Unchained his heart

By ArtistaDeElla23

66.6K 2.3K 244

"Is there any chance why I got the pleasure of your visit Mr. Montessori?" I ask through gritted teeth as I t... More

Unchained his heart


4.5K 168 17
By ArtistaDeElla23


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"You can run from the truth. You can run and hide from the truth. You can deny and avoid the truth. But you cannot destroy the truth. Nor can you make the lie true. You must know that love will always uncover the truth."

-Delano Johnson

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Third-person pov

The moment his eyes laid on her beautiful features even though as if the world were crash upon her shoulder. She still looks hot, sexy, and beautiful in her way. And it took his breath away when she runs into him and her scent reach his nose making his insides go wild. He didn't even notice that she was walking at that time. In instinct his hands reach for the body he craved so much for months before it could reach the pavement.

Her soft body molded perfectly against his. And he couldn't think anything at the moment than ravishing her delectable body for hours. He could feel his pants becoming uncomfortable at how tight it becomes just because of one woman.

No matter how big the world is their path crossed again. And he thanks the stars above him or whoever there was.

When he learned that she resigned the next day and went missing after the parking lot incident his hopes of seeing her again were gone and he couldn't explain what he felt at that time. It was so foreign to him and knowing that she has a son which is the kid kind of looks like someone he knew.

There is something about the kid that draws him closer to his guarded heart and filled the holes when his younger brother died which is unusual. No other kid or anyone ever filled those holes that force him to become as cold and heartless as he is before. It's also the reason why most people feared me and no one dared to crossed the line of disobeying my orders especially when it comes to business.

He shouldn't be getting soft by someone else child or a woman. They only wanted the same thing money and pleasure, even the spotlight of being seen with the most suite Bachelor of the year.

Maybe while he is here he could have some fun with this beautiful woman. Married or not he is going to ravish her senseless. Just this once he will cross the line of being the other guy.

Just to have a taste of her again.

His eyes trailed to her head waiting for her to meet his eyes.

Damn, if seeing her again was unexpected but her eyes... wow! It looks likes you were seeing a mirror at how big it becomes from shock but if he wasn't paying much attention closely to her eyes he could have missed how everything she felt reflected in her beautiful eyes.

Pain, vulnerability, shock, and... hopeful.

What was she hopeful for?

His arms around her tighten when her eyes suddenly shut close and her body sagged against him.

"Whoa!" Calvin said out loud in shock. Composing himself self he scooped Aviana in his arms and went straight into his rented car.

Being careful not to accidentally bumped her into the car for the look so fragile at this state and it looks like she gains some weight.

He drove straight to the cabin he was renting for now. It was only a twenty minutes drive from where they came from. Carrying her he went straight into his room it has a single bed which is uncomfortable for him because it was too small for his large frame. But Aviana looks so small in there compared to Calvin.

His hand itch to brushed her soft curls. She looks like an angel sleeping peacefully in his bed. But he likes it more if her hair were tangled and sweaty around his hand while he thrust into her hard and fast from behind.

He didn't like what he was feeling right now. He never felt this way to anyone else.

Pure lust but there's something in there that he couldn't put a name on it.

Whatever it is he shouldn't be and he made a promise to himself that he would never fall in love with any woman and he will do just that. Maybe what he felt right now were only his cravings to taste her again, only lust... not something else.

With reluctance, he exited the room and went straight to the refrigerator to get some beer. Opening his laptop he started working on some of the reports his PA sent to him while waiting for his sleeping beauty to wake up when his eyes landed on the brown envelope peeking in Aviana's bag.

He looks at it curiously and without realizing it he grabbed the two brown envelopes debating with himself if it's right to just open it and find out what it was.

Meanwhile, Aviana began to stir and gain consciousness. She felt so good and relax. She hasn't been able to sleep that well before.

Stretching her sore muscles she open her eyes instantly when she smells something that triggered her stomach to vomit its content. Clasping her hand in her mouth she looks for the bathroom and she was confused why is her bathroom suddenly disappeared.

Without any thought, she went outside the room only to bump into a wall, again. But before they could react she heave heavily before she purred the contents of her stomach into the fully clothed wall.

