Domination Cruelty

By Willingsub

27.2K 69 12

Set in a world where dominance and cruelty are favored, especially in women, young girls strive to make it th... More

Tara Young - 1
Tara Young - 2
Tara Young - 4
Tara Young - 5
Tara Young - 6 (Fin)

Tara Young - 3

4K 11 1
By Willingsub

Tara woke up. She noticed the mystery girl was still in the same position that she was when Tara had fallen asleep. Tara was about to speak not sure if the mystery girl noticed that she was or not, but was cut off.
"Sh." Said the mystery girl. Tara was quiet.
The memories of yesterday were still fresh in Tara's mind. She still wondered what the mystery girl had in store for her. It was about an three hours till school started, plenty of time for the mystery girl to do whatever she wished.
The mystery girl began to get something out of her backpack. Tara rembered the first time she grabbed something out of her backpack, the thermos. Tara immediately thought of that magnificent taste, the food she was spoon fed yesterday. Her stomach growled. Tara turned away. She felt embarrassed, and she didn't know why. She had been completely naked all night in front of this mystery girl, and yet now when her stomach growled, she felt embarrassed. Tara didn't understand why she felt this way.
The mystery girl had gotten out the thermos, the bowl, and the spoon. She poured the remaining contents of the thermos into the bowl and began breaking crackers over it. When she was finished she turned toward Tara.
"Open." Said the mystery girl. Tara opened her mouth willingly, ready to be spoon fed.
The mystery girl lifted Tara's head up with one hand and started spoon feeding her with the other. Tara ate this magnificent liquidy delight that the mystery girl was feeding her. She was so happy to eat whatever this mystery girl was feeding her. When she was done the mystery girl let Tara's head down gently. Then she put the the bowl, spoon, and thermos away, as well as pulled out another water bottle. Tara licked her lips in anticipation.
"Open." Said the mystery girl. Tara opened her mouth willingly for the mystery girl.
The mystery girl lifted Tara's head up with one hand and brought the water bottle to her mouth with the other. Tara drank the water, ever greatful that this mystery girl had seem to take some sort of interest in her. When the water was gone, the mystery girl put the water bottle away.
A car pulled up to the school. It was the principal. The mystery girl put evrything else back into her backpack. Tara knew she was going to leave. Tara began to cry.
"Sh. Open." Said the mystery girl. Tara stopped crying and opened her mouth.
The mystery girl put her backpack on and got up. Then she grabbed the dildo and stuck it back in Tara's mouth, tying it in place just as effectively as Nicole. Before the mystery girl left, she let her fingers dance on Tara's breasts, then down her stomach , and around her vagina. Then she shoved her pinky finger in Tara's vagina and turned away as she put it in her mouth to taste. Tara again was puzzled by this mystery girl. The mystery girl turned back toward Tara and gave her the same beautiful smile, before leaving. Tara watched the mystery girl go, saddened at her leaving, but also very intrigued by the mystery girl's actions.


As time passed all the school staff had gotten there as well, some students were arriving. Most paid no attention to poor Tara as she lay there tied up. There was however the occasional student that would come and feel her up, being it girl or guy.
Eventually Tara's sisters arrived at school. They went over to her. As they approached Tara, she thought she may untied and allowed to go about her day. However her sisters had something else in mind. When they got to her, Gwen licked her lips.
"Hey sissie, how'd you sleep?" Asked Nicole.
"I don't think she slept that well." Said Gwen
"Good." Said Nicole as she begin to untie the dildo in Tara's mouth. She noticed that there was no longer any cum in it. "Looks like you had a nice snack all night long." Gwen laughed at Tara.
"Open." Said Nicole. Tara opened her mouth reluctantly.
Nicole put the dildo back in Tara's mouth and then tied it again. Tara tried to move her head, but the knot was as tight as before.
"Well, sissie it's almost time for school to start." Said Nicole.
"Don't worry, we'll be back at lunch." Said Gwen. As usual before leaving thier sister, Gwen and Nicole both smacked Tara hard, then they left and headed inside the school.
Tara was alone once again, left to ponder over her thoughts and feelings towards the mystery girl.


