Disgraced || [COMPLETED]

By Mirthe

791 89 12

What comes around goes around. Yes, he disobeyed, and yes, he got cast out. Away from his one true family, he... More



37 5 0
By Mirthe

"Gabe, I can't take it anymore," came a voice from the café entrance. It was Luke. "She is just so annoying. Constantly telling me I'm lying. Thinking that she knows me better than I do." Luke walked into the shop towards the table behind me. For me it felt like everyone who was inside was watching him, so I quickly went over to his table.

"Who? Jessica?" I then whispered to him, hoping he got the hint.

"What? No, Amy," He basically yelled. I cringed involuntarily.

"Who's Amy?"

"Some new girl in our year. Met her in the lunch break. She accused me of lying to Jessica when I told her I couldn't come tonight because of my homework."

"Well," I said slowly. "I have no idea who this Amy person is, but she is kinda right isn't she? You're here and not doing homework."

"That's because Amy made me so angry that I can't concentrate on my homework. She acted if she had known me all my life and even accused me of lying, and in the lessons she kept watching me as if she knew something I didn't know and now I'm trying to figure out what she knows what I don't know, and I don't know man, it's just fucking annoying."

"Ok, but why does it bother you so much what the new girl thinks about you?"

"I don't know. She just hit a nerve."

At that moment I heard the doorbell tingle, announcing someone walking into the café."Alright, fuck it mate, that's her. I gotta go. Have a good shift, see you tomorrow." As if suddenly in a rush Luke stood up and dashed outside, almost bumping into the girl who was now standing in the entrance.

She looked like quite pretty, I had to admit. She had black hair and a T-shirt with 'Fuck y'all' on it. She seemed quite intimidating to me too, even more as Kate did sometimes. Without bothering to greet me Amy walked into the shop and went looking around the bookshelves, so I let her be for a moment and went to the other customers. After about fifteen minutes I noticed that she was still looking around the bookshelves and hadn't ordered anything, so I went towards her.

"Can I help you with anything?"

She jumped a bit. "I'm sorry.. didn't want to startle you, but I've seen you looking around for quite some time already and I wondered if I could help you? I work here." I pointed to the logo on my shirt.

After a moment, she said: "yeah, I could use some help. Do you have a book about angels? Not a fantasy book, but more like a historical book. Non-fiction."

"Erm," I said as I scratched my head. "I don't know if we have those books, and to be honest I don't think there are a lot of non-fiction books about angels in the first place, so..." I laughed sheepishly.

"What do you mean by that?" she snapped.

"Nothing, sorry, I will look for you. Give me a moment." I walked towards the religion department. A moment later I found one book about people believing in having seen an angel, so I took that one, and my eye also fell on a religious book with all the angels in it and what they had done. With both books in hand I walked  back to Amy.

"Maybe this is what you're looking for?"

Amy took both books and looked through them.

"Thank you, this will do for now. Can I take them with me?"

"Sorry, but these books are not for sale or rent. They are supposed to be read in the café." Her face fell a bit, but after a short nod Amy sat herself at the table at the far right corner of the shop, hidden from most of the café, and began searching through the books. Now and then she would write something down.

I went on with my work. After a while Kate winked me over. "Can you go to the girl at table five? She has been here for almost an hour and she keeps looking around as if she needs anything."

I looked over to where table five was and saw Amy. Oh right, I hadn't asked her if she wanted to order! Stupid. Still, I didn't really feel like going back to the girl. She made me nervous, and not the good kind of nervous. "Why can't you go to her?" I shyly asked.

As if it was an answer Kate held up her tray and walked towards one of the other customers. Taking a deep breath to collect a bit of courage I walked towards table five.

"Are you doing alright? Can I get you anything to drink or eat, or help you finding another book?" while asking her this I tried to sneek a quick glance at in her notebook, but when she noticed she closed it really fast. I felt guilty. Curiousity wasn't a virtue.

"Yeah, you could help me. Do you also have books about demons and demonic activities?"

"Demonic activities? Yeah, I think so... Give me a minute please, I'll go and look for it."

When I heard these genres I was starting to feel really uneasy. Why did she act so serious about these kind of books?

I didn't even know if we had those kind, so instead of blindly looking trough the stacks I walked to the computer to check our catalogue. Hm, probably should have done that immediately when she came in. I found three books that fit the genres she wanted, so with a bit of hesitation I walked back to the non-fiction department and looked for them. All three were cramped at the end of the section, completely covered in dust and looked like they hadn't been touched in years. With even more hesitation I brought them back to Amy. I was so nervous that I began to ramble.

"Here they are, can I help you with anything else? Need more books? Are you looking for anything specific in these books? Because maybe we have other books with the thing you need in it, but where I haven't thought about."

"Why all those questions? Are you researching me?" Suddenly, Amy scrambled for her notebook and bag and pulled them closer to her.

"No! That's not at all what I.. I'm just doing my job. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way," I said helplessly. Without waiting for a reply I hurried away from her, towards the other side of the café where I helped the other customers. Wow, that girl had trust issues. After another hour of working I finally got my break.

In the break I called Luke. "Hey man, about that girl, Amy, you were talking about? She asked me to find some really weird stuff man. She began looking through all the books, taking notes."

"Hi Gabe, how can there be anything weird in books? In books everything is possible," he said as if reciting a slogan. Then he laughed at his own joke.

"I'm serious.  She was asking for non-fiction books about angels and demons."

"That isn't so weird is it? Maybe she is just religious or working on a school project or whatever."

"I don't think so mate. It wasn't school project kinda stuff she was interested in. I don't know."

"That's it," I heard Luke snap his fingers. "She is part of a cult."

"Haha, very funny Luke. Anyway I have to go eat something and get back to work."

"Say hi to my darling Amy for me," Luke said sarcastically before we hung up.

When I went back inside the shop,Amy was still there. It looked like she hadn't moved one bit. I went back to her, curious about if she would ask me to find her something else.

"Do you need anything else to drink?" I asked her when I took her empty cup.

"A cup of coffee please." I took some more orders and then I was back at her table again.

"Here you go, do you need any other books? Maybe I know a few that can go with these." I pointed to the books she had on her table.

"Do you know what the difference is between coffee and your opinion?" I stared at her, blankly. "The difference is that I asked for coffee." Then she stood up and took all her stuff, threw some money on the counter and walked out of the shop, leaving me there with my mouth hanging open. Wow. Rude.

I sighed, took the money and looked up to see Clarrisse give me a questioning look. Great, now I could also go and explain Clarisse why a customer left the shop angrily. And I didn't even have an idea myself abuot what exactly happened just then.



So, what you guys think? Is Luke maybe a bit overreacting about Amy? What about her serious attitude about those books though? Let us know what you think, we're very curious!

Oh right, and don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter c:

Love Xx.~

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