Supernatural Imagines

By KaylaBignall

8.3K 166 93

Random imagines and the occasional preference. They will include Dean, Sam, Castiel, and other characters pos... More

Dean x Reader- How You Met
Sam x Reader - How You Met
Castiel x Reader - How You Met
Winchester Brothers X Sister!Reader - Branching Out (Part One)
Dean X Reader - Camera Shy
Castiel X Reader - Midnight Wings
Preference - Nicknames
Sam X Reader - Kill for You
Brother!DeanxReader - Always Here
Brother!Cas x Reader- Welcome to Humanity
Brother!Sam x Reader-Ink'd
Sam Winchester Special Birthday Update!! ❤️
Bleeding Out - Brother Preference
Jensen x Reader - Starstruck
Misha x Reader - Dream Come True
Dark On Me - Sam x Reader

Winchester Brothers X Sister!Reader - Branching Out (Part Two)

930 15 15
By KaylaBignall

Dean POV

"I'm your sister." The distinctly female voice echoed through my head and I slammed my phone shut. Whoever had called probably thought this was some sick joke. I leaned up against the Impala's roof, groaning as I rested my arms on her, tucking my head down. Sam turned and asked with concern, "What is it Dean?" I held up my phone, not bothering to explain.

"A job? What?" I turned and let out a bitter laugh before explaining, "Some girl, (y/n), just called, saying she was our sister, probably thought it would be funny." Sam shrugged, "Or she was telling the truth. Dad traveled a lot, you never know." I gave Sam a look of disbelief and shook my head, about to lay into him, but my phone rang, cutting me off. I flipped it open and answered gruffly, "Hello?" I waited for a moment and then I heard the same voice as before, a girl, but this time she sounded more afraid than excited, as she had. "I have proof, please."

Your POV

The phone emitted a dial tone and you frowned, holding it out. Dean had hung up, probably didn't believe you. You stood up, holding the file in one hand and your phone in the other. You looked at Doctor Conawhay, "Can I keep this, the file?" He nodded, and gestured towards the door. You smiled and thanked him, then ran out to Sweetie, and slid in. You opened your phone and dialed Dean's number again, starting up your car. It was answered almost immediately, but Dean only gruffly said, "Hello?" You waited a moment, thinking about if he and Sam would be pleased to meet you. Then, voice slightly shaking, said, "I have proof, please." Dean huffed and you heard another man's voice in the background. Dean said something back, but it was muffled. After a moment, he spoke into the phone again.

"Fine we can meet. Where are you?" You sighed in relief and, with a grin spreading across your face, replied, "I live in Illinois, Rockford Illinois. When do you think you will get here?" Dean's voice was replaced with a different voice, still a man's, but slightly higher and gentler. "Hi, (y/n), I'm Sam, and we are in Ohio right now. We will probably get to Rockford by tomorrow night, so do you want to meet on Wednesday?" You smiled, feeling some sort of spark inside when you heard Sam's voice, there was no doubt that he was your twin.

"Yeah, there is this little diner on 15th, it's called 15th and Chris, you can't miss it. I'll be in the back booth with a strawberry shake." Sam laughed and you heard the sound of a trunk slamming and Dean's voice yelling, "C'mon, Sammy, write down the place and let's go." Sam quickly said good-bye and hung up. You shut your phone, a happy yet nervous smile on your face. You pulled into your driveway and parked Sweetie in the garage. You turned her off, but sat there for a moment, letting the day's events sink in. You had gained parents, lost them, and found out you had an older brother and twin brother, and it was only ten in the morning. You knew that Wednesday would take forever to get here.



You woke up early Wednesday, excited to meet Sam and Dean. Sam had called late the night before and you had agreed to meet at around twelve at 15th, so you had the entire morning to freak out. You didn't have to work, you had taken the week off, just in case. You decided to actually make breakfast, for a change. You slipped a comfy black hoodie over your tank top and changed into some sweat pants before making your way down to the kitchen. Once you reached the kitchen, you debated between pancakes and bacon or waffles and sausage. You finally decided to make chocolate chip pancakes with both sausage and bacon. You knew the receptive by heart, it was your all time favorite breakfast, and you began to mix the pancake batter.

Soon the kitchen was filled with the smells of chocolate and sausage and the sound of sizzling bacon. You were flipping the pancakes and monitoring the sizzling meats, humming along to The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy on your iPod, when your cell phone rang. You paused your music and flipped your phone open, nestling it between your ear and shoulder.

"Hellooo?" You flipped a pancake and smiled when your best friend, (y/b/f/f), responded with an equally enthusiastic "Hellooo," and you both started laughing. (Y/b/f/f) lived down the street from you and you often hung out for hours, sometimes days, on end. You flipped another pancake, transferring one to a plate already piled high. After your giggles died down, your friend inquired, "What's got you in such a good mood?" You smiled, leaned over to turn off the stove burners, and replied, "I'm meeting with my biological brothers today, at noon." (Y/b/f/f) gasped then shouted, "I'm coming over, see you in a mo!" You laughed then hung up the phone. You slid it back into your pocket, and placed your large breakfast on the table. You grabbed two plates and sets of silverware from your cupboards and set them out. You were just about to get drinks when (y/b/f/f) walked in. You both had keys to each other's houses, so walking in was normal. She giggled excitedly and sat down, helping herself to breakfast. You handed her a glass of orange juice and sat across from her.

