The Lost Heroine (Heroes of O...

By amanda_denney_writes

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Annabeth Chase wakes up in an unfamiliar house, surrounded by people in white bathrobes and weird necklaces... More

Chapter 2: Sadie
Chapter 3: Annabeth
Chapter 4: Sadie
Chapter 5: Annabeth
Chapter 6: Sadie
Chapter 7: Annabeth
Chapter 8: Sadie
Chapter 9: Annabeth
Chapter 10: Sadie
Chapter 11: Annabeth
Chapter 12: Sadie
Chapter 13: Percy
Chapter 14: Leo
Chapter 15: Piper
Chapter 16: Jason
Chapter 17: Zia
Chapter 18: Hazel
Chapter 19: Frank
Chapter 20: Leo
Chapter 21: Calypso
Chapter 22: Sadie
Chapter 23: Annabeth
Chapter 24: Piper
Chapter 25: Carter

Chapter 1: Annabeth

3.4K 69 55
By amanda_denney_writes

Hello, fellow demigods! This is my first fanfiction, so I hope you enjoy it. It takes place in the early summer, a year after Blood of Olympus, and about eight months after Serpent's Shadow. Leo has returned with Calypso. As expected, there will be Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, and Kane Chronicles spoilers. 

This also includes the events of Son of Sobek and Staff of Serapis, but NOT Crown of Ptolemy. Carter and Annabeth have not met, Percy and Sadie have not met, etc. Please feel free to point out typos or mistakes in events/character descriptions, since it's been a while since I read the books. Enjoy!



I found myself in a strange room. I was lying in a bed with an uncomfortable headrest for a pillow, in a room scattered with clothes and other belongings, as if someone had recently lived there. I felt like I should know where I came from, who my parents were, what my last name was... but the information simply wasn't there. I had no idea who I was.

I tried to concentrate. My name was Annabeth. I was from... Where was I from? How did I get here? I fingered a necklace around my neck. It was a strip of brown leather with ten beads of different colors on it. I wondered where it came from, and what the beads meant. Based on the pictures on each bead, I guessed they symbolized something, but I didn't know what. I tried to think about my past. I lived with... my parents? That wasn't right. Did I run away? Maybe. Where did I go? A safe place, I decided. A school? No, more like... a camp.

I remembered a weird dream I'd had earlier. It was strange-- my body looked like some sort of bird. I could see stuff from above. There were these kids in white clothes, with long staffs and things that looked like boomerangs. There were two boys with dark hair and skin. There was also a girl with blonde hair and a girl with black hair. The staffs must have been magic, because they could shoot stuff like fire out of them. The details were fuzzy, but I remembered them fighting demons and giant snakes. Also a vulture. I didn't know what that was about. I also saw a baboon wearing a basketball jersey. What the Hades? Wait, who was Hades? I was used to saying that. I had no idea what it meant. I was completely bewildered.

I threw the sheets off myself and stood up. I was wearing a gray T-shirt with an owl on it, and blue jeans. I was also wearing sneakers. I glanced around the room. The floor was littered with books, candy wrappers, papers, and random items. On the right side of the room was a glass sliding door that led to a balcony overlooking a busy street and past that, a river. Across the river was a skyline I was sure I should have recognized. I noticed an especially tall building, silver with a tall needle at the top, and it clicked in my mind what city it was. Manhattan. That sounded really familiar. I felt like Manhattan was near home.

I was still unsure of what I was doing here, but I thought I should exit the room. I turned around just as there was a knock on the room door.

"Sadie, are you in there?" a boy's voice asked. "It's me, Walt."

"Um, come in," I replied, even though I was sure my name wasn't Sadie and I had no idea who Walt was.

A boy who looked about fourteen, with dark skin, black hair and a huge collection of colorful necklaces entered the room. He was wearing what looked like linen pajamas. I didn't recognize him, but what else was new? He sort of looked familiar for some reason. He stared at me accusingly. "Who are you? And where's Sadie?"

"Who's Sadie?" I asked.

"My girlfriend," he answered immediately. "Answer me! Who are you?"

"My name's Annabeth," I replied. "I don't know how I got here, and I don't know who Sadie is."

Walt gaped at me. "Sadie's missing," he said after a while. "Do you remember anything? What's your last name?"

"I... don't know," I replied.

"Where were you born? Who are your friends? What are your parents' names? Do you know anything?"

"It's like my memory was wiped," I said, frowning. "I should remember everything, but I don't. What is this place?"

"Brooklyn House, a training center for Egyptian magicians."

"Excuse me?" I asked. Then it clicked. I recognized him from my dream.

"Follow me."

"Where?" I asked as I followed him down a hallway. He knocked on a door urgently and responded, "We're going to see Sadie's brother, Carter."

I didn't know who that was, either. A boy opened the door. He looked about the same age as Walt. He had curly dark hair and dark skin, and he wore white pajamas and a necklace with an eye on it. He was another kid from my dream. "Hey, Walt. Where's Sadie?"

"Um... she's kind of missing," Walt admitted. He was a lot taller than the other boy, Carter, but it was obvious that Carter was the leader.

"What do you mean, missing?" Carter demanded. Then he noticed me for the first time. "Who's this?"

"I'm Annabeth," I said, because that was the only thing I knew. "I just woke up in the room over there--"

"Sadie's room," Walt explained.

"--and Walt came in and asked where Sadie was and I don't know who Sadie is. I don't know anything else, either. My last name, where I came from, my family... I don't know."

Carter scowled. "How can we possibly know where Sadie's gone, then? If we don't know where you came from, where can Sadie be?"

This girl, Sadie, must be important around here. Of course, Carter cared because she was his sister, and she was Walt's boyfriend. It made sense that they would be worried.

"Ask Zia," Walt advised. "I'll go tell Amos." I wondered who Zia and Amos were.

"Good idea." Carter stomped down the hallway with me in tow, toward another door at the end of the hall. "Come on, Annabeth," he said, laying the emphasis on my name. "We're going to meet my girlfriend, the sun god."


Like it so far? Comment if you like it or find any mistakes. Yours in demigodishness and all that,


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