Satyriasis - ja.benn ☆ (18+)...

By guccifuckers

25.8K 565 282

"They say you gotta refrain to get rewarded, but fucking is an addiction. The more you fuck the more you want... More

Day One
Day One p.2
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Four p.2
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen
Day Fifteen
Day Sixteen - Epilogue

Day Eight

1.5K 30 21
By guccifuckers

Jamie: 'what're you up to this weekend?'

Me: 'nothing, why?'

Jamie: 'doc just cleared me'


Me: '???'

Jamie: 'I'm syphilis-free baby gorilla'


Jamie: 'Jesus this phone. Babygirl*'

Me: 'well thanks for the blue balls you ass'

Jamie: 'please Cecilia you give me blue balls all the time I swear I always want to do you but shit you gotta fix me and all it's just I wanna get fixed by you but I also wanna get sexed by you. Do you feel?'

I mean he is syphilis-free so I don't see the harm...

Me: 'I'm not stopping it from happening'

Me: 'but I swear if this becomes a thing that we have sex more than once...'

Jamie: 'I promise it'll just be a one time thing'

Why do I have a feeling that that's not true? Even more why don't I have a problem with it happening more than once?

Me: 'don't make promises that you know we both can't keep lol'

Jamie: 'meaning?'

Me: 'you and I both know it won't just be a one-time thing'

Jamie: 'exactly'

The hell is that supposed to mean?

Me: 'what'

Jamie: 'everything that we've ever promised each other ends up getting forgotten about so if either one of us promises something like that then we should both know that's not gonna be kept for too long'

Jamie: 'like you said you'd only give me pleasure just that once when we nearly had sex but look where we are now'

Me: 'I hate to admit it but you're right'

Jamie: 'always am when it comes to you babe'

Maybe he isn't busy, Cecilia, don't get so distracted by your hormones but hold off until the weekend.


"Who's this with you?" I question Tina.

"Jackson," she answers me.

"Have you two talked things over?"

"That's what we are here for..." Tina trails off, shifting in her seat next to Jackson. Well crap.

"Alright," I nod and write down both of their names on a blank sheet of paper. "so, Jackson, I would like to hear your side of the whole incident."

"Well, it started with her throat hurting after blowing me," Jackson begins. Jesus Christ, Tina. "I wanted to go out clubbing but she wanted sleep so I let her be. When I'm at the club I get way too many drinks and I don't really remember much except for kissing someone and I thought it was Tina at the time. Next day, I tried to explain to her what happened and she wouldn't have it so she gathered her stuff and left."

"You knew it wasn't me, you told me who it was," Tina turns away from him, facing the window. I take a deep breath.

"Yeah, because we fought," he rolls his eyes. "it's not like I'm automatically going to tell the truth when I'm fighting with the love of my life."

"Okay I'm going to admit, he does have a valid point here," I say. "when we love someone we tend to put them down the most because we assume they're always going to forgive us."

"Exactly," Jackson nods.

"But there's the part where you have to work on not saying all of that stuff even when you're over the top mad," I inform him.

"How do I stop that?" he questions me, almost pleading.

"It's not going to get better over night," I reply. "you both know that. It takes some working on...just start with baby steps. I understand if you two aren't ready for any drastic changes yet but I think having respect would be a fantastic start."

"Thank you, Doctor Anderson," Tina thanks me.

"Anytime," I smile. "just remember that if you need anything I'm just a text message away. Good luck you two."

"Thanks," Jackson's lips curve into a small grin.

"Hey, it's my job to guide you in the right direction," I tell each of them. Jackson walks out of my office and I have Tina stay. Once the door closes I speak. "wasn't too hard, right?"

Tina stays silent and rolls her eyes. I sigh, knowing she's hiding something from me. First Skye now Tina. I've had trust in these girls and they all seem to be going downhill.

"What're you hiding?" I quiz and all she does is shrug. "be truthful with me here; why don't you want to try to fix things with him?"

"Because I'm t-terrified." Yeah right.