You had just put a large bite of pancake in your mouth when she looked up and said, "So, what were you gonna do for later? Because you can't just wear a t-shirt, not meeting your family." You rolled your eyes, (y/b/f/f) was a bit of a stylist, she loved helping you get outfits and such ready for important events. You swallowed and replied, "Why not? It's just lunch." Your friend shook her head and instructed, "Finish eating, then I will help you get ready." You choked slightly and stuttered, "W-we have three hours! It's only nine, I'm not meeting them till twelve!" (Y/b/f/f) shrugged and said around her glass, "Gives me enough time to try a few things."


"Wow, I look amazing!" You ran a hand through your gently curled hair and admired your beautiful yet subtle makeup. It had taken two and a half hours and six outfits, but (y/b/f/f) had finally deemed you ready. Your grey skinny jeans perfectly showed off  your long legs and a loose but form fitting sky blue silky tank-top with a brown bow accentuated all your curves. (Y/b/f/f) smiled and held up the last few accessories; a long silver necklace with a multitude of gems on the end, a sparkly bracelet, some diamond stud earrings, and a pair of high heeled black boots. You put them on and hugged your friend. You reached for your Loki messenger bag but your friend muttered a "No way." You turned and she handed you a black purse. You slipped your leather jacket on and transferred your phone, keys, and the file from Monday from your bag to the purse. You both walked out the front door and (y/b/f/f) shoved you and said, "Get going, I'll lock up after I clean up your room. Good luck." You ran to Sweetie and climbed in, starting her up. You backed her down the drive, waved to (y/b/f/f), and drove off.

You put Sweetie in park, turned her off, and walked into the diner. You walked back to your regular booth, and slid in facing the door. Linda, the head waitress, brought you a strawberry milkshake and you thanked her. She smiled and remarked, "You look nice (y/n), waiting for a boy?" You laughed and responded, "Two actually, my biological brothers. We've never met." Linda nodded and gave some advice, "That's nice, but just remember that not everyone is as caring as you. They might not be ready to expand their family." Your face fell,  you hadn't thought about that. In fact, you had been so focused on how excited you were,  you had forgotten the initial reaction you had gotten. Dean had hung up the phone, not even waiting to listen. You started to worry, everything that could go wrong running marathons in your mind.

What if they don't like me? What if they're jerks? What if they refuse to believe me? What if- your train of thought was interrupted by a man clearing his throat and sitting in front of you. You looked up and saw two men, both good looking, sitting across the table from you. You recognized them from their pictures immediately, Sam sat on the inside and Dean sat on the edge, like he was looking for any excuse to bolt out of the diner. Standing to the side was a man in a tan trench coat, a nice shirt with a tie, and dress pants, with bright blue eyes and black hair. He nodded at you and you turned back to the Winchester brothers. Sam was leaning forward, resting his arms on the table and he said, "You told Dean that you have proof saying you're our sister." You smiled, looking at Sam was sort of like looking in a mirror. You had the same face shape, and the same features. You wondered if he noticed too, and then Dean cleared his throat and gruffly asked, "Hey, proof?" You snapped out of it and grabbed the file from your purse, sliding it across the table to them.

"It's the results of my DNA test. I was adopted, and I always wondered who my family was." Dean flipped the folder open and his eyes seemed to become overwhelmed with sorrow, seeing the pictures of John and Mary. He cleared his throat and flipped the pages, looking at the information on him and Sam, then the DNA match sheet. When he reached the page about you, he showed it to Sam, pointing to something. Sam looked up at you and whispered, "We're twins." You nodded, "Yep, you're twenty minutes older."  Dean turned to the man in the trench coat and asked, "Cas, is she telling the truth?" Cas nodded and said, with an extremely deep voice, "Yes, Mary gave her up for adoption to protect her. But she is your younger, and twin, Sam, sister." You stood, sliding out of the booth, and said, "So, where do we go from here?"


*One year later*

You swung your machete, decapitating the vamp about to strike your twin. Sam turned, and laughed when he saw you holding up your bloody long (h/c) hair in disgust. Dean ran in from the other room and said, "Hey, Sammy, kiddo, let's get a move on!" You ran your hand along your machete, cleaning off the blood, before sliding it into its sheath. Sam slung his arm over your shoulders and the two of you followed Dean out to your cars. Sam squeezed your shoulders and said, "Hey, thanks for the help kiddo," before walking over to the Impala. You made your way over to Sweetie and popped the trunk, then opened the false bottom that your brothers had installed a year ago, when you had left your old life, old friends, and old job to take part in the family business. You smiled as you unhooked your machete belt and threw it in the trunk. You heard the flap of wings and a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your waist from behind. You dropped the weapon cache's cover and leaned back into Castiel. He dropped his head a bit and kissed you on the cheek. You giggled as your boyfriend made a 'bleck' sound at the blood on your face. You and Cas had started dating about six months ago, and Samsquatch and Deaney had teased you incessantly.

"Hey, Cas, hands off my little sister!" Dean's voice carried across the field and you and Castiel both giggled. You turned, slamming Sweetie's trunk shut and kissed Cas full on the lips while waving at your brothers. You heard them laughing as you broke away and smiled. You were so glad that you had chosen this life, this family. And you were happy you had chosen this job. Saving people, hunting things, The Winchester Family Business...

A/N hey, if you want to see, this is the link to the outfit you wore to meet Sam and Dean:

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