Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

1.7M 50.3K 46K

*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 33

22.6K 708 691
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Malarie's POV

The sun shines brightly in the cloudless blue sky, the wind not too blustery, but a cool, gentle breeze tickling my skin. Children running around happily and freely, with their parents chasing after them not too far being. The sound of several rides being occupied by people, makes a uproarious sound around me. The smell of cotton candy wafting throughout the air, with a hint of churro lingering around as well. The way they rhythmically turn inside the churro warmer, is almost like a hypnosis to me. They're also yummy too, though I'm liking the cotton candy a tad bit more. This all sums up the atmosphere of being here at Legoland. A place that's not better than Disneyland, but a child wouldn't mind coming here to have a good time.

"Mmma." I gasp at Jasper kind of saying my name, though not really. Babies don't really know meaning of names, although it's nice to hear it come out of his mouth. "Say it again, JJ." I hold is bottle in his mouth, smiling down at Ariel Rose, sleeping.

"Malarie, Malarie, that roller coaster was so much fun! Dad kept singing about it." Joel's voice rings out into my ears, with him running up to me happily. "Was it?" He nods happily, taking a seat next to me.

"Yeah it was! Me, Natasha, and Jacob kept screaming, because we were scared. But dad kept saying, roller coaster, roller coaster, spinning around something. I can't remember what he said." I giggle at his enthusiasm, wiping the side of his mouth.

I can tell he has been eating chocolate of some sort. I know Jason gave it to him. Earlier I had warned him, and the children of not eating, or consuming anything except water before they go on a ride. I also told them about what happened to Jase last time we had went to an amusement park. I'm sure everyone remembers that day; he threw up everything he ingested, all over me and himself. The kids and Jase of course laughed, but I didn't, it's not funny. It's physically impossible for me to help four people who're vomiting, all at once. Little brats didn't even care to listen to the rest of my lecture, they just took off with Jason. He's such a dork for his children. Although he's a dork for me too, because he ran back to me, giving me a sweet kiss on my lips. My Mr. whipped.

"Mama!" Jakey runs over to me as well, with Tasha and Jason following behind. "Yes, sweetheart." I answer him, seeing how he puts his shoe in my lap.

"Can you tie my shoes, please." He says so very politely, immediately making me nod my head, and beginning to tie his shoe. "Dad sing the song, let mom here it." Tash practically begs for Jason to do so, with him taking a seat next to me.

"What is this roller coaster song I'm hearing about?" I finish tying up both of Jacob's shoes, turning my attention to Jason gently rubbing Ariel's foot. "It's nothing really, I was just trying to make them laugh, instead of being scared of a small roller coaster." He shrugs like its nothing, but I want to hear this song.

"Sing it." Tapping his thigh twice, I smile up at him. "Meh." He pokes out his blew tongue, meaning he was eating candy before or during the ride.

"You little liar, you said you weren't going to eat anything on the rides." He widens his eyes, looking to the kids, snapping his fingers. They quickly cover their mouths too, shaking their heads in refusal. "See we weren't eating any type of food on the rides." He holds Joel on his lap, resting his chin on his head.

"Yeah mama, we were eating blue cotton candy on the roller coasters." Jacob spills the beans, causing Jase, Tasha, and Joel to groan. "Look what you did big mouth, now we're in trouble." Tash points to Jake, with Joel nodding his head.

"Oh calm down, I'm not mad. I just don't want you all to get sick," I look to the four pairs of eyeballs looking sadly at me, with me chuckling at Jason's overly sad looking face. "I'm serious, I'm not mad. But I do want you to sing that song you made up." Poking his chubby cheek, I wait for him to begin his singing.

"Oh fine, only because I love you so much," he kisses my lips, getting up from his spot, placing his hands on his hips. "So it's a little dance to it, and basically you have to rock your hips from side to side. Just like this," he rocks his hips, looking perfect as can be. "Then you sing... roller coaster, roller coaster, spinning all around and around for a world baby." He twirls his hips in a circular motion, singing his song with the children copying his every move.

