My King

By always_clever

660K 28.2K 6K

A time when King and Queens lead a whole country and servants was punished to even look at royalty. Akia Buha... More

My King....
Chapter One: My Lord....
Chapter Two: Letter and Wage....
Chapter Three: Breath of Air....
Chapter Four: The Ball....
Chapter Five: Arrangement....
Chapter Six: Journey...
Chapter Seven: Tonight...
Chapter Eight: Queen...
Chapter Nine: Tempting...
Chapter Ten: Heart&Soul....
Chapter Eleven: Whispers...
Chapter Twelve: Cold Green Eyes....
Chapter Thirteen: Taming the Beast...
Chapter Fourteen: Friend or Foe?...
Chapter Fifteen: Daniel....
Chapter Sixteen: Confuss...
Chapter Seventeen: Missing...
Chapter Eighteen: Absent from the throne....
Chapter Nineteen:News...
Chapter Twenty: Long voyage back home...
Chapter Twenty-one: Theodore...
Chapter Twenty-two: Moon...
Chapter Twenty-Three: False...
Chapter Twenty-Four: Kill the silence...
Chapter Twenty-Five: Lifeless...
Chapter Twenty-Six: Delusions...
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Cherish...
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hope...
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Signs...
Chapter Thirty: Not till the fat lady sings...

Chapter Thirty-One: THE END is only the Beginning...

18.2K 697 229
By always_clever

Akia eyes strained at the mocha skin, curly hair, brown with specks of green eyes, fourteen year old boy play fight with his twelve and nine year old brother's while her eight year old daughter sat close to her. Nervousness; a natural motherly extinct came over her as she saw Chander being rough with Nathaniel and her youngest son being nine years old; Emmanuel by wrestling them down to the ground.

Michelle; her eight year old daughter looked up at her mother with her gray eyes in curiosity. A trait she developed on her mother's side. "Mama, why do you look pale?" The innocent little girl asked.

Akia forces herself to look away from the young boys that played roughly from the distance, to look down at her little twin. With a sigh, Akia answered her daughter's question, "Only because I'm worried about your brothers. One of them will get hurt."

"But, father said boys always get hurt. That is why I should not play with them."

Akia rolled her eyes at her husband's saying. "Your father is a sexist," she mumbled out her mouth so Michelle would not hear her.

"Ow!" Emmanuel yelled, making Akia immediately stand on her feet to see what happened to her youngest son; whom was on the ground covered in dirt. Before Akia could say anything, Emmanuel stood on his feet and pat the dirt off like nothing happened. "I'm fine mama." He stated to calm his mother's working nerves.

A sigh of relief passed Akia's lips as she sat down in the chair that wobbled in the grass from her fast movements. "I swear, does boys are going to give me gray hair before the age of thirty-five."

Michelle giggled from her mother's statement. "Oh mama, you'll have a long way to go before you hit that age."

A smile crept on Akia's face. "That's kind of you to say. But your mother only have three years before she actually hits thirty-five. Which is not that far away."

"Father is thirty-six." Michelle stated.

Akia nod her head in agreement. "Yes, and old. Shh," she put a index finger to her plump lips. "You didn't hear that from me."
Michelle giggled once more before putting a index finger to her lips in a sign of secrecy.

"Ow!" Both Nathaniel and Emmanuel screams as Chander laughed from their failed actions of trying to knock him down on his butt. Just like his father would do to others, he rubbed their failure in their faces by laughing like a hyena.

"Okay, that's enough! It's time for lunch" Akia yelled loud enough for the three young boys to hear her as she stood on her feet to walk towards the castle. With Michelle holding her hand and the three young boys behind her, they walked into the castle and towards the dining hall where the food was already set up.

All five of them sit around the special oval table that make them closer together like a true family. But unfortunately their family table is not filled. Yet again, Theo is out handling business in war and yet again Akia is left to rule the kingdom on his behalf and raising their children on her own.

