The Mini Detective (A Sherloc...

By _Vampie_

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Imagine you are 3 years old walking in the freezing cold December on the sidewalk in London trying to find on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Mycroft
Chapter 3 Bella's First Case
Chapter 4 Bella's First Case Part 2
Chapter 5 Moriarty
Chapter 6 Captured
Chapter 7 Rescue
Chapter 8 (No title)
Author's Note
Chapter 9 Kidnapped...Again
Chapter 10 Escape
Chapter 11 Time Skip
Chapter 12 The Fall
Thank You!!!
Chapter 13 One Year Later
Chapter 14 Talking
Chapter 15 Running
610 Reads!!!!
This Is The End

Chapter 16 Mycroft's Announcement

1.3K 28 19
By _Vampie_

A/N For all of those Mystrade lovers this is for you. If you don't ship Mystrade read this anyway :D

Bella woke early in the morning in her old room at Baker Street, "Huh?" She was confused, she thought it was a dream. She ran down the stairs to the kitchen to see Sherlock sitting at the table looking into a microscope. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

"Bella?" He started, "why are you hugging me? I thought we finished the hugging in the woods."

"I thought it was a dream. I thought you were still gone." She said burying her face in his side, "I have a question. Who knew you were alive?"

"Mycroft, Molly, and some on my homeless network." Sherlock said plainly.

"So the British government, a pathologist, and a hundred homeless people."

"No 25 at most." He said with humor.

Bella rolled her eyes, "If Mycroft knew then Greg would've known. Right? Or at least he would've figured it out by now...well he isn't all that bright but still."

"Oh about Mycroft and Lestrade. I expect an announcement by the end of the week." Sherlock said with a smirk.

"Really?!" Bella squealed, "Huh Uncle Greg Holmes. Or Mycroft Lestrade. Has a nice ring to it if you ask me." She commented with a smile.

>>>At Mycroft's mansion<<<

Mycroft woke to the sun shining in his eyes and rolled over to see Greg still asleep next to him. He smiled and got up. He got dressed and reached into the pocket of his suit that he wore the day before. He pulled out a black velvet box and opened it to look inside. He stared down at the gold ring. Engraved in the inside of the ring was the word forever, his was engraved with the word always. He closed the box and winced when it snapped shut, he quickly looked over to the sleeping man in the bed and let out a breath of relief to see that he was still asleep. He put the box in his pocket and left to make himself coffee and to make breakfast for him and Greg.

He began to make fried eggs and bacon, Greg's favorite. He took a sip of the freshly brewed coffee and hummed at the taste and continued to cook the meal. He was almost finished with the bacon when a pair of arm snaked around his waist. Greg's head laid on his shoulder as Mycroft finished cooking, "What's this for Myc?" Greg asked with a sleepy tone.

"I thought I would make breakfast. Is that a problem?"

"Not at all. Is there coffee left."

"Yes in the pot." Greg poured himself a cup of coffee and Mycroft began to fill two plates with eggs and bacon. He placed two eggs and three strips of bacon on one plate and the same on the other. He led Greg to the table with the plates in hand. He set on in front of the other man and set his at his spot. He left the room for a second to get his coffee and then returned to eat his breakfast. Once they were finished Mycroft decided that they needed to take a walk through his garden. Greg got dressed and they walked out to the garden together. They walked hand in hand until Mycroft stopped, "Gregory I have to tell you something." He said.

"What? Is something wrong?" Greg was confused he didn't understand what was going on.

"Nothing is wrong it's the complete opposite. Everything is perfect in my life when I have you. I used to say that love was not an advantage but now i see that I was wrong."

"Mycroft what's going on?" Greg asked, his face twisted in confusion.

"I know now that I was wrong about everything I said about love, because I have you." Mycroft got down on one knee and reached into his pocket, "I love you Gregory Lestrade."

"Oh Myc." Greg said just above a whisper.

Mycroft took the box from his pocket and looked down for a moment before opening it and looking Greg in the eyes, "Will you marry me?"