He keeps singing his catchy roller coaster song, twirling his hips nicely. With him making his voice crack horribly, yet funny at the exact same time. Our children even dances along, singing loudly with him. When they're finished, I clap my hands proudly.

"Oh wow, you all did a wonderful job! You deserve kisses." It was like I said nothing but a word, because I had four children; one being Jason, rush over to me. "Ha! Me first you little losers." Jason pushes the kids aside, pecking me on my lips three times.

I of course kiss him back, giggling into our kisses. He really just pushed the kids away to be the first one to kiss me. He's such a huge child. A huge child I love with all of my entire heart.

"I'm next, move." Jacob pushes Jason away, jumping into my lap. "Hey man, that's my woman you're about to kiss." Jason pouts, with me giving Jacob a peck on his little lips.

"Stop it, I can give him a kiss." I peck his lips once more, motioning Tasha over for a little smooch. "Mommy I love you." She pecks my lips, with me nodding in agreement.

"I love you too, my big girl." I push a piece of her escaped hair behind her ear, kissing her chubby cheeks. "Mom stop." I sigh, faking being upset at her.

All that little girl does is laugh, squishing my cheeks together. I remove her hands, looking around her body to a lightly smiling Joel. I know it's not my place to do so, but I hardly ever play by the rules. Plus, I wouldn't want anyone to feel left out, all because the stupid idea of him being not physically mine. I love him as if he is mine, so I'll treat him like he's mine. I know some women in my situation wouldn't be as welcoming as I am. But I'm different, and I'm forgiving. I move Natasha's body to the side, pointing to Joel, motioning with my finger for him to come to me. He looks around him, but I chuckle, pointing to him.

"Yes Malarie?" He looks at me, waiting patiently for me to speak. "Can I give you a kiss, too?" I nervously ask him, not sure how he'll react to a stranger wanting to kiss him. Well I'm not a stranger to him, but I'm not his mother either.

"I would like that, Malarie." He hugs me, rubbing my back. "Okay, I'm going to give you a nice kiss." I pull him arms length of me, giving him a nice kiss on his cheek. I guess he doesn't like it, because he shakes his head in refusal.

"No, I want one like them." He points to Jacob and Tasha, with Jason looking at me with a surprised look. "I don't know if I- I can't give you a kiss there. Your mommy wouldn't like that very much." I not wanting to cross that line, I just tell him like it is. I can't give him a kiss there, he'll for sure boast about it to his mom.

"You don't like me?" He begins to let tears roll out of his eyes, with his lip wobbling in saddened manner. "Oh Joel I do, I just can't kiss you on your lips, honey." I rub his back, having him break down in front of me.

"You don't like me." He states as if it's true, letting several tears fall down. "That's not true, I do like you." I attempt to state my part of this little discussion, although him throwing himself in my arms crying loudly, makes me shut up.

"Mal... just kiss him, babe," Jason bites his lips, rubbing Joel's back. "Shh, don't cry buddy." Jason tries to calm down Joel, but he pushes Jason's hand away.

"No." He punches Jase on his leg, scaring me with his violent act. "Joel, don't hit your dad. I'm here, I'll give you lots of hugs and kisses if you want me too." I hesitantly kiss all over his face, making sure to get his little lips as well.

He immediately stops his crying, kissing me back. I whisper sweet nothings into his ear, wanting him to know I love him the same as the others. I know he must feel a bit confused and hurt I chose to kiss him on the cheek, instead of his little lips. It's not him per say, it's just not my place to do so. Although him getting upset about it, makes me sad. I do not want him to feel as if I'm treating him differently. He's Jason's son, and I'll treat him as if he's mine as well. Just not around his mother. I continue to rock him, feeling his little hand rub over my back softly. I'm not too sure on how long I rock his small body in my arms, I just know Jason and our kids aren't by us anymore. I lightly pull him arms distance away from me, making sure to wipe his watery eyes, giving him a small peck on his nose.

"I don't ever want to see you cry like that again, I didn't like it." I point to his face, meaning every word I say. "Okay Malarie, I won't cry like that again." He wipes his nose with the back of his hands, sniffing in.