"What're you terrified of him finding out about?" I ask.

"Nothing," she scoffs.

"I need you to cooperate with me right now."

"Okay, fine, I found someone else," she snaps.

"Wait, so you just wasted his time by bringing him in here for no reason," I write all of this down on my notepad.

"You're the one that was encouraging me to talk it over," Tina says, bluntly.

"Didn't ask you to do it for no reason."

"At least I still did it," she looks over to the side. I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Does Jackson know that there's someone else?"

"Of course not," she snorts. "I'm not that stupid."

I check the electric clock by the leather couch and feel a wave of relief wash over me as I see that her time is up. "Right...well I'll see you next week, aright?"

She nods and stands up from the couch rather quickly and I roll my eyes. I'm starting to wonder if my clients think I'm completely oblivious to everything. If I was oblivious to everything I don't think I'd be catching these girls in their lies.

This doesn't add up though. Why lie to your own therapist when you are here to fix a problem?

Skye and Tina could have both come to me saying how they were with some other guy. Instead, they try to make me look stupid. Sure, I may do questionable things but that doesn't make me an idiot.

There's a knock on my door interrupting me from my thoughts and I stand up, going to see who it is. I open the door to see Daniella and her dad. Daniella has a look of intense pain on her face and I furrow my eyebrows, telling her to come in. When she takes a step into my office, her dad pulls her back and I suddenly figure out the reason behind her attitude.

"Let my client go," I grab Mr. Reeves's arm, trying to pry him from Daniella. What is today turning into?

He smirks at me and I roll my eyes in disgust. "No," he replies, simply.

"Want me to get security?" I dig my nails into his skin.

"Go right ahead, like they're going to believe you," Mr Reeves scoffs. What a sexist piece of shit.

"Like they'd tolerate you assaulting your own daughter, though," I seethe.

"Dad, get off of me," Daniella tries to wriggle free from his grasp on her. "ow, seriously, this is hurting me."

"You stay quiet, young lady," he snaps.

I glance past Daniella and her dad and see my boss storming over.

"This is therapy, not the UFC," he yells in Mr Reeves's face. "let go of Doctor Anderson's client or you'll be at the police station within the next few minutes." My boss rips Mr Reeves off of Daniella and damn does this situation terrify me. I knew something was wrong with Mr Reeves but I never thought it'd be this serious.

"C'mon Daniella, let's start your session," I say, hushed, bringing her into my office.

I take a deep breath before closing the door and turning to face her. "How long has this been going on for?"

"A while," Daniella replies. "but it's gotten worse within the past month and now I know why..." I sit down in my chair.

"Why's that?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Because he keeps forcing me to stay in therapy just so he can hook up with you," she tells me and I groan from the displeasing feeling bubbling up in my stomach. "it's not even you. It's just the fact that I don't like to be counseled."

"No, I understand," nobody finds joy in doing things that they're forced to do. "you shouldn't be forced into coming here."

"I think he's a drug addict," Daniella mutters, wiping a single tear falling down her cheek.

"How so?"

"He's always overly aware of things that never happened."

"Lysergic acid diethylamide," I know right away. The drug kills your knowledge of what's real and what's not.

"LSD?" Daniella questions. I nod. His case is serious. Sweat was dripping down his forehead when I saw him today. Mr. Reeves was paranoid and I feel like what he saw wasn't Daniella; he saw a monster through his euphoric eyes. Something that he must defeat.

All this time, Mr Reeves has been convinced that Daniella is possessed with a demon. The higher the dosage the more dangerous and powerful his high gets.


Jamie: 'Cecilia'

Me: 'Jamie'

Jamie: 'I'm so horny'

Me: 'get a pocket pussy until this weekend'

Jamie: 'hell no. I'm feeling you. Not some fake pussy that doesn't even work'

Holy shit.

Me: 'good to know we're on the same page here. That's exactly why I haven't gotten a dildo'

Jamie: 'out of all of the things we've done, that's the last thing I think of you saying'

Me: 'I'm barely even your therapist anymore so what's the point in acting like I am now?'