When was the wall have clothes? Much more why is there a wall outside her door?

She heard a groan and felt someone held her hair back away from her face. Aviana breathed heavily as she continues heaving but nothing is coming from her mouth.

"Jesus, are you alright?" Calvin asked concern lace his voice he couldn't help it.

Aviana visibly tense when she heard that very familiar voice but answered him a barely whisper "Yes" but he heard it.

"Here, let me take you to the bathroom so that you can clean yourself," Calvin says wrapping his arms around her waist and he felt her tense even more.

Frowning he help Aviana to the bathroom opposite his room.

"Can you do it by yourself or do you need help?"

"No!" Aviana said faster than she wanted. "I mean I can do it on my own you don't have to help me."

"Ok! Shout if you need anything I'll be in my room. I mean anything." He said exiting the bathroom the double meaning of anything didn't go unnoticed by Aviana.

She blushed furiously feeling the ache between her legs. The effect he had on her is unnerving. Their memories of that night are still fresh as if it just happened yesterday. She can still feel his hands that worked her into oblivion, the way his hands felt on her hot skin, and his manhood that filled her to the brink. She never felt like that since her husband died.

Shaking her head trying to get rid of the images, she takes off her wet shirt and pants. Wearing only her undergarments she went to the sink to wash her face and mouth.

Looking at the mirror Aviana needs to be careful around him knowing that her body betrayed her when it comes to him. It hurts her enough knowing he does not care about anything.

It scared her more if he finds out she is pregnant with his child. Her fear of being rejected again by him and this time personally is something she was sure couldn't handle.

Putting a hand protectively around her small bump Aviana jump in fright when the door opens forcefully. A very angry and annoyed Calvin came in, veins pop in his neck but she's not mistaken she saw the worry in his eyes before it was gone.

"Are you out of your mind don't you know how to knock?" She exclaimed angrily her arms and hands tried to hide her body as much as she could.

Calvin stood there awestruck seeing her body again. The swell of her breast looks a lot bigger than last time. His eyes travel down to her stomach and he noticed how her arm protectively braced around it as if he is going to do something but his focus on her stomach soon forgotten when his eyes drifted to her long thigh.

Her thigh wrapped around his waist when he took her that night.

"Hey! Hey! Mr. Eyes up here." Aviana said her voice quivered lightly at how much his intense stare affects her.

Meeting his eyes Aviana gasps when he suddenly pulled her against his hard chest faster than lightning. They stared at each other her heart begun to beat faster, her limbs become weak she felt like dropping any moment now at how close they are.

Her eyes widen when Calvin traces his fingertips on her cheeks lightly then pushing back a strand of her hair making heat rushed to her cheeks.

"You're so beautiful," Calvin said huskily his hot breath blowing against her lips sending shivers to her spine.

Aviana is losing herself in the depths of his eyes. It's making her dizzy and her nudity is long forgotten. Her body is on fire, a fire that spreading so fast engulfing her whole being. The ached in the pit of her stomach and center is too much for Aviana. Her body trembled when his hand cup her ass, she gasps for air filling her lungs.

"Oh! god..." she rasps closing her eyes when his lips made contact at the corner of her lips.

They were pressed together, not even air could pass through between them. The room suddenly felt small and the atmosphere becomes hot.

Calvin groaned lowly before claiming her lips into a hard but passionate kiss. His tongue made its way into her mouth with possessiveness and dominance that made her knees buckled underneath her. Good thing he was holding Aviana tightly against him.

Aviana moaned when he swiftly carried her and sat her in the sink. She could feel his arousal against her aching core and the heat coming from his body.

Gaining some of her strength Aviana put her hands on his hard and well-defined chest to push him but he bit her lower lip, grinding his arousal into her. Aviana wanted it to stop but her brain and body weren't listening.

He invaded her mouth as he owns it, changing the angle of the kiss so that he could get better access to deepen the kiss. Aviana hated it when he kisses her as this and she hates it even more because despite every resistance her body betrayed her. Heat pooled down her core dampening her now soaked panties.

When the need for air was too much they both release each other. They were both breathing hard but Calvin didn't stop he peppered kisses down to her chin, to her throat and shoulder where he leaves a mark that anyone can see.

