The Very First Hunger Games

By BelleRee

7.4K 281 125

After the dark days, the treaty of treason was written to ensure this war would never happen again. And so be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 10

227 8 2
By BelleRee

Chapter 10: Tribute Interviews Part 1

"I can't believe you got a 12 for setting the training centre on fire" Luca says laughing.

"I know. It's a crazy world" I say stuffing a sandwich in my mouth.

"Yes, it is wonderful, you getting a 12 and Luca getting a 10. Both very good scores. But my bets are on Luca" Theta says, putting a hand on Luca's shoulder. "Sorry Willow"

The Capitol people make me laugh sometimes. There's no filter between what they think and what they say.

"Yeah, but not that sorry because I'm a barbarian, right? Oh no wait it was a savage you called me. Yeah in the districts we're all savages who deserve to be starved"

"Excuse me" Theta says, looking completely bewildered. I'm shocked at myself too but I just keep going:

"You see us as a different species, don't you? Well, we loathe you just as much as you loathe us. And I know you think the almighty Capitol cannot be defeated, but the districts know how to survive. It's only a matter of time before-"

"That's enough" Luca cries.

"You know, I tried so hard to help you Willow, but you're just so ungrateful. I bring your boyfriend all the way over here to visit you and you throw my niceness back in my face"

"Niceness? Oh that's what that was," I exclaim, "Wow I would hate to see you when you're nasty"

"Willow" Luca says, warning me not to go any further.

"I hope that next year's tributes will be more like Luca and less like you, Willow". Theta says, without her usually bubbly demeanor. "What were you thinking setting fire to the training centre? Do you know that one of the Gamemakers' hair went on fire!"

"Well maybe they should use less hair gel" I shout, as Theta walks out the room.

"That was uncalled for" Luca says running after Theta.

I suddenly feel betrayal. Luca is supposed to be on my side not the Capitol's.

"Hold still, stop squirming" Sapphire giggles, as she puts the last clip in my hair.

Sapphire and Indigo wanted to keep the diamond theme so I've ended up wearing a dress similar to the one I wore at the tributes' parade except this one is light gray and slightly less diamonds.

"You look gorgeous, darling" Sapphire says with a small smile. "You're sure to impress the Capitol audience. I know that doesn't mean much to you seeing as how you loathe us but-"

"That's not entirely true", I interject. "I've grown fond of you and Indigo. It's Theta I can't stand. But I guess I'll have to learn to bite my tongue"

"Theta can be irritating at times but I like your fiery attitude, and I think the audience will like it too"

"Really?" I ask, surprised.

"Well maybe tone it down a little" Sapphire says with high-pitched laugh.

"Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to the one and only, Willow Lockheart" The Host, Leon Honeyman exclaims to the audience, as I mount the stage.

I wobble across the stage and pray that I don't fall into the audience. Don't fall, don't fall.

Just as soon as the thought crosses my mind, my heel catches on the end of my dress and I tumble into the chair. Leon pretends to catch me but I've already fallen. I'm pretty sure that my face is as red as Leon's glittery suit. The audience are laughing at me as I try and recover myself by sitting down in the fluffy seat as gracefully as I can.

"Watch yourself" Leon says, obviously as amused as the audience. "We wouldn't want you getting injured, now would we?"

"No, not until the arena" I say with a fake laugh.

"Ah yes, The Hunger Games. It's all very exciting, isn't it?"

"It's daunting"

"So you're a little frightened. That's okay." Leon says, laughing. "How did you feel about being chosen as District 12's first female tribute for the very first Hunger Games? Were you honored, shocked, excited?"

After a long pause I say "I could be like the other tributes and say it was an honor. But I would be lying. The truth is I felt fear, not honor. I mean, who wants to be put in a life or death situation? Would any of you?"

There is an awkward silence. No one is quite sure what to make of my question.

"Let's not get pessimistic about it" Leon says. "It will be a new experience for you"

"It will be my last experience"

"Oh, come on that's no attitude to have. I bet hundreds of people will be rooting for you. And if the unspeakable does happens, at least you got to see what the Capitol is like. Speaking of which, how was your trip, not the one on stage, your trip to the Capitol?"

The audience are in hysterics at Leon's terrible joke, but at least it clears the air.

"Well, on the train I tried a chocolate truffle for the first time, and it was delicious"

"Wait, you'd never had a chocolate truffle prior to that train trip?"

"I hadn't even tried chocolate before"

There are loud gasps from the audience.

"We didn't think it was that bad in the Districts?"

"Well let's just say that all you in the Capitol are very lucky" I say as I turn towards the audience. "The Capitol is beautiful. The clothes, however, not so much".

That gets a ton of laughs from the audience. They obviously think I'm joking.

"Yes, the Capitol is wonderful, but I think the question on everybody's lips is exactly how well do you now the boy from your District, Luca Edenthaw?"

I don't know what to say. If I tell them we've been friends for years it would sound like we are a couple. We are most certainly not, and besides, there is already a couple in the games. It would sound like we were trying to stage a romance. I don't want the audience to think I'm lying to them. I need them on my side.

"Oh, I've seen him around school, but that's about it"

"Well that's a shame. But it's probably best you don't know anyone in the games. Then you can concentrate more on wining".

"Let the games begin"

Leon starts laughing and then cries "Ladies and gentleman, Willow Lockheart!"

The crowd's applauses are so loud they leave my ears ringing. I step off the stage and stride into the hallways of the dressing rooms. It's surprising to see Luca there; he should be preparing to go on stage next.

"How could you dismiss our friendship like that?" Luca says, looking hurt.

"Luca, it's not like that. Please, let me explain" I say pleading with him.

"I don't have time for this, I have to go" Luca says, heading towards the stage door.

"Sometimes I don't even recognise you anymore. Where is the girl I used to know?"

I stand there in silence not sure how to reply. The girl I used to be, the girl full of hopes and dreams for the future, died when I was chosen to compete in The Hunger Games. Luca pushes his way through the stage door, obviously not waiting for an answer.

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