"Chander, stop." Akia ordered as she watched her first son throwing pieces of chopped cherry tomatoes at Nathaniel and Emmanuel. Chander sighed and looked down at his plate full of untouched food. Of course like every mother, Akia took a notice of her children's behavior before setting her fork down. "Okay, what is wrong?" Akia asked.

"Father is not here," Nathaniel stated.

Chander rolled his eyes and kissed his teeth loudly. "Father is never here. You should be use to it by now."

"No, I should not," Nathaniel retorted.

"Listen," Akia started off to say. "I'm going to say this once again, your father is doing his kingly duties. Like all of you will do your duties in the later future."

"Yes," Chander agreed. "I will be king, Nathaniel and Emmanuel will be dukes or knights. And Michelle will be married to a prince, like Aunt Fran."

Emmanuel scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Who says you will be king?"

"I did," Chander spat. "You think you can challenge me? Ha, you hardly can touch me nor beat me in a race with your scrawny legs."

"Enough Chander! Right now no one will be king. Now eat your food," She ordered before picking up her fork. But soon interrupted when George burst through the doors with news.

"Uncle George!" The children yelled out in a exciting welcome.

"Children," he greeted as he stopped directly in front of Akia. "My queen, may we speak in private."

Akia looked at her children as they held curious looks before nodding her head and getting up out her seat to follow her brother in law out into the deserted hall. "Is something wrong George?"

George sighed as he nod his head yes. "It's Theo, he's here but-"

Akia's eyes widened. "But?"

"He is wounded. I wanted to tell you in private because of the children. He's getting stitched up in your chambers, I do not know if you want to see him or not, but he ask if you can bring the children along. It is your choice."

Akia looked towards the close door of the dining area and back to George. She nod her head. "I want to see him alone first."

George nod in understanding and walked towards the royal hall with Akia close behind. As Akia walk into her room, first she saw was bloody sheets on the floor, then the measter and finally her husband whom looked awful.

His skin was pale with tons of sweat on every inch of his body, his green eyes was dull with dark bags under them; making his eyes look like a raccoon's. Theo's hair stuck to his forehead as it was drenched and his body shook as he tried to fight off a fever. While his right leg holds the reason of this situation; a large and deep gash was shown on his right leg, swollen and red. It looked like he was about to go any second, but Akia did not want to believe that at all. She didn't even want to believe her husband was ill.

"I'm so glad to see you," Theo croak out as his Adam apple bobbed up and down while he turned his head to look at his wife. "Where's the children?"

Akia looked away from his gash to look at her husband's face. "Eating, I wanted to see you first."

Theo nod his head in understanding. "Right, I would of expected. As terrible as my father was towards us, I still wouldn't want to see him like...this."

Akia ease her way on the bed beside him, close enough to feel the heat radiating off his skin. "You're not a terrible father Theo." Akia stated.

He sighed as he stared back up at the stone ceiling, "I know, but Chander thinks I am."

"Like any other teenage boy, he's going through a phase. It'll go by quicker than you think. Trust me." Akia swipes back his drenched hair out of his face. "You should get your rest, so tomorrow you can feel, look and be better. Listen to the measter, he knows what he's doing." Akia slowly slips out of the bed. "I love you."

Theo turned his head towards his wife, with a strained smile on his face. "I love you too, my queen."


"Father is ill?" Chander questions as he paced back and forth in his sisters chambers. All of Akia's children was gathered in the average size space with concerned looks and questions about their father.

"No, he is just wounded," Akia stated as she brushed her daughter's naturally long and straight light brown hair. "Do not worry, he'll get better tomorrow." She mainly said for her own sake.

"How do we know?" Chander practically yelled. "There are many possibilities mama-"

Nathaniel huffed in irritation. "Oh shut up Chander. We all know you want the crown as bad as Michelle wants Theodore. Don't you see your words is bringing mother down, she is hurt and all your doing is putting salt in her open wound." He stated.

Michelle glared at her brother from the corner of her eye for sharing her deep secret. "Unfortunately Nathaniel is right, you need to stop Chander."

