My Little Secret | BTS FANFIC...

By Yunachi

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Loving him was easy. Getting rid of him was hard. #everyoneneedshelp More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Special Chapter : Bittersweet Chocolate
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Final Chapter
Alternate Ending; One
Alternative Ending; Two

Chapter 12

12.1K 419 926
By Yunachi

I pulled the shirt over my head, and watched as the soft piece of cloth covered my body. Taehee's clothes were still way bigger for my petite size. I wanted to cry and grow mushrooms in the corner but this wasn't my house so that wasn't really an option for me right now.

"Minji are you done?" Jungkook's heavenly voice rang through the other side of the door, snapping me out of my trance.

Quickly, I threw my spare clothes into my bag and grabbed the cold piece of metal. "I'm done, thanks for waiting." I smiled at him. Noticing that he had changed into a pair of pyjamas consisting of black plaid pants and a plain white shirt.

Resisting the urge to hug him, I put my hands before my back and walked off to the lounge room where everyone was.

Jungkook silently followed behind me like a small child. Right as we entered the room, we were greeted with bright smiles from the 95 liners, all of course in their pyjamas. Taehee stood up and pounced at me and squished me I between her arms.

I practically choking, could barely speak. "U-unnie c-can't breath." I spoke out, but the words came out unidentifiable.

Someone must've understood me since they pulled Taehee away from me. I leaned over and rested my hands on my knees to keep me up. After catching my breath, I glanced back up to look at my saviour. He stood there with a awkward grin on his face, almost apologetic for his girlfriend.

"Thank you Jimin Oppa." I said, bowing my head a little as a sigh of respect and gratefulness that he saved me from being suffocated.

We ended up watching a movie. It was a comedy, '200 pounds of beauty'.

The 95 liner sat on the couch together, bundled up to fend themselves from the cold. I instead sat on the floor with Jungkook. Our position, a little awkward.

I was sitting in between his legs as I leaned back against his firm yet comfortable chest. He had his arms wrapped around my torso and his head resting on my shoulder.

My heart was pounding quickly as I kept shifting, trying to release my frustrations of being tortured mentally. Jungkook chuckled halfway through the movie as he blew lightly into my ear, making me shiver.

"Going crazy yet?" I went crazy the moment I fell for you.

I shook my head and narrowed my eyes to a slit as I pretended to understand what was happening in the movie. "Don't be conceited, I know self control." Kind of.

Jungkook laughed and squeezed me tighter. This gave me a flashback through old memories when we sat like this during movies that scared the hell out of me. He use to hug me and shield me from all the horrible gruesome scenes. His sweet whispers that got me through the whole movie.

But that stopped shortly after an 'incident' that practically changed our whole friendship.

I bit my lower lip hard, but not hard enough to draw blood. I took a side glance at Jungkook and noticed the smile on his face as he just looked so carefree right now; like nothing was on his mind.

Did he know what he was doing? What we were doing?

I sighed quietly and wiggled in closer to Jungkook, inhaling his addictive scent that seemed to calm me down. His eyes looked so warm and fuzzy.

That was the last thing before I fell asleep.


On the next morning, I found myself laying comfy on the couch. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the dizziness and yawned.

"Good morning beautiful." My eyes widened in alert as the husky and hoarse voice filled my eyes. The sound of his morning voice was pure ecstasy. I turned over to where the voice had come from.

There sat a Jungkook with fashionably messy hair and a lopsided smirk.

"Don't you ever get tired of smirking." He shrugged and walked over to me. His hand reached out to my face, his delicate fingertips brushed the hair off of my face.

We stared at each other endlessly.

It seemed like no one else was home. I'm guessing they all went out or something like that.

I broke our gazing session as my phone began playing my ringtone. I picked up in a hurry, fumbling through the process.

"H-hello!" I greeted, a little too loud.

A small laugh was emitted from Jungkook as he pat my head and sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around my torso.

"Yo! Minji change of plans fireworks display is tonight. Come later in an hour, and bring anyone you like." Jun said, hanging up the phone straight away before I could reply to his ridiculous demands.

I stood up, unconsciously pushing Jungkook's arms off of me. I ruffled my hair, messing it up completely.

"Stupid Jun." I muttered as I dashed over to the bathroom with my bag in my hands. It was already the afternoon and I looked like I just came back from the dead. I cursed a string of horrible words and pulled on my clothes.

Before walking outside, I was tempted to call Suga to join us, just so I could enjoy teasing the hell out of both of them.

"Minji what's happening?" I snapped my head back and gaped.

I forgot that Jungkook was still here...

"Sorry Jungkook, change of plans. I'm going to the fireworks display and Jun wants to meet up soon so I need to go." I said rather apologetic.


Jungkook smiled sadly and nodded understandingly. He leaned back on the rest board and waved at me.

Bring anyone you like.

"Do you want to come?"

Jungkook's eyes brightened up straight away as he stood up with a gleaming smile that was currently making my ovaries burst and hormones go on overdrive.

"Can I really come?" I almost laughed. Just yesterday he was some hot ass hell man and this morning he's a hopeless little bunny.

"Give me three minutes."