"That's good, because you're my little Joe Joe bear." I take him off my lap, standing up to search for the others. "If I'm your Joe Joe bear, what are you to me?" Looking down at his cute face, I bend down to his level.

"I am your friend, your best friend." He opens his mouth to say something, though nothing comes out. He just hugs me instead. "I want you to love me, Malarie. I love you." He speaks with so much intelligence for a child his age, shocking me.

"I do love you, Joel. I love you so much, and I know you love me too," I cross my eyes, poking out my tongue, intending to make him laugh, but he sighs sadly. "Joey what's wrong?" He makes a cute disgusted face, shaking his head.

"I don't like that nickname, my mama calls me that all the time. I like when you call me Joe Joe bear." He giggles cutely, making my heart flutter. "Okay, I won't call you Joey. But if you really like Joe Joe bear, I'll call you that from now on." I stand up straight, interlocking our hands together.

"What can I call you?" He looks up to me, while I walk us to the direction of the food court. If Jason's not by us, he's most definitely by the food court. "You can call me anything you like... except a bad name." Giving him a smile, we make our way in the direction of the food court.

"Can I call you mama?" I abruptly stop, looking down at him confused about his wanting to call me that. "Uh... I- um, Joel I don't know if that's a good idea." I bite my bottom lip, spotting Jason and the other kids eating some tasty looking nachos.

"Okay, Malarie." He sighs, making me and himself sad again. "Come here," I pick him up in my arms, kissing him lovingly over his entire face. "I love you so much, Joel. I mean that, do not ever think I don't." I rearrange his body on my hip, walking over to a waving Jason and our kids.

"Everything's good?" Jason speaks with a mouth full of food, looking between me and Joel. "Yeah, we're good." I try to sound convincing but Jason can always tell when I lie. The same with him, I can almost always tell when he's lying.

"Alright." He squints his eyes, searching my eyes as if he's trying to pull the truth out of them. "Ooh nachos, Joel!" Fake enthusiasm comes out of my mouth, only causing Joel to nod sadly.

"Yay." He mumbles, resting his head on my shoulder. "You okay, buddy?" Jason rubs Joel's hair, quickly straightening the shoe laces on his new green Vans.

"Yes." He nods his head sadly, making Jason get up and takes him out of my arms. "No lying, I do not like lying." He talks to him in a firm dad voice, almost making me nervous.

"I'm sad." He quickly responds, looking at me with watery eyes. "What did you do to him, Mal?" I give Jason a dumbfounded look, not liking how he thinks I've done something to his son.

"I didn't do anything to our- your son, he's sad because I told him he couldn't call me mama. It's not right for him to." Taking a seat next to Jacob, I kiss his head. "Oh, I see. I apologize, I didn't mean to assume things." Nodding, I really didn't want to hear it.

I'm a little hurt he would think I would do something to Joel, but more so hurt, Joel is sad because of me. If his mother was out of the picture, he could totally call me that. Right now, I just think it's best he addresses me by my name. Plus, what would Christine think if she heard him calling me 'mama'? She would literally have a damn fit, and take him away from Jason.

"I'll be back, I'm going to talk to Joel. Probably let him get on some rides, while we're at it. Come on Jacob, you can come along too." Jason motions for Jacob, with me standing up to let him out. "Okay, please try to explain him why he can't call me that. I tried and he cried." I look down at the ground sadly, feeling hopeless.

"Don't make that sad face, I'll figure something out." He kisses my lips, making a silly face. "I'll see you in a bit?" I give him a small smile, with him nodding in approval.


Later on

"Mom can I please get this for Justin? He really likes hats, and this one is so cool for him." I look away from the clothing rack I've been frantically searching through, to look at a bright blue and purple SnapBack in Tasha's hand. "He would like that blue and purple hat?" I question, not really thinking he'd like it.

"Oh yes, he absolutely loves the colors blue and purple." She practically jumps up and down talking about him. "Well okay then, let's get it for him, yeah?" I move away from the shirt rack, hearing multiple thank you's from her.

"He's going to love it, mama!" She holds it to her chest, rocking back and forth. "How about we get one for your father and brothers?" I suggest, with her already going to pick out the different colors for them.

