Vivan Love Story

By himannshuarrora

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"Love is not something which one can possess. It can only be felt by giving and not expecting anything" was t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

42 5 0
By himannshuarrora

I called Vikrant and told him about my conversation with Sayra and that she was interested in taking the job. He was happy for me and told me to tell her to begin the next day. I did what he said and called Sayra and gave her Vikrant's number.

Few days passed and I got busy with Hospital duty and couldn't get enough time to go and meet Vikrant and Aman...and, of course, Sayra. She must have been well adjusted with the work and with my friends by now. She used to talk to them about many things, but till now I was not among the things she talked about. I was happy for her; at least somehow I was getting to know her through Vikrant.

One night we made a plan for a movie but she refused to join us saying that it was too late for her and she preferred to return home early. She has joined a course in Jamia and is adjusting to the time schedule of the work as well as her studies.

Vikrant told me that she is very hard working and is never late at work. She is good with customers and his father. Initially, she was coming to work in a burka, but then Vikrant's father requested she stop wearing the burka to the shop as it looked a bit strange in a sweet shop. She understood and didn't mind. I don't know why but I feel very proud of any of her actions. I feel connected to her though I spend less time with her. Even Aman started liking her and called me one night to tell me how good she is. I was surprised by his call but it made me feel better.

It was Friday and I was sitting at the clinic and Dr. Mathur came to me.

"Vivan, are you free for a few minutes? I want to talk to you," he said.

"Of course, Doctor, you don't have to ask for my time. It's all yours," I replied politely.

He smiled in return and took a chair.

"Actually, I came to discuss something personal with you," he said and paused.

"Ok. And would that be?" I asked.

"Actually, it's about my sister's daughter. We are looking for a boy for her and I told them there's no one that could be good enough than you," he paused.

I didn't speak.

"So? Are you interested in meeting her? Her name is Dr. Shruti Mathur. She is a cardiologist. I believe that it would be a perfect match," he said and paused to watch my reaction.

On seeing that I am not responding, he smiled.

"What happened? Are you committed somewhere already?" he asked politely.

"A... actually, it is not that I am committed b... but I like someone."

"And? You didn't tell her yet?" he asked.

"Not yet. I am waiting for the perfect moment."

"What's her name?" he asked.

I hesitated.

"Come on, son, tell me what her name is," he said.

"S... Sayra," I said and got embarrassed.

"Sayra? Is she a Muslim?"


"Don't you think it will be difficult to convince everyone about this relationship?"

"I know it is, and I don't know if she likes me or not but..."

"But you feel like she is the one?"

"I don't know what this ONE concept is, but I feel connected to her."

"Hmmm. You want my help?" he asked.

I was shocked to hear that because, first, he was way too older than me. Second, I didn't expect to get help from an elder because it is usually believed that elders are not comfortable with the concept of inter-religious affair or marriage.

"No. No, it's not like that Dr. Mathur. I am sorry to bother you with all my stuff. You were here to know about my interest in your proposal."

"It's ok, son, I can understand you. I am only concerned if it is infatuation or you are serious about this girl, because if you are serious then you need to understand that in our country it is a bit difficult to get acceptance from parents and the society until or unless any of you two gets converted," he said.

I didn't respond. He has a point, but these things are way too far now. I didn't even know if she has any feelings for me or not.

"Anyways, I will take my leave. But if you need any guidance or any kind of help please make sure to ask me. I will be happy to be of any help to you. I know you are an intelligent person and you would be wise in any decision you make," he said and left.

I felt good about his advice. At least he didn't force his thoughts on me. Maybe this is what we know as experience.

I left the hospital a few minutes later and went to Vikrant's shop. Aman had messaged me to come over there for a talk. It was raining and thus traffic was heavy on the road. It took me almost an hour before I stopped my car.

I entered the shop; it was late in the night. Sayra has already gone to her home and two of them were sipping lassi when I entered the shop.

"Here he is," Aman said, looking at me.

"Yes, sir. Here I am," I said and took a seat next to Vikrant.

"What took you so long bro?" Vikrant asked.

"You know, I am a doctor, anything could come up. But today it was Dr. Mathur," I said and then explained my conversation with Dr. Mathur.

After listening to me, both of them nodded their heads together.

"What? Why are you nodding?" I asked.

"Because we agreed with him. I know you like her. I also know that she is a nice girl but yaar she belongs to a Muslim family. Although you have this to your advantage, because there is no one left in her family to oppose you, but still you should consider Dr. Mathur's advice and try to think about someone else. Maybe you can meet the girl he was suggesting. I mean aunty would be very happy for you," Vikrant said.

"Hmmm. What about Sayra?" I asked.

"What about her? Are you her brother or father who wants to settle her first before you get married?" Aman said dramatically.

We all laughed at his comment.

"Yaar, I don't know but I really like her."

"I know how you feel, and she is a really nice person as me and my father have noticed from her behavior, but still there are things you should consider. After all, we are your friends and we'd never want you to be in any trouble," he said.

"Hmmm...In that case, you are saying I should meet Dr. Shruti Mathur?"

"What's better than that? You could meet her; there is no harm in meeting someone. And who knows, you may like her more than Sayra," Vikrant said.

"And in any case, Sayra is here. We are friends with her and you could also be friends with her. Simple," Aman suggested.

"He has a point," Vikrant supported his comments.

"Ok then, I will ask Dr. Mathur to arrange a meeting," I said.

Then we went to booze.

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