"I want you so bad." He murmured his eyes pierced through her and she can see the fire in the depths of his eyes.

His revelation caught her off guard and it was like an ice-cold bucket thrown into her heated body. Automatically Aviana pushes him away from her, getting off of the sink stepping backward to put some space between them.

Her heart pounded loudly. She shivered when her back was pressed against the cold tiled walls. Shaking her head vigorously trying to clear the fog in her head.

Too busy in her world she didn't notice when he closed the few feet distance between them. Calvin hand grip her waist and his thumb cares her stomach. He frowns when he felt the bumped thinking if she had that bumped before.

Aviana cuts his thoughts shorts by opening her mouth.

"This shouldn't have happened. It... it was a mistake. I... I have to leave." Aviana stuttered shrinking back when his eyes darkened in anger dangerously. His thumb pressed a little harder on her stomach making her flinched and he felt it.

"A mistake, huh?" He chuckled darkly his eyes never leave hers. "Isn't it, it's also a mistake that you wanted this as much as I want to take you right now and you'll be begging for more while your husband and son are waiting for you back home. And that makes you slut."

Hurt flash on her eyes but he ignored it. Shaking his head Calvin smirked while caressing her stomach feeling the bump. His smirk widen when he heard the whimper that came from her.

"Please! stop." She said her eyes from unshed tears in fear.

Fear for her baby and fear from him.

The way he looks and stood in front of her is not the same man that kissed her senseless but a dangerous stranger. He has this aura that makes her cower in fear and hides underground.

He was so cold, distant and power radiating from him.

"Why? Are you afraid that I might do something to you?" Her eyes widen visibly, laughing he pulled her against him again.

"Oh! Don't worry sweetheart. I won't do anything to hurt you. All I'm going to do to you is to give you pleasure no one has ever given to you. I will ravish, eat you and make you mine until we'll both passed out in exhaustion. " Calvin whispered against her ear cupping her sex to prove his point while his free hand roamed around her heated body. "May I remind you, I have great stamina that I could go without a break for hours. "

With a final deep kiss, Calvin leaves a dazed like Aviana alone in the bathroom but not before putting his shirt on her shoulder for a change. While sporting a very hard erection against his tight pants. The very reason why he barged in like that was a push in the far end of their mind.

Aviana lost all train of thought, her brain couldn't process what just really happened between them. She couldn't believe he did just that, barging in without permission then seducing her, and then leaving her hanging inside his bathroom.

She could still feel his minty breath against her face at how close they are. It made her weak.

She hated herself for falling into his seduction and to know that her body yearns for his touch, so bad.

But he intimidated her in a way that she was afraid to be near him. The way his thumb pressed against her bump made her tremble and hide away from him. She didn't know him that well to trust him easily even though they slept with each other it isn't enough reason to fully drop her guard around him. Let's face it, her body wants him but her mind and heart are very cautious of him.

She has to be careful and for the sake of her--their baby she will try to protect and do the right thing without getting herself hurt in the process.

Sighing, Aviana tried to cool herself out of sexual tension especially her fast-beating heart to slow down. With enough courage, she went under the shower but this time she made sure to lock the door first before getting completely nude.

She felt uncomfortable with her obvious arousal with her soaked panties and it made her flush. She didn't need a repeat of what happened a few minutes ago.


Twenty minutes later, Aviana finishes her shower and she found a shirt on the wooden floor with boxer shorts. She put it on which is rather big and long for her but she's glad it was because her clothes were no used as of now. She tied her ponytail in the side of the boxer to hold it in place. Folding her clothes neatly, she went out of the bathroom only to be greeted with the silence that even the small insects are afraid to make a noise, no pun intended.

The cabin was small and it was easy to find the living room. Houses in the Philippines aren't as complicated and big as the other houses around the world. Filipinos are contented as long as there is a roof above their head even if it wasn't polished and painted like the one abroad with expensive furniture and modern houses. Most of them, they were the one who made their furniture because not all of them were fortunate to have a highly paid job.