The lunch bell rang and within ten minutes, students came pouring out of the school. Tara was unsure if her sisters were going to abuse her like they did yesterday. Tara shuddered at the thought. Tara wondered if they would even keep thier word and visit her. She didn't have to wonder any more as, not only Tara's sisters, but also their new friends, came to sit at the table Tara was tied to.
Gwen, Nicole, Kayla, and Lyn, paid no attention to Tara or her naked body that lie in front them, as they began to converse and eat thier food. Nicole however teased Tara with food here and there. She would dangle some food over Tara's mouth, watching her eyes as they folled the food closely. Then she would slowly eat the peace of food. Everyone laughed when Nicole did this.
When they finished they brought the food trays to the trash cans and emptied them, then they left the trays there. As they were to head back inside, they each slapped Tara hard. First Nicole, then Kayla, followed by Lyn and finally Gwen. As Nicole, Kayla and Lyn started heading toward the school, Gwen said something to Tara.
"Now, Tara, sweetheart. We are going to have Lyn and Kayla over for the whole weekend. I expect you to be on your best behavior." Said Gwen, then smacked Tara before catching up with the others. Tara started to cry, scared at what she may face when she finally got home.


The school bell rang. Tara only gained some relief from this, as she was to be taken home for abuse. However she was slightly grateful to be untied and to get her underwear and pants back on. She would've liked to get her bra or shirt back on as well, but seeing as Nicole cut them both up, that wasn't possible.
Gwen and Nicole came up to Tara followed by Kayla and Lyn. Nicole started to untie Tara's arms and legs, as Gwen talked with the two sisters. When Nicole was finished she untied the dildo, took it out of Tara's mouth, and put it in her bag. Tara began to pull her underwear up, when a slap from Nicole stopped her.
"No." Said Nicole.
Tara slipped the underwear off and got off the table. She started to grab her underwear and jeans from off the table when yet another slap from Nicole stopped her. Tara was unsure why she was slapped until Nicole uttered two simple words.
"Leave them." Said Nicole.
Tara looked at the underwear and jeans, then to Nicole, then back to her underwear and jeans. Very reluctantly Tara put the underwear and jeans back on the table. The only peice of clothing Tara was wearing was her collar. It was the same collar the Principal had put on her all those years ago. As an offering of abuse, she wasn't allowed to ever take the collar off. The group of five then left.
Tara was to walk home naked, she was alright with this. It wasn't her first time being forced to walk home naked. However this was the first time her sisters would have friends over. Actually this was the first time her sisters had friends. It wasn't that Gwen and Nicole were bad, people they just had very strong personalities.
As Tara was in thought her mind yet again shifted to the mystery girl. Tara recalled everything that the mystery girl had done and how easily she complied. Tara wondered why she listened so easily to the mystery girl. She did feel relieved upon seeing her beautiful face. Tara pondered these emotions, why am I so comfortable around this mystery girl? Why do I find her face so comforting and beautiful? Could this be love?
Tara was brought back to reality as she realized that the group had stopped. Apparently Lyn had tripped and scrapped her knee. Gwen then looked at Tara and licked her lips. Tara gulped not sure what Gwen had in mind.
"Are you alright?" Gwen asked Lyn.
"I'm fine. My knee just hurts." Said Lyn.
"Why don't we all ride Tara back home?" Said Gwen. Tara gulped, she knew exactly what Gwen meant.
"What do you mean?" Asked Kayla.
"Well seeing as Tara has been trained as a puppy slave, we can ride on her back the last mile home." Said Gwen, Gwen then turned to Tara and licked her lips. "Puppy." Said Gwen, Tara got on her hands and knees and braced herself.
Gwen picked how everyone would sit on Tara as she carried them the last mile home. Kayla would sit on her back closest to her head, Nicole would sit behind her, followed by Lyn, followed by Gwen. As they rode Tara home, they talked amongst themselves. Occasionally Gwen would smack her ass, which would cause everyone to laugh.
Eventually Tara got home and went up to the door. Kayla reached up from where she was sitting on Tara's back and opened the door. Tara crawled inside stopping right after the threshold, Gwen then reached back from where she was sitting on Tara's back and closed the door. Tara then carried the four girls into Gwen and Nicole's room. Everyone then got off of Tara, as Nicole began to tie her up. Tara thiught to herself, at least I'm home.

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