Try Hard

By lovealways107

57.6K 1.6K 155


Try Hard
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
The End

Chapter 4

1.3K 38 3
By lovealways107

“Oh good it actually is you. I wasn’t exactly sure considering we haven’t talked what like six months.” Anna said opening the door. “Good to see you too” I say entering her apartment. “You know you could have told me you were planning to fall of the face of the earth you know” she said taking a seat on the couch. “Sorry it’s a really long and complicated story.” I say. “So who is this? Is he your boyfriend?” She asks. “Anna this is my FRIEND Luke.” I say taking a seat and motioning to Luke to do the same. “Hey Luke I’m Anna” she said walking over to him and extending her hand out to him. “Nice to meet you” Luke replied shaking her hand. “Mel, you didn’t tell me he was foreign. What is that Australian?” Anna says looking over at me. “Yeah, and you have to swear not to tell anybody, but that is where I have been all this time” I say. I hope by telling her this that I can make up for not telling her that I was leaving. “Girl did you bring me back one. I want an Australian boy too.” Anna say walking over to the kitchen. “Whatever happened to Evan?” I ask following her. “Oh we are engaged now.” she says picking up a baby out of a high chair. “Shut up!” I say. “Yeah and the story is so cute.” She says as we walk back into the family room. “Here hold Noah while I check on dinner.” She says handing me the baby. “Noah, this is my friend Luke” I say to the baby showing him to Luke. “Hey Noah” Luke says grabbing Noah’s hand and shaking it. Noah laughed and so did Luke and I. “This is Anna’s boy. He just turned two a month ago.” I explain to Luke. Evan walks in through the front door and stops when he sees Luke. “Who are you?” Evan asks. “Hey Evan. He is one of my friends” I say walking toward him. “Melody?” He asks. I nod. “Well I wouldn’t have expected to see you here. I thought you had died or something.” He says. “Hey Babe!” Anna calls from the kitchen. “Will you set the table? The taco pie is almost ready” she calls. Evan walks over to the table and begins setting it. Anna walks out and serves us each a slice of taco pie and we each take a seat at the table. She places Noah into his little play area and joins us at the table. “So tell me the engagement story” I say because I am dying to know. “Only if you tell me about your friend Luke over there afterwards.” She replies. I agree and she begins her story. “Well I was at work and he came in carrying Noah. I thought he was just being sweet and wanting to stop by for a visit, but when I went to hold Noah I noticed a little box sitting in his lap. I picked it up and in front of the whole office he got on one knee and asked me to marry him.” She said with a sparkle in her eyes. “That is so cute! So when is the wedding?” I ask. “June” she replied. “I would have called and told you, but your phone number was disconnected.” She added. It is going to take a while for her to get past the fact that I abandoned her. “Yeah sorry about that” I say not really knowing how to respond. “So tell me about your Australian adventure.” She says changing the subject. “Well I met my friend Grace over the summer. Then when we went back to school I met this dork and his friends.” I explained. “I’m not a dork” Luke clarified. “No he’s not a dork. He’s cool. So cool he is even in a band.” I say talking him up a bit. “What is your band called?” Evan asked. “Five Seconds of Summer. We mostly do covers and stuff” Luke replies. “They post their videos on you tube. You should check them out” I say. “Will do” Anna chirps. “So is your whole family back in town or just you?” Evan asks. “Just me. Luke and I kind of snuck off to come here.” I explain. “You know Mel, if I didn’t know that you rarely ever lied I would think that you were lying and that he really was your boyfriend.” Anna said bluntly. “Well I’m not lying. We are just good friends that’s all” I say. Sometimes I think my life would be a whole lot easier if I just gave in and dated Luke because then I wouldn’t have to constantly explain that he wasn’t my boyfriend. “So how has Noah been?” I ask changing the subject. “He has been doing well. He is healthy and growing so I guess that means I’m doing something right.” Anna says laughing. “Well it was great to see you again, but Luke and I should be going. We have a lot of stuff to do. I haven’t even taken him to an American Walmart yet.” I say standing up to leave. “Well I hate to see you go, but I won’t stop you either.” Anna says standing up. She gives me a big hug and Luke a little one before making Noah say goodbye to us. Evan said goodbye from where he was at the table and Luke and I headed out the door. 

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