Who dares disturb Magnus Bane...

By barely_adulting

1M 31.1K 21K

Maaaalec babes!! I ship it hard so I decided to write a story about it. More

Im taking down this story.
Mister Cat Eyes
Do you have a belly button?
How may I grovel at the feet of your superior race?
Will you go out with me?
I have a date with Mister Blue Eyes
The Date (Part 1)
The Date (Part 2)
The Aftermath
1 years later
Mario Cart
I love you Alexander
I think its going to rain
Youre dating a warlock?!
Happy Birthday Magnus
Snow day
Mister Cat Eyes
Welcome Back
Authors note
What next?
Wine and babies
A Day with Magnus
The End

Take me back

31.3K 1.2K 499
By barely_adulting

Hey guys so like... I think this is honestly my new favorite chapter so tell me what you think. WE REACHED 1K VEIWS SO YAAAAY!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉!! Anyways so lately I've been having some super super hard family crap so if my chapters become a little late or not edited amazingly that's why. I'm just trying to get these chapters out so they might be slight forced. Anyways love y'all!


Magnus's POV

My house is a mess. My phone is blowing up. My room is a mess. My life is a mess.

I'm broken.

My heart is broken at least. Physically I'm not broken, though I think I'm losing weight. Which is weird, I've been stuffing my face with take out and feel good food. For heavens sake I'm Magnus Bane and my figure is at sakes.

Who am I kidding. I'm so hurt. I want Alec back this isn't about my stupid figure. I physically can't care about that. All of my emotions are devoted to him.


I want him.

I need him.

I'm going to fix this. I just don't really know how.

Maybe I can just show up and profess my undying love to him in front of the entire world. Maybe I can just jump off a cliff and save them the trouble of execute. I don't know. I don't know.

But I have to try.

Alec's POV

I threw myself into my work. I want to forget him and being attacked by ten foot demons helps. Strangely.

I push myself to the breaking point then farther. I think Jace knows something is up. He bursts into my room in the middle of the night begging me to eat because it makes him hungry. I look the same. I act the same. I don't feel the same.

I feel empty. Like I'm missing a huge part of me, like it was ripped out of me. I want to go and beg for him to take me back maybe even force him to take me back. But not yet.

For now I'll just almost get myself killed.

I'm never going to hear the end of this if Jace finds me but I don't care. I just need to run I need to hunt.

So now I'm on my back with black slim dripping on either side of my face. The roar leave my ears ringing and my head throbbing. I can't hear. I can't see. Suddenly I'm spinning and the world is so very light. It's a beautiful blue. I think I'm dead.

There's muffled yelling and my shoulders have new pressure on them. I guess I'm not dead.

"ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD!!" The world snaps into sharp focus so roughly I nearly scream. I snap my eyes open and I can't breathe again.

It's Magnus.

"You are such an idiot!! What were you thinking you stupid stupid stupid!!" He curses me to hell and back. I'm only staring.

"Magnus..." It's the only word I can manage to squeak out of my scratchy throat. Am I crying? Who care Magnus is here.

"What were you thinking Alec you could have been killed taking on a demon that big!" He's crying too.

I shove up on my elbow and slam our lips together. Everything hurts and my head is swirling but as soon as our lips touch everything seems less important. I only feel him.


I want him.

I need him.

"Alexander you stupid shadowhunter" he sobs when we pull away. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me up into his chest. He holds me while we both shake with fear and relief. I realize how weird we look, clutching each other for dear life in a dark empty park. The moon his high in the sky.

"I'm sorry..." he breaths in my ear making me shiver. I turn to him and gently touch his cheek.

"I am too Magnus... Though I guess you already know that... What are you doing here?"

"I came for you Alec I needed... I regret every word. As soon as you left-"

"You lost weight" I remark not listening to anything he's saying. I want him to shut up.

"Alec that's not the point! Alec..."

"Magnus look I'm tired please... Look can we just kiss and make up for now and talk later? Please?"

He nodded a little bit looking hurt. I never want to see that hurt on his face. Ever again. I want him to smile. I want him to laugh.

I kiss him. He kisses me. There were blue sparks around us and I'm home. Not the institute but I'm actually home, with Magnus and Chairmen and our huge black silk bed. That's were I'm laying.

Magnus has properly invaded all of my thoughts and feelings. I'm so glad he has I was going through withdrawals. His tongue and teeth clash with mine, his hand wander my bare chest. I guess my shirt is gone too. Perks of a warlock boyfriend I guess. I finally feel less empty like the cavity is being rapidly filled till it seems to spill over. I try to express this but it just come out as a groan of pleasure. He takes this as encouragement and begins to move down his neck. Then I'm lost in our world yet again.

Magnus's POV

I'm holding him again. This is where I like him, where I need him. In my arms where he can't hurt himself, under my finger, under my watch. His breathing is peacefully, he doesn't seem to be hurt. It's as if nothing happened.

Yet there's a dull throb I'm my heart. The words he said out his window. The words I said back when he was on my doorstep, his heart in his hands, I basically slapped him.

This makes me sit up away from him and rub my face angrily. I want to talk. I need to tell him how sorry I am. I get up pull on some boxers and pad out to the kitchen. Chairman jumped up on his perch by the stove. He likes to watch me cook sometimes and I need to make enough food to feed Africa. We are talking all day if we have to but I want us to be... Us again.

"Magnus?" came of soft sigh from the door way. "What are you... Come back to bed"

"No" I say a little too quickly. I feel the air tense. "No we need to talk. I let it slid last night but..."

"Magnus..." His footsteps meet me and he wraps around me from behind. "Ok. Talk. What's bothering you?"

"... Well for starters you literally said you were ashamed of being with me so there's that" I said turning off the stove and leaning against the counter. "And then I-I said those things-"

He pushed me away a little and wrapped around my chest this time.

"I know Magnus... I'm sorry... Magnus I'm so sorry I could never be ashamed of my warlock. I was so out of line Magnus I didn't mean any of it I was... Scared..." He pulled away and starts walking to our room.

"Alec? Where are you-"

"Get dressed we're going out."

"Where?" I say walking towards him.

He stops and stares at me. It's silent for minutes then he nods defiantly like he's made up his mind about something. "Magnus Bane?" he says going over and taking my hands.

"Magnus Bane would you like to meet my parents?"

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