Jamie: 'good point'

I turn my tv on after reading the text and look up to see a sex scene from 21. Perfect. I haven't seen this movie in ages and it's one of my favorites.

Jamie: 'I can't believe it's already Friday'

Oh...technically it's already the weekend.

Me: 'you still have the condoms that the doctor gave you, right?'

Jamie: 'of course I do. I only want to use them on you...not some sleaze off the streets'

Goddam. I'm going to end up inviting him over and I'll be naked before he even leaves his place.

Me: 'come over. get yourself stocked up.'

Jamie: 'holy shit, Cecilia you read my mind.'

I take a deep breath in. For a moment I stare at my messages with Jamie and I pull my hair away from my eyes. The urge to rip my clothes off as if they're paper is killing me right now and I don't know how to help it. I've never had these types of feelings on my finger tips before. I can't help but wonder if this is what it feels like to constantly want sex.

I refocus myself to the the TV and I frown to see that 21 ended and I have nothing else to watch except Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow. Not that I have a problem with that since it's another one of my favorites. Sadly, twenty minutes into the movie I start drifting off. Well, not for long though.

I open my eyes as I hear knocks on the door. I roll onto the ground and groan, knowing I have to stand up so I can answer the door. But do I look good enough to show myself to the world? I don't think so.

"Cecilia, I know you're in there," Jamie's familiar voice says through the door, amused.

I stand up, fixing my hair in the process. Once I reach the door, I notice a Walgreens bag in Jamie's hand and I raise an eyebrow. Opening the door, I smirk at his soft, dark hair falling over his forehead. "Long time no see."

"Too long," he steps into my place and puts the bag behind his back. He presses a quick kiss to my cheek and I close the door, locking it.

He walks over to the couch and takes a seat, putting the bag on the ground by his feet and I notice the word 'Trojan' on the box inside of it. Oh, sweet Jesus.

"So, I have a question," I press my hands to Jamie's shoulders.


"Why'd you take so long to get here?" I question him.

"I had to run to Walgreens, the condoms the doc gave me are too small."

"How?" I giggle. "they gave you large."

"Yeah, well, you're about to see just how large it really is," Jamie snickers.

I walk around my couch and position myself on Jamie's lap, straddling him. "I'm eager to know." God, Cecilia, you're so horny.

"Baby," he smirks, his thumbs digging into my hips and pulling my pajama shorts down quickly.

"I can't even control my need for your touch anymore," I moan into his ear.

"Stop trying to," Jamie brings his face to my neck and nips on the skin just above my collarbone and I let out a quiet moan. "you like that, baby girl?" I nod, whining at his fingers lightly brushing against my thighs.

I lick my lips, grinding up on his boner. I need him so bad.

"Why don't we take this somewhere more...private?" Jamie breathes on my cleavage causing my skin to goosebump.

"I'd like that."

Jamie picks me up bridal style, the eagerness in his eyes radiating on my skin like UV rays. My insides bubble up as we enter my bedroom. The sexual tension in the room makes me ten times more horny for him causing me to want to rip his clothes off even more than usual.

Shit, Jamie just get naked already.

He sits me on my bed and I look up at him, his eyes raking my body up and down.

"As much as I love this Green Day tee on you, it'd look even better on your floor," Jamie growls, grabbing the bottom of my shirt and lifting it above my head with ease. He tosses it across the room before letting his soft fingertips run up and down my ribs. I overhear him mutter 'so fucking perfect' under his breath and my lips curve into a small grin.

"You'd look better with nothing on," I whimper, his thumb rubbing me through my panties. I take it all back. All of my questioning of his experience. He's practically an expert at making the right places feel over the top amazing.

I notice my thighs becoming more sensitive and every time Jamie touches them or spreads them apart, the pleasure is intensified.

