The Arrangement (Sterek/Stete...

By adult_disneyprincess

71.6K 3.3K 214

Stiles Stilinski knows what to expect from life, he comes from a good home which means that his life will be... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Three

4K 171 14
By adult_disneyprincess

Stiles sips his tea, the book in his lap almost forgotten, as he stares out the window to watch Derek take the horses out to graze. He's never felt attraction like this before, this want that makes him want to be near Derek all the time, and he watches as Derek's taunt shoulder roll back as he stretches back with yawn. Stiles smirks to himself, remembering last night when he crawled into Derek's bed in the middle of the night, and he goes back to his book. It's not something that he would normally do, the fear of his parents finding out or being caught would be enough to silence him, but it's not the same now. Not since he has to get married and not since his father lost all of Stiles' respect for him, and Stiles doesn't care if he gets caught.

That's a lie, he knows what will happen if he gets caught with Derek. They'll be shamed, Derek could even be imprisoned since Stiles doesn't put it past his father to do something like that, so Stiles is careful. Stiles is lost in thought, thinking about the way that Derek was slower last night when they fucked, and he looks up when he hears the horses trotting against the earth. "They seem to want to leave you, stable boy." Stiles calls, the maids that have gathered around to watch Derek laugh softly as they go back to pretending to work. Derek smiles at him while he shakes his head while he goes back to work.

"Nothing like that, Mr. Stiles. I'm sure that they're just skiddish." Derek tells him, and Stiles hums as he stands to walk towards his. His book is long forgotten as he walks down the meadow, his bare feet dig into the ground since it's a warm day, and he walks over to pet one of the horses. "You're still walking funny." Derek tells him, the smirk in his voice that makes Stiles' annoyed and crazy. Stiles blushes as he rolls his eyes, and he looks over at him.

"I told my mother that I was riding yesterday. She assumed that I was referring to horses." Stiles says, and Derek laughs as he brushes one of the mares. Stiles watches him work, watches his body move perfectly, and he licks his lips. He shouldn't be wanting, not when they're being watched so closely by the gossipy maids, but he can't help it. "We you're done, you should assist me with something in the barn. My horse is riding strangely. I think that something could be wrong with her leg." Stiles says, loud enough for the maids to hear.

"Of course, sir." Derek tells him, nodding his head as he goes back to his work. Stiles hums as he walks over towards where he was reading to pick up his book, he can't read now not with the thought of being with Derek is running through his mind. He tosses his book to the side, sighing when it hits the ground loudly, and he picks it up. He sees Derek starting to put the horses away, and he goes to assist him. Stiles doesn't smile at him in greeting as he grabs onto his horse's reins to guide her into the barn, and he turns when he hears the maids talking to each other. He can make out his name, mixed unsettling like with Derek's on their tongues, and he turns his head roughly to glare at them.

"Don't you have something to do besides gossip? Clean or perhaps sew?" Stiles snaps at them, earning himself rapid head bows and apologies. Derek chuckles to himself, Stiles rolls his eyes as he goes into the barn before he checks to make sure that no one is inside, and Derek leads the horses into the stables next door. The barn is halved, one side is for the horse with a wall that stretches out through half it before it becomes the barn where the groundskeepers store their tools, and Stiles walks over there being careful not to step on anything.

"You shouldn't yell at the maids. They have nothing better to do than gossip." Derek tells him, and Stiles rolls his eyes as he walks towards him. "Now. You needed help with something?" Derek asks him, his tone teasing as he looks over at him.

"I did." Stiles tells him, smiling at him while he walks over and he pulls Derek over him before kissing him. Derek smiles as he licks into Stiles' mouth, claiming and possessively, Stand Stiles makes a soft noise as he pulls him close. "I think I need help with my horse, but I'm willing to wait." Stiles says, and Derek chuckles thickly as he kisses down his throat. "Do not leave marks, Derek." Stiles warns him, pulling down Derek's pants just enough to release his half hard cock. They don't have time to fuck, Stiles doesn't mind so much now, and he licks his hand before he starts to stroke him quickly. Derek moans next his ear as he thrusts into Stiles' loose fist, and he reaches his hand down to tug Stiles' cock free from his loose pants.

"You're always so excited when I'm near." Derek says, swiping his thumb over the head of Stiles' cock to make his knee weak as he moans quietly. Derek smiles, self-satisfied, and he kisses Stiles again as he moves his hand. "We must be quick before anyone comes looking for their horse." Derek tells him, chuckling thickly as Stiles nods his head. "Wouldn't want anyone to see Lord Stilinski's son getting pleasured by a commoner." Derek says, and Stiles rolls his eyes at him as he squeezes his cock in his hand while he twist his wrist in a way that makes him moan. "Or wouldn't want them to see Lord Stilinski's son pleasuring the stable boy." Derek teases, and Stiles groans when Derek licks his thumb to taste the precome that Stiles is leaking onto his hand.

