Disgraced || [COMPLETED]

By Mirthe

791 89 12

What comes around goes around. Yes, he disobeyed, and yes, he got cast out. Away from his one true family, he... More



21 4 1
By Mirthe

I was woken by Beelzebub at eight o'clock, which was my luck, because I had forgotten to set my alarm. Quickly I dressed, got something to eat for the both of us, dropped all my school books in my bag and rushed to school on my bicycle. And just like every morning, I secretly wished that I had enough money for a driver's license and a car.

Thank god I was  just on time for my physics class. Luke was still waiting in the hallway. Of course he was. He was always the last one to enter the classroom. When we entered I had the feeling someone was staring at me. I shyly looked around the class and saw that it was Amy, the new girl. After I met her in the shop I had thought she was quite intimidating, but secretly I thought she was interesting as well and I would like to get to know her better. I knew it was probably futile to try because she had been so rude after leaving me at the shop (though later Luke and I did laugh about it since well, let's be honest, it was a great line), but still.

In my haste this morning, I of course forgot to go past my locker to get my chemistry books, so after physics was over I rushed towards it. "Shit," I muttered as I tripped over my shoelace. I stumbled the last few steps forward and slammed into my locker, hurting my shoulder in the process. I checked the locker for damage but it didn't seem to be dented, thank god. Rubbing my shoulders I took my books and walked towards my Chemistry class. Damn that hurt.

At the end of the hall I saw Amy walking. "Hi Amy!" I said and quickened my pace towards her. I was late for my Chemistry class, but I didn't care if I would be even later. Mr. Handson already hated me anyway. If I was merely a minute late he would already give me detention, so I decided that in my case it was better to make new friends than to learn about molecules.

Without hearing her greet me I asked her if she didn't have a class. She didn't look like someone who would skip classes. Certainly because she had been bugging Luke about lying, I assumed she would be someone to take school quite seriously.

"No, I had just forgotten my books," she replied. "Why do you want to know so much about me?"

Her question came unexpected and I didn't really know how to answer her. I was just genuinely interested in getting to know her, because she looked like a nice girl. In my awkwardness I replied the best I could. Which probably didn't sound very smooth.

"Oh no, I didn't mean to... I mean I didn't want to question you or anything, I just wanted to show you that I'm interested in you." I tried to smile politely, though I quickly stopped as I realized it could have come across as creepy or something. Mentally I slapped myself. I was such a trainwreck sometimes.

Then I realized what I said and felt the heat creeping up to my cheeks. I didn't mean that I was interested in her as in a crush, but I was interested in her to be my friend. So again I tried to correct myself. "And I did not mean that in the way I said it."

"Right..." she said slowly. "So what are you doing here then?"

"Yeah, I forgot my books as well," I laughed, because I was asking her question about not going to class, while I wasn't going either and I delayed her even more. Which reminded me of the fact that it was probably time we went to our classes. "Wait, maybe we can walk to our classrooms together?"

She didn't reply but didn't tell me no either, so I settled with walking next to her in silence. While we did, I noticed the necklace she was wearing. It was a rosary, and felt like I was really... Drawn to it. I wanted to reach for it, when Amy suddenly jumped away and basically sprinted down the hallway. I froze on my spot. What was that all about? What did I do wrong? I just wanted to touch the necklace and get a closer look? It was such a beautiful rosary. Suddenly I recalled I was standing in the middle of the hallway. I must have zoned out. The class started 15 minutes ago. Quickly I made my way towards the chemistry class room.

And surprisingly enough (not really) I got detention.

The rest of the day the classes flew by. We didn't do a thing in any of the lessons so I was able to chat with Luke. He kept going on about Amy and I just pretended to understand his annoyance while at the same time I was still wondering about what I on earth I could have done wrong in the hallway.

I had a free period before my last class and I was sitting in the cafeteria alone. I didn't have any homework, so I took out my drawing map.

It was almost time for the next class and I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be late this time. Getting detention once was enough for the day. I had almost finished my drawing, so I took my bag and walked towards my classroom, while at the same time trying to finish my drawing. This went pretty good until I hit something hard.

It was Edward, a school's jock and – just my luck – also kind of a bully. He grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me against the lockers. "Watch where you going, loser."

When he walked off and I scrambled to keep my balance, grabbing my shoulder. Damn, it was the same one I had slammed into my own locker earlier. When I turned around I saw that a locker had been opened by the force of me slamming into it. I wanted to try and close the door just when a something purple caught my eye. It was Amy's locker, I saw on the side of the books. I jumped by the sound of the bell and quickly slammed the locker shut, as if caught doing something wrong. When I looked down at my hands I saw I kind of did. The purple bag had somehow found its way to my hand, and there was no way I could put it back into the locker.

I quickly shoved it in my bag and I hoped that I would see Amy at the end of the day and I could give the purple bag back to her. Then however I remembered that I had detention to go to after the last class and that I wouldn't see Amy until the next day. Groaning I realized she would certainly find out it wasn't in her locker anymore and that she would now think I broke into her locker and had stolen it or something. She didn't seem like the most trusting person, so I was certain she wouldn't believe me if I told her that it was all an accident. I groaned again. There went my chance for a newfound friendship.

Detention seemed to drag on and on but finally, after what seemed like an hour that would never end, I could go home. Now I had to figure out how I would give the bag back to Amy without her finding out I had taken it. Maybe I could call her? No, I didn't ask for her number yet. Maybe Luke had it? Shaking my head I immediately threw that idea away. Of course he didn't. So what then?

To be honest, I did feel a bit curious about what was in the bag, since in my rush at school I hadn't gotten the time to take a look at it. Maybe it was something important and she needed it today? But maybe she didn't, maybe it was just some food or something.

Sitting at my desk I looked at the bag which was on the table. It was quite small, but it looked pretty. Not like something you would carry food in, that was for sure. Then I nodded to myself. I would just take a quick peek at it so I would know how important it was. If it turned out to be something very important I would just call Luke or something, and then he would help me figuring the rest out.

Carefully I lifted the back up from my desk and pried it open with my fingers. After taking a deep breath, while kind of feeling guilty about intruding Amy's privacy like this, I looked inside the bag.

In it, at the bottom, was the rosary Amy had been wearing today. I felt the same feeling as I had felt this morning; a sort of pull, almost as if it was begging me to pick it up. And while this morning I hadn't had a chance to inspect the rosary closely, I now had it right here, in the palm of my hand. I bit my lip. Why not take a closer look at it while I could? I seemed to be in trance as I took the rosary from the bag, and when I touched it, it looked like it was illuminating. It was beautiful. I almost awed as I held it inbetween my thumb and index finger and saw how it caught the light, casting off a rainbow-like shimmer. And suddenly, I felt a shock go trough me, like an electric jolt.

Gone was the pain that had been nagging in my shoulder. Gone was the guilt I felt for taking this home with me. Gone was the pressure I had felt because of my exams, gone was the stress because of not being able to pay for my bills, gone was the sadness of never having known my parents, gone was the loneliness that always put a dent in my happiness... It was all gone. None of it mattered anymore. None of it did.

Because I remembered.



Oooohhh snap, it's really about to go down right now. Do you have any idea what Gabe remembered? Or should I say Ga... No, nevermind, I shouldn't tell you any spoilers. Let us know what you think, and vote if you liked this chapter!

See you next time (:


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