"Oh, Myc, yes, oh god yes!" He exclaimed and Mycroft slipped the ring onto his finger. Greg pulled him up and captured his lips in a kiss.

>>>Back to Bella and Sherlock<<<

Bella took her phone from its place a on the table. She held down the power button and waited for it to turn on. The screen lit up with texts and the sound went crazy, she ended up turning the sound completely off. She had over fifty texts from her friends asking where she was and if she was okay. She texted them both the same message I'm fine I'm at Baker St. With my dad.

Gracie was the first to respond,
Bella are you ok? You're dad is...dead.

No he's not it was a hoax but don't tell anyone , he doesn't want a lot of people to know.

Maggie responded next, Thank god you're alright Bell you had us worried sick.

I know I know it was stupid to run off lime that. And I know you're a bit mad considering you've each texted me like 50 times last night. But I'm ok now I was just angry at John and wanted to be alone.

I'm glad you're ok but I gtg see you later Bell.

I gtg to bye Bella

see you guys later.

Bella smiled at her friends and switched off her phone. Not long after, Sherlock's phone rang, "Yes?" He answered.

"Brother mine how are you and Bella?" Mycroft asked.

"You didn't call to ask about my daughter Mycroft what is it?" He asked annoyed.

"I would like you and Bella to come to my mansion for dinner tonight, and if at all possible maybe John and Mary could join you." Mycroft explained.

"Yes we will be there and I will check with John but he doesn't have anything planned."

"See you then brother dear."

Sherlock ended the call and set his phone down, "Mycroft wants us to go to the mansion for dinner tonight, he has an announcement." Sherlock said with a smirk. Bella squealed at the thought of Mycroft getting married. She loved the fact that her uncle found a goldfish, named Greg.

"I'll be in my room on ny laptop." She said as she got up and headed to her room. She sat at her desk and opened her laptop lid. She began to type away (if you were wondering where her laptop came from it was in her backpack I just forgot to mention it last chapter). She watched YouTube and played games. She was on her laptop for about three hours before she decided she wanted to get some of her things from John's house, "Dad can I ride my bike to John's to get some of my stuff?" She asked as she walked down the steps to the sitting room.

"Be careful and don't be gone to long." He said.

"Thanks I'll be back in a bit." She said as she grabbed her backpack and her phone. She stuffed her phone into her pocket and slung the empty backpack over her shoulders. She ran down the steps to the door and hopped on her bike. She rode to John's and dumped her bike on the lawn. She slowly knocked on the door, though she knew she could've just walked in she couldn't make her arm move to do anymore than knock.

John answered the door and looked down at her, "Bella, thank God you are alright. Don't ever do that again you scared me half to death." He said as he bent down to her hight and hugged her tightly, "Where were you?"

"Dad found me, John how did last night go?"

"She said yes."

"Good." She smirked, "I came to get some of my things, I'm moving back into Baker St."

"Alright you know where everything is." He moved aside and she rushed to her room. She threw her clothes into the bag along with her hedgehog toy. She grabbed her money jar and her diary. She had the backpack over her shoulders and her money jar and diary in her arms.

"John Mycroft wanted to know if you and Mary would like to come to his mansion for dinner tonight, he has an announcement." She said as she walked out of her room.

"I'm sure we could make it. Bye Bella."

"Bye." She walked out the door and set the things in her arms into the basket on the front of her bike. She rode home happily. When she reached Baker St. she leaned her bike against the was of the building and hurried inside. She ran to her room after yelling a hello to her father. She threw her bag on her bed and set the jar on her bedside table. She put her diary in her desk drawer and then opened her bag. She put her clothes in the dresser, leaving out one outfit. She had chosen it when she found out she was going to the mansion earlier that day. It was a black tutu, a white short sleeved shirt, black converse that went up a few inches, a jean jacket, and two white hair bows. She loved the outfit and loved the way it looked on her. She laid it out on her bed and looked at the clock, it was only three o'clock. She got back on her laptop. She played for a couple of hours and looked back at the clock. She grabbed her outfit and began to change. After she was dressed she pulled her hair into pigtails and fitted the bows to each. She tied up her converse and literally hopped down the stairs. She walked into the sitting room to find Sherlock saying on the sofa with his head on the arm and his legs dangling off the other side. His hands were steepled in front of his face, "Dad get dressed!" She exclaimed when she saw him, "We have to leave soon."

