just don't die please (eremik...

By TwilightGalaxyNight

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After Mikasa had told Eren her feeling towards him Eren excepted her and they had to go on their mission and... More

Mikasa Ackerman
Eren Yaeger/ Eren Jaeger
Armin Arlet
Chapter one-Night my moonshine
Chapter two- I love you
Chapter Three- The Memories
Chapter four- The attack
Chapter Five- That Day
Chapter Six- Injures
Chapter Seven- " Nothing Will Ever Hurt You Again,I Promise"
Chapter Nine- The Beging Of The Mission
Chapter Ten- Night my dear
Chapter Eleven- The Day Off
Chapter Twelve- Attacked
Chapter thirteen- Back on the battle field
Chapter Fourteen- Red String Of Fate
Chapter Fifteen- Bloodmass
Chapter Sixteen- The Trail
Chapter Seventeen- The comander betray and the betray friend
Chapter Eighteen-Inprisonment
Chapter Nineteen- The Form
Chapter Twenty- The Bloody Mission
Chapter Twenty-One- "One Of The Happiest Day"
Chapter Twenty-Two- Just A imagination
Chapter Twenty-Three- The Park
Chapter Twenty-Four-That Day
Chapter Twenty-Five- New Friends
Chapter Twenty-Six-Tomorrow
Chapter Twenty-Seven-The Dream
Chapter Twenty-Eight-"I Am Affraid Of Losing You"
Chapter Twenty-Nine- Attacked
Chapter thrity- Everything will be alright
Chapter Thirty-One- The Hurt
Chapter Thrity-Two- Suprise

Chapter Eight- Capture

200 2 0
By TwilightGalaxyNight

When Armin woke he walked out of his room and saw Eren sitting on the couch worrying "why are you worrying Eren" Armin said Eren looked at him " there hear and we might be attacked" Eren said looking at Armin "well what are we going to do, you have Mikasa to protect and if something happen's first thing we do is get her to saftey" Armin said looking out the window at the army coming closer but then they heard a scream and Eren ran over to his room and saw that Mikasa woke up and there was fire by her " WE HAVE TO GO NOW" Eren said picking Mikasa up and running out the backdoor and towards the horses "we can not out run them can we Eren" Armin said getting up on his horse "well its worth a try right" Eren said tapping his into a gallop. After a while Eren saw the army behind him " Eren we have to split up" Armin said looking behind him Eren looked at Mikasa who was looking back behind her scared "well met back at Mikasa old place, split now" Eren said heading towards the woods and watching Mikasa turn right, after a while Eren had reached Mikasa old place and saw Armin but he could not Mikasa "Armin where's Mikasa" Eren said getting off of his horse " i saw her get captured i could not do anything but she looked really mad at me" Armin said smiling Eren made a fist and was ready to hit Armin but he did not "well we have one last person to worry about" Armin said laughing "its not funny Armin, Mikasa the one who thought coming to get you before we left the group" Eren said getting back on his horse and tapping his horse to gallop. After a while he saw Mikasa crying walking and having her hands tied but what he did not know that someone was behind him "got him" somebody said grabbing Eren, but Eren fought the person but then he saw somebody put a knife to Mikasa throat " if try anything she will get it, and i don't think you want that happening to your pour baby here now do you" the person said holing the knife but Mikasa fell to the ground crying and Eren ran over to her and kissed "just believe Mikasa" Eren said putting his arms around her but somebody grabbed Mikasa and pushed forward. When they reached a camp site the people tied Mikasa up to a tree and they put Eren in cart, when Eren saw Mikasa being lead towards him the people threw Mikasa behind him Eren saw Mikasa face was bleeding and her scarf was coming off Eren moved closer to Mikasa and grabbed her by the hand now her hands where free " are you ok Mikasa" Eren said strocking Mikasa hair " i am sorry this happened i promised you and i let you-" but before Eren could finish Mikasa kissed him "please do not say anything else" Mikasa said leaning against Eren shoulder but before Eren could move Mikasa closer to him they grabbed Mikasa and toke her away from him. After a while Eren saw he was back in the survey corps meeting room "hello again Eren" Levi said " if you want to explain to me why did you leave with your little sweet heart here, well you know you could have asked and we could have put her with us Eren but you made it harder and now see where she is" Levi said handing Eren a picture of Mikasa in a cell "please leave her be it was me not her, she had nothing to do with it" Eren said looking at the picture and ripping it " oh well you have a day too see her, bring her in" Levi said and the doors opened and people where holding Mikasa by her shoulders, Eren ran to her when they threw her at the ground " why could i have protected you, i promised you and now i let you down" Eren said stroking Mikasa hair Mikasa looked at Eren and started to cry " can you please take the stuff off of her,please" Eren said holding Mikasa looking at the guards who did what he asked, after they did it Mikasa put her arms around Eren and she cried into his chest "shhh, Mikasa everything is going to be alright please forgive me this is all my fault" Eren said hugging Mikasa harder "no its my fault i am the one that got caught" Mikasa said crying looking into Erens eyes and Eren kissed Mikasa but before he could say anything the guards grabbed Mikasa and she started to struggle and try to break free but they hit her and Eren watched in shock "leave her be" Eren screamed "now your time is done boys take her back" levi said to the guards they nodded and dragged Mikasa out of the room "now if you want her safe here is my deal you join back and she can be with us and she can ride a horse with you or if you do not want to join we will have her head" Levi said looking at Eren " i will join back just her be with me at all times" Eren said looking at the ripped up picture. After that night Eren returned to the survey corps but he did not see Mikasa but then he saw a group of boys kicking something when he got closer he saw that they were kicking Mikasa "LEAVE HER ALONE" Eren screamed at them when he got closer " oh so you are her boyfriend, oh we are so scared" one of the boys said but Eren pushed past all of them and he kneeled down to Mikasa and looked at her but when Mikasa saw Eren Mikasa hugged him "i am sorry i did not get out of there sooner Mikasa" Eren said moving his hand over her face,Mikasa looked at him "thank you for everything Eren when they told me what your decisions where i feared for my life" Mikasa said hugging Eren tighter "why would want anything to hurt you and we get to ride a horse together which is better right" Eren said kissing Mikasa on her cheek "come on you love birds we have a mission to do" Levi said looking at Eren holding Mikasa, When Eren was done helping Mikasa get on the horse they followed the rest of the group but when they saw something explode Eren felt Mikasa hold tighter Eren moved his hand over hers and looked back at her and smiled just her feel safe instead of being scared.

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