Something smells fishy

By LanaKalina1

995 160 424

Amy has left her family and friends back in Cali in order to move to Japan and teach English. She turned her... More

Like a virgin
Girl meets world
The world is round or how Amy made a friend
Karma is calling
Bipolar much, Karma?
At sixes and sevens
Under my skin (part 1)
Under my skin (part 2)
Brace for impact (part1)
Brace for impact (part 2)
Eleventh-hour (part 1)
Bad days happen
Breaking dams
In the dark

Karma is a b*itch

58 14 22
By LanaKalina1

Miyu wrapped her hand around my waist.

'Good morning Amy sensei. '

'Hey Miyu. '

This time I did not spasm quietly at her touch. I let my arm fall onto her frail shoulders and we continued to walk towards the school.

A lot has changed in the past two weeks. That day at the cafe something changed. We laughed, joked around and perhaps bonded in ways Poole usually bond.

Miyu turned out to be  a very gentle person and not the demanding workaholic I knew her to be. Oh my, she was still demanding but in cuter ways nowadays. Even today, she chose to greet me with a hug. It was something so normal for me, for our culture whereas in Japan this qualified as skin-ship or as they call it here sukinshipu. The pickle of the Japanese language, the katakana alphabet, that is, uses a syllable system to express borrowed words in a Japanese way. I disliked it thoroughly for distorting words and making my life as an English teacher harder.

So in the last two weeks we went from Cold War to amicability and even as far as skin-ship. At first she would tense up every time I gave her a squeeze. If she thought it would save her, she was wrong, because it just made me laugh harder and want to tease her even more. In time, she warmed up to it and answered with the same relaxed attitude. Just like she did today.

'Are we still on for takoyaki and shochu tonight?' I asked her as we made way towards the teacher's lounge. The corridors were buzzing with students going in and out of classrooms, randomly shouting hellos and good mornings to us. In between greeting the students she turned to me, frowned, then nodded.

Frowning was so her. I don't think I have seen people frown much here since this is the culture - total emotion camouflage. Miyu frowning at me was proof of how much closer we got.

Little by little, with her help, I got to see a warmer Japan, brimming with, alien to me, expressions of love. More of the tough love kind of warmth, a tactful and reserved kind.

'Come on, it will be fun and you know it.' I smiled mischievously at her. I really enjoyed our evenings together. We would cook something very traditional, get a bottle of local rice wine and giggle the night away.

Unable to resist my charm she finally nodded, 'un, it will be fun. I will meet you at your place at seven. Ok?'

'Perfect! You know I love you, right?!' I continued.

Her cheeks filled with a sakura tint. It was ridiculous how she managed to keep such a tight hold of me until today. She housed these two totally opposite personalities within her. Strong and willful at work yet so fragile and giddy around the people she cared about. I went totally bipolar because of her. The desire to strangle her in her sleep and the need to cuddle her into safety would altercate constantly.

I gave her another smile, 'oh, Miyu, ' before leaving her in the teacher's lounge and heading to the baseball field. Working as a teacher assistant wasn't as gratifying as I've thought so I offered to couch the school baseball team with Okumura sensei.

He was supposed to retire a trillion years ago, but he wasn't willing to step down, so everybody had to put up with his so called calling to teach and allowed him to stay as the main coach for the team. Seniority plays a great role in Japanese society. The longer somebody worked for a company, the more treasured, respected and well paid he became. Those who stuck through thick and thin, like Okumura Sensei, got to rule the ball. Those like me, did what they were told.

I didn't quite understand how things worked here but the faces of those kids looked too miserable for me to stay away. Their coach had no idea about the rules of the game, nor was he interested in learning about it. All they did is run laps and occasionally throw some balls around.

Then I came into the picture, the noisy American. Okumura sensei wasn't exactly the epiphany of happiness when I assisted my first practice, but as soon as he realised that I was not there to take his place, he relaxed and let me have it my way. As long as he got to read his daily newspaper, we had the freedom to play some real baseball.

' Yuma, throw it to Keita. Put some force into it, little man.' I yelled across the field.
'No, Yuma, that's how my grandmother throws ball. Are you seventy years old? Straighten your arm completely.'

The boys, their heads cleanly shaved, their faces red from practicing outside in the scorching heat, ran across the field trying to get the hang of my latest pitcher/catcher to second base drill.

Basically the pitcher would deliver the pitch, the catcher received it and threw  it to second base and all of this had to happen in under seven seconds. We set the conditioning for this particular challenge at ten straight steals but the boys kept cheating when they thought I wasn't looking so we have been doing this for the past hour.

