Doctor, Doctor (R.S.L)

By Writing_Babe

109K 3.6K 906

He was only supposed to be her daughter's doctor. Their relationship was supposed to be professional, nothing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
New Book?
Chapter 21

Chapter 5

5.3K 169 41
By Writing_Babe

"Are you busy Friday night?" Ross looked at me expectantly, a slight grin on his face. "I actually have the night off and would like to take you out." 

"Our first official date?" I wondered, a smile of my own appearing. 

"Our first official date." He confirmed. "And I was wondering-and you can say no-but would you want Jess with us? I was planning on taking you ice skating, and I figured instead of you leaving her with Morgan, she could just come with us. Again, you can say no." 

I couldn't help but giggle at the nervousness that was evident as he spoke. He just looked so adorable and almost childlike. "I think that's a great idea." I told him. We both agreed that we wanted things to do slow, and I loved the idea of Jess coming with us. She could get to spend some time with him, and I could really see if she liked him. "So, I guess she's gonna be a third wheel, huh?" 

He laughed, his eyes glimmering. "I just figured this would be a lot more fun rather than a dinner date."

"I'm definitely excited." I reached for my cup and took a sip, allowing the water to wet my dry throat. "And Jess will be, too. She's never been ice skating, but she'll definitely have fun." Images of my little girl with tiny skates on made my heart swell. "I know I will."

"Me, too." He agreed, smiling. He glanced at his watch, a frown replacing his smile. "I'm sorry, Blake, but I have to go to work. I'll pick you up Friday at seven. Does that sound good?"

"Sounds perfect." I nodded. He flagged down our waitress and asked for the check, paying for our meal before I could even protest. He flashed me an amused smile while I pouted childishly. He had yet to let me pay for one meal. 

Once out of the diner, he kissed my cheek, bidding me a goodbye before walking to his car. My skin tingled, the feel of his lips on my cheek making my head spin. I bit my lip, smiling to myself as I made my way to my own car, pulling out of the parking lot and heading to Jess' preschool. My thoughts were being occupied by a certain blonde, and the way my nose scrunched up and I internally squealed, someone would think I was a lovesick teenager. 

I think I was losing my mind. 

Jess' preschool was a short drive away, and since I arrived a few minutes before her class was dismissed, I decided to just stand outside the classroom and watch as she played with her dolls. She was happily playing with another young girl, chatting away and acting like the dolls were actual people. Mrs. Hart caught my staring and smiled, motioning me inside. I sneakily stepped inside, avoiding Jess' sight so she wouldn't see me yet. 

"She's been playing with those dolls all day." Mrs. Hart told me after a quick greeting. "I can barely pry them out of her hands."

I chuckled softly. "Bribing her usually works." The older woman laughed lightly. "How's she been today?"

"You know she's an absolute angel, Blake. She always is." She said. "She keeps asking for autographs for her cast. It's pretty funny."

"Yeah, that sounds like Jess. We'll definitely be keeping her cast once it comes off." 

"That should be pretty soon, right?" 

I nodded. "Yeah, in about a week or two. I just need to talk with her doctor first."

Ross flashed in my mind, and I had to will away the blush that was threatening to appear. 

As Mrs. Hart and I continued to talk, parents started to enter the classroom to take their kids home. I didn't even have to call Jess' name or make my appearance known before she started running towards me. "Mommy!" I bent down and quickly scooped her up, peppering her face with kisses before resting her on my hip. 

"You had fun today, baby?" I questioned, bidding a goodbye to Mrs. Hart before heading over to Jess' cubby. I grabbed her little backpack, hiking it over my shoulder as I walked out, listening as she rattled off her day's events. It was truly amazing to hear how her day went, and I only wished Danny could've been here to do the same. 


"Are you excited, princess? It's gonna be a lot of fun." I bent down to zip up her jacket, making sure the hat on her head was placed right. She nodded her head excitedly, and I grinned, kissing her cheek. 

"Cold, mommy?" 

"Not yet. But do you know how you're going to skate on ice?" She nodded her head. "They have to make it really cold so the ice doesn't melt."

"So we no fall in?"


The ringing of the doorbell made my heart rate speed up, and I quickly picked up Jess. I made sure I had everything before opening the door, greeting Ross with a smile. He smiled back, greeting my little girl next, who did the same. The more she saw him, the less shy she was. That was a good sign. 

"I wasn't sure if you'd be taking your car seat and putting it in my car, so I just borrowed my sister's." Ross explained, scratching the back of his neck. "I hope that's okay." 

I smiled, hoping that would relax him. "That's perfect. Thanks." 

The rink was full of people skating by the time we arrived. Couples were holding hands, friends were goofing around, and everyone was just having a great time. I could tell that Jess was getting a bit overwhelmed by the way she was burying her head in my neck, and I hoped she would be okay and enjoy herself. 

Ross paid for our admission, leading me towards the booth where we would retrieve our skates. As he asked for skates in our size, I glanced around the rink. I hadn't been ice skating since I was a little kid, and I knew I was going to fall flat on my butt. And face. 

Overall, I was going to fall. 

I helped Jess put her skates on first before putting my own on. I forgot how uncomfortable they could be, and I worried slightly that they may be hurting Jess. But her face showed no discomfort, much to my relief. 

