
By immortal-serenity

2M 81.3K 10K

Mate. A mesmerising string of four letters placed perfectly for an equally perfect person. How it came about... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Author's Note
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII

Chapter XXI

35.2K 1.7K 372
By immortal-serenity

Sorry I've been MIA, had a heap of uni stuff I had to work through.


"Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much you can finally say 'I'm used to it'" – Unknown

The bodies had been placed in their rightful packs while the survivors kept huddled in penguin formation in attempt to hide from the horror they had witnessed. Celia wished willfully to be apart of the group that huddled together and comforted the strangers beside them. Instead she found herself being poked by the harsh grass that covered the land, just metres from the red scene and the small group of Alpha's trying to figure out what to do next.

Her back itched against the thick paper-like bark that wrapped itself tightly around the trunks of the trees that cealed in the tortured clearing. Eve lay beside her, her head in her lap as her bleach blonde mane entwined with the earth beside Celia's knee. The tears had long passed, leaving a dry trail that cut through the dirt on her porcelain cheeks. Her crystal blue eyes stared longingly at the trees above, watching the gentle sway of branches as they danced to the tune of the wind.

Celia closed her eyes and leaned her head against the tree trunk as her fingers gently brushed through the soft strands that spread over her thigh. Aria sat beside them, braiding the front of Eve's startling blonde hair, slowly pulling the wisps away from her soft features. The Kookaburra's laughed cruelly at Eve's dispense as they floated from branch to branch, their curious eyes taking in the scene before flying away, dragging their loud cackling with them.

It all felt so surreal, Celia thought to herself. The hair gliding through her fingers felt to soft, the eerie feeling that crept up her stomach reminded her that something was off. Everytime she breathed in the air was too sweet; like a fruit that had been left in the sun to rot. It was sickening and it took everything inside her not to gag.

"He saved me, you know," Eve's voice cut through the air like glass, startling the two girls. "Everything was perfect. We ran into each other when I tried to get out of the clearing. He didn't say anything; just took my hand and ran. We sprinted for what felt like hours and when we found a large tree we climbed it and stayed there the night."

Celia let out a slow breath, not daring to interrupt her friend as the memories of last night came out of her mouth like a flood. Her blue eyes remained on the trees as Celia's jaw clenched as her heart seemed to become wrung out.

"That's when we spoke about ourselves," her lips formed a ghost of a smile. "Everytime he smiled these dimples would show and I could literally feel my heart falter at the sight of it." Her voice caught and Celia wanted to crawl into a ball and forget this all happened. She didn't want to hear what Eve had gone through, but she didn't have enough courage to tell her to stop.

"When the sun came up I jumped down from the tree. It was stupid of me, I didn't even check if it was safe. Around him I felt as if nothing could touch me so it caught me by surprise when the bad soul grabbed me." It was then that Celia felt something in her head click, as if she had laid down the last piece of the puzzle and it all came crashing together.

"No," she breathed out, no longer aware of Eve's mindless rambling as she shoved her into a sitting position. In the corner of her eye she saw Aria slide backwards on her bottom, as if she too had come to the same conclusion. "Eve stay still okay?" Her voice came out in a demand that made her friends back straighten immediately. Without hesitation Celia pulled up her friends mangled top, looking at every inch of fair skin that stretched across her smooth back. Finding nothing her shifted over to face Eve's front, her knees scraping across the uncomfortable floor as she did so.

Looking at her toned stomach Celia freezed. Her worst fears had been confirmed as her eyes focused on the ride side of her body, just above the hipbone. Eve was completely covered in blood but there was no mistaking the deep bite mark that tore through the soft flesh in her side.

Celia's fingers trembled, barely able to hold onto the sticky cotton shirt in her hands. The fabric felt rough and foreign against her skin as she held it away from Eve's side. "Cassius!" She yelled in panic. Her eyes catching Eve's as a tear slipped down her face. Eve just stared at the wound in silent curiosity, as if just realising it was there.

The heavy pounding of footsteps crunched against the dry, dead floor as Cassius came into view. Celia heard him before she saw him. His heavy frame making no attempt to keep quiet as he pushed through the thick undergrowth. Looking up, Celia caught the question in his eyes as she trembled. Written on her face, the fear for her friend shone like a light in a dark room.

He didn't say anything as he took in the surroundings. Scanning the twisted trunks that emerged from the dried, leaf covered floor like teeth. The undergrowth was thick in the area they sat in. Celia felt completely concealed being swallowed by the thick, tall grass. She watched silently as he made his way to her, looking at Eve with deep curiosity as he came to face her front. His jaw tightened at the sight of Eve's mangled side and in a heartbeat Celi felt herself being ripped from the ground. His calloused, mud clotted hands were rough against her arms as he ripped her behind him. She gasped at the pain that short down her arm in response to his tight grip.

"What are you doing?" She yelled, ripping her arm away from him. He turned to face her, his face hardening into a mask of stone.

"You shouldn't be near her," he replied in a growl as he looked over his shoulder at Eve. She was silent staring at the ground in what could be shock – Celia didn't really know how her friend felt about it in all honesty.