"No, wouldn't want anyone to see that." Stiles grits out, moving his hand faster and faster. "I'm sure that they, uh, would find it disgusting." Stiles says, and Derek laughs as he kisses down his throat with a gentle sigh. "I'm sure that the maids are already talking we must be careful." Stiles says, groaning when Derek sneaks his other hand into his pants to cup his ass. "You're the worse." Stiles moans, burying his face into Derek's neck as he buckles into Derek's hand while his own hand starts to move slower on Derek's cock since he can't think straight. "Your hand is like fire." Stiles says, and Derek sucks on his earlobe.

"Your cock is like silk, sliding through my hand." Derek tells him, and Stiles snorts at him for being ridiculous in his words. "You think I'm being flirtatious but I'm not. I'm thoroughly enjoying your hand on me, and one of my hands on your cock and one hand on your perky ass that my cock looks so good buried in." Derek tells him, and Stiles moans quietly as he looks at him. He's so close that he can taste it, his orgasm building in his stomach, and he bites his lip. He doesn't want to finish before Derek, he did last time and the time before that it's just hard not too, and he breathes out as he moves his hand faster and faster so that maybe he can get Derek to come before him. "Stiles." Derek hisses, when Stiles squeezes his cock a little hard. Stiles gives him an apologetic look as he continues to move his hand, and he grins at him.

"You should finish first this time, stable boy." Stiles says, and Derek shakes his head as he moves his hand quicker. It makes Derek's breath come out in hot pants against his throat that makes Stiles' neck moist and he pants back to him before he kisses him. Derek manages to just pant against his mouth, Stiles sucks on his bottom lip, and it doesn't take long before he feels Derek shudder against him as he spills against his hand. "There you go, stable boy." Stiles says, and Derek starts to stroke his cock in earnest.

Stiles groans when he comes, trying to bury his moans and face into his neck, and he slumps against him some. "Your hands are magically fire." Stiles pants, and Derek laughs as he pulls away to wipe his hands off on a piece of cloth that was hanging over the side of the stable. Stiles watches him as he cleans up and he shakes his head as he takes the cloth to wipe his hand over to look at him. "I'm sure that you have things that you need to do. Thank you for this, stable boy." Stiles says, giving him a cheeky grin as he walks out to see his father walking around as he looks for something. Stiles sighs, wanting to leave, and he tries to get away.

"Son! There you are. Come along, we have things to do." John tells him. Stiles sighs, wishing that he could just leave him alone, and he nods his head as follows after his father. "You need to make sure that the maid get the guestroom ready. I just heard from Peter that he will coming soon. Within the end of the week." John tells him, and Stiles looks at him in confusion.

"Who is Peter, Father?" Stiles asks him, unable to let his curiosity pass them by since he wants to know if this is his future husband. His father nods his head, not thinking of a name being important and Stiles turns to look forward. "Peter." Stiles mumbles to himself, tasting the name on his tongue as if he can figure out anything about the man with just the name alone. "Father, can you at least tell me something about him? I'm going to wed him, shouldn't I at least no more to him than his name?" Stiles asks him, pleading with him without shame. He needs to know something over than a name, and sighs as he looks at him.

John frowns at him with a curious look, like he's trying to figure out what his son wants to know from him, and he sighs as he looks forward as they walk towards the castle. "Son, there's more to marriage than liking each other. I didn't pick your mother, but we're very comfortable together now. I could even say that I love her now, and she cares for me greatly. You will learn to be comfortable with Peter, and if not soon he will give you children and that will take up your time and love." John tells him, and Stiles frowns at him while he nods his head.

"How old is he? How long have you know him?" Stiles asks him, looking at him. He fears that his father is going to marry him off to a man that's so much older than him or even older than his father. The horror feels Stiles' veins that make him winces, and he grimaces to himself but his father doesn't notice. Or if he does he doesn't say anything since he doesn't expect his father to. "Father." Stiles says, wanting to shout at him but he once again just pleads with him as they walk. The air is cold now, Stiles shivers when the wind blows, and he sighs as his father runs his hand over his face.

"He's younger than me by a few years. He's a good business and his family owns land through the territories." John tells him, and Stiles nods his head. He takes that to mean that Peter is cruel and hardheaded which won't mesh well with Stiles' own personality.

"Thank you for telling, Father." Stiles whispers, and John nods his head as they go into the castle before they go their separate ways.


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