"You guys ready?" Ross asked, getting to his feet. 

I nodded, getting to my own feet and helped Jess down from the bench. I made sure she had a grip on my hand so she wouldn't fall. I wobbled slightly as we made our way to the entrance of the rink, mentally wondering how anyone could walk in these things. They were so annoying! 

Just as we were about to step on the ice, Jess let out a whimper. "Mommy, I scared. Me no go." 

I shared a worried look with Ross before kneeling down, bringing her little hands up to my lips. "There's nothing to be scared of, honey. Nothing's going to happen to you, I promise. I have ever broken a promise before?"

She sniffled, tears brimming her eyes. "No."

"Then trust me, okay? Nothing's going to happen to you." 

She nodded, and I kissed her cheek, straightening my legs. Just when I thought we were going to step out of the ice, Ross grabbed Jess' other hand and sent me a smile. Technically he was grabbing her fingers because he grabbed the casted hand, but I found the gesture incredibly sweet. 

Once we managed to get out on the ice and gain some balance, we skated around, slow mind you, but we were still doing it. Jess was giggling and squealing, and I couldn't help but do the same. Her smile was practically overtaking her features, and it warmed my heart that she was having a lot of fun. 

"Hey, Jess, want to try something?" Ross asked, skating us over towards the wall. I looked at him curiously, wondering what he had in mind. Jess nodded vigorously, obviously excited. He looked at me quickly. "Can I? I swear nothing will happen."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Go ahead."

He nodded, looking relieved. "I honestly thought you'd say no. Got scared for a second." The teasing tone in his voice was evident, and I watched amused as he lifted Jess up onto his shoulders. He made sure her hands were gripped in his, preventing her from falling. "And to put you at ease, I used to play hockey, so I actually know how to skate."

"You know, you usually give the information before you put someone's kid on your shoulders." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Guess you're different."

He quirked an eyebrow. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Not at all." 

I quickly whipped out my phone as Ross began skating around, Jess' squeals echoing throughout the rink. I made sure I recorded the entire thing, wanting to send the video to my parents. I knew they would appreciate it, not having seen their granddaughter in months. I was just mesmerized as I watched the two of them, and I couldn't help but think of a future with Ross. I knew I needed to stop, because who knew where we would end up. Having feelings for each other was one thing, and as much as I liked him, I had to put Jess first. She was my main priority, and I would always put her first before anyone, even Ross. 

We spent what felt like hours ice skating, stopping for a break and drinking some hot chocolate. Jess was cuddled up in my side, sipping her small beverage. It looked like she was on the verge of falling asleep, her eye lids drooping every so often. Ross noticed too and thought it'd be best if we left. As much as I didn't want to leave, we needed to. 

This date was too much fun and I needed more. 


"She's completely conked out." I murmured, closing the door to Jess' room. Ross simply smiled at me, pushing himself off the wall. "Do you want something to drink?"

"As much as I'd like that, I better get going. You probably want to go to bed."

He was so wrong. No fiber of my being was tired in this moment. 

"You don't have to go." I denied. "I'm not tired at all, and I don't have work tomorrow." I quickly backtracked, wondering if maybe he was just trying to come up with an out. "Unless you want to leave..."

His eyes widened. "No, no. I didn't even want to leave the rink, but Jess was almost asleep. It would just be cruel if we made her stay."

God, this man was just the sweetest person on the planet. Why couldn't all men be like him? 

"Do you maybe want to watch a movie?" I asked shyly, wringing my hands nervously. "Most of my movies are cartoons or animated, but I do have a few that adults actually watch." 

He laughed, shrugging. "I'm good with anything. But if you say you have Finding Nemo, don't bother telling me what other movies you have. That one will never get old."

"Well, you're in luck. I do have it." 

"Then pop that sucker in." 

Halfway through the movie, I found my eyes becoming heavier and heavier, but I fought to keep them open. Ross shifted from beside me, his arm snaked around my waist and my head on his shoulder. "Blake?" He whispered.

"Hmm?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Do you want me to go? Because as much as I like this, I don't want to make you uncomfortable." 

I tiredly lifted my head off his shoulder, his eyes already looking down at me. Staring at him, it was as if I lost my voice. I couldn't speak, not when I was mesmerized my his facial features. I shook my head, my way of telling him not to go. I didn't want him to go. I never wanted this night to end. 

His eyes flickered down to my lips, and my heart skipped a beat. "C-Can I do one thing?"

My voice lowered to a whisper. "What?"

"This." And with that, his head lowered, his lips connecting with mine. A shock of pleasure shot up my spine, my lips moving in sync with his as he brought a hand up to cup my cheek. I tangled my fingers in his hair, the feel of his soft, blonde locks creating a sort of feeling I never had before. He rubbed his thumb in circles on my cheek, a tingling sensation ensuing as he continued. You would think that we had waited years for our first kiss, when in reality it had only been over a month. 

What was this man doing to me? 

They finally kissed! But does this mean they're official? You'll have to read and find out! And a new name was mentioned...Danny. Who do you think it could be? I have such a plot twist that I think will surprise you. Vote and comment!!!

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