
By BriLambert24

42.3K 1.5K 123

Two complete strangers find themselves traveling the country together. One of them running away from their fa... More

Other Works
Rosie's diner
Twenty Questions
Not A Stranger
The License plate game
Treasure hunt
Secrets and Lies
Starting over
Bumping into People
On The Road "Again"
Dinner For Two
Moving Forward
Waking Up
Flying Riddles
Meeting The Family
New Home
Around The Town
First Day
Authors Note
New Chapter!?


2.1K 65 2
By BriLambert24

I leaned back against the car waiting, putting my phone in my back pocket I looked up as I heard the ringing of a bell. Jack came walking out with a smile on his face I smiled and pushed off of the car.

"Can we please go home now, I mean that is if your done flirting with the waitress."

"Oh shut up." He said as he opened the drivers side door getting into the small black Subaru, I sighed and pulled open the other door getting in next to him. He started the car and backed out of the parking lot I heard the song "like I'm going to lose you" by Megan Trainor come on so I reached over and turned it up. "Seriously?" Jack said looking over at me.

"Yeah, come on sing with me" I said as I started to sing to the chorus, a few seconds later Jack started to sing with me and I smiled looking over at him, as he was paying attention to the road ahead but then feeling my gaze he smiled and looked over at me. I didn't say anything as I just started laughing.

Everything seemed to slow down as the smile left my face, looking behind Jack I saw a truck coming right at us, as my eyes widened I yelled at Jack.

"Look out!" His smiled immediately disappeared turning to see the truck coming right at us he turned back to me and his hand shot out in front of me just as the truck hit the side of the car sending us to flip over and tumbling off of the side of the road. We flipped at least three times before we stopped hitting a tree, we were upside down as I looked around grabbing my head just as a sheering pain shot through my stomach. Looking around my vision was blurred seeing as there were tears in my eyes trying to escape they won in the end as I looked over at Jack to see him unconscious. I cried out in pain as I took my hand away from my head and brought it down on Jacks shoulder.

"Jack, Jack wake up!" I yelled just as I saw a figure leaning down to look inside the car but I didn't pay them any attention as I cried, trying to wake Jack up. I don't know how much time passed before the Ambulance got there all I know is that I got lifted out of the car and dragged away from Jack.

As I laid on the ground after begging the paramedics to let me be with Jack they caved. So now I was on the ground holding Jacks hand as they tried to revive him they were getting ready to pronounce him dead when I begged them to keep trying at least one more time but after another minute of not responding they packed up their bag. Even though I was in pain I scrambled up onto my feet balling my eyes out I started giving him cpr myself telling him that he needed to wake up. As I was in hysterics they tried pulling me off of him but before they could I slammed on his chest one last time.

The next thing I know is Jack sat up abruptly trying to breath the paramedics set me down and ran over to him making sure that he was okay as I sat there and cried out in relief. Jack looked over at me, I crawled over to him not caring how much it hurt to move as I collapsed into Jacks arms he wrapped them around me and was whispering to me that everything would be okay and that he wasn't going anywhere, I fell asleep in his arms his warm alive arms.


Gasping I sat up looking around me frantically, I was sitting in a pool of sweat as I shoved the covers off of me. "Jack" I said whispering. "Jack!" I said yelling it this time. That's when the door burst open and Tanner came running into the room over to me, then everything came rushing back to me, realizing that my brother was still dead my vision became blurred as Tanner wrapped me in his arms. I started crying without even realizing it, I could vaguely here Tanner as he was rubbing my back and whispering to me. I pulled back and looked into his face as he wiped the tears away.

"Bad dream?" He asked as I nodded my head looking down I closed my eyes, looking back up I said to him.

"It was the night Jack and I got into a car accident. We were on our way home from Rosie's when we got hit by a truck, he almost died that night but I saved him. I couldn't- wasn't going to let him go." I relaxed into his arms as he rubbed little circles into my back pulling back abruptly I asked him, "how long was I out?"

"A few hours, I was just heading back in here when I heard you scream."

"Where did you go anyway?"