"Why not? The transition takes up to a week Cassius. She's still my friend," her voice broke as she stared pleadingly at his unmoving face. It was like talking to stone, his mood unchanging and unforgiving. After a few seconds of silent pleading, Celia gave up and pushed past his muscular frame. The contact of their limbs brushing past each other sent a fire to erupt through her body, causing her skin to crawl. She cursed herself, seeing the fire as a weakness as she knelt down to Eve's level and brushed the hair from her face.

"Let's get you out of here," Celia gently gripped Eve's skin, noticing the coolness of the contact as she pulled her friend into a stand by the arms.

"Am I going to die?" She asks in a whisper and Celia felt something lodge in her throat. Her friends voice was quiet but the question pleading. Eve knew the answer. Everyone did. But that didn't stop Celia from lying and placing a weak smile on her face.

"Everything will be okay," the words tasted foul in her mouth.


"Everybody up!" The power behind the Alpha's voice sent the large crowd shooting into the air. His charcoal skin blended perfectly with the shadows casted by the trees, but there was no mistaking his presence. This man was an Alpha. "Line up! 12 lines single file! I don't want anyone to miss inspection!" The penguin formation ceased as everyone desperately pushed themselves into a single formation, sorting themselves into their rightful packs.

Bodies clattered in attempt to complete the order as the other high ranks watched the Alpha of the North-east. The noise of desperate chittering and loud thumping along the floor rang through the trees, sending birds screeching away to safety. 12 large lines formed impossibly fast. One line for each pack as an Alpha or Beta (whichever attended this year's gathering) stood at the front of a line, facing their chosen group. Celia didn't know what line to join, Alpha Lennon's or Alpha Cassius's. She wasn't even sure if she had to join a line at all.

"Where's Beta Ben?" Someone called from the back of a line, turning Celia's stomach to liquid.

"Who's in charge of the North pack? Where's our Beta?" Another called, their voice filled with fear. Celia looked to the other end of the clearing, finding one line was missing their leader.

"Your beta is gone." The deep voice reverberated throughout the clearing. The sudden feeling of loss hit her like a freight train as people cried out in remorse. Trust Cassius to not beat around the bush. Before she thought anything through, Celia gave him a quick glare as she walked over and stood in front of the pack, taking Ben's place.

People stared at her in curiosity as she took the place as their leader for the short time it would take to inspect them of contamination. Some seemed wary, glancing at their pack mates before stealing a look to Cassius. Everyone knew who she was an it was obvious not all appreciated it. But some did. Celia caught the eyes of many who smiled at her, thankful of the small gesture.

"Let's get started." Alpha Lennon commenced as he stole a glance at his daughter sitting against a tree beside him. The person at the front of each line stepped forward, waiting for their leader to search for any bite marks in their skin. Those who passed the inspection sat amongst the trees near the small clearing where the lines were formed. Those who didn't were sent back to the large clearing where the gathering had taken place.

The search was relentless and Celia felt disgusted in herself as she forced the people in her line to strip before her and checked every inch of their body for bite marks. Nudity was something that didn't phase anyone anymore. They only wore clothes for modesty and human tradition. Clothes were just something they were used to. But even Celia was wearing only a large shirt to cover herself after her clothes ripped from the transition to her wolf form.

The process was agonisingly slow and when a beautiful girl with raven locks and short stature refused to move, Celia just about screamed at her. "Come, you're holding everyone up," she forced her voice to be calm and welcoming. Her lightly freckled cheeks parted in an impatient smile.

"Please don't make me take my clothes off." The girl stammered, her eyes, a dark indigo colour were as wide as saucers as she wrapped her arms around her curvaceous body.

Celia's face softened, although she didn't understand the fear. "It's okay. It will only be for a second I promise, then you can put them back on."

The girl inched forward, tears spilling over enviously thick lashes as she forced her arms down to her sides. Celia was quick to give a reassuring smile as she lifted the shirt over her head. The girl winced as she raised her arms and Celia saw the jagged teeth marks along the shoulder and collarbone.

"I'm sorry but you have to go into the clearing for now," Celia mumbled, suddenly aware of why the girl was so scared. Most of the people who had been bitten outright told their leader before taking their clothes off to show the gory markings. But some were too afraid to speak up, which is why everyone had to be inspected, even the Alpha's.


"What's going to happen now?" Celia asked Cassius as the group of Alpha's stood in the dense bush between the two clearings.

"We go home," Alpha Lennon answered for her.

"And the bitten?"

"We will take them with us, let them say goodbye to family and give them a few days to rest before..." No one wanted to say the inevitable. Before we kill them.

Alpha Ray looked over his shoulder to the "red clearing", they couldn't see much from where they were standing, just a few shadows of movement and the red hue that seemed to blind their vision. "And the deceased?" He asked, turning back to the group of Alpha's deep in thought.

Cassius looked unconcerned as he stared at the intricate patterns that formed along the tree trunks. Watching as the small grooves weaved around its circumference in imperfect lines. Celia watched him stare seamlessly at the surroundings in what could only be boredom.