Emmanuel took a seat next to his mother to take a hold of his hand. Causing Akia to look down at his dark brown eyes he inherited from her side of the family. Each child has different eyes colors, and personalities. Just like his father, Chander is filled with pride. Nathaniel is more like George, filled with nothing but facts in his head. Emmanuel is timid just like Theo's mother. While Michelle is like Fran, mainly innocent and clueless. But all four of the children has their mother's intelligence and kindness.

With a huff Chander grabbed a already lit candle stick off the table. "I'm going to bed, come on Nathaniel."

"Go straight to bed Chander, no where else," Akia said before setting the brush down.

Ignoring his mother's orders, Chander and Nathaniel walked out into the hall and went to the direction of his parents chambers. "Maybe we should follow Mama's orders this time. What if we see something that we're not supposed to?" Nathaniel said in worry.

Chander rolled his eyes and stopped in front of the chamber door. "You can take the candle and go back to suck on mother's breast, if you want."

Nathaniel huffed from sentence before pushing him to the side to open the door to see dim light. The two of them creeps inside the semi dark room to hear their father's shallow breathing. As Chander closed the door slowly, Nathaniel walked to his father's side to see him at a weak state.

"Nathaniel?" Theo said before clearing his throat as he saw Chander stand by his brother's side. "What are you two doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"We wanted to see you," Nathaniel answers for the both of them. "How are you feeling?"

A small chuckle pass through Theo's lips. "Like a old man. Weak and vulnerable."

"You'll get well, right?" Nathaniel asked with hope in his voice.

Theo just gave him a simple nod before turning his attention to his first son. "You are awfully quiet Chander. What is on your mind?"

Chander shook his head. "Nothing father, I am just in shock. It looks like-"

"I'm about to die any second," Theo said with a sigh in defeat. "Well, that is life son. Your old man is ill and your waiting to see if you'll be next in line for the crown."

Chander quickly shook his head in disagreement, but deep down it was true. "N-no I was not-"

"It is okay son, I was the same way with my father. I will not hold it against you if you have thoughts like that. But do not rush, being a king is a lot of responsibility and stress."

"We should give father his rest," Nathaniel suggested before nudging Chander out of his deep thoughts.

"Nathaniel, I want to speak to your brother. You go ahead and go to bed." Theo said.

Nathaniel grabbed the candle from from Chander's hand before walking out of the large chamber. "It wasn't my intentions to think like that. It just-"

"There's no need to explain. I do not know where this gash is going to take me, either a missing leg, healing one or even death. Either way, I would have to leave this earth someday and until that day I will always be here no matter what and either way your life does not end. The end is only is only the beginning, that is what my father told me, so I'm telling you. When I say do not rush to be King, I actually mean don't rush your life. You're still young and you have much to learn at your age."

"How much do I need to learn? I already know how to fight, I know many literatures, I know how to present myself in front of the council and I even know how to speak to woman."

Theo chuckled lightly before saying: "There's more to learn from just those four things son. Like I said, do not rush; there is a whole world out there for you to discover."

"So you are saying travel, like mother did?"

Theo shrugged his shoulders. "Do you want to?"

Chander looked down as he pounders the thought of seeing the world. "I think so."

A smile crept on Theo's face as he looked at his oldest son. "Then do so, if that is what you want to do then do it. Remember, no one can stop you from doing something, only you can make that decision no one else."

Chander nod his head in agreement. "You should get your rest father, good night."

"Good night Chander."


"All hail King Nathaniel!" Everyone in the throne room bowed to the twenty-two year old young man in respect. Nathaniel smiled in approval as he looked around to see the hundreds of individuals that came to show his respect. Everyone was there; clergyman, nobles and other royal families. Even his aunts, uncles and cousins on his mother's side showed there face in support. But only two people was missing; his father whom passed away two months ago in war and his older brother whom was traveling around the world. The two men that was most important to him during this time.

"Congratulations King Nathaniel," Akia said with a huge smile on her face while sitting next to him. His family and a few selected individuals that was close to him was currently in the dining hall celebrating over a feast.

"Thank you mother. Unfortunately father did not see my success nor did Chander," A frown forms on his face as he said that.

