Scattered Fragments

By Iam_thearchitect

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James Carter is an orphan boy with a dangerous power that threatens to destroy him everyday. Unsure of what h... More

A quick note to my readers
Chapter One~ A Chance Meeting
Chapter Two~ The Girl with the Flaming Head
Chapter Three~ The Boy Who Blew Up
Chapter Four~ A Will to Protect
Chapter Five~ The Old Master
Chapter Six~ The Dreads of Night
Chapter Seven~ Wavering Hearts
Chapter Eight~ A Cause For Celebration
Chapter 10~ When the Shadows Come Out
Chapter 11- The End of Light (Part One)
Chapter 12-The End of Light (Part 2 Finale)
Chapter 13- Anomalies (Part One)
Chapter 14- Anomalies Part 2
Act 2: Chapter 15- Small Cuts
Chapter 16- Scorch Me
Chapter 17- We All Burn
Chapter 18- A Wolf's Cry
Chapter 19- The Lioness
Chapter 20: The Trust
Chapter 21 - Attack On The Wall!
Chapter 22 - A Perfectly Cracked Mirror

Chapter Nine~ Mietra: The Goddess of Etra

52 10 0
By Iam_thearchitect

    James wasn't one for prayer, he didn't believe in such things for a long time now. The first ceremony was about to start which was the silent prayer. People from all over Miora-and those who were able to make the trip from the other kingdoms- were beginning to assemble at the city square. A statue of Mietra stood at the center of the huge space. She was depicted wearing an elegant warrior armor, reaching down towards humanity. He remembered when he was young, asking Trost what the statue was supposed to be about.

    "Well look at it my boy. What do you see?" He asked.

James looked at it thoughtfully, trying to put a name to the face he was observing. "It's a famous lady, and all the people below her are her admirers?" He said.

Trost laughed. "Very close." He said,  "The statue is of the Goddess Mietra Zirnahr; one of the heroes who fought against the Onen about a thousand years ago."

             "Wow...she must have been really really strong," James had been amazed when he first heard of Mietra. "So who are the people reaching for her?" He asked.

            "The statue shows us that Mietra was the one who pulled humanity up from the shadows. It is said that, at the time, the Onen oppressed humans, saw them as the lesser being since we came third into this world.

James was confused. "Third?" He said. "Then who came first?"

      "That would be your people the Astranovians. They were the first to inhabit the land before the Onen appeared." He explained. "I read somewhere that the three races lived in harmony for a time, but something happened between the Onen and the humans. War broke out between the two, and just as humanity was to be wiped out, the goddess along with a couple others took the fight to the Onen and gave us our freedom."

            "Wait, so why aren't the other people who helped her on the statue as well?"

Trost approached the statue and put a hand on the marble, "History never recorded much on them. After they took down Tidus and pushed his army back to Kardia, Mietra split the land away from the Onen using a special from of Essentia she called Gravija.

    "Shortly after that, the other heroes who had helped her disappeared from the history books and Mietra was the only one who remained who was able to guide humanity into a new age."

      Hearing about the goddess always reminded him of his first master Odeon. He was a beast of a man and a great fighter. Odeon was considered a Hero of Etra during the Treaty War that was waged a couple years after the Onen had attacked Astranova and Sera about five years ago.

     Although their time was short together, Odeon taught James a lot about the cultures and history of each kingdom. He taught James how to sword fight, defend himself, hunt,  read, write, play piano, All except Essentia, which he learned from Lysandra when Odeon was to travel across the sea to fight the Onen. If he had known that was the last time he'd see Odeon, he'd probably give him a more heartfelt parting other than complaining about Lysandra's scary glare. Odeon was the first person, other than Trost, that took James in after the night he lost everything. So he stayed loyal and waited for him at the park bench Odeon had found him when he ran away from the castle.

      "You're looking pretty thoughtful over there," said a soft voice beside of him. "Maybe too thoughtful to say hello to an old friend."

