Disgraced || [COMPLETED]

By Mirthe

791 89 12

What comes around goes around. Yes, he disobeyed, and yes, he got cast out. Away from his one true family, he... More



17 5 0
By Mirthe



The power Lucifer radiated was immense, it made me shiver all over and scared me a bit as well; being so close to such a powerful angel... And I had already felt it from far away.

After I had lost the rosary I freaked out and went looking everywhere. But the moment I was getting desperate I felt it, like an explosion of power, a pulse of energy coming from everywhere around me. The enormous amount of energy shocked me and I was having a hard time trying not to faint. Eventually the power ceased and it seemed to come from one single spot. I didn't hesitate and immediately went looking for the source of it. Though I expected to find Gabe, I came across Luke leaning above the sink looking pale and sick. When he looked up at me, I knew it. I knew it was him, Luke was Lucifer after all this time. I saw it in his eyes, they had changed, they had the brightest colour of purple I had ever seen in my human life, like I had noticed before when I saw him in class, but now five times more bright. They also looked older, as if they came from an ancient soul. And now I recognized them, because once I was used to seeing those eyes, when we were both still at home, both still in heaven.

I was confused though, because he really did seem to be shocked about being Lucifer and he hadn't shown any signs of lying when he told me his story about him jumping from heaven for a reason, and then ending up in a cycle of life, repeating itself over and over again, until now because Gabe disturbed the sequence of the cycle.

But come on, this couldn't be true right? Of course he knew he was Lucifer, he jumped because he chose for the evil side and wanted to form a rebellion against heaven, and he knew he was the leader of that rebellion. The Father himself had told me so, and he always spoke the truth. This story about jumping for 'a reason he couldn't remember' was therefore just some laughable made up story. 

I watched Lucifer as he ran a couple of metres in front of me. God, I didn't even know why I let him do this; maybe I was just uncertain about what the truth was right now as well. Suddenly two figures appeared on the path in front of us. With enormous speed they ran to Lucifer and both grabbed him so he couldn't move.

"We are gonna take you up," one of them said.

Lucifer tried to get himself free but it was useless.

"No," he said angrily. "I am not coming with you."

"We are your brothers Lucifer, and we are going to bring you to heaven where you will be

interrogated for your deeds against God, your family and heaven," the other angel said.

"But I am innocent! Don't you see? I didn't even know I was Lucifer! And I didn't do anything evil. I cannot remember anything!"

"You can tell that to your interrogators."

"No!" Lucifer yelled at them but the angels ignored him and pushed him forward to a shimmering and glowing area in the air, that I recognized as an open portal.

Then they turned to me.

"You have done a good job, Amitiel," one of them said. "I reckon you will come with us now?"

I nodded and quietly followed them to the portal. The moment we stepped in, I felt the pull again; it felt like travelling, my way of jumping from one place to another on Earth, only now I knew that I wasn't travelling, I was going home.

When we arrived I closed my eyes and had a feeling of relief wash over me. The pureness and harmony of which heaven existed protruded my body and made me feel complete once again. When I opened my eyes I could see thousands of colours, some that didn't even exist on Earth, and they gave me a warm and comfortable feeling, like a welcome gift. All around me stood my family, my brothers and sisters, just like a dream. Only this was real.

It made me remember the happy place I used to live in and it brought tears to my eyes.

Heaven looked like Earth though, only more beautiful and more friendly. I stood right in the middle of a meadow which was surrounded by trees in different kinds of colours, with all sorts of fruit growing in them. Only the colours of the trees and the fruit didn't exist on Earth, but these colours were far more beautiful than any on Earth. The fruit also had forms and tastes like no human had ever experienced.

I also looked different, I didn't look like a human anymore, finally I had my true form again. It was hard to describe to a human how we looked as angels, but we didn't really look like something, it was more like we were made of light, of energy.

Thousands of angels stood around the entrance of the portal and their voices greeted me happily.

"Amitiel! Amitiel!" I heard my brothers and sisters say everywhere around me, but when they saw Lucifer they all fell quiet. Everybody shot him angry looks. Lucifer looked flabbergasted by the sight of heaven and walked slowly after the two angels that had taken him past the crowd; He didn't seem to notice all the angry looks.

I was still part of this all,  so I decided to follow them as well and walked behind Lucifer; We seemed to walk away from the meadow to a more quiet place. After a while we reached an enormous white wall that I hadn't seen before. Curiously I followed the two angels as they seemed to keep walking straight forward. When they touched the white surface they merged into it and disappeared. Lucifer was next and gave me a frightened look before he disappeared into the white surface as well. Now it was my turn, I walked forward and felt a warm and tingling feeling when my skin touched the wall. When it stopped I stood at the other side of the wall and I saw a bright light a couple of metres away from me, illuminating the four of us. Our forms had changed again; Our energy form had transformed into a more solid body, but I could still feel the energy of my soul running through it. We didn't look like humans though, still like angels, but now something you could touch.