Jason and the boys have been in their separate parts of the amusement park, with us girls and the twins being here shopping around in the multiple gift shops. So far we we've only bought Jasper and Ariel cute little hats, and a pair of colorful socks. I've also bought my Cal a keychain, since he collects them. I might have bought us another friendship bracelet, because being him, he lost the other one.

"Do you think dad would like this shirt?" She holds up a shirt that says, I'm a dad of several little Legos." I had to laugh at the silliness of the shirt, feeling that the logo on shirt is dead on accurate. "I think he'll love it, Tash." I point to his size, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. Jason. I answer the phone right away, without looking at the caller ID.

"Hey babe." Answering the phone like I always do, I wait for him to respond. Instead he doesn't, someone else does. Someone I thought would leave me alone after Jason beat him up. "That's definitely the first you've called me that, and I like it. I miss you my, Malarie." He speaks to me, with me being shocked as ever.

"Why are you calling me? I thought I blocked your number." His chuckle scares me half to death. "Haven't you heard of getting a new phone number? As for calling you, I simply miss you. You look beautiful today, I like that you're showing your legs off." Quickly snapping my head around, I nervously look around the store, just seeing if I see a head of black hair.

"Seth please leave me alone." I speak lowly, not wanting to startle Tasha. "Why? I love you so much, just run away with me. I would make you the happiest woman in the entire world." He speaks out of his damn mind.

"You're hysterical, I'm already happy. I have children, and a fiancé. Do not call me ever again." I almost hang up the phone, but he stops me. "I will put a bullet in your precious daughter's head if you hang up! Don't you dare hang up this phone." His voice is serious and demanding.

"Seth, don't." I let a tear fall down my face, quickly wiping it away. "Baby I'm not going to kill her, I just want to talk to you a little longer. But I will, if you hang up on me." I look around some more, looking if I see him.

"Where are you?" I sniffle, grabbing Tasha's hand so we could pay for our things. "Closer than you think." That instantly sends chills down my spine, wanting Jason to be by my side.

"Seth, I'm being serious." He's quiet on the line for a couple of seconds, then he begins to talk again. "For my smart girl, you're so silly. I just said I was closer than you thought. I'm here to protect you, I'll always protect you." He sounds so sweet, but I know he's crazy. Not my Jason crazy, but he's close.

"You're scaring me Seth, I just want to get off the phone. I have someone to take care of me, he's doing a fantastic job." I explain all this to him, not wanting to tick him off. "Fuck him! I don't care about him." His shouting startles me, causing me to stumble over my feet.

"Mommy, can I get bubble gum." I feel a yank on my hand, causing me to jump a little. "You scared me Tasha Star," I give her a little pouty face, pointing at her. "But yes, you can get bubble gum. Make sure you get your brothers some." I watch as she sprints to the gum ball machine, fishing some quarters out of her pocket.

"You're so good with children, babe." Seth compliments me, sighing loudly. "I have to go Seth, please don't hurt my children." I get called next in line, hearing his loud groan, followed by a dial tone.

Once I reached the line, I literally begged for the sales associate to hurry and ring me up. She did as I said, swiftly placing my items in the bag. I don't know how I managed for all of us to get back to the hotel, but I did. Natasha, the twins, and I were safe in our hotel suite. Well I just pray we're safe. I even called for Jason to come back to the room, explaining all that had happened. He was mad, but he was happy I told him, instead of trying to figure it out myself.


Jason's POV

"I'll beat his ass again, if he so much as touch a single hand on your head!" I whisper in a almost yelling way. "Shh Jason, the children are asleep in the other room." She attempts to cover my mouth, but being me, I smack her hand away.

She told me the son of a bitch called her phone, even when she blocked him. He has some nerve to call her cellphone, and threaten to kill our daughter. Oh no, oh no way in hell. As soon as she called me with urgency in her voice, I grabbed both of my son's in my arms, running to our hotel suite. When I reached the room, it was like she seen a ghost. She was shaking, stuttering, and on the verge of crying.

