The Boys Next Door (Larry and...

By Potter_Who_1D

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Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson are cousins, who move to the small town Huntersville. Harry Styles and Zayn Ma... More

The Boys Next Door (Larry and Ziam Werewolf AU)
Chapter Three: Holy Fuck
Chapter Four: Mate?
Chapter Five: Training and School
Chapter Six: Meet the Family
Chapter Seven: Mine
Chapter Eight: Wanting Harry
Chapter Nine: Might Be Confusing
Chapter Ten: I Know
Chapter Eleven: Maybe Not
Chapter Twelve: Surprise Pt 1
Chapter Thirteen: Surprise Part 2
Chapter Fourteen: The First in Over 100 Years
Chapter Fifteen: That's Not Possible

Chapter Two: A New Day

5.8K 200 55
By Potter_Who_1D


Friday was spent unpacking, and helping Aunt Jay carry heavy things. Though everything was crazy and chaotic, the meeting to bring him into the pack kept popping into his head. It was finally 11, and Louis was asleep, probably the only time this would ever happen, since he actually helped unpack today. Liam snuck out the window, and jumped down off the three story. If he wasn’t werewolf, he probably would’ve broken something, but he stuck the landing quietly and took off in a jog towards the pack house.

                He arrived at the house, completely unfazed by the jog. Ever since he changed, it took a lot of exercise to wear him out, but he needed a lot to eat. Not that Jay ever complained about cooking for him, as long as he did the dishes.

                Liam went to knock on the door, only to have it pulled open by Zayn. If the meeting had been popping up in his head during the day, Zayn was stuck in the front. With his tan skin, long, inked body and chocolate-honey eyes, Liam couldn’t forget him.

                “Ah! Liam. The man of the hour.” He grinned, and Liam’s eyebrows furled as he smelt something on Zayn.

                “Are you… Are you drunk?” Liam asked.

                “Maybe a little. All in good sprit though! Everyone gets drunk before these things. They’re so boring sober.” Zayn said, grinning and pulling Liam inside, only to pull him through the house and to the backyard.

                The back yard was huge. There was forest surrounding it, and a huge patch of green that could probably fit fifty people in it, along with the shed and the bonfire off to the side. About 40 people were hanging out around the campfire, all looking older than 15.

                “The age of coming for a werewolf is 15. It’s when we start training them, and it’s when they’re allowed to join in our pack things like this.” Zayn said, sound surprisingly sober. It was almost like Liam had imagined the drunk-Zayn, but there was still the giddy look in his eyes when he had first open the door to Liam.

                Liam nodded, looking at all the people for a moment before Zayn continued pulling him along to the bonfire. Harry’s father, his soon-to-be alpha stood in the middle, right by the fire. “Ah, Liam!” He boomed, the same glint in his eye that Zayn had. Maybe it was some tradition to be drunk during these things, Liam thought absentmindedly as Zayn pushed him towards Robin. “Our newest addition!”

                The pack clapped loudly, and someone handed Robin a cup- more like an old fashioned goblet- and he thanked the boy. Liam was pulled to stand on the other side of the fire, facing Robin, as he held the cup over the fire. “To our ancestors, and the wolves.” He started off, command strong in his tone. “We wish for your permission to join Liam Payne, son of-“

                “Karen and Geoff Payne.” Liam said quietly, as Robin cracked a very small smile and continued.

                “Karen and Geoff Payne,” Robin repeated, face back into a hard stone. “Into the pack of Huntersville, and under my order.” The fire roared up around the cup and Robin’s arm, but it didn’t do any harm to them. After a few moments, the flames died back down, and Robin motioned for Liam to take the cup. “Drink this and live, join the pack.” He said simple, and Liam could feel the blood drain from his face. Drink this and live? There was a chance he’d die? That wasn’t what he signed up for.

                Still. He knew he’d have to drink from the cup, so he brought it up to his lips, and took a swing of it. It tasted the same as when Louis and he had taken some red wine on New Year’s Eve a few years back, nothing like poison.

                It was deathly silent for a few moments, before everyone broke out in claps, and Liam’s face turned flush. Zayn and Harry came up to him, grinning. They both had- what Liam was beginning to call- the drunken glint in their eyes. “Eh, mate! You’re in! You didn’t die!” Harry threw an arm around Liam’s shoulder.

