Close As Strangers

By abigail_grayson

52K 2K 758

B O O K T W O (CAN NOT BE READ AS A STAND ALONE! You must read the first book for this one to make sense.)... More

Close As Lovers
Author's Note
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1.6K 61 22
By abigail_grayson

Now Playing... Kissing A Fool 

When faced with a hormonal boy who can handle an unsettling amount of girls, what does one do?

I could assure you that sleep was most definitely not an option.

I pounded the pillow into my face in hopes to dim the sounds coming from the room beside me, but alas, not even my pillow could drown out the things that would probably give me nightmares for the next week.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I grabbed my laptop and headphones. If I couldn't sleep in peace, I could at least watch Riverdale and enjoy the ultimate ship, Bughead, instead of allowing Wes to torment me in a rather... pitiful way.

I had been so into the show that I hadn't heard the voices yelling on the other side of my wall until a loud bang sounded from outside my room, followed by an ear-piercing scream. Ripping my headphones out of my ears, I ran out of my room, a gasp escaping my lips as I took in the sight in front of me.

"What in the actual hell, Wes!?" I screamed, and he cringed, looking away from me.

Nova was slouched against the wall, blood pouring profusely from her arm, and the vase that once sat on the table was shattered. As I crouched down in front of her and grabbed her arm, I could see a chunk of glass penetrating her skin, and when I looked at her face, tears stained her cheek as little sobs escaped her mouth. I carried her to the bathroom and sat her on the counter, cleaning her arm. Once I wiped away the blood, I slowly began to pull the glass out of her arm, and she screamed, more sobs spilling from her mouth.

"I know, sweetheart. I'm sorry." I caressed her skin gently as my other hand worked on the glass. She leaned her head against my shoulder as she cried, and tears pricked my own eyes. "I'm going to fix it."

After I finally removed the glass, I wrapped Nova in a warm hug. She cried harder, and I caressed her hair, pulling her tightly against me. Once she calmed down, She leaned up, wiping her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Molly."

I caressed her cheek. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Nova. Did Wes do this to you?"

She nodded, her eyes flickering to the ground, and I sighed as I helped her off the counter. As we were walking to her room, Wes pushed away from the wall he was leaning against, his eyes filled with worry as he stepped in front of us.

"Nova..." He muttered, kneeling down to her height, and she looked away from him, moving around both of us to go into her room. As she closed the door, Wes looked at the ground, standing straight again.

"Wes, are you coming back yet?" A girl appeared in the doorway of his room, only wearing a bra and shorts as she obnoxiously chomped a piece of gum, and I glared, dragging her out of his room.

"Get out of my house. Now." I growled, and she bitterly laughed, shoving my hands off of her.

"Wow, you really weren't kidding." She looked at Wes before smirking as she shoved me. "She really is a killjoy."

Anger boiled in my veins as I lunged at her, but I didn't quite reach her, because Wes grabbed me, pulling me against him and away from her. I thrashed in his arms, glaring at the girl. "Get the hell out of my house before I knock you out!"

"Easy there, killer." Wes hissed in my ear as he turned me away from her. I scratched his arms, but he remained unfazed as he faced the girl. "Leave, Talia. I'll call you later."

The girl rolled her eyes before she grabbed her shirt and stormed out of the house, slamming the front door. I continued to thrash in Wes' arms until he finally sat me down. "How dare you! Just because you're mad that I stopped your hookup doesn't mean you can control who I make leave my house!"

"You should be thanking me for protecting you once again." He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh, please, you could do way better."

He smirked. "You should know. You've always been the sloppy seconds."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that," I hissed, glaring at him. "And address the real issue, which is how badly you hurt Nova. She's your baby sister, Wes. How could you do that?"

"It's not like I wanted to."

"Then why did you?"

He sighed, leaning against the wall. "She walked into my room while I was with Talia because she wanted my iPod. I was in the middle of... something, so I took her to the door and threw her out."

