FourSwords: Boyfriend Scenari...

By Link2Quinne

11.5K 278 344

*I take requests!* I'm working on adding things right now, so don't think it won't be continued! I hope you e... More

First Time Encounter
Becoming Friends
He Confesses To You
First Kiss
You Meet His 'Brothers'
He Becomes Jealous
When You Get Hurt
You Move In!
When He Gets Mad At You
-13 Facts-
Small Vacations

He gets sick

721 15 23
By Link2Quinne

I've got a few requests I have and haven't seen, so I'll get to work on those. ^^ Hopefully I'll type some chapters today


You were startled by a loud hollow cough from the other room while you were making breakfast. "Green is that you?"
"No." Came his scratchy voice, making you laugh quietly to yourself.
"I told you sword practicing with Blue yesterday was too cold! Now look at what you've done to yourself."

You could just tell he was probably rolling his eyes. "So what? I was, uh, sick before that."
"Then why did you go out yesterday?"
"....'Cuz I can."
You gave up on reasoning with him, talking would make his throat hurt probably.
"Alrighty then, stay quiet it won't help."

You then stopped whatever you were making previously and prepared some soup. Doesn't matter how sick someone is, you know soup always makes a difference.

By the time you were finished, Green was asleep on the couch. His soft snores told you that while you nudged him slightly.

"Green, Green..." You kept your voice low, there was no use in scaring the guy.
"Hm...?" Green mumbled, looking up at you.

"I don't mean to wake you, but I brought you some soup." You sat on the little room on the couch. "So I'd like you to eat some please."

Green adjusted himself, taking the bowl from your hands. "K, thanks." He seemed real low key, but you figured that was better for his health.

You placed the back of your hand against his forehead, and he was quite hot. It would just take a day or two for him to get better, so it could be much worse.

Green ate about half of what you have him, complaining that he wasn't that hungry. And despite your trying, he refused to eat. "Well I guess half is better than none, but you'll have to eat some later."

He nodded before you left to put away what you had gotten out, and you returned a minute or so later. "Sleep with me, I'm cold." Green almost demanded  as you laughed once more.
"Okay, but I better not get sick."


Okay, Vio never got sick. So after hearing him blow his nose more than once, you were just as surprised as him. Lucky you, for you had time to run to Castle Town to grab medicine. Of course, he insisted he was fine but, we all know no matter what Link it is, they're stubborn.

It toke only ten minutes for you, things were slow in town. Once you got home, you found Vio sitting in his bed with a book out. "I've got some medicine i'd like you to take," You pulled some liquid from your bag. "Take this and you'll be good as new by tomorrow."

"Thank you." He took the medicine without a problem, and you helped clean up.
"Need anything else? Lay back today, there's nothing else to do." You told him, then decided to sit by him.
"Mind if I do this?"
"No, just don't overcrowd me. It's a little hard to breath." He admitted, and you felt bad being unable to help. Only time could fix it.

"Alright." You snuggled into his side, making sure to avoid him being uncomfortable. "Just read and you'll be fine later."

"I'll take your word for it than." Vio smiled before continuing where he left off on his page.


You had suspicions ever since he left with Green, it was way too cold. And he was out longer than what you told him. And yep, he definitely ignored you.

"I don't get sick!" You remember him telling you the night before, and all night you swore he was sniffling. You tried to give him medicine. And yep, he definitely ignored you.

He really shouldn't have.

You woke and sat up in the bed to find he had 'disappeared.' Hopping off the bed, you cringed as you walked out of the room. Hearing him dry retching in the bathroom was disgusting.

Knocking on the door, and resisting gagging yourself, you called out to him. "Blue, you okay in there?"
"Ugh... No." He responded, and much to your dismay retched again.

Reluctantly opening the door, you were relieved he hadn't actually vomited. "Now look at what you've done." You tsked and grabbed a towel from the cabinet. "But you've already got your punishment I guess. C'mere hon, let's clean you up."