The living room is empty except the front door was left open. A breeze of the afternoon air entered the house giving her the feeling of calmness. Aviana walked to the door and the sight outside made her heart skip a beat.

Calvin was doing a push-up on the ground, his upper torso was bare and it was glistening with sweat. His muscles flexed with every push and it was mesmerizing to see.

Aviana had seen a man naked but never a man exercising and in the ground shirtless.

"Are you done staring, Ms.?" Calvin said through gritted teeth as he continues to do his push-up with one hand which made her jaw drop in disbelief and awe.

"Is that even possible?" She thought.

"It is. Believe it or not, even an 8 years old kid can do it." He said standing in front of her, wiping the sweat off of his face with his towel.

Aviana was about to grab the towel from him and wipe it but she manages to catch herself just in time before she can embarrass herself more. She watched him drank in the bottle of water, her eyes followed the trail of water that runs down to his throat mixed with his sweat and traveled down to his prominent hard chest, six abs that end to the waistband of his cargo pants.

Her throat suddenly felt dry seeing the narrow V of his hips. God, he is the definition of Greek God. She can feel a drool escape her mouth at the man in front of her.

"You can close your mouth now before it could catch a fly or maybe we could make use of that delectable mouth of yours," he whispered just above her lips, his fingers hold her chin to close her mouth shut.

Blushing in embarrassment she looks down unable to meet him in the eye for being caught staring at him with her jaw drop.

He left her there in the front door chuckling in amusement.

"God when will he talk seriously without his dirty mouth getting in between of his sentences. Unbelievable. " Aviana thought irritably but she can still feel her face flush red. "Pull yourself together, Aviana." She chanted brushing the invisible dirt off her shirt and hands.

She went straight to the kitchen where she can hear him talking on the phone, more like barking orders to whoever on the receiving end. Aviana waited for him to finish his call and it looks like he was losing his patience. Whatever they were talking about it must be serious at how tensed his shoulder and stance had become while listening.

" What the hell do you mean?" He roared pinching the bridge of his nose slamming the stack of papers on the table he was holding. Aviana flinched at his outburst, avoiding his gaze when he turns around to face her. "Fine, fine him, or else you will regret it for not informing me about this matter beforehand."

Calvin closed his eyes inhaling a deep, calming breath filling his lungs to control his anger boiling inside him before he turned his attention completely towards her. She is breathtaking and more if she's wearing his shirt, it does something to him that no one ever did. But he doesn't like the fear visible in her eyes, it didn't sit well with him.

"Uhm... I have to go. It's getting late and my son is waiting for me. " Aviana stuttered not meeting him in the eye.

At the mention of her son, Calvin's mind went straight to her husband. "Of course, if her son is waiting so was the husband. " he thought bitterly his anger resurfacing again.

"Alright, let me change first." He snapped storming out of the kitchen leaving a terrified Aviana.

It was just all too familiar for her and she couldn't help but reminisce the past. It's been years since she felt this way. With shaky breath she gathered all her things and bags she found in the nearby chair. The envelopes were still there, reminding her of the problem she was about to face.

Just thinking about the Ranch and farmers makes her exhausted and an impending headache. She waited for him besides his car, her thoughts somewhere else that she didn't even notice him standing beside her.

"Let's go if you wanted to go home early to your family." He said his voice was void of any emotions, making Aviana jump in fright. If this continues Aviana will have a heart attack at how many times he made her heart jump.

She climbs in the car timidly, buckling her seatbelt never looking in his direction.

"Just drop me at the Cafè my car was there."

"Why are you afraid if your dear husband will see you with another man and wearing his shirt? " he sneered his grip on the steering wheel tightened. He didn't know why it pissed him off just thinking about her with another man, her husband.

"I... I don't..." Aviana started but he cut her off.

"Save it. It doesn't matter anyway." The car stopped in front of the Cafè not far from her car. She exited the car closing it behind her.

"Thank you" she smiled but he didn't even glance on her way and it hurt her a little. Once she was at the safe distance from the car he maneuvered the car zooming into the empty road without looking back.

She didn't understand him at all.


Don't forget to leave a comment or vote and let me know what you think about this one. I'll try to update more. Enjoy ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

~ ArtistaDeElla23

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