Blood Moon Falls

By jazmineflower0

102K 2.6K 395


Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22
Untitled Part 24
Untitled Part 25
Untitled Part 26
Untitled Part 27
Untitled Part 28
Untitled Part 29
Untitled Part 30
Untitled Part 31

Untitled Part 23

2.6K 75 15
By jazmineflower0

After 'Kaneko's Threat', the brothers had started to show a slight fear of Kaneko. Subaru and Shu hadn't been there when she threatened them, so they didn't care about her. To them, the Samukis were an annoyance to them. As long as they were around they couldn't take take a bite of Yui.

"Hey Bitch-Chan," Laito asked the next day at breakfast. He,Ayato, and Kanato weren't allowed to sit near Yui, so they had to sit across from her. "How come we can't suck your blood?"

"Yeah!" Ayato said. "Yours Truly is starving!" Kanato nodded.

"Teddy wants some of your blood, too." Yui shrunk back in her seat under the triplets harsh gazes.


"She has no reason to give you her blood." Reina cut in. "We have not had her blood, nor do we need it."

"Hah!?" Ayato stood up. "You haven't had her blood yet?" Reina shook her head, while taking a sip of her drink. "How is that possible? Aren't you starving?"

"We only drink blood if it is absolutely necessary." Reina replied. "Unlike you, who wastes their time killing their visitors. We actually have lives." Ayano and Lyra smirked at their red faced counterparts.

"Anyway," Laito turned back to look at Yui. "Bitch-Chan can we have some blood?" Before Yui could answer, there was the sound of a chair scooting back. Everyone looked to see Lyra walking over to Laito. Wordlessly, she took his hat and jammed it on his face so hard he fell out of his chair.

"What was that for!" Subaru glared at the female. Lyra simply turned and walked back to her seat, ignoring the struggling male on the floor.

Ayano snickered when she saw Shu and Reiji pale seeing their brother like that. "Did you not think we wouldn't protect Yui?"

"Yours Truly-" Ayato was cut off when Ayano shoved some toast in his mouth.

"I'm pretty sure you butt is tired of all the shit coming out of your mouth." Ayato glared at her and spit the toast out.

"Says you!" He retorted. Kaneko looked at him and opened her mouth. The Sakamakis, except for Shu and Subaru who looked around in confusion, all ducked under the table.

"Kanato, can you please pass the sugar?" She asked the violet haired male who peeked out from under the table.


"I asked if you could pass the sugar." Kaneko repeated calmly. "I can't scream this early in the morning."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Kanato handed the sugar to Kaneko. She put ten scoops of sugar in her hot chocolate and took a sip. She quietly tightened her grip on her bear, which Kanato noticed.

"Your bear looks weird. Right Teddy?" Kaneko's face turned dark.


"It's two different colors." Kanato gestured to the two halves of the bear. "It looks weird."

"So does yours." Kaneko retorted. "It looks like something a five year old would carry." Kanato glared.

"But mine can walk around."

"So can mine." Kaneko put her bear on the table. "And Kuna can talk,too. She's also good for self-defense." Kanato stared as Kaneko removed the red,dagger like eye from her bear and pointed it at him. "Now I have a dagger." Then she threw it. It missed Kanato's head by a few centimeters and imbedded itself in the wall behind him.

"I think that's it for breakfast." Reina stood up. "Yui, please get ready for school." Reiji gaped.

"Good grief woman!" He exclaimed. "Did you forget all the rules at our house?" He noticed Reina looking at him. He pushed his glasses up. "Well we are guests, so it doesn't matter,here. But, please get ready."

After getting ready and having a few arguments, Yui, the Samukis, and the Sakamakis excluding Reiji and Reina, got in the limo to go to school. Reina had to work an early shift, and Reiji was going to talk to his father.

"Please don't cause any ruckus." The two had said before leaving. Yui mentally sighed.

That will be hard.

"Hey breastless!" Ayato's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Come over here!"

Yui was held down by Ayano,Kaneko,and Lyra. "She's staying over here." Ayano and Ayato got into a staring contest.

Subaru and Suzuka sighed. "This is going to be a long ride." Suzuka muttered. Subaru nodded before catching himself and stopping. Suzuka didn't notice. Instead, she watched the argument between Ayano and Ayato.

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