Akia put her hand over his in support. "They are proud. Your brother sent a letter saying he'll be here soon, it's just a lot of delays."

"Hmm," Nathaniel hummed as he watched a young lady with blonde hair, blue eyes and an incredible body speaking to her friends. "Tell me mother, how did father approach you when you two first met?"

Akia followed his eyes site to see the beautiful young lady. With a small smile she answered, "On a high horse. It was not the best encounter because I fainted from lack of food in my stomach." A chuckle passed her lips from the memory that was twenty-five years ago in the past. "She is a lovely young lady, what is her name?"

"Annabel Carter, the daughter of Duke Francis and Madam Raschelle. She is also aunt Fran's lady in waiting." Nathaniel said right off the back. The crush he had for the beautiful young lady was obviously noticeable. From the he talked about her and looked at her from the distance in gatherings.

"I advise you to tell her how you feel before another those."

"Yes, brother. Tell lovely Annabel how you feel before I do." Emmanuel teased from beside the king, making Michelle laugh.

"Oh shut up you two," Nathaniel glared at them from the corner of his eye. "Don't you two have someone else to speak to, such as Theodore and what is her name- Alice." Nathaniel teased as well, knowing that Alice was already belonged to another. Since Emmanuel was too scared to ask her for her hand, another man did.

The two glared at him as well. "So low brother." Michelle stated before standing on her feet. "And yes, I will speak to Duke Theodore." With that the young eighteen year old princess walked towards the handsome Spaniard boy that definitely turned into a man. Emmanuel stood on his feet and walked away, not before chugging down another glass of wine.

Akia shook her head from her children humor before standing on her feet as well. "Well King Nathaniel, this is enough excitement for me today."

"Wait, you're leaving. So soon?"

Akia nod her head yes. "No woman my age should be staying up and drinking wine continually until the sun comes up."

"Aunt Fran does it," Nathaniel stated with a chuckle. Seeing his aunt chug down her sixth glass of wine; knowing sometime soon Uncle John will take her glass away and cut her off from drinking for the rest of the night. "And so does Aunt Quintella."

"Your aunts are odd characters to describe. Good night my young king." She ruffles up his curly dark brown hair before leaving the dining area.

Later that night, everyone left to there chambers while Nathaniel walked to the gardens. It was mainly the best place to clear his head full of memories of his father and how he ruled the kingdom. When Nathaniel took the crown, he was nervous of course. He did not think he can rule such a large kingdom at his age.

"You look awful, like always." Chander stood beside him.

"When did you become such a creep?" Nathaniel asked as he looked at his older brother; seeing his long curly hair, beard and brown and specks of green eyes. If not mistaken, you'll think he was Theo when he was younger but with mocha skin.

With a sigh Chander turned his body fully to Nathaniel. "When I spotted you walking out of the halls. I was about to go to the dining area, but it seem like I missed the celebration already."

"You missed more than the celebration, Chander. Or should I say Captain Chander?" Nathaniel turned to him as well.

"Well there was delays Nathaniel, or should I say King Nathaniel?"

Nathaniel chuckled as he nod his head. "Yes, that is my label now. And since I'm your king."

"Then call me captain Chander, since that is my label now." Chander said back. "How does it feel to be king?"

Nathaniel sighed then cracked his neck and rolled back his shoulders to bring his point across. "Stressful."


"Yes, I have a war already at my feet. Disagreeing men already in my council and a woman who is already in my head. I think I'm getting gray hairs."

A chuckle passed through Chander's lips as he pat his brother's back. "This is what father said when he told me not to rush."

"Tell me brother, what happened to the boy that wanted the crown? Now you have nothing but a ship and a smelly crew." Nathaniel asked.

"Tell me brother, what happened to the boy that didn't want the crown? Now you have it in the palm of your hands.

"Unfortunately those two turned into men," Nathaniel mumbled. "Good luck Captain Chander." Nathaniel stepped away from his older brother.

"Good luck to you too, King Nathaniel." Chander bowed to his younger brother in respect.

Soon the two went there separate ways; one to the life of ruling a kingdom and the other to the life of traveling the world.

The end...

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