That light was very familiar to me... A memory popped up inside my head, about the last time I was in heaven. It was the most incredible moment of my existence and I will never forget it. It was just before I left for my mission.

The Father, the Creator had come to speak to me. Never had I felt so much happiness as at that moment. I listened carefully and tried to remember every sentence, every pronunciation of each word that the Lord spoke. His voice sounded like music, soft and warm and harmonious. It hypnotized me. How could I believe anything other than what He told me?

"Amitiel," He said, "before you go on this brave mission, I think you should know how all of this has begun, the entire story, to raise awareness on the true purpose of your mission."

He didn't wait for my answer and continued speaking. "Once all the angels lived in heaven, loving and caring for each other. Evil didn't exist, the only feelings that could be felt were love and happiness. But there was one angel, untruthful to his own nature, that changed everything. He chose to let bad feelings, evil feelings, into his soul, and therefore jumped from heaven. Many other angels, your brothers and sisters, they jumped after this angel who everybody now calls Lucifer, the angel who chose the evil side. These brothers and sisters became evil as well. They landed on a planet called Earth, where they now live forth, but this evil grows bigger and bigger and its weight disturbs the balance between good and evil. It cannot be handled on Earth anymore, it threatens to swallow the planet and its residents. Human kind has grown into an avaricious species, self-destructive and destroying everything they come across. Therefore it is our task to fight this evil and return your brothers and sisters to heaven, the good side, where they belong and where they are loved.

This task now lies with you Amitiel: save the angels and save the Earth with its residents. Find Lucifer and bring him to heaven. Bring back your brothers and sisters and restore balance.  

Before you leave, I want to give you some gifts to help you succeed in your mission."

At that moment a shimmering, silver object appeared in my hand, it was a rosary.

"This will be your only connection to heaven, your home: a portal formed as a rosary. It serves as a reminder for you, to know where the truth lies and where you belong. Furthermore, you will be equipped with the best weapons that will help you reveal the fallen angels. The weapons are only able to kill a fallen one, neither an angel from heaven nor a human should fear the blades. They are meant to burn an evil soul and eventually turn them to dust. So good luck Amitiel, if you succeed you will be the first of hundreds that have tried."

Then the music fell away and I came back to my senses. Right then I couldn't wait to find that traitor, to bring him back so he could be punished because he was evil, pure evil, to betray the Lord, and he had to be destroyed. 

But now I was here, and everything was different. The two angels pushed Lucifer on his knees and held him; Everyone was quiet and waited for something to happen. Suddenly other angels appeared around us and the light, the Creator, spoke:

"Lucifer, after all these years you are back in heaven. You have caused chaos and corruption both on Earth and in heaven. Therefore, you will immediately be interrogated and officially stand trial for your sins against heaven. Furthermore, it will be expected of you to abrogate the rebellion and bring all of your followers, the fallen angels, back to heaven where they belong. If you do not, you will be executed by no less than your interrogator, Amitiel, the angel of truth, who had been assigned with the task of tracing you down on Earth. "

Shock filled me when He had spoken. This couldn't be true, right? Being his interrogator and judge as the angel of truth would be a logical thing, but his executor? Of course everyone thought that I would want to execute him, that after my mission it should be my honour, but this didn't feel right.

Lucifer looked shocked and frightened as well and his face went pale.

"But I don't even know how to do that. How should I assemble people, 'followers', that I don't even know?" he asked, the sound of desperation in his voice.

"The interrogation will start now," God said ignoring him.

I had to get myself together and think of a question I could ask. I decided to first let him tell his story again, this time with God as a witness.

"First tell us your side of the story, Lucifer," I said.

Like anyone would ever believe he might be innocent, I thought. This was just some extra proof that he was definitely lying.

"It's the same story, that I have already told you, Amitiel," he said.

"I dived from heaven, yes that is correct, but I don't remember why."

He's lying, he's lying, he's lying, I kept telling myself, but just like before he didn't show any signs of lying. This had to be a nonsense story, it had to be, because it couldn't be true that Lucifer was speaking the truth was he? No, no, that couldn't be because God couldn't have lied to me, never, what God had told me was the only truth.

"And what about the rebellion?" I continued.

"There wasn't even a rebellion at all. A couple of moments ago I found out that I was Lucifer. Before this I didn't even know about the existence of angels, let alone about a rebellion."

I was confused, but I didn't give that away, so with a poker face I continued interrogating him.

"You told me about a pattern. What is this pattern?"

"Well, from what I remember my soul went to a human body when I dived to Earth, losing all my memories of heaven and angels as well. At some point, when I was ready, I was meant to remember everything. Then my soul would transfer to another body and so live life after life on Earth. Now the pattern changed because Gabriel knew the truth before I did. That's where everything went wrong and why I am here right now. It is all the truth, I swear."

"How are you so sure you speak the truth," I snapped at him.

"You are, Amitiel," he said.

