Blood Moon Falls

By jazmineflower0

102K 2.6K 395


Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16
Untitled Part 17
Untitled Part 18
Untitled Part 19
Untitled Part 20
Untitled Part 21
Untitled Part 22
Untitled Part 23
Untitled Part 24
Untitled Part 25
Untitled Part 26
Untitled Part 27
Untitled Part 28
Untitled Part 29
Untitled Part 30
Untitled Part 31

Untitled Part 10

3.2K 76 16
By jazmineflower0

"No Yui." Shawn sighed, taking off her headphones." The pitch on that one was to low." Yui sighed.

The two were the Samukis recording studio. They had started practicing at four in the morning, and it was now seven at night. Yui had been practicing her singing the whole time. They had made some headway though. Unlike the Shu who would just tell her she sounded bad. Shawn would tell her what she did wrong, and tell her how to fix it. That's one big difference. Yui though to herself.

"Okay Yui." Shawn said, putting the headphones back on. "Try it again. Imagine like your singing to the Sakamakis."

Then Yui started to sing.

Why do you still look at me

Like I belong to You?

It's like You won't let my go

No matter what I do.

You must be a parasite

Or some sick disease.

Your fingers wrap around my throat

Suffocating me.

I'm running, running, running, running

Fast as I can

But, I'll never get away from you,

If I'm still breathing.

I can run, I can hide

But reality won't die,

Infect Me, Infect Me

Your trying to

Infect Me!

And I will fight!

As you attack,

Why won't you ever see that what you have done to me

Won't define who I am

No won't define who I am!

You're never gonna be anything more to me

Than a


"Stop!" Shawn stood up, ripping the headphones off. "That was perfect! I bet the Sakamkis never heard that voice." Yui blushed at the compliment.

"Thanks Shawn."

"No problem." Shawn pulled Yui out of the recording studio. How about we show this to the others?"


Yui and Shawn walked up the stairs to the living room where the rest of the sisters were.

"So how did the recording go?" Suzuka asked looking at Yui and Shawn.

"How about you listen to it?" Shawn asked holding up the recording.

"Yeah!" Lyra shouted.

Reina smiled. "Congratulations."

"Put it in already." Kaneko and Ayano said at the same time.

"Okay." Shawn walked over to her laptop and played the recording. All the girls expressions changed to amazement.

"Is that what I sound like?" Yui asked looking at Shawn. "You didn't edit it or anything?"

Shawn shook her head. "Thats all you, Yui."

When the recording finished, Ayano and Lyra shot over to Yui.

"That was awesome!" They shouted. "We can't wait till you and Suzuka perform."

"You won't have to wait long." Shawn said. "They moved up the performance date to tomorrow."

"What!" Yui and Suzuka looked at each other then at Shawn in shock. "The day after tomorrow?"

"Yep. So we're going to practice harder."

Suzuka and Yui looked at each other then at Shawn and nodded firmly.


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