Suga ended up being a party pooper. He refused to come because his reasoning to me after explaining on how much fun it would be was 'and why the fuck should I get out of bed?'

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. Jungkook stood beside me with a scarf partially covering his face.

Even though it wasn't a pretty chilly day, our breaths still turned into thin mist when we breathed out. That crisp snow was half melted and the lakes weren't frozen anymore but probably still ice cold to the touch. The sky was a mixture of a dark and light blue, the clouds were completely visible for the day and the sun hidden behind the soft, fluffy clouds.

"Minji! Jungkook-ssi!" Jun ran up to us and I immediately smacked him across the head. "Yo Jun."

He began fake crying holding on the spot I hit.

"Ow! Wah Minji is this how you treat the bestest friend you'll ever have?" I shrugged and ended up giving curt nod after a few seconds. He pouted at me and turned over to Jungkook.

"Why, hello. I don't think we've met officially. I'm Kang Jun, the new student." I noticed his Korean was still a little off but it was actually really good despite him only being able to speak English back then.

The two shook hands, "Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook replied curtly, I swore for a second Jungkook looked like he was ready to throw a dagger at Jun.

"Where's the rest of your friends?" I asked as they let each other go.

"Ah they kind of... Somewhat ditched me?" I bit my lower lip, holding a pitiful look. I couldn't stand the deadpan look on his face after he said that.

Jungkook scoffed and before he could say any witty remarks, I jabbed him in the stomach and frowned. I mouthed him the words 'be nice'.

After a somewhat awkward conversation between the three of us. Jungkook for some reason kept glaring at Jun so I had to sit in between them. Jun on the other hand seemed unfazed by everything except the time I said him and Suga should just get married already; I'm sorry they're just OTP.

"By the way why do you never ask to hang out with me!" Jun complained as he clung onto my arm and shook me. I put on a emotionless look and stared. "You're not that special."

Jun gasped over dramatically and hugged me. "Minji don't be mean." He whined, I laughed before I felt his arms being peeled off of me.

"Don't touch." A low growl was emitted.

I turned to Jungkook as he pulled me closer to his side. He glared at Jun who scratched his cheek. "Oops sorry, your childhood friend not mine." He said, tilting his head to the side with a goofy look.

Then the sound of loud fireworks began cracklings in the background, the three of us stood up and stared in to the brightly lit sky filled with the variation of colours.

"Let's take a picture." I suggested to the two, they both nodded and I took out my phone, asked a person to take the picture. I stood in between the the two supposably alpha males. I smiled and pulled my hands up with a peace sign in each hand. The other two posed simply with a smile on their face as they stuck next to me on either side, their scent mixing into a dangerous low tolerance scent.

The person gave back the phone and I thanked them politely.

"I'm going to buy drinks, what do you guys want?"

"Soda I'll pay you back later, thanks."


Jun ran off by himself and I stood there alone with Jungkook. I was a little upset with him right now.

I turned to him with a frown. "Why are you acting this way?"

"What way?" He retailed as he leaned in closer to my ear, the fireworks still crackled in the background. I pushed him back slightly with an even deeper frown, "you were being horrible to Jun. All he did was be nice to you but you're acting like a child."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "So what? He's been flirting with you all night."

"He's not. He's being friendly, we're friends if you didn't know that."

"Friends? Why do you need friends when you have me?"

My forehead creased and I scoffed, "Jungkook I don't think you understand, just because I'm in love with you doesn't mean I can't have my own friends. Jun's a nice guy, he wouldn't hurt me. I deserve to have at least one nice friend."

"He's not a friend I'm telling you, he acts nothing like one. I know boys like him." He gritted his teeth, "don't disobey me and listen."

I narrowed my eyes slightly. The place was getting more crowded and this conversation was getting more heated.

There was no way, this was coming out good.

"Jun's not a bad guy! I don't know why you keep thinking this way but Jun is different, I like him a lot as a friend, he's never going to intentionally hurt me. Oh and what gives you the right to order me around like a dog?" I snapped back and clenched my fist.

Jungkook fumed, his face was red and throbbing. His veins looked like it was about to pop and his face wrinkled with furious creases.

"So you want to manipulate him, so you can throw him away and be a bitch to him like you did with Yeri? Real fucking great Minji, just don't let him have a taste so he can be under your spell."

I gasped as the words spilled out of his mouth. Jungkook himself, widened his eyes as he noticed the sharp glints of hurt visible in my eyes.

He calmed down in an instant and softened up. 


He reached out to me but I flinched and moved back. I turned my head, "Jun is taking a long time, I'm gonna go find him." I began walking off before he could say anything else.

I thought I was happy at this point but of course karma stuck.

This is my punishment for seducing an already taken man.

I thought I suffered enough but I was wrong.

Happy Sugar Life.

Author's Note

hey? It's me, I just wanted to ask who you guys want Minji to end up with:

Jeon Jungkook

Kang Jun

Min Yoongi / Suga


(Forever) Alone

Thanks, love you guys ;)

Other stories:

Bad Boy Next Door [BTS V Fanfiction] -ongoing-
Just One Day [BTS Fanfiction] -ongoing-
The Nerd And Me [EXO Luhan Fanficiton] -completed-

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