Family Above All (Alexandra...

By Dracaria

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After a big fight between vampires and witch hunters, Klaus sacrificed himself to save his own daughter, Alex... More

The truth
Moving out
Pure soul
Back to Mystic Falls
Family reunion
Welcome To Purgatory!
Army Of Souls
Saving mission
Not the right person
Deal with the devil
New soul
Unexpected Surprise
This Is It
It's nice to be home
Fairy tale
See You Again
Teen drama
Peronal trainer
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Like a lost puppy

Blue demon

1.1K 54 5
By Dracaria

After Nybbas's words everything went in slow motion.

It should have been Dorian to come here and help me and Klaus. It should have been Dorian to hug me and tell me that everything is okay. He should have been my true and only love.

But it wasn't him.

It was Damon.

Damon came here because he wanted to save me from this unpredictable place. He hugged me and he kissed me and he didn't care what Klaus thought about it.

I was really confused. I remembered what Moira said, if something went wrong only true love can save me.

Does that mean that Damon is my true love? Does that mean that I love him more than I wanted to admit?

Wow, I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life?

There were three angry men standing in front of me, glaring at each other.

„You heard me well. I am coming with you.“ Nybbas was looking at me.

„Or I can rip your head off and shit down your neck.“ Damon said with anger.

„And that makes two of us.“ Klaus said under his breath.

„Don't ever treat me again!“ Nybbas yelled.

Damon lunged at Nybbas and the two dropped to the floor, rolling and throwing punches. There was sound of husky laughter and fabric tearing.

„Stop it! Both of you!“ I bellowed.

Nybbas swung off him and he got to his feet.

„You can't beat me and if you ever, EVER try to fight with me again, I swear I will kill you.“ He caught my eye and smiled at me. „So. Now you can start with your ritual, little witch.“

„Why should I? You just tried to kill him!“

„But I didn't. And if I wanted to, I would have. Does that not count for anything?“ he stepped closer to me.

„One wrong move, and I'm gonna take you out.“ I said warningly. „You know I can start fires with my mind.“

„You will only make it worse.“ he didn't sound annoyed, but he didn't sound pleased, either.

„How can it get any worse?“

„I think we need a fresh start.“ He smiled at me. „Let me introduce myself. Again. Because I am the Blue Demon.“ he said and his eyes glew a wild blue color.


I know this chapter is too short, I know it sucks, I know I am terrible person.

I am sorry, I just can't concentrate on anything these days, I don't know what is wrong with me... Well, my sister is far far away from me and I miss her so much! We are pretty unseparable so now I am like what the hell am I supposed to do without her?!

So please don't hate me, I will try my best to write next chapter as quickly as possible!

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