James turned his head and noticed the queen of Erenhollow, Arianna Shinra, standing next to him. The way she looked when she arrived at the castle was a totally different person to the one who stood before him. Arianna tied her long silver hair into a bun, which let her smooth neckline and soft shoulders bathe in the sunlight. The girl was so pale that she almost looked grey, but that was common to see in Erinhollow where the sun never touched the land. Her eyes were round and wide with just a hint of eyeliner streaking across her bottom eyelid. She did not look like the little girl he met when they were young at all.

      "We haven't seen each other in gods know how long and the first thing you do is give me that dumb look on your face?" She scolded, brushing away a lock of hair from her eyes. "You're still as dumb as that kid in the woods aren't you?"

      James smiled at the young queen, "My apologies your highness, the statue I had erected in your honor was not ready for your arrival." He joked in a sarcastic tone. "Perhaps my first born son would suffice?"

Ariana looked away, crossing her arms. "That certainly will not do! A queen of my stature deserves more than the first born son of a hideous peasant boy."

James bowed to the girl, "You are absolutely right, how foolish of me. A queen such as yourself deserves better. Perhaps a crown that will actually sit still on your oversized head?"

Ariana was shocked, putting her hands to her head. "It is not oversized you jerk!"

      It was the first time in so many months that James laughed as he did with the Queen of Erenhollow. They only met once, in the Black Woods, but it was enough to form a close bond with each other. James had been separated from Odeon and Ariana was trying to run away from home. They protected each other those couple of days they spent searching for the capital. It seemed Ariana was not ready to take the throne after her grandmother's death, so she ran. James wondered if that same hesitation lingered in the girl that stood before him.

      Ariana got close to James and hugged him, "It's good to see you James."

He held her back firmly, a silent cue that told her he felt the same. She released him and wrapped her arm in his, "Come, walk with me."

Although the city square was a huge space, it was crazy to think that all the people of Miora could fit in this space. The sun was beginning to set and the street lamps were beginning to flare to life one by one. Off to the center of the square, James could see the organizers setting seats for the elderly and the children who came to the event. Amongst them was Trost, having idle conversation with an older woman. He stifled a laugh as he noticed that the older woman was Loreina, who looked to be getting the better of the King.

Glad I'm not near those two right now.

    "So tell me, how has life been treating you?" Ariana asked as she kept a close eye at the food that was being prepared not too far from them.

    "It's been alright I guess. Still having trouble with my powers," he answered. "How's being Queen of the Depths treating you?"

    "Not as tough as I thought it would be. I can show up to work when I want and sit in my chambers and read all day. Speaking of which, did you ever get those books I had sent for you?"

    "I read every single one. They were really interesting; especially the one about the man searching for his wife in the afterlife. Kind of got to me when the book just ends with him  finding out she was never there and she was still alive."

Ariana jumped, "I know! I had my men drag the writer to palace and demanded he write a different ending."

James looked at the Queen, "Did he?"

She smiled at him, "He sure did. I'll be sure to send you a copy as soon as I get back home."

    The couple walked over to an empty bench and sat down, the crowded plaza sprawled out before them. She still had her arm wrapped around his.

    "Can  I tell you something?" He asked.

Ariana got close, her black dress resting softly onto James' coat. "Sure, what's on your mind?"

He paused for a second, taking in the atmosphere, "A couple weeks ago, I got the news that Titus Bastion might still be alive. That night I completely lost control and almost blew the entire castle into the sky."

    "That was you?" Ariana said, astonished by the news. "Word of an attack on the castle reached my court a couple days after it happened. Although Trost waved it off as an accident, the Rose Court was ready to send their men to Miora to capture the person responsible. It had gotten pretty serious."

James straightened. "It was, but it wasn't just me releasing all that energy that bothered me. There a moment where I lost consciousness and sort of...I don't know, dreamt I was somewhere else. It was a dark hallway and I wasn't alone. There was someone else there. A boy about my age, maybe older. He felt... so twisted and battered.