The way he was so nonchalant about what he had done was enough to make me slap his face. As his head swung to the side, his jaw ticked before he glared at me, and if looks could kill, I would've been six feet under.

"It doesn't matter what she wanted, you shouldn't have touched her!" I growled, shoving his chest. "She's just a kid, Wes. Not some toy you can throw around! I bet you don't even feel sorry!"

He towered over me, his hot breath fanning against my face, and the anger lying in his eyes sent a chill down my spine. The Wes that was standing in front of me wasn't the Wes I recognized, and he definitely wasn't one I wanted to know.

"Yes, Molly. I feel bad about it. You don't think I felt anything after I saw her condition when you brought her back out here?" He growled back, his hands clenched into fists.

"If we're being honest, no, I don't." I stepped closer, our bodies nearly touching. "You were too occupied with someone who shouldn't even been here."

"Your jealousy is uncanny."

"Yeah? Well so is your new personality that nobody wants here."

His eyes grew cold, and he shoved me away. "Why can't you leave me alone? All you've ever done is cause problems in my life,"

"Oh, sure." I bitterly laughed. "I'm the one who has always been a burden in your life. Excuse me for forgetting."

For a second, I swore he was going to walk away, but then, something flickered in his eyes, and I swore he was going to hit me as he moved closer.

Well, until his lips met mine.

At that moment, I almost let myself get taken under, I almost gave in, but then I realized his true motives, and I couldn't let him win again. I couldn't let him prove his point like he had for the past six years.

With all the strength I had, I shoved him away, glaring. "Stop. Don't try to make me vulnerable."

His eyes closed as he looked away from me. "When will you realize, Molly?"

"Realize what? That you're not the same person I left at the airport? Because I've known that since you--"

"When will you realize that all we're doing is wasting each other's time?"

Silence stretched throughout the room, and all I could do was stare at him, as if he was nothing but a fragment of my memory. How, after all that time, could he slip out of my grasp like sand? Why hadn't I been enough to fight for?

As these thoughts flooded my mind, I slowly nodded, even though my mind and heart was begging me to fight. I couldn't bring myself to fight for our lost cause.

"Fine." I mumbled, my voice barely audible as I turned away. "If that's how you feel, then you got your wish."

And then I walked away from the boy I could no longer recognize.


"Surely it can't be that bad, Molls." Lana plopped down on the couch, propping her feet up on the coffee table as she prepared our weekly Saturday binge. Every weekend, she would come over, and we would watch another episode of the show we were watching, and that week, it just so happened to be Teen Wolf.

I sighed, sitting beside her. "You have no idea. Every time we're in the same room, it's like I'm entering Satan's lair. Not to mention, the awkwardness between us is unfathomable. You'll see."

"Okay, whatever you say." She raised an eyebrow. "But if you two start making out or going at it, I am out."

We both laughed, and I shook my head. "Trust me, you don't have to worry about that."

As the show started, Lana complained about what had happened in the episode before, and I listened, smiling as she kept ranting. Ever since Nikki had passed away, I felt alone-- aside from the time when Wes was actually in my life-- until Lana popped into my life, and it was as if Nikki had never left. Of course, nobody could ever replace Nikki, but I was convinced she had sent Lana to me.

I whistled. "Jackson Whittemore is one fine guy."

"Definitely." Lana nodded in agreement. "But don't you think he kind of resembles Wes?"

I busted out laughing, nearly crying, and once I calmed down, I wiped my eyes and she rolled hers. "Definitely not. Jackson is way hotter."

As the show continued, Lana and I gave little comments here and there about the episode, until Wes walked downstairs and sat in the chair beside my end of the couch. As a commercial appeared on TV, the temperature in the room seemed to drop as silence settled.

Wes stared at me, and wasn't allowing myself to look at him, so I focused on the yogurt cup in my hand as if it was the most interesting thing I had ever encountered in my life.

"Wow," Lana faked a cough. " You can literally feel the awkward."

No kidding. 

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