                “Someone hasn’t died since old Jeremy, what? 5, 6 years ago?” Zayn said, almost reassuring Liam.

                “Tomorrow, you start some hell ass training, but tonight?” Harry grinned, “We get you completely shitfaced!”


                Much to Harry’s dismay, he did not get Liam shitfaced, though Zayn was another story. After Liam made his lame excuse to Jay (“I think I’m gonna go check out the town.”) and Louis (“I think I’m just gonna do it alone, you know me, Lou. Lone wolf and all.”), he headed over to the pack house, where a few people said hello to him (he still really only knew Zayn, Harry, and another guy name Andy who Zayn and Harry had introduced him to last night, Robin, Yasar, Trica and Anne), but he greeted them back, even if he didn’t know them. 

                Anne was in the kitchen, cleaning up the leftovers from breakfast when Liam walked in, planning on using the door in it to get to the backyard, where Zayn said he would meet him. 

                “Oh, Liam.” Anne said cheerfully, “I’m surprised you’re here. Most people are too hungover to get out of bed after a ceremony.”

                Liam laughed, “I have training, with Zayn, so I didn’t drink last night. I don’t drink too much anyways.”

                “Zayn’s out back, in the shed I believe.” Anne added with a smile.

                “Thanks.” He said, heading out back and heading over to the shed, and poking his head in it. Sure enough, Zayn was near the back, looking for something. “What’re you looking for?”

                “Nothing. I think Robin got rid of it, anyways.” Zayn said, getting up, but not turning around. Liam was surprised he didn’t jump when Liam had suddenly spoken. He had been told countless times that he was basically silently when he walked.

                “Extensive training and even better hearing.” Zayn said, as if reading Liam’s thoughts. “And you think aloud.”

                Liam blushed slightly, and nodded. Zayn had turned around and begun making his way to Liam, who was blessed with getting the front view of a shirtless Zayn. His body was specked with tattoos, and even though Liam had expected him to be rather buff, he was lean and skinny, though his muscles could be seen still. Liam’s blush intensified when he realised he was checking Zayn out, and moved so he could get out of the shed. “So what’re we doing?” Liam said, as they made their way into the forest.

                “Change.” Zayn said, “Forms, I mean.”

                “Do you mind?” Liam said, motioning for him to turn around.

                Zayn rolled his eyes, but did so. “First thing, you’re gonna wanna get used to be people seeing you naked. It’s not that big of a deal mate. We’re both male here.”

                Liam out a sharp bark, as if to tell Zayn to turn around. Zayn did. He was greeted by a huge, light brown wolf, with chocolate brown eyes, the same ones that Liam had as a human. Liam moved forward, nudging Zayn’s leg (or hip, more accurately) with his body.

                “Okay. Another thing. You do know, as a wolf, you can communicate with me.” Zayn added as Liam cocked his wolf head. “Thoughts. It happens only in wolf form, and only with people you’re in a pack with. It’s helpful, believe me.”

                LIKE THIS!?! Liam practically yelled to Zayn, not sure how it exactly worked. Zayn clutched his head, as if he had a headache.

                “Jesus Chirst Liam! Speak normally!” He said after a few moments, “You’’re gonna give me a headache!” Liam gave him the puppy dog eyes (which worked very well) and Zayn imdeatily felt bad. “Look, Liam, sorry about yelling. Just. Talk normally, yeah?”

                Liam nodded, and tried again. Better? He thought.

                Zayn nodded. “Much.”

                So how does this whole… Mind thing work? Liam asked, circling Zayn, enjoying the warmth that his body gave off.

                “The same way as talking, just in your mind.” Zayn explained. “Now, if you’d stop circling me, I could change forms as well.”

                Liam pouted slightly, and moved away, sitting and looking at Zayn, tail wagging against the forest floor. Hurry up. He whined slightly.

                Zayn rolled his eyes, and took of the shorts he had on. Liam turned away from him, to give him privacy and to try and save himself the embarrassment. I’m good now Liam. Zayn said to him.

                Liam turned to be greeted by a fairly small wolf, smaller than himself, in both bulk and size. Zayn’s eyes were the same honey-chocolate mix as when he was human, and his fur was black, the same colour as his hair. You’re small. Liam pointed out.

