ready for bed" Brock said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "No, you're sleeping on the bed with us." Dean said. "No, no. I don't want to bother you guys." Brock said. "No you wouldn't. Please, Brock" Dean said, looking into Brocks eyes. "Okay Dean. Anything for you." Brock said.

Dean smiled.

They all got into the bed, it was pretty big. Dean was in the middle, while Roman was on the left and Brock was on the right. They turned off the lights.

Roman kissed Deans head and whispered 'I love you' to him, Dean whispered it back. Dean then turned and hugged Brock, wrapping his arms around Brocks neck. "Good Night, Brock." Dean whispered. "Good Night Dean"


Dean was tossing, turning, and silently sobbing in his sleep. "N-No, please, please stop." He whispered. Tears continued streaming down his face.

Brock woke up, seeing Dean crying and trying to fight away something. Roman wasn't awake, he must be a deep sleeper. Brock quickly put Dean in his arms. "Hey hey, you're okay, you're okay." He said reassuring the distressed smaller man.

Dean was finally aware of what was going on "He-He" Dean tried to talk, the tears had finally stopped. "No, he's not here. Don't worry, I got you. I won't let anyone hurt you." Brock said.

Brock put his large hands around the smaller mans face. Dean looked up at Brock with emotional icy blue eyes. Dean leaned in, and Brock captured his lips. They both melted into the kiss. It was so passionate. They both broke it off, in need for oxygen. Deans eyes fluttered open.

Dean then buried his head in the crook of Brocks neck. Brock secured his hands on Deans waist.

Dean mumbled "My Beast". Brock smiled and whispered "My beauty". They then fell asleep in each other's arms, once again. 

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