    "And the funny part was, I recognized him."

    "It could have been a person you have met on the street. Scholars say people we meet in dreams are usually those we idly pass by on the street everyday."

James shook his head, "No, this person was different. I felt like I knew him...but I just don't know where. It's been eating at me everyday to the point where I can't sleep. I feel like forgetting the face, but I just can't and it's making me go crazy."

She flicked his nose. "You're just an ocean of mysteries aren't you. Simple on the surface, but deep and mysterious on the inside." She ran her palm along his cheek. "You can be calm, sweet and gentle. Then sometimes..." She ran her fingers through his hair, leaving him disheveled "You are fierce, mighty and unwavering."

James was bewildered at the way she was acting.

    "When I touch you, I feel the depth of an ocean inside of you. So much confusion, uncertainty...loss." She added. "One day you will find the answers to all your questions, and you will face them with your chin held high up because that's the James I remember. And when you finally reach the surface of that ocean, everyone that matters will be there to pull you up. Just remember who you are, always."   

    Her words struck his core. The girl was so gentle and careful with her words, as if coming from the essence of her heart. He needed her words to push him forward, to put the pieces of his past together. James didn't know if it was the softness of her voice kissing his face, or the tender touch of her hand on his cheek, but he suddenly realized that their heads were pretty close.

    "I always knew you wanted to be a King someday James, but this is just low." Someone said, causing the couple to jump.

Grim stood before them, arms crossed and shaking his head. "Seducing a beautiful Queen just to rise to power? You have fallen so far that I can't even see you anymore."

James opened his mouth, ready to object and tell him that he was a dead man, but Ariana interrupted him. "Oh, that's what you were after? My crown?" She accused James, looking away and sobbing. "You told me I was the only special girl in your eyes."

    "Don't encourage him!" He yelled, his cheeks going noticeably red.

She snickered, "I think it's time for the opening ceremony. I should be on my way."

Ariana got up and smiled at James, "Although you have no crown, there's always more than one way to become king."

The hell does she mean by that? He questioned.

She said her goodbyes and was on her way through the crowd.

    James got up and watched her go, still thinking about what she just said.

Grim snorted, "I didn't know you and the Queen were friendly." He nudged James. "So, when are you gunna' get your crown?"

James rolled his eyes and stalked off, "Just shut up will ya?"
            Can you slow down already? Jeez, the festival ain't going nowhere!" Fay said to her, trying to keep up from behind.

Alice had been running from the clothing store across the city all the way to the city square. She wore a simple white dress that was thick enough to keep her warm, yet maintained an elegant look to it. The streets were crowded as she ducked and weaved past the citizens of Miora, all heading to the same place. The city was definitely alive as the skyline was radiating a golden hue from all the lights. Stars began peeking through, and a crescent moon proved to be the finishing touch on the night sky's canvas.

    Alice looked back to her friend, "If we slow down now then we're going to miss the opening ceremony! That's the whole reason I wanted to come!" She yelled back to her.

    "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't stop and eat all those pastries!"

She ignored her and kept on running. If she knew the streets well enough she should be at the square in about a couple blocks. Momentum caused time to slow down for a moment. She was actually doing this. Alice had been waiting for this moment ever since Fay had told her about it when they reached Miora a couple years ago. Although she didn't buy into it actually happening, she had been waiting for the opportunity to talk to the Goddess. "She only listens on that one day at the end of the year, so make sure you have tell her everything on your mind." The old farmer lady had her. Alice had so much bottled up in her mind, and was ready to finally lay it all out. Perhaps it was just closure.

    She finally made it to the city square, the energy of the crowd hitting her down to the bones. Off to the center she could see the royal families standing on a platform addressing the crowd. Fay finally reached her, gasping for air.

    "When did you get all that stamina?" She stammered.

Alice turned to her, "I'm going to head deeper into the crowd, you go and catch your breath."