                Zayn glared at him, the best possible way a wolf could. Because I’m smaller as a human. Now shush Mr. I’m-so-big-and-mighty.

                Liam grinned wolfishly at him. Yes sir.

                Zayn moved so he was on all fours, in front of Liam. Attack me. He ordered.

                Wh-what? I’m not going to attack you Zayn. Liam’s eyes widened as he refused.

                You won’t actually do any damage. Believe me. Zayn insisted. Now, attack me.

                Liam huffed, and got up as well. Fine, fi- He cut himself off, attack Zayn. He used his back legs to propel him forward, going straight into Zayn to tackle him. Zayn dodged out of the way easily, years of training and the fact that he was smaller helping him. The two wolves circled each other, both formulating plans of attack.

                Zayn went in first, going to attack straight, but at the last minute, sliding under Liam’s body, and jumping on him from behind. He stuck his muzzle right by Liam’s neck, and licked it.

                I win. He whispered softly.

                Being part wolf, Liam had become more in touch with every one of his emotions. Rage stronger, protectiveness more fierce, hormones a little more… Crazy. He couldn’t help but think that if they were in human form, how this would look. With Zayn on top of him, whispering in his ear… Liam mentally shook the thoughts from his head. Zayn probably wasn’t even gay or bi. He had no chance with Zayn.

                Liam ignored the shiver going down his spine, and waited for Zayn to get off. You getting off Zayn? He asked, playfully trying to shake Zayn off of him.

                Zayn made an hmm. No, no. I think I’m good here, thanks.

                Liam could feel the grin in the words, and rolled his eyes. And I thought you were supposed to be training me.

                Zayn rolled off of Liam, and flopped onto the ground with a thump, paws up in the air. You’re not actually too bad. You just need to protect your backside more.

                The train me. Liam said, lying down beside Zayn, though he was on his stomach.


                3 hours later, the two boys shifted forms and headed back into the house, both starving and smelling Anne’s food easily from the forest. They came in laughing, but Liam’s laughter ended abruptly when he saw Louis.

                “Uh. Louis.” Liam said eyes wide. “What’re you doing here?”

                “I came to meet the neighbors, since someone left without me.” Louis put his hand on his hip, letting it jet out slightly. Zayn laughed softly enough that only werewolves would’ve heard it and patted Liam on the back before going into the dining room, where the strongest smell of food was.

                “Um. Right.” Liam said, trying not to glare after Zayn for leaving him to face Louis’ wrath alone. “Sorry about that…”

                “You better be.” Louis said. “And,” Louis said whispering to Liam, even though he had no idea basically anyone in the kitchen or dining room would still be able to hear him, “you’re going to tell me where I can find whatever you were hanging out with. I want one.” He grinned at Liam.

                Liam couldn’t help but roll his eyes, as he and Louis went into the dining room, which was already full of people from every age. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to Zayn- the thing you want one of- and Harry.”

                “Is Harry another one?” Louis whisper asked, grinning, and not remembering he was the guy that Liam and he had met already.

                Liam had to physically restrain himself from face palming. “Just… Come on.”

                Louis seemed unaffected, and let himself be lead to Harry and Zayn. “Wait. You’re Harry. From yesterday.” So Louis did remember.

                Harry nodded, smirking slightly at Louis. “That I am. But I can still be whatever you want me to babe.”

                Louis put up his hand. “Not interested. At all. You’re not my type.”

                “Baby, if you’re into chicks, I’m sure I can change that.” Harry smirk grew, along with his confidence.

                “No, I just don’t do assholes.”

                “I can always do you.” Harry supplied helpfully.

                Louis’s jaw dropped. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Liam-“ He looked around for Liam, only to see him a bit away talking with Zayn, grinning at the other boy. “Please tell me you and Zayn aren’t close.”

                This through Harry for a loop. “We’re best friends. Why?”

                Louis didn’t even try to control his groan. Great. His best friend was getting it on with Harry’s best friend. “I need to bang my head off of something.”

                Harry’s smirk was back. “You can bang my d-“

                “Finish that sentence and I’ll rip it off.” Louis threatened. 

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