The Nerd Effect #Wattys2017

By poseidons_fury

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Don't think of this as your typical 'Nerd meets Bad Boy' situation, because I'm telling you that's not what h... More

Chapter 1- High School Sucks
Chapter 2- Tenth Doctor VS Eleventh Doctor
Chapter 4- The Ice Cream Thief
Chapter 5- Pancakes are amazing! School however is not.
Chapter 6- Secret Places and Almost Kisses?
Chapter 7- Harry Potter Fixes Everything
Chapter 8- Ancient Greek Embarassments
Chapter 9- Confessions
Chapter 10- Gay Best Friends & Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 11- My Saviors
Chapter 12- We Need To Face The Future
Chapter 13- High School Are You Kidding Me?
Chapter 14- Amusement Parks & Brotherly Advice
Chapter 15- Together? Together.
Chapter 16- Genevieve
Chapter 17- Almost Time To Grow Up
Chapter 18- What'll We Do Now?
Chapter 19- I actually Socialize (Somewhat)

Chapter 3- Lunch, Flashbacks, and Annalisa

155 16 19
By poseidons_fury

"That boy is confusing," I said. I had barely managed to stay concentrated through the rest of my classes and was currently sitting in the lunchroom ranting about Christopher to my friends. Payton laughed and shook her head while Jacob sent me a deadpan look.

"He's the bad boy of the school. He is gonna be confusing," Jacob replied.

"You were confusing at first but you aren't a bad boy," Olivia pointed out.

"In fact, you are the exact opposite. You cry when you get a paper cut," Allie added in. Jacob glared at all of us as we laughed at that memory.

I let my eyes wander around the room away from my friends. I skimmed over all of the Jocks and Cheerleaders, looking for someone. Then I spotted him. His blue eyes caught my brown ones and I smiled and waved. He waved back and went back to eating.

I brought myself back to attention and looked towards Annalisa. She was a smaller build and had pale skin. Her freckles were just along her nose, and her long snow white hair cascaded down her back in curls. I smiled as I remembered meeting her.

We were both 12 and middle school had just started a week before. I was shy and only talked to Payton and Olivia at the time. I was walking in the hallway when I accidentally bumped into her. I had braced myself for the degrading and yelling that was sure to come as I fell to the ground. She took me by surprise by offering me her hand. I hesitantly took her hand, and she helped me up.

"Hi, I'm Annalisa, but you can call me Anna," she said smiling at me. Her hair was blue at the time and only shoulder length. She was wearing a leather jacket with dark jeans and a beanie.

"I-I'm Kendra. I'm s-sorry I bumped into y-you," I said hurriedly putting my glasses back onto my face. She frowned.

"Why are you stuttering?" She asked softly.

"I don't normally talk to anyone other than my friends Payton and Olivia," I said. Her smile returned to her face as she looked at me.

"That's gonna change, and I'm gonna help you."

She was right about her helping me. I now had my amazing group of friends, and could stand up for myself all because of her.

"Hey Anna?" I asked as she looked in my direction.

"Yes, Ken?" She replied.

"Do you think he's really gonna help me?" I asked nervously.

She smiled her dazzling white smile, "Honey, I helped you. But him? He's gonna fix everything."


"Hey Eleven!" I yelled towards Christopher in the hallway. It was the end of the day and once again, I had trouble concentrating on school (I'm a normally good student. People just have to stop saying confusing stuff and maybe I'll be able to pay attention). He turned around and looked at me with a smile.

"You are gonna ruin my rep if you call me that," He said laughing.

"What rep? You literally just started today. And anyway, you should be proud you watch Doctor Who. You know who to contact if we are ever attacked by aliens," I said poking him. He laughed again and I smiled. His laughter was an amazing sound and I just couldn't get enough of it. I wanted to get to know this guy more.

"Hey Eleven, do you wanna get ice cream with my friends and I?" I asked.

"Sure. Which ice cream place?," He said.

"Grayson's. I'll see you there?" I said. He nodded and walked away. I smiled to myself and walked towards my lockers. Annalisa and Payton was waiting for me and as I walked up they knew something was up. Annalisa smiled as I told everything to a very curious Payton.

Now, let's get ready for some delicious chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.


Hey Guys! Another Chapter. I really like this story. So, we have a new best friend who made a huge impact in Kendra's life. Oh, and Annalisa wasn't introduced in the first chapter because she never meets them by Kendra's locker in the morning and, I literally just created her... yeah. Anyway, I love you guys and hope you guys liked this chapter.

Keep Reading,

Xoxo Poseideons_Fury

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