Your tongue slipped up, by calling him hon, you happened to call your siblings that a lot before. Luckily Blue didn't say anything, and followed you out of the room. Pulling out some of his fresh clothes, you set them on the bed and got ready to leave the room. "Change, and keep that towel by you if you do throw up. I ain't gonna clean today."

He sighed, but complied. After a few minutes you came back in, and he was sprawled out on the bed. "I feel like crap." He complained, and you felt slightly bad.
"I wonder who told you to take medicine, and to not go outside with Green. 'Cuz I would've really listened to that person." You couldn't help but rub it in his face.

"Shut uuuup." Blue drawled, unwilling to look at you. "If your gonna make fun of me than just leave."

He made you laugh, you knew he probably couldn't take care of himself. "Fine, I'll grab the medicine. And you better take it, because," You bit your tongue. You can make fun of him later.

"Whatever, I'll just go grab it." You left and returned with a small medicine cup of the liquid. "All that congestion isn't good for you, that's why your stomach is trying to empty itself. This should help with the first problem." Giving him the cup, he took it and sat back.

"I'm hungry."
You sighed before responding. "I can't give you much now, I don't want to mess with your stomach too early. Sleep for a while, and TELL ME if your gonna retch." You emphasized that last part. "Because it's disgusting."

"Mmkay, I'll try. By the way, did you call me 'hon' earlier?" He asked, which annoyed you that he remembered. "Yeah, why? Is it bad?"

"Nah, thought I just misheard you."


The way Red got sick was strange to you. He wasn't allergic to anything, but would sneeze so much you'd think he was.  Maybe seasonal allergies? Who knows.

But you did know that he was pretty sick this morning.  He wouldn't move out of bed, and refused to take any medicine because it was 'icky.'

"My stomach hurts." Red whined from under the covers. You were still holding   the medicine cup while sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I know, it won't get much better if you don't take this."

"Nooo, it's gross." He drawled, making you huff with irritation.
"You'll want to take it soon, or you'll end up vomiting or something."

Red shook his head; then sneezed once more. It was a high pitched kind of loud sneeze, and you could tell it hurt.

"It's going to get worse." You shrugged, honestly feeling a bit heartbroken that he had to be in pain.
"Okay then lemme take it."

You handed him the cup, and he toke it making a disgusted face. "You sure this'll help (Y/N)?"

You chuckled softly. "Yes, it should. I'll sit next to you until you feel better." He visibly relaxed at the statement.
"That's good. I'm just gonna... Sleep for a while."

"Alright, you do that now. And by the time you wake up, you'll be fine." You gave him a reassuring smile, and pulled out a notebook to occupy yourself while he slept quietly.

Well, shadows usually don't get sick, but I'll make an exception.

You had ran into town early in the morning to pick out medicines and such. Shadow was acting weird, and with the flu going around Hyrule you took note of it. It wasn't too long before you arrived back at home as Shadow was still asleep.

Taking advantage of that you placed your hand on his forehead, which in turn woke him up. "Your hands are cold!"

You giggled before responding. "Sorry. You're burning up though, I figured you were coming down with a fever. I went to town and bought some things."

"I feel fine." Shadow insisted but you weren't taking any of that.
"It'll get worse later, take this, I'll get a wet cloth, and you lay back." You handed him the medicine and stood up to grab the cloth.
"K, mom."
Rolling your eyes, you dampened the rag then placed it on his forehead. "Is that cold enough? Or too cold?"
"Yeah, and no. I don't wanna talk, it hurts." He mumbled with his eyes closed.
"Then don't talk." You kept the rag in place.

"I don't wanna be in bed." Shadow complained.
"Okay, then maybe go sit on the couch."
"But if I move it hurts."
You sighed, he's impossible. "Then why bring it up?"
"'Cuz I can."
You chose to ignore him and focused on keeping him cool. "Mmkay. Just sleep then." And luckily he complied, falling asleep relatively fast. The whole time you didn't leave his side, worried something would happen if you did.

Omagod this took so long. (Eh like an hour.)
I felt real awkward writing Blue's section yesterday, but yeah.
ANd GueSs WhAT
I've woke up this morning and started throwing up.
Well I'm sick too.
Hope y'all feel better than me.

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