Brothers Best Friend (H.S)

By harry1d_af

2.1M 28.1K 47.1K

Book 1 in the Brother's Best Friend Series. Through drama, arguments, love and lust can you still fall for y... More

Chapter One- Always Full of Sunshine
Chapter Two- Miss West and Mr Styles
Chapter Three- Peach
Chapter Four- Not Turning Down The Hook Up
Chapter Five- Doesnt Explain Why Your Half Dressed
Chapter Six- And then There Was Two
Chapter Seven- The City
Chapter Eight- You'll Probably Get An Invite
Chapter Ten- A Date
Chapter Eleven- Literally About To Knock On The Fucking Door
Chapter Tweleve- If You Over Step The Line
Chapter Thirteen- Spare Room
Chapter Fourteen- Breakfast
Chapter Fifteen- Not Interested
Chapter Sixteen- What Were You Gonna Say?
Chapter Seventeen- Oh You Like Her?
Chapter Eighteen- Bonding
Chapter Nineteen- Well You Already Fucked That
Chapter Twenty- Baby Steps
Chapter Twenty One- Your Avoiding Me
Chapter Twenty Two- I've got Cups
Chapter Twenty Three- I Need Some Air
Chapter Twenty Four- Dare
Chapter Twenty Five- Goodnight
Chapter Twenty Six- Harry Invited Her
Chapter Twenty Seven- Derek
Chapter Twenty Eight- A Word Now?
Chapter Twenty Nine- 8 Planets
Chapter Thirty- Ever Heard Of a Cab?
Chapter Thirty One- You Say It Like It's A Bad Thing
Chapter Thirty Two- You Can Do Better Than That
Chapter Thirty Three- Rumour Has It
Chapter Thirty Four- Barbecue
Chapter Thirty Five- Unexpected
Chapter Thirty Six- Rough Love
Chapter Thirty Seven- Packers Are Shit
Chapter Thirty Eight- Soft Spots
Chapter Thirty Nine- Just
Chapter Forty- Baby
Chapter Forty One- Strawbs
Chapter Forty Two- Breakfast, Books and Pages
Chapter Forty Three- The First Tear Fell
Chapter Forty Four- Decisions
Chapter Forty Five- New Things
Chapter Forty Six- Surrender
Chapter Forty Seven- Apuesto a que te encantaría
Chapter Forty Eight- Did You Forget My Bestfriend?
Chapter Forty Nine- I Told You So
Chapter Fifty- Trust
Chapter Fifty One- No Time Like The Present
Chapter Fifty Two- Visitation
Chapter Fifty Three- Family Are Lethal
Chapter Fifty Four- Four Days
Chapter Fifty Five- Maybe I Learned From The Best
Chapter Fifty Six- Stepping Up
Chapter Fifty Seven- Next Door
Chapter Fifty Eight- Endless Questions
Chapter Fifty Nine- Silent Tear
Main Cast List- Final
Chapter Sixty- Perfect
Chapter Sixty One- Haven't You Done Enough?
Chapter Sixty Two- Harry's Girl
Chapter Sixty Three- Zac
Chapter Sixty Four- Symbolism
Chapter Sixty Five- Ring
Chapter Sixty Six- Just Pretend
Chapter Sixty Seven- Walking Disasters
Chapter Sixty Eight- Lingerie
Chapter Sixty Nine- Swings and Roundabouts
Chapter Seventy- Famous Last Words
Chapter Seventy One- 102
Chapter Seventy Two- Wrong Place Wrong Time
Chapter Seventy Three- The Letter
Chapter Seventy Four- Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Side Chicks
Chapter Seventy Five- MRS EVERLY
Chapter Seventy Six- Family Dinner
Chapter Seventy Seven- Ruining The Moment
Chapter Seventy Eight- Tell Him
Chapter Seventy Nine- Feels
Chapter Eighty- Paper's
Chapter Eighty One- 2935 Miles
Question Time!
Q&A 2
Chapter Eighty Two- Nothing Left To Give But Tears
Chapter Eighty Three- The Guy I Hated To Love
Chapter Eighty Four- Method Behind The Madness
Chapter Eighty Five- Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole
Chapter Eighty Six- For The First Time
Chapter Eighty Seven- Saints And Sinners
Chapter Eighty Eight- Caught
Chapter Eighty Nine- Our Song
Chapter Ninety- Scattered Dreams
Chapter Ninety One- Don't
Chapter Ninety Two- Friday
Chapter Ninety Three- Birthday
Chapter Ninety Four- Heartbreakingly Breathtaking
Chapter Ninety Four (Part 2)- Bottom Lip
Chapter Ninety Five- Ghost
Book 2

Chapter Nine- That Would be Funny Right Harry?

31.6K 425 453
By harry1d_af

Chapter nine

Amy's POV

"There, see no shit" After scrubbing Harry's coat with a leaf and shitty pond water for over a good half hour it finally looked reasonable better. He complained literally the whole time and didn't help one bit. It was kinda of funny when he nearly fell in twice, the second time was because I pushed him but he caught himself.

"There's a stain!" He points to the poo stain and I try not to laugh.

"Well let's face it, you weren't getting it all out in a fucking pond" I say and he rolls his eyes as we walk away from the small pond.

"I bet there's a laundrette round the corner" he sighs.

"Oh come on we aren't going to a laundrette, it's practically gone" I say whilst laughing.

"It's a fucking shit stain!" He says and a small smile manages to creep it's way onto his face.

"No one will know that just say it was ice cream, I won't say otherwise" I tell him and he looks at me cautiously.


"I swear" I say as he starts to put on his jacket again. We cross over the barrier and Harry helps me by taking my hand to guide me over.


"Harry fucking Styles, you've gotta to be kidding me" I look up and my eyes land on a beautiful erotic looking young lady who was heavily pregnant. She had long brown hair tied in a pony tail and wore a long black trench coat with a tartan scarf and some black boots. She was honestly beautiful.

"Frances?" Harry squints a little as he looks at her.

"Woah I'm actually shocked you'd even remember me" she laughs and so does he. Who the fuck is Frances?

"Well you look pretty different from when I last saw you, I mean you clearly have a bun in the oven" he says a gestures to her bump peaking through her coat. She was very pregnant like she was going to pop any second now pregnant.

"I know, it's just a waiting game now really it should of popped out over a week ago" she says and places a hand over her bump.

"Well I'm happy for you, where've you been?" Harry smiles.

"Well after I graduated I got straight to work in LA and got transferred here with my company and stayed ever since- but aren't you going to introduce me to your...?" She eyes me and waits for Harry to finish her question. I didn't even realise she was looking at me until Harry squeezed my hand causing me to look up. I looked up because I was confused as to why Harry