Everybody was exhausted, including me. I was about to call it a day when something glanced in front of my eyes. I heard a loud thud before everything went dark.

Man down.

The sand under me was so hot and uncomfortable. The sun scorched my perfect face. I felt like a sunny side up fried egg.

'Arghh', I let out a long sigh, just to open my eyes and see another twenty pairs staring down at me.

'Sensei, daijyoubu?' everybody watched me inquiringly but amused.

'Daijyoubu, daijoubu' I answered reassuring them in Japanese that I was fine.

'O-Kay, okay', I tried to stand up but I suddenly felt dizzy.

I steadied myself and sat back down crossing my legs.

'Water please,' I looked pleadingly at Aito. He was probably the one who threw the ball since his face was a lovely shade of purple and he kept fidgeting his bony fingers. I knew his ball control wasn't that good, but the kid loved baseball. I didn't want him to feel guilty.

'Aito, water please,' I repeated my request. The boy didn't move for another few seconds. Then suddenly darted off in the direction of the drink machines. 

Good kid, I thought to myself while smiling brightly at the nineteen pair of eyes still ogling me.

When I became the assistant coach we had agreed with the principle that we would use English during practice to help kids get used to speaking it.

'Okey, minna, it is all for today. Finish!'

Relieved that Okumura sensei had not witnessed this lovely encounter between my forehead and the ball, everybody dispersed in the blink of an eye. After getting the water and towel from Aito, I patted him on his small, shiny head and let him join his friends.

It hurt to touch my forehead. Damn it, I hope I do not get a bruise, we're going out with Miyu tonight.

As I was looking at my face in the restroom mirror, it didn't look as bad I have thought.  A small bump but nothing a pack of ice couldn't solve. I took a quick shower before heading home to get ready for my girls' night with Miyu.

It was early september, but the days were still long and the heat still unbereable, even at five in the afternoon. I entered my little apartment and ran towards the air conditioner.

I took out  a pack of frozen peas and pressed it to my forehead. As the pain resigned, I couldn't wait to hop into the shower again. The cold water washed away the remnants of the pain, my tiredness and my thoughts.

I dried my hair and styled it into beach waves. Put on some make up, a bit of smokey eyes here, a bit of bronzing blush there, some lipstick and voila I was ready. I had to pick an outfit, but I decided to wait for Miyu and see what she says.

This wasn't Cali anymore, going out was no longer about meeting a hot guy, hooking up and having fun till dawn. This was Japan, hoping to meet somebody was in the realm of science fiction. I was never quite sure what was the appropriate outfit to wear anymore.

I didn't quite like people looking at me. I felt like a monkey at the zoo. Men's stares made me feel uncomfortable. Except Shiro's.

Oh, Shiro.

I have thought of him several times since that day. I learned from Miyu that he worked as a baker and pastry chef at their family cafe ever since their father died two years ago. He had to take over. She told me how he quit his school in Paris, how he kept the family together while managing the business. It certainly must have been hard on him. I actually liked him a little bit more everytime Miyu talked about him. She didn't do it often but when she did I could see how much she loved and admired her big brother. I couldn't help but developing a small crush on the guy. What can I say, I had a soft spot for good guys. Shiro was more than the typical good guy, he was also insanely hot.

Shiro. Shiro.

I kept repeating his name, as I remembered the way he looked at me that night. He was disarming.

Stop it Amy! You must have bumped your head harder than you imagined!

I wish I could see him again though.

Someone knocked at the door and I ran to open it. It had to be Miyu, so I did not pay attention to the fact that I was wearing nothing except panties and a bra.

'Come on in, Freckles, ' I shouted through the door, turning around to lift a kitchen towel that had fallen onto the floor.

The door screeched in response, and I heard foot steps behind me.

'Freckles?' a man's voice whispered behind me.

Startled, I jolted my body back up, my eyes instinctively looking for a weapon to use for defence. I grabbed a fork from the sink and turned around ready to face the intruder at my fiercest.


He was standing tall and cocky in the doorway. He didn't even attempt to turn away, he just stared me down defiantly.

'What the hell are you doing here,' I asked.

It was quiet for what felt like ages, his lips melting into a grin before letting his head tilt to  the side as his eyes slowly slipped down my exposed body. He was caressing me with his soft gaze and I let him.

The bump was definitely stronger than I thought. I should go see a doctor tomorrow morning. Wait, am I hallucinating?

Sudenly I was panicking. Just a moment ago I was so comfortable letting him contemplate every nook and crane of my curves and now I was so conscious of him to the point of small electric shocks going throughout my body. A wave of heat took over me as my insides burned under his insistent gaze.

