Defeating the Wind

By MouseStyles

3.5K 91 12

Faith, daughter of the great lead mare and stallion of the heard of the plains, was born blind. Her parents f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Defeating the Wind

779 11 2
By MouseStyles


A snow white mare laid in the grass, heaving and breathing heavily.

The nearest of her heard looked on in concern, as she heaved, and let out another sickening whinny. "Mmmm-nnaaa!" She cried in pain.

Suddenly, as if a savior, a little bay filly slipped into the grass unmoving.

Sitting up on her fornt feet, the white mare peered around at her daughter, and nudged her gently.

Faith lifted her head with effort, and peered at her mother with blurred blue eyes.

The white mare, called Snow, watched her daughter wobble to her feet, then poke around the air, looking for her mother. They feared this, her and the lead stallion. They both had blue eyes, which, wouldn't help any foal. There was a small chance that the foal wouldn't end up blind, but in this case, they were the large chance that the foal would.

Sadly, Snow nudged Faith to her. Faith stared in her mother's direction, her blurry eyes un blinking as she looked blankly around the scene around her.

This was the beginning of a long road ahead for little Faith. A long journey indeed.

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