Fay shook her head, "Nope, that's not how it works here. I'm supposed to keep an eye on you in case-"

    "Nothing's going to happen," Alice interjected. "So go, have fun. I'll meet you here after the festival is over."

Fay crossed her arms, "And if you're not back?"

    "I'm in a prison cell ready to be executed, I don't know," she turned to the crowd then back to Fay as she started toward the ceremony. "Just have fun for once!"

Fay looked up to the heavens, "I'm too young to be raising a teenager."

           She had gotten so good at moving through a crowd that it became second nature. There were all types of people attending the opening ceremony. There were shopkeepers, mothers, fathers, grandmas, grandpas, children, farmers, butchers, and even some of the thugs from the Vaults were there for a chance to speak to the Goddess.

            The atmosphere was rich and inviting as wires held round sky lanterns that illuminated the golden glow of the  small embers inside of them. Alice caught the ever-so-inviting scent of food, sizzling at the various vender stations that ran along the sides of the space. The whole area was relatively warm due to the lights and ambience, which was a good thing since it was the middle of winter.

            Alice felt as if she got as close as she could get without trying to squeeze through people. It sounded like the King was finishing his speech as the people of Etra got onto their knees and the square turned silent. One by one each person looked to the other and each other's hands in a sort of human chain. There were hugs and smiles going all around. Alice was content with going it alone, but then there was a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and noticed a small girl, offering her hand to Alice. She seemed to be alone as well. Alice smiled and nodded as she got down to the ground with the little girl. They closed their eyes. The ambient sound from the festival seemed to drown out, her senses fading into her consciousness. After a deep breath, she began to talk to the Goddess of Etra.


    I don't know how it happened, or why it happened, but I ended up in Etra under a stormy sky. My name is Yunaelin Ashfall, and I am heir to the throne of Yeven. I know what you're thinking: Why the hell is a princess so far from her kingdom in enemy land? Trust me, if I knew then I'd tell you the whole story, but I haven't the slightest clue. Once I get back to Kardia and Yeven, I promise to let you know.

    I don't remember much from home, just the fond memory of my parents who loved me very much. It's been so long since I've seen them, I'm kind of scared that they won't recognize me. I wonder if they're alright, if everyone in Kardia is safe and at peace. The humans still hold so much anger over us and honestly, it hurts to see.

    During my travels through Etra, I was able to meet some incredibly nice and genuine people. People who cared about my well-being, and helped me in times when I needed them the most. One of those people is Fay, the person who saved me that stormy day. Being with her gives me hope that one day humanity and the Onen can live in peace, and not behind borders. Fay accepted the darkness in me, and not once attempted to betray me.

    That is what I'm here for. To ask for you, an Etran Goddess, to lend me the strength to shape these kingdoms into one land. To end the anger and bloodshed. Tear down the walls we have put up. If we breathe the same air and live on the same planet, then why is it that we live separate from one another. Times have changed, and the Onen are not oppressors, we are kind, gentle, a helping people. So it makes no sense that people accuse us of completely destroying Astranova!

    The day it happened, and Etra began mobilizing for war, I was shocked. I wanted to run back home, to my mother and father, just to make sure they were safe. This is why I need you goddess, to help me find a way to put a stop to all this. I've come to love the humans, and I want to be myself without having to put up a cover. I want to see a world where we come together as one strong empire, because I feel a great danger approaching. It called to my earlier, yelling at my heart that it was here to destroy; to conquer. And it's scaring me, how close it feels.

    I know it's not much, but i'm sorry... I'm sorry for what my people put you through in your time that pushed you to fight. But times are different, and I feel a shift in the Essence flowing through the skies. Our people belong as one. Goddess, out of all the prayers you are receiving, may mine be the loudest. Guide me through the dark days ahead. Help me tear these walls down, and scatter them to the wind.

    And if you decide that I am not worth the trouble. Then at least give me the courage to return a simple pocket watch...

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