The Only One [n.h. + h.s. au]

By suchakariri

99.4K 2.1K 294

"I don't want to argue." "Then don't." [narry storan au] More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Nineteen

2.4K 74 10
By suchakariri

Niall's POV

I took my time getting to Harry's room; there was no rush. He was doing well and that calmed me down, immensely. Neither Hunter or Chase have been attending school, which scares me. They could be in a another country, for all we know.

"Hey Niall," Louis greeted me with a small smile.

"Hiya Louis," I chuckled. "What's new?"

"Same old," he shrugged. "I was keeping Harry company, but my mum needs me home to watch the little ones."

I nodded, "So, how are you two doing?"

"Harry and I?" Louis snorted. "We're better off as friends. I never mustered up the courage to apologize to you for that night and I can't begin to explain how guilty I feel. I'm sorry. Harry loves you more than he could ever love anyone. If he went on pretending he's happy in another relationship, it'd be fake. You two are meant for each other and I'm not going to be the barrier stopping that from happening."

They aren't together...

"I forgive you," I said. "I appreciate the apology."

He nodded, "Go get him, Niall."

I mumbled a quick goodbye, twisting the handle on the door, "You!"

"I?" Harry retorted.

"I hate you with a burning passion," I climbed on the hospital bed, balancing my body over Harry's. "Yet I still find every excuse in the book to love you."

He put his hands on my waist, "I consider myself lucky."

A surge of emotions hit me like a tidal wave and I began to cry, "When I told you to fight for me, I meant it metaphorically. Fucking hell, you have no idea how much of a wreck I was after the accident."

Harry frowned, rubbing circles on my side with his thumb, "I stand by my promise to protect you. If that means jumping in front of a train, so be it."

"Harry Styles?" 

A buff man, probably an inch taller than Harry, stood in the doorway, along with two officers.

I sat down in a chair, gripping Harry's right hand, tightly.

"If you don't mind, we'd like to ask you a few questions," the man spoke, slowly. "You must be Niall Horan, then?"

"Yes," I replied. 

"Well, that just makes me job easier," he chuckled. "My name is Detective Jacobs."

"Nice to meet you."

"Harry, the incident took place behind the school building, correct?"

"Yeah. It was about half way through he lunch period," Harry told him. 

"How did you end up at that location?"

"Niall was panicking about something, and Hunter took him outside. I don't trust that bloke; he's been sketchy since the day I first saw him. I waited a few minutes before following them and by the time I showed up, there was a group of 4, closing in on Niall," he explained in detail.

Detective Jacobs scribbled something down on his notepad, "Niall, what's the connection between you and Hunter?"

"He was my boyfriend back in Ireland," I started. "He transferred almost two months ago, and we got back together."

"Weren't you dating Harry?" 

I cringed, "We broke up a little while after Hunter showed up."

"May I ask why?"

"I made a poor decision whilst under the influence," Harry confessed. "We're trying to work it out, though."

The detective hummed, "In the time that you've known Hunter, has he had any violent tendencies?"

Tell him the truth.

"No," I lied. "At least, not that I know of."

"How did you get those?" he pointed to the faded bruises on my left arm. "Is that a hand print on your neck?"

Harry lifted my arm up, his eyes widening as he examined it, "How..."

I gulped, "Hunter. Up until a few weeks ago, he's never laid a finger on me."

"That's not true," Harry disagreed. "Hunter hurt you in Ireland."

"Okay, Niall," Detective Jacobs sighed. "I can't imagine how hard it is for you to talk about these things, but it's vital to the case in order for the suspects to be convicted and charged."

"Chase Harland showed up in my first period art class that day," I said. "I was positive. When I told Hunter, he didn't seem to believe me. My anxiety kicked in and we went outside so I could calm down. At the moment, I probably didn't care much for the fact that he brought me to the back of the school."

"Chase Harland?"

"The instigator of my beating in Ireland. He's had it out for me for years, but I never thought it would be this bad."

"So, he was the instigator the most recent time too," Detective Jacobs concluded. "Did you know the other two people in that group?"

I shook my head, "Nope."

He turned to Harry, "The blade that was used to injure you is being processed for fingerprints. When we get the results I'll be giving you a call."

"Okay," Harry smiled. "Thank you Detective."

I removed my hand from his and sat back in the chair. This is, without a doubt, the most stressful situation I've had to face. I'll do everything and anything to make sure Hunter pays for what he did to Harry. 

"Get back up here," Harry laughed, scooting over. 

I forced myself up, laying beside him, "How are your stitches feeling?"

"Good, actually," he tugged me to his chest and I lazily slung my arm over his hip. "Is school going okay?"

I grunted, "Sure."

The change of subject caught me off guard, "I miss you."

"I'm right here," I pressed a light kiss to his neck.

"I mean, I miss us," Harry sighed. "The way we used to be, you know?"

"At least the sex with Louis was amazing, ay?" 


"Word gets around fast, Harry," I sat up, using my hands to hold my weight. 

"Are you going to tell me that Hunter didn't fuck you?" he mused.

"What a lovely way to put it," I muttered.

"This is the guy who nearly killed me that we're talking about," Harry grumbled.

I curled up against him again and laced my fingers through his.

Harry kissed my forhead, "I can't believe he touched you. All this time went by, and I didn't have a clue."



"Do you think we'll make it?" I asked.

"Honestly? Yeah, I do," he answered. "I love you and I don't plan on letting you go."

"I..." the words I wanted to say weren't processing in my brain.

Harry traced random patterns on my back, waiting for me to continue.

"I feel stuck. What do we do from here on out? I want to think otherwise, but it's almost like things will never be normal again; especially between us."

"First of all, you can't worry about the future. We have to take it one step at a time and meet each other half way. I'm more than willing. The decision is yours."