"I don't give a flying fuck! Nobody, and I mean nobody is going to threaten you and have you scared, Malarie." I firmly hold her face in my hands, seeing how she nods her head weakly. "Okay, I just don't want you to get hurt. I love you so much Jason." She kisses my hands, looking into my eyes.

"I love you too. I love you to death, and if literally die for you." She winces at my words, but I don't care, I mean every single one of them. "That right there, that's what I'm afraid of, because I know you mean it." She looks down at her fingers, fumbling with them.

"Let me deal with him, let me just talk to him on the phone." I go to grab her phone, yet she takes it out my hand. "N-no, not at this time of night." She makes up an excuse, with me scoffing so very obnoxiously, taking the phone out of her hand.

I go to her recent calls, just for it to be a private number he called from. He's a smart, stalkerish bastard. It still doesn't make it right for him to harass my woman. As well as threatening to harm our child. That crazy motherfucker has to get dealt with, immediately. He will, he better believe that.

"This asshole called you with a damn blocked number!" Clenching my jaw, I grab my phone, quickly dialing Alex's number. "This better be super important if you called after two in the morning." His sleepy voice sounds through the speaker, with me rolling my eyes.

"Something's come up today, and we have to add to our little exclusive activity." I watch my words, seeing Mal squint her eyebrows in confusion. "Shit, what's happened?" His voice sounds less sleepy, and more clearer.

"Remember that dude I put in a coma, a couple months ago? The one who I found kissing Mal in the kitchen?" I rub my babes knee, watching her put her hair in a high bun. "Yeah, I remember the paramedics wheeled him out the house unconscious." I let a chuckle slip out my mouth, quickly shutting up when I hear a prolonged sigh form Alex.

"Alright I'm done." Clearing my throat, I give him the go ahead to speak. "I know you aren't. But um, in all seriousness, I'll add him to the list. Just for kids and Mal's safety, come home in the morning." That's all he's says, before he hangs up.

I lock my phone back, laying down on my pillow with my arms behind my head. Mal does the same, laying down next to me. I'll have to break it to her tomorrow morning, I just can't tell her I've been lying to her this whole time. I have a mission coming up, and I've been planning it with the gang for a while now. My babe has been thinking I've been going to anger management classes, but in reality I've been going to gang meetings. The worst part of all, I've been doing them behind her back. I have good reasons doing missions behind her back. One: she would never agree for me to do them, and she'd worry herself to death. Two: my children and her are my life, so I'll protect no matter what. Three: this is my job, how else will I keep our income coming. I mean Mal works, but with her income we'd be living in a two bedroom apartment. Just like Christine. I refuse for that to be us. Malarie is my one love, one heart.

The best part about my upcoming job with the gang, would have to be finding out who possibly poisoned my Baby Q-tip. Cal has been so good at investigating about it. If we could find some leads on this Seth dude, and his messing with Malarie, we can deal with him and the asshole who hurt my woman, together. This is one of the main reasons why I wanted to take my family out. I thought taking them here, would butter up my Malarie from being upset at me when I eventually tell her I have to leave tomorrow. I know she'll be upset with me, but this is something I just have to do. My babe will get over it, but surely she'll be pissed off. Especially since she's going to be home alone with the children. Hopefully mom will be home, but knowing her, she'd just be with Peter. Yes, she finally told me and Alex his name.

"I love you, sweetheart." I bring her body next to mine, kissing her forehead. "I love you too, chubby cheeks." A kiss being placed upon my lips makes me smile widely

"I hope you love me tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, next day." I say with so much love and passion, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. "I will, I promise you that." Sighing lowly, I nod my head at her statement.

Let's just hope she keeps her promise. My babe says she loves me now, yet as soon as I tell her I'm still affiliated with gang stuff, she's going to have a major fit. But best believe Mr. Kale, and Mr. Who should not be named, are in need of a major killing. It doesn't necessarily have to be me doing the killing, it could be one of my gang members. All there that needs to be known, is that I'm back. Jason Andrew McCann is back.


- Hiiiii!!! Chapter 33 is now done and updated!! I hope it was okay for you.

- Alexis -

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