Older Brothers

By candycat27

387K 8K 1.7K

Drama. Drama. Drama. That pretty much describes my life. I mean when your living with your 7 older brothers... More

Older Brothers
★house tour part one: bedrooms★
house tour part 2: rest of house
Yo im aliveee


11.7K 287 44
By candycat27

A/N unedited:)

*lilys point of view*

I wake up with my head on something hard, and someone running their fingers through my hair.

I tilt my head up and stare at Emmett.

"Morning sweets," he says. "Have a good sleep?" I nod.

"Jason took Sam home earlier. Are you hungry babe?" He asks, getting up.
I nod but I'm not really hungry. My stomach hurts and my head hurts. I hold my arms out with a pout on my face.

He chuckles and picks me up, placing me on his hip. My arms lay loosely around his neck and my head rests on his shoulder.

He walks out the door and starts down the stairs.

He walks into the kitchen and tries to set me down on my chair, but I wasn't letting up. I whined and clung to him tighter.

"Baby you have to let go so I can set you down" he says softly.
I shake my head and place my head in the crook of his neck.

C'mon sweetheart. Please? I need to help Jason cook breakfast." He coaxes.

When I'm sick, I get clingy, if you can't tell.

"COLE!" Emmett yells. Soon Cole comes down the stairs.

"What" he says annoyed.

"Can you come hold her? I don't know what's wrong but she won't let me set her down." Cole sighs but nods and walks over.

As he tries to hand me over, I just hold on tighter.

"Baby, Coles going to hold you okay? Your okay." He coos.

My stomach and head are killing me. I start crying and hold my head.

"Baby what's wrong? Are you okay?" Emmett asks as he sits on the couch, me straddling his lap (not that way dirty people😂).

" m-my head a-and stomach h-hurt Emmy." I whimper.

"Oh babe, why didn't you just tell me. I would have gotten your medicine. Cole can you get her medicine please?" Cole nods and leaves.

He changes his position so hes laying on the couch while I'm laying on his chest.

I close my eyes and he runs his fingers through my hair, like earlier this morning.

"My poor sick little baby" he coos.

Cole soon comes back with my medicine and they rest of my brothers and cousins (except tabby cause she went to a friends house earlier) in tow.

Cole kneels down and holds the liquid to my lips.

I sit up and swallow the liquid.

I lay back down in my previous spot and close my eyes again. Everyone coos as I sniffle a little.

Emmett goes back to playing with my hair and all of my brothers and cousins kiss my head and leave.

I snuggle into Emmett and slowly drift to sleep.


When I wake up again, I look up to see Mason.

"Hey Hun. How're you feeling?" He asks.

"A little better I guess" I say rubbing the sleep from my eyes. he coos and kisses my forehead.

"Where's Emmett?" I ask still very tired.

"I'm not sure. Last time I checked, he was eating and then getting a shower." He says. "And just so you know,you can sleep through anything! We've been switching every hour to cuddle you and we've switched four times already!" He chuckles.

I cuddle back Into him and close my eyes.

"Aw my tired sick baby" he coos. Wow, brothers like cousins. Weirddd.
One hand starts playing with my hair and the other is lightly patting my lower back to sooth me to sleep.

Well it worked and once again, I slowly drift asleep.

A/N this is part one. Just so u know. I'm tired. Goodbye.

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