He leans his toward me causing me to lay down on my bed, my head resting against the pillows and he removes his loose black v-neck tee. While throwing it across the room, Jamie gets on top of me, lowering his head and nipping at my boobs. My body shudders beneath his strong yet gentle touch and his hand brings the cup of my bra down so my boob is exposed. Immediately, he presses his lips on my nipple and his tongue swirls around it and I grasp the cream colored sheets on my bed in a sinful manner.

Jamie pulls at the straps of my lacy, red bra and lowers them down my arms so both of my boobs are bare. Arching my back, he moves his hands to the clasp, undoing it easily and drops the bra on my floor.

"Finally got the pleasure of helping you remove your bra," he snickers at me. He lowers his mouth to mine.

I smirk and bite back a moan as he caresses my tits. Before I know it, Jamie's right hand travels down my abdomen and slips it between my thighs. My legs go weak and my pussy is practically screaming for his dick. I open my legs and pull myself forward so my body is pressed against Jamie's and I turn him around, having him lay on the bed. He quickly grabs something out of his pocket and sets it on my nightstand. Glancing over, I see the wrapped condom and I smirk, taking control. His eyes watch me intensely as I slowly begin to pull his jeans down his legs. My heart beat quickens when I see how low on his briefs have gotten on his waist. Just through the soft cotton I can tell the doctors completely misjudged how big he really is. It almost looks as if the extra large condoms he just bought might even be a little too small.

Jamie leans down to fully remove his jeans then lays himself back down again. My thighs get on each side of his hips and I press my boobs to his chest and his hands grab my jawline and pulls me down, carefully, and I press my lips to his, kissing him roughly. My hands stroke his flexed biceps and he breathes a deep moan into my mouth. "So good, baby, so good."

His hand moves down to rub my clit in a circular motion and pushes my panties to the side. I gasp, foreign to the feeling of another person-especially of the opposite sex-touching me in a way as intimate as this.

"You like that?" Jamie mutters into my ear. "You like when daddy touches your pussy?"

I let out a deep moan as he slides two fingers into me. Biting my lip, I nod, my eyes shut tightly. "Holy shit."

"You're so wet for me," he adds another finger and I let out a whimper. As he spreads out his fingers inside of me, I feel myself slowly getting close to climax.

"I want you so bad."

"Your body says that for you," he hisses, his face coming up to mine. I whine against his lips and he removes his fingers. He brings his hand up to his face, pulling slightly away from me. I moan as I watch him lick the three fingers that were just inside of me. "you taste so good."

I whimper in response as he rubs my jaw a pulls my hair back away from my face. His thumb caresses my forehead and then my lips causing me to stick my tongue out and lick his thumb. I smirk, knowing how much he wants his thumb to be his dick.

I push him back against my bed so he's laying again. My hands hungrily roam his body until they reach his briefs. Glancing up at Jamie, I press my fingers into his v-line. His lips curve into a smirk. He nods, letting me know that he wants me to pull them off of him and my heart rate accelerates as I quickly bring his briefs down his legs.

My eyes move up slowly from his briefs, which now lay on the floor, to his dick which looks painfully hard. He didn't lie; the condoms the doctor gave him were definitely too small. "Fu..."

"Your turn, Cecilia," Jamie puts his hand in mine, his voice becoming raspy and deep. I bring my body up against his.

He flips us over so he's on top of me and just about rips my panties off. Jamie's eyes turn a dark shade of brown and he leans up, his dick brushing up against my clit and I moan out his name louder than intended. This is perfect. I don't think anything could replace what Jamie and I have. Our naked bodies pressed together like a key fitting perfectly into a lock.

Jamie reaches back and finds the condom on my nightstand and straddles my waist, ripping the wrapper off. He hands me the rubber and I give him a confused look.

"Mind helping me with the condom?" he gives me a smug grin. I nod and take the condom out of his grasp and slide it on to his dick, biting my lip.

Jamie grabs my thighs and bends my legs and asks me a single question. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," I snicker up at him. He separates my legs and places one on each side of his.