A/N Bella's outfit

Sherlock huffed and got up. He returned from his room a minute later with a blueish purple dress shirt and black pants on. In his hands he had a necklace box. He handed it to Bella, who took it with confusion. She opened the box and he confusion turned to disbelief. Inside was a silver chain with a small angel wing dangling from it, "What is this for?" She asked curiously.

"No reason, I just saw it and thought of you." He explained.

"How much did this cost?"

"There is no price I wouldn't pay to make you happy my little one." He said patting her head playfully. She giggled and took the necklace out of the box.

"Could you help me?" She asked. He nodded and took the chain in his fingers and she turned around. He brought the chain around her neck and hooked the clasp in place. She turned back around and twirled around, letting her tutu lift slightly.

There was a knock on the door and Bella bolted to answer it. Standing outside was John and Mary, "Come in, come in. We were just getting ready to head out." She smiled as she led them up the stairs.

"You look beautiful Bella, I love the tutu." Mary complimented.

"Thank you."

"Is that a new necklace?" John asked.

Bella nodded, "Dad gave it to me isn't it beautiful?" She asked holding up the angel wing charms.

"Yes it is. It looked very pretty on you." John said with a smile. They walked into the sitting room and his smile faded, John still not used to Sherlock being back. He again smiled and pulled Sherlock in for a hug, wanting so much to kiss him but he knew he couldn't he was engaged. Sherlock hugged back slightly and they pulled away awkwardly. They talked for a few minutes and then headed to Mycroft's mansion.

Sherlock and Bella got the first cab and John and Mary got the next. Sherlock and Bella arrived first and Bella held her fathers hand as he knocked. John and Mary arrived just as Greg answered the door. Using her great examination skills, Bella noticed a golden ring on Greg's finger and smiled. They walked in and she let go of Sherlock's hand. She tugged on Greg's shirt lightly. He looked down and smiled at her, "What is it Bella?" He asked.

"Congratulations." She said motioning to the ring. Greg began to blush.

"Thanks. Here look." He took off the ring and showed her what was on the inside. She looked at the engraved letters of forever and smiled.

"What does his say?" She asked.


"That's awesome. I'm happy for you." She said before she ran off to sit in the sitting room.

She sat on the sofa with John and Mary next to her and Sherlock sitting in the chair on the other side of her. Mycroft and Greg came in after a few minutes and sat on the love seat to the left of the sofa. John and Mary started a conversation with Mycroft and Greg while Bella played a game on her phone and Sherlock sat with his hands in front of his face, trying to avoid looking at John. After about ten minutes of chatter, a timer went off signaling that the food was done, "Food's ready!" Greg said, knocking Sherlock from his thoughts. Bella looked up from her phone and switched it off. She left it on the sofa and hopped up. They all followed Greg into the dining room.

"Gregory, could you help me with the food?" Mycroft called from the kitchen.

"Be right there love." He called back as he left the room. He entered the kitchen and pecked a kiss on Mycroft's cheek as he took the chicken out of the oven. They both reentered the room, Greg carrying the chicken and Mycroft carrying a bowl of biscuits and a bowl of green beans. They left and returned with a bowl of mashed potatoes and plates and glasses for each person. the adults had red wine and Bella had tea. They each filled their plates, Bella took two chicken legs and some green beans and mashed potatoes.

About halfway through the meal Mycroft hit his spoon on his glass, catching everyone's attention, "I have something to say, I am sure at least two of you have noticed a new ring on Gregory and my fingers." He said looking directly at Bella, who smiled brightly, "We are engaged." Mycroft finished with a smile as he looked toward his fiance. Sherlock couldn't help feeling jealous, his brother was happy why couldn't he be with the one he loved too? He didn't understand why John had to move on, he was back why was he not happy with only his daughter, that was all he needed......right? He couldn't help wishing that John still loved him.

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