"I went to check on Mrs. Bentley downstairs."

"Who?" I asked confused as my head started to hurt, I reached up and grabbed it, feeling light headed I pulled away from Tanner and laid back Turing on my side I curled up and hid my face from the light.

"Sarah, Sarah are you okay?" He asked as he got up and got on the ground in front of me.

"My head hurts and I don't feel so good." I said peeking out from underneath the covers.

"Alright I'll get you some aspirin and a bin just stay here don't move." He said as I heard him get up I heard the door close and footsteps retreating.

As I lay there waiting for him to get back my stomach started to hurt not feeling so well I shoved the covers off of me and ran to the bathroom. I threw up, as I sat back I heard the door open and close signaling that Tanner was back.

"Sarah?" When he said my name I sat back up leaning over the toilet as I threw up again. "Sarah!" The door flew open and Tanner came rushing over, as he got down on his knees he pulled my hair back, as my hands became free I grabbed the toilet as I continued to throw up. About five minutes later I sat back against the tub and tried to breath in and out evenly, just as my head started to pound Tanner handed me a glass of water and two pills. As I swallowed them and took a drink I leaned my head back on the tub and handed the glass back to him, I watched as he set it on the sink.

"Come on, you can't sleep here." He said as he bent down and picked me up, he took me out into the bedroom and laid me down on the bed bringing the covers up to cover me. He walked over and grabbed a chair swinging it around he set it down right next to the bed, I watched as he sat down and grabbed my hand.

"I'm not dying you don't have to act like I am." I said a small smile creeping onto my face.

"You hungry?"

"Not really." I said as my eyes started to droop.

"I think you should just try and get some sleep." He said leaning forward he kissed my forehead and pulled back so that I could see him.

"But I'm not tired..." I said as I fell into a black abyss.


I woke up to the sound of beeping looking up at the white ceiling I turned away from the bright lights, but when I turned I saw a heart monitor then I felt it the aches and pain I felt the tubes that were stuck in my arms and the wires all of them making noises I started to get a headache then I remembered all of it the truck, the car, Jack.

As soon as I remembered Jack I couldn't think about anything else. So not thinking that clearly I yanked all of the tubes and needles out of me and got up, limping over to the door I only had one thought in mind Jack I pulled the door open and stumbled out into a hallway I just realized that I was in a hospital I mean the monitor and needles should have warned me but I wasn't thinking.

I stumbled a little grabbing the wall in the process there was a railing on it so I grabbed it. "Jack" I said a little lightly, so I tried again "Jack!" This time I yelled it but I didn't get a response, so I tried again "Jack!" I saw a nurse peek around the corner. As soon as she saw me she set down her clip board and ran over to me.

"What are you doing out of bed? You should be resting." She took ahold of me and started dragging me back to bed, but I fought her off.

"Where's Jack?"

"Who? Sweetheart come on, let's get you back to bed."

"No, where's my brother?" I asked as she walked me back to my room.

"He's fine, okay he went to the cafeteria. He will be right back, okay now lay down." As she said all of this, I got back into bed and covered up while she re-hooked up all of the tubes and machines. "Do you feel any pain?" She asked looking at me as she messed with the needles in my arms. I nodded my head then sat back as she gave me some pain medicine, "I'll have the doctor come right in." She said just as I saw a figure in the door.

Jack came walking in but stopped when he saw that I was awake, "Sarah" it was barley above a whisper but I heard it. He came rushing over to me just as the pain was receding I couldn't feel any of the pain as he hugged me. "I'm glad your okay" he said as he pulled back and sat down in the seat behind him.

He grabbed my hand as I smiled at him. "I'm so glad that your alive." I said tears blocking my vision, "they were going to pronounce you dead until I crawled over to you and saved you myself." I said as I put my other hand over top of his.

"I know, they told me. You also hurt yourself pretty badly in the process." He said leaning forward.

"Who cares, your alive that's all that matters."

"Your right, your right I'm sorry."

"So when can I go home?" I asked looking down at Jack.