"What else is there to do?" Alpha Lennon answered. "We have to get the survivors out of the area before it gets dark again. Otherwise we may have a repeat of yesterday and none of us can afford to lose more numbers," Cassius's attention snapped back.

"What? And leave our dead behind?" He asked incredulously.

"I'm afraid it may be the only choice we have," Alpha Boyd replied, his tone indicated the end of discussion. Cassius' usual stony features hardened as he glared at the other Alpha's.

"That's not happening," he demanded, his voice cut through the bush and silenced everything in its wake. It seemed to Celia that even the wind froze in fear at the sound of his voice.

"We don't have another option, Alpha." Alpha Lennon hissed, his eyes darkening as his animalistic side pushed to take over.

Cassius drew in a deep breath as he stared down the other men. His nostrils flared in rage and it was possibly one of the first times Celia actually saw him feel anything. The first time since the markets when Eve tried to protect her from him. The air was uncontrolled, feral and Celia felt herself cringing away from him. The others did well to stand their ground, but looked less sure of themselves in his rage filled presence. "I failed to keep my people safe. I will not fail to bring them home," he stated with poison behind each word before he turned and stormed off into the bush, dragging the thick rage with him.

Celia felt torn. She didn't know if she should go to him or let him let him get control over himself on his own. As she stared into the dense bushlands she heard the snap of a branch being ripped from a tree before another loud bang hit her ears with a screech, making her jump at the noise. She finally decided to swallow any fears she had and talk to the man she was destined to love.

The ground was uncomfortable under her feet. The muddy floor was hard as a rock from weeks without water while sticks, stones and leaves seemed to cover every surface, making it look flat until she placed a foot there and felt the sharp unevenness pinch at her skin. Weaving through the trees she let her nose lead her. His scent lingered on the trees, in the air and wrapped around her like a blanket, ushering her forward until she was hit with his large aura of rage.

He had calmed down a lot, but still his presence of overpowering, nearly too much for her to handle. It always took her breath away, feeling the dominance that lingered with his presence. She saw his large frame in the distance, chest heaving up and down as he gripped tightly to the thin trees to keep him upright.

"You really care about them," she called. Her voice cutting through the silence, stopping his heaving breaths. "You know, a lot of people don't think you care about anything. I thought that too," she rambled as she found a place of the floor to sit. "While I was home I had this dream," her soft voice floated to his ears as she sat behind him, watching the muscles in his back bulge under his shirt. "I dreamt that you didn't have any feelings. That you just simply didn't feel anything," his breathing hitched at her words. "It made it less painful you know? Making up excuses to explain why you are so cruel to me."

He turned around, the chiseled features of his face were crinkled in question. "Then why did you come back?"

"Because only the weak run from their feelings," Celia felt her eyes glass over and suddenly the world became a blur as the sting of tears took over and washed the dirt from her cheeks.

When she could finally see again he was sitting beside her, taut arms hugging his legs as he stared in curiosity. As if crying were something he hadn't witnessed before. "Why are you upset?" He whispered, as if scared of the answer.

"Because I fear the unknown," she whispered back, turning her gaze from his unsettling stare to the trunks that erupted from the ground. "I don't know how I'm going to live without my best friend. I don't know what I'm doing, trying to be this Alpha Female for you and your pack. And most of all, I don't know what you want from me."

They fell into a silence, watching as the bush whispered its secrets to the wind and the trees swayed in a slow dance. They were lulled into this peaceful oblivion, both of them momentarily forgetting everything in their lives as they sat together and watched nature dance in silence.

"You shouldn't be scared of the unknown," he said suddenly. "You should embrace it."

She turned to him, searching his face for the answer to his cryptic sentence. It was useless. Cassius was about as easy to read as Japanese writing after an hours practice. But it never hurt to throw a bone.

"Maybe you should take your own advice," she mumbled, staring at his lips. She watched his tongue dart out and swipe across them in contemplation. Never had they seemed so inviting, so full and eye capturing. 

She couldn't look away from them as he leaned closer. Their foreheads brushed against each other and she felt her heart leap in nervous anticipation. She stared up at him, watching as his blue orbs disappeared behind thick, black lashes as he came forward.

Eyes fluttering shut she could feel nothing but her heart pounding against her chest as adrenaline shot through her. "Alpha?" A strong voice called out, breaking the trance. Cassius pulled away quickly. The curious glow in his eyes hardened into a glare.

Celia heard footsteps coming closer and was surprised she hadn't noticed the heavy sound before. Cassius practically leaped away from her, as if suddenly realising she had herpes. "Cassius?" She asked, hating the desperation that flooded with the question.

His face was impassive as he began to stand up. "I'm here," he called as he walked towards the sound.

"Cassius wait!" Celia jumped to her feet and ran after him. Her thin fingers laced around his hard, tanned arm and pulled it back. He whipped around, his face only inches from her own as he growled out.

"I don't like you."


To that reader who wanted the kissy scene.... I love you I promise <3

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