In a moment of self awareness, I wrapped my hands around me, trying to hide what he had already seen. 

'Ahem, I'm sorry to barge in like this,' he finally turned around and lifted his eyes to the ceiling. The apartment was low so he was practically staring into it, a bit more and he could probably touch it with the tip of his nose.

The perk of living in an old building, I thought.

Towering over this place like a Greek god, he looked impressive. His height, his presence, his strong muscular hands. His V-neck white T-shirt couldn't hide his worked out press. His jeans clung tight to his legs. As he turned around, I couldn't help but look at his backside, round and firm. He was hot!

Oh my God, did he just see me in my underwear?! I was back to panic mode.

No fucking way! This is not happening.

Without saying anything else, I ran towards the bedroom and slipped into a pair of damaged jeans and a white T shirt.

My face was still burning as I came into the living room. He hadn't moved from the entrance.

'Come in please. Would you like something to drink?' I asked trying to keep my cool.

He didn't give off anything. His face the same shade of porcelain as the first time I saw him while his pitch black eyes looked at me inquiringly. He watched me intently for a few seconds, then strolled right past me. He lowered himself onto the sofa and asked for some water.  I was happy to have another minute to collect my thoughts.

'Here you are,' he reached out for the glass and took a sip of water before placing it onto the wooden magazine table in front of us.

'I know you were supposed to go out with Miyu tonight, ' he said not breaking our eye contact, 'but our aunt from Kochi got into an accident and they had to go see her right away.'

Even his voice was hot. I felt guilty to be so happy to see him instead of Miyu with all that has happened.

'She tried calling you' he continued, 'but you weren't answering your phone. So she asked me to come over and let you know.'

Oh shit, my phone. I haven't checked on it since coming back. I had probably forgotten to switch it back from manner mode.

'My phone, yes, I'm sorry, I forgot to turn the sound back on. I didn't get around to checking my messages.'

I could feel my face flare up again. A need to make a run for it once again took over whatever spunk I had left in me and I sprinted towards the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water. The ice cubes tickled at my tongue before letting the cold water put out the fire still flaming hard in my chest.

'Well, thank you for coming and letting me know. It is very nice of you.'

I wasn't sure what to say next for he just stood there, like a statue.

Out of the blue, he stood up and took a few steps towards the door. I followed him, almost relieved that this will be the end of my disgrace. I've had enough embarrassment for one day. One moment he was walking towards the door and the next he was turning around to face me. I crashed right into his chest.

Not again. Please, God.

I could hear his heartbeat, almost feel it pump against my cheek. His perfume, musky and somewhat ambery, smelled delicious and I let myself dip into his chest letting it glaze my senses.

'Do you still want to go out, ' he said, his voice came out husky.

I couldn't see his eyes, and thank the Almighty God, he couldn't see mine, for I was high on the raw masculine scent of his body.

'Un, why not, ' I muttered.

Still unwilling to look at him, 'just give me a minute' I whispered as I made my escape towards the bedroom.

I fell onto the cool sheets and let the air conditioner chill my body down. My head was pounding, my heart - racing, my mind - a hot mess.

What am I doing? It's the bump, it must be.

I looked at my face in the mirror, it was still there, the prominence, not as big as an hour ago but still.  I let my fingers brush over it gently. It still hurt too. This was not my hallucination.

I was about to go out with Shiro and I felt more nervous than ever before. Before I let it get to me, I quickly tossed my hair a bit, fixed my lipstick and put the finest bit of perfume onto my wrist. I didn't bother change because I did not want him to assume I was trying too hard.

When I finally returned to the living room he wasn't there.

What the hell?!

My apartment was small enough so I swept it up in one gaze. He really wasn't there anymore so I pulled on a pair of sneakers, grabbed my keys, closed the door and headed to the parking lot behind the house.

I didn't know what to expect. Hell, I had no idea how to act or what we could even talk about. My view clouded when I finally spotted him.

He was standing there, mounting his motorcycle, his legs long and lean. A stray gush of wind teased his raven hair as he found my eyes. He smirked and handed me a helmet. He looked like a god. I swear I could feel my heart stop beating. I might have even stopped breathing because I just stood there unable to will my legs to move.

'Are you ready?' his voice velvety.

'Always!' I answered as I took a sit behind him. I put on my helmet and secured it before allowing my body to melt into his back. It felt so natural for me to be hugging him like this. I held on tight and I could feel him tense under my touch.

I grinned. It felt good to know that I wasn't the only one to react to him. He was aware of me too.

Good! I said to myself before we took out into the sunset.

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