Harry attached his lips to my neck and sucked in the sensitive skin. I moaned, touching the most likely marked area. 

"Now everyone will know that you're taken," he whispered. Forgive me?"

"You were forgiven 5 minutes ago," I chuckled, poking his nose.

"I think you've made it a habit to poke my face," Harry pointed out.

"It's pokeable, " I said, playing around with my phone. I tapped the contacts app and snorted, "My delicious Hazza?"

"I am," he winked.

I smirked, "Only mine?"

"Only yours," Harry agreed.

"Third times the charm, yeah?" 


Four weeks later

Liam and I got on the escalator to meet Zayn and Harry at the food court in the mall. It's less crowded than usual, but I'm not complaining. 

"Zayn wants me to meet his parents," Liam groaned. 

I laughed, "Is that a bad thing?"

"Yes!" he stepped off of the escalator. "What if they don't like me?"

"You're starting to sound like the stereotypical boyfriend," I rolled my eyes. "What could they possibly not like about you?"

"Absolutely nothing," Zayn said, hugging Liam from behind. 

I winked at Liam and walked the opposite way towards Harry, "You haven't done anything too strenuous, have you?"

Harry grinned, "Last time I checked, going to see a movie involves sitting and staring at an awfully large screen."

"Harry," I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Niall," he mimicked the tone and pecked my lips. "What do you want to do?"

I hummed, "It's up to you."

Harry gestured to the escalator, "Up we go, then."

"Are you nearly finished with your school work yet?" I asked him.

"I just have an English paper to finish, then there's four tests I need to take," he said.

I spoke my thoughts out loud, "Thank goodness I'm not academically gifted."


Harry's POV

Niall whined and tugged on my shirt until I paid attention to him, "Yes?"

"You're looking at me, but I don't think you're listening," he mumbled. 

"I'm sorry, lovely," I smiled, sympathetically. "What's up?"

Niall bit his lip, "Can I see what's in the bag?" 

"No," I kissed him. "Go get those shoes you wanted. I'll wait for you out here."

"Fine," he huffed, walking into the store. 

That's becoming his new favorite word...

"He is one good looking kid," Nick smirked, sitting next to me on the bench.

"Watch it," I chuckled. "Niall's mine."

"I'm going to record you one day," he said. "The way you look at him... it's like he's the most precious thing in the world."

I punched him, lightly, "Thanks again, Grimshaw. Niall's going to love this."

"No problem, mate," Nick ruffled my hair. "I'm gonna head home. I have a hot date tonight."

"Might it be someone by the name of Kendal?" I inquired.

He stood up and shrugged, "Maybe..."

"Hi," Niall chirped, taking a hold of my hand.

"Later, Harry!" 

Nick then looked at Niall, "Make sure he behaves."

"Okay..." Niall laughed. "What was that about?"

"Nick's an old mate," I pulled him down onto my lap. "He enjoys embarrassing me."

Niall set the bag on the bench and wrapped both of his arms around my neck, "I love you."

"I love you, too, baby," I mumbled against his cheek.

"I'm going to my psychiatrist evaluation tomorrow morning..."

I hugged him closer to me, "That's fantastic!"

"I was hoping you could come with me?" he stared at me, a hopeful look on his face.

It kills me when I have to say no to Niall, especially when it's something he really wants. I can't let him know about the meeting I have with Detective Jacobs and my lawyer tomorrow; it'll further increase his anxiety. If Niall finds out about the plea-bargain, I'm beyond screwed. I have to tell him eventually, though. Now's just not a good time.

"I promised Liam that I'd help him study for our upcoming Physics test," I frowned. "But, I'll go to your next appointment for sure."

"Oh," Niall chewed on the inside of his cheek. "Isn't it a bit too much for you to tutor someone when you still have tests to make up?"

"I can handle it," I insisted. "It's only a one time deal."

"Faggots," someone muttered, passing by. 

Niall tensed and let his arms drop, getting off of my lap, "If you want to stay longer, I'll just catch a ride home with Liam."

"I'm good to go," I got up, making sure I didn't leave the small bag, and followed Niall out of the mall. 

I tried to reach for his hand, but he kept inching away from me. 

Is he upset because I'm not going to his appointment, or because of the guy's comment?

Niall turned his head away, sniffling and walking faster. 

I sighed and forced him to look at me, "Why are you crying?"

"I don't know," he choked, leaning into me. 

"Remember the day we went to the park? The day you told me you loved me?" 

Niall propped himself up on his elbows, "For the first time in a while, yeah, I'm truly happy."


I whipped m head in the direction of the people passing by us, pushing myself up, "What did you say?"

"Harry," Niall muttered.

"You're both disgusting," a lad spat.

"Fuck you," I swung my fist at him, but Niall grabbed my elbow.

"Hurting them isn't going to solve anything! Just let them be," he pleaded.

"I ignore those kinds of people now," I said. "You should, too. What they have to say doesn't change the way we feel for each other, right? Yeah, it sucks that the world is judgemental, but you can't let it take a toll on your life."

"I'm so weak," Niall whispered and wiped the tears off of his cheeks.

"Love," I cupped his face. "You're stronger than you think."

"How?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"The things you've been through still haunt you, but you're standing right here, in front of me; they haven't consumed you, and they never will. All because of your strength."

Niall buried his face in my shirt, breathing in, deeply, "You promised you'd never leave me."

"And I haven't," I rubbed his back in the way that soothed him. "Even if we weren't together, I'd still be here for you."

"I want to get better," he told me.

"I know. You will."

Gave me strength when I had none at all

Gave me hope when I was running low

Showed me how to make it through

And for everything you know I thank you...


I really dislike this chapter... but at least Narry is back! A big thank you to those of you who are still reading. :)

Karina x

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