"Good question, let's see your ex-rays came back normal, everything else looks great do you feel any pain?" I looked up and smiled as I saw my best friend walk in wearing a white coat and holding and clip board in her hands flipping through the pages.

I laughed and asked her "where did you get that?"

"Oh this coat I took it off of the back of a chair, oh and I found this" she said gesturing to the board "on the counter." She threw the board on a chair and shrugged off the coat setting it on top of the board. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she looked down at me, her brows furrowed.

"I feel great, actually."

"Well that's good news." I looked over and saw a guy walk in he was wearing a white coat and had on a pair of glasses as he held his clip board to his side he smiled as he walked over to me. "Hi, I'm Dr. Westlin" he said as he held out his hand, I let go of Jacks hand and shook the Doctors.

After ten minutes of talking about pain and medication Dr.Westlin said that I was all free to go, so after signing the papers Jack pushed me out of the hospital in a wheel chair, pushing me over to a yellow jeep. I looked up at him questionably.

"Mom and dad bought it." He said as he opened the passenger side door, he picked me up and set me on the seat handling me my crutches seeing as I broke my left leg.

"Alright I'll come over later tonight to see you." Chelsea said as she opened the door to her green bug that was parked next to us.

"Okay see ya." I said as Jack closed my door and pushed the wheel chair back inside.

When he jumped up next to me I smiled over at him, as he buckled his seat belt. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." He said as he pulled out of the hospital parking lot. We drove for about another five minutes before we turned into Rosie's diner I looked over and smiled at Jack as he smirked and looked down. He opened up his door and walked around to open mine and help me down, I grabbed my crutches and started toward the door that Jack was holding open for me. After we sat down at our booth and ordered some food we both watched as the waiter went to put our order in, as he turned to look at me I frowned as he looked upset.

"Jack what's wrong?" I asked looking at him concerned.

"I was just thinking about, the accident, have been ever since I saw you in that hospital bed. Sarah I never want to see that look on your face again. You know the one you had on your face when I woke up on the grass that night you thought I was dead."

"Jack that look was a look of relief, and happiness. What are you talking about?" I asked as the waiter came back and set our drinks down in front of us, when he walked away I looked back over at Jack confused.

"Yeah but you should never have to worry about me like that Sarah, you should never have to have that look in your eyes, that says you thought that I was dead."


Waking up I heard a ringing, looking over at the clock it said 4:00 am next to the clock was my phone with Chelsea's name on it, picking it up I answered it.

"What." I said as I heard laughter on the other end.

"Hey, Sarah wha-ya up to?" She said slurring her words, she was drunk.

"C, your drunk." I mumbled using the nickname I gave her when we were little.

"I know, I'm at a party." She said pulling the m, and a out a little longer than necessary.

"Okay, why don't you head over to Rosie's and get some coffee to sober up then head on home and get some sleep." I said, as I turned over onto my back.

"Yes mom, will do. Hey before you go can you call me in the mornin." She said slurring again.

"Yes, okay I will talk to you later." I said giggling.

"Okay, I love ya."

"I love you too." I said as I hung up and set the phone on the table.

Sighing I turned over on my side and gasped as I noticed Tanner laying on his side looking at me. Relaxing I settled down and watched him.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Well I was trying to sleep, but your phone is really bad at imitating crickets." He whispered making me laugh lightly "how you feeling?" He asked this time looking concerned.

"I feel a lot better." I said then with him asking me that I thought back to Chelsea, then I thought back to the dream I had, well not the dream but just last year when we were in the accident. Thinking about what Jack said to me in Rosie's, I teared up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Tanner asked as he wiped the tear that fell.

Turning over I laid on my back and wiped my face "why am I crying? I am so sick of crying." I said furiously wiping at my face.

"Hey, hey hey." Tanner reached over and grabbed my hands holding them down at my sides, as he sat us both up and hugged me, I sighed into his shoulder and buried my face into his neck. "You know Alex Tan once said "perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again." He said pulling me back and looking at me, I smiled weakly and kissed him. Pulling back we laid back down and I fell asleep in his arms this time without any dreams.

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