I started pacing up and down, what should I do? I could see he wasn't lying, at least that's what it looked like, but should I tell all the angels, including God, that Lucifer, pure evil, the devil, was innocent? But I was the angel of truth, lying myself would be out of the question. How could this be? God himself had told me! Conflicted I looked at him. His eyes locked with mine and their purple colour pierced into my eyes.

"Amitiel, please, you must believe me... I really didn't know anything..."

He didn't lie. He just didn't. I saw it and I knew it, actually I had known this all along, but I just couldn't give up my belief in heaven I guess, but now I had. This was the truth, this was my duty as an angel of truth, and I knew Lucifer hadn't lied, but that meant they had all lied.

My whole world seemed like it was about to collapse. My Father, our Creator, my family, my everything... They had lied to me my entire life. The feeling of pain and sorrow rose up inside me, I was almost about to cry. How could they do this to me? Everything I loved and lived for, was all a lie. And who was I then? I probably was the most pathetic angel that existed, because as an angel of truth I had based my entire life on a lie. I have treated people like Lucifer and Gabriel unfairly, just because I thought I was the one who knew the truth. Only now I realised that I was nothing, my title meant nothing, I was an embarrassment...

Oh my... This would also be an explanation for the strange things that had happened during my mission. That's why the knives didn't hurt those fallen angels that had attacked me! Of course the knives didn't kill them, that was all a lie as well. They were not the evil souls that God had told me, they were just angels, just like me.

Only now I wished I could die and turn to dust; I was deeply ashamed of myself. But I couldn't do anything right now, I had to set this straight.

"He is innocent."

For one second it was quiet, then all the chaos began. everyone yelled things I couldn't understand and I covered my ears with my hands. I had to do something, right now. I tried to find Lucifer among the crowd of angels and eventually found him trying to fight off some angels that were angrily trying to get a hold of him. I ran through the chaos towards Lucifer, but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I couldn't see who did it, but I fought myself free and pushed the angel back. But the moment I wanted to ran further, I felt somebody pulling my feet from under me and fell face down on the ground. Instead of running I crawled over the ground and was getting closer to Lucifer with every crawl. Lucifer was having a hard time, four or five angels were on top of him he tried to keep them away by kicking at them with his feet, but the five angels together were stronger than him alone. When I finally reached him, I tried to pull the angels that were on top of him away, but they wouldn't move. Eventually I managed to grab his hand. I groaned while pulling hard. He came loose from the heap of bodies and fell on top of me.

"Quickly," I said, "we have to run."

We immediately jumped up and we made a run for it straight through the crowd. Sometimes I had to evade arms and feet trying to make me stumble but after a while, we finally reached the white wall. We went through the warm white substance again and found ourselves at the other side of the wall, our solid body disappearing and turning back to our original form. We continued running, back to the meadow. The crowd of angels that had stood there an hour ago were gone, only a few angels remained. They looked at us with shock on their faces. When they saw me running they turned to me.

"Amitiel, wait!"

I was not going to wait at all, I kept running, looking for a way out of this place.

"Wait, haven't you heard yet?"

Have heard what, I thought. I turned around and looked at them.

"What haven't I heard?" I asked confused.

But they didn't answer, they looked at Lucifer, who was standing next to me, with disgust.

"Is he your prisoner?" they asked.

"Yes," I answered them.

"What haven't I heard?" I repeated within a more demanding tone this time.

"About Gabriel. He took a human girl with him to heaven."

"What? Who?" I asked.

"Someone named Jessica, someone who had connections with Lucifer."

Luke went pale.

"What? Why? And what does that mean?" he asked. "Is she still here then?"

I didn't answer his question; taking a human to heaven wasn't possible, their bodies weren't able to survive in heaven, so therefore they had to leave their bodies behind so only their soul could be transferred. That meant Jessica wouldn't be able to go back to Earth as a human anymore. To the people on Earth she was as good as dead.

"Amitiel?" he asked. "Is she dead?"

I nodded and looked at Lucifer; he looked as if he was in shock.

"Stop! Stop!" I heard someone suddenly scream behind us. I turned around and saw a group of angels running towards us, probably angels from the hall.

Oh no, what were we about to do now? If we were trapped in heaven it would end badly for both of us. We just needed something to get away, a portal or something. While I desperately looked around for any way outs, I noticed a silver shimmer between the trees: a portal! However, it was not the portal through which we had come, this one was different, but it was still left open. That was rather strange, because who would leave a portal open?  I didn't care and was only glad that someone was stupid enough to forget to close it.

"Look right there," I said to Lucifer.

He didn't look up and only stared at the ground.

"Lucifer," I said, "We need to be quick! Run!"

He wasn't responding or doing anything, so I  grabbed his hand and ran.

We were almost there, just a couple more metres. I looked behind me, but I saw the angels had almost reached us.

"Come on Lucifer, faster!" I screamed.

The shimmer was getting very close now, it was the only thing I could focus on.

Finally we reached the portal, just in time, and without thinking we jumped through it.



So Amy finally came around, huh? Please don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter! (:

Love Xx.~

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