The New Rebel

By iloveanimals26

437K 10.6K 1.1K


Happy Birthday To Me
Family agruement
Questions and Answers
Your a MOM!!
My Nightmares Are My Reality
To The Safe House We Go
Where is she? (Part 1)
Where is she? (Part 2)
Family part 1
Family part 2
Family part 3
Family part 4
Family part 5
Family part 6
Family part 7
Working Together...Don't Make Me Laugh
The Plan
A girl named Hope
Poison and Kisses
I Love You
The Convenience Store Part 1
The Convenience Store Part 2
Who Knew Being Arrested Could Bring Us Closer?
Not an Update

Deep down she's still there

18.7K 503 9
By iloveanimals26

Pic of Reaper

Reaper POV

I can't fucking believe it. That dick Liam thought I wouldn't kill him. Well jokes on him.
"What the hell Reaper", said Kylie. I met Kylie about a year ago in England when I went to Europe.
"He deserved it", I said.
"No he didn't", she said.
"He's the one who chose to flirt with you and when I told him to leave you alone he didn't. So really he did deserve it", I responded.
"He was harmless Reaper you need to control your angry, it's getting out of hand", she said scaredly.
"Are you scared", I laughed.
"Yes", she said sadly. That hurt knowing that I scared her.
"I'm sorry Ky", I said putting my hand on her shoulder.
"It's ok but I'll see you around", she said. She got into her car and drove away. I got into my bike and decided to go to a place where I haven't been in awhile..... The Dark Circle. I arrived at TDC and walked up to sign up for a fight.
"Name", said a guy about 6'5 with green hair, brown eyes and a scar along his left eye.
"Reaper", I replied. My new name is Reaper. I don't use Riley or Rebel. If someone calls me by one of those names, let's just say they are going to be put in a coma. It reminds me of my past. So everyone I meet I tell them to call me Reaper. I bet your wondering why Reaper. Well when I was in Europe, I went to Russia. By the way those Russia's fight dirty, with their weapons. I have tons of scars from them. But anyway I fought one of the top fighters and it got kind of bloody. But at the end of the fight people thought of me as the Grimm Reaper so the name stuck.
"Really you Reaper prove it", he laughed along with his friends around him.
"Alright but don't go crying to your mom when I hurt you", I smirked.
I grabbed his arm flipping him over the table, then I punched him getting him off balance. I kicked him in the ribs and jabbed him in the face knocking him out.
"Is that enough proof", I said looking at the guys.
"Yes", said one of the guys with pure fear. Which I loved.
"Thanks", I said laughing.
When I walked through thise doors I smelt blood and sweat. Awww the memories I thought of me beating the crap out of people when I was an amator. Yes I was an undefeated champion but I wasn't as skilled. I trained all over Europe with the best fighters so I picked up a few things. "Into the ring we Champion Logan vs a new comer Reaper", said the announcer. Shit did he just say Logan. Well here goes nothing. I walked into the ring and saw Logan's expression it was priceless. I also looked outside the ring and saw the gang. I laughed evilly out loud causing them to give me a confused expression.
"Alright no weapons", said the announcer.
"Aww but where's the fun in that", I smirked at Logan.
"No weapons and FIGHT", said the buzzkill.
We circled around the ring a few minutes before I heard,"COME ON LOGAN KICK HER SORRY ASS!"
I laughed they thought he could beat me. Well he couldn't couldn't even do it when I was an amator let alone a champ in other states.
I yelled back at the person, "WELL YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE THEN BECAUSE I'M KICKING HIS ASS!" I jabbed Logan in the face making him fall back. I then upercutted him in the gut, I heard him groan in pain. "The hell Ri", he said.
"That's not my name", I said getting angry. I punched him again in the face hitting his nose. Knowing him he probably had a girlfriend so I didn't want to fuck up his face that bad. Blood came gushing out but he was destracted. I tripped him then straddled him to the ground. I then started punching him repeatedly knocking him out.
"And the winner is Reaper", he said lifting my hand. I heard a mix of boos and cheers but I ignored it and walked out the ring.
"Ri", I heard a familiar voice say, it was..... Ted.
"That's not my name", I said in a monotone.
"Then what is it cause it's sure as hell not Reaper", he said angrily. "Whatever Ted just don't call me Riley, Ri, Reb, Rebel or else you'll end up like Logan or worse", I said.
"Are you threatening me", he asked shocked.
"No it's a warning", I said backing away from him. I went to go collect my money but was stopped by..... Leila and the gang.
"What the hell was that Riley", she screamed, Wes trying to call her down.
"What", I said nonchalant.
"What really you just beat the crap out of Logan", she said.
"If he didn't want to get beat up then he shouldn't have come to street fight then", I smirked.
"We know but you didn't have to be so hard", butted in Wes. That's what she said I chuckled in my head.
"Oh I see you think that just because I used to know him I'll go easy that's funny", I laughed.
"I treat all my opponents the same", I clarified. Then I heard a voice butt in as well surprisingly it was Logan. "What happened out there", he asked. "Well I'm not gonna sugar coat it but I kicked your ass", I grinned.
"I mean why the new name, attitude, and how are you so good", he finished.
"I don't have to answer you or any of you for that matter so just leave me alone so I can get my money and leave", I said.
"Not happening princess", said Logan. That brought back memories.
Flash back
Let go of my arm. "Not happening princess", Logan said. He noticed my bruises. "Where did you get those bruises princess", he said sounding mad. "If you want princesses look over there", I said pointing to the sluts.
Flash back over
I flipped him over and put my foot on his chest.
"If you want a princess you need to look somewhere else", I said pushing my foot off his chest leaving him and the gang speechless. I got my money and jumped onto my bike. I stopped by a old sports bar I used to go to. I walked in and took a seat.
"What can I get you pretty lady", said an old man cleaning the counter. "Whiskey and lots of it", I said. He poured me a cup. I quickly drank it feeling the liquid burning the back of my throat.
"Thanks", I said.
"No problem but I can tell someting is bothering you", he said.
"Yeah umm well it's been awhile since I've been in this town and while I was gone, I changed and my old friends don't really like it", I said. Which I wasn't lying but I wasn't necessarily telling the truth either.
"Well some people change for two reasons. One their minds have opened up and two their hearts were broken. And I assume your heart was broken my a significant other", he said looking at me in a wierd way. That's when I heard a voice I didn't want to hear again in the same night.
"I'm starting to think you've become a stalker", I said sipping my whiskey. "We need to talk", said Logan pleading.
"There's nothing to talk about", I said still not looking at him.
"Really because you left for two years, come back a whole differnt person but...", he stopped.
"But what", I asked.
"Deep down I know the old Riley is still there", he said.
I laughed," she's long gone and she's not coming back Logan", I stated. "Why what was wrong with her", he asked.
"So many things were wrong, she was weak, tried to hard to protect people who didn't care or want her", my voice getting smaller by the end. "That's not true", he said his voice cracking. I couldn't do this not without crying. And I wasn't going to let him see we weak not again at least. I drank the rest of my whiskey and ran out the bar onto my bike. I drove home to my old house. I walked in and looked around. It looked just like the day I left two years ago but dustier. I grabbed my cigarettes and lit them, my muscles relaxing. I started thinking about Logan and the gang, Lincoln, my family and why I left them. I through my cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. I went up to my room, took a shower, and fell into my bed. I closed my eyes dreaming of the gang and Logan.

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