Just before he's about to enter me, Jamie gazes into my eyes and opens his mouth to speak. "You won't be able to walk by the time I'm finished touching you the right way."

"Good," I reply, staring down at his dick which is threatening close to my pussy. I swallow hard as he gets himself closer to me. Uneasy with him teasing me, I pull myself up against his length and suppress a moan.

Jamie leans himself down and supports his weight with his elbows and cups my face with his palms. He presses a passionate kiss to my lips and his thumb brushes my bottom lip. He murmurs a quiet 'shh' and before I know it, Jamie is slowly thrusting deeply into me. I loudly groan into his mouth just as he hits my g-spot. "Jamie, oh god, yes."

"Fuck baby, you're so tight," he lightly bites my bottom lip and I move my hips in a grinding motion against his earning a deep groan escaping from his lips.

Unless our eyes are closed from the exceeding amounts of pleasure, Jamie and I stay in the same position, sighs of ecstasy leaving our mouths, him thrusting in and out of me in no pattern at all. Words can't explain how badly I've wanted to have sex with him ever since day one. It's wrong but everything feels so good. He and I are infelicitous but we have so much desire for each other that it's all so right.

My back arches as he pounds deeply into me and lowers his mouth to my chest. He nips at my boobs and sucks on the skin and I breathe out a quiet moan. Jamie holds my body tightly in his arms as his thrusts speed up and I know he's getting close.

I whimper feeling myself nearing my climax. The pain in my abdomen intensifies and I manage to choke out a few words. "I'm going to c-cum." I dig my nails into Jamie's back, screaming into his bare shoulder. At almost the same time, he groans, his nose scrunches and muscles tense up. He stares straight into my eyes and presses his forehead against mine and he sighs from exhaustion and relief.

Jamie pulls out of me and lays beside me, his arms behind his head, taking deep breaths. I shift my position in my bed and look up at Jamie. His bright brown eyes gaze down at me and he has a peaceful grin playing on his lips making my cheeks turn a light shade of pink. The tips of his hair are stuck together from sweat and I can't help but run my fingers through it.

He sits up and leans down to carefully take the cum stained condom off of his dick and I can't look away. At a point I got worried that my body would rip apart. He's just so big and I have a petite body that I had no idea could fit this large of a dick into. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating about his size. He's not as big as a yeti but he definitely is big.

He sets the condom into the garbage can beside my bed. I bring my covers over our legs and Jamie pulls my body against his. I lean over to turn the light off and I feel Jamie's fingers massaging patterns into my abdomens, knowing that it's slightly sore from the strong orgasm he gave me. And God, does it feel exhilarating to orgasm after years without any real sexual contact; especially sex itself. If I was forced to be utterly honest, I'd tell the truth. I don't think I'll ever experience anything as good as what Jamie has given me. I also have to admit how much I want more and more of this. Just he and me, legs tangled together, having whatever type of sex we want.

Only as long as it's with Jamie.


At times, I really wish he didn't have to always be right. Yes, when you're practically paralyzed from waist down it generally means he did you right but it's definitely a pain in the ass-unless he gives you an actual pain in your ass...then that's worse. My legs hurt worse than I expected them to. I guess that's a good thing.

Carefully, I get myself out of my bed without waking Jamie and crawl to my closet. I glance back while grabbing a robe to check that Jamie is still asleep and to my luck, he is. I wrap the fuzzy material around my naked body and crawl to my family room and get myself up seated on the couch. I put my legs up and under a blanket which lays on the other side of the couch and I cuddle myself under the blanket so I don't freeze from the cool air.

After around ten minutes of pure boredom, I hear footsteps coming from my room. They get louder and louder as they get closer to me. I look up to see him staring down at me, wearing just his briefs.

"How're you feeling?" Jamie kisses my forehead.

"My legs aren't working too well," I admit.

"That means I did something right?"

"Jamie, you made me feel ways that I didn't know I could feel."

this took forever I'm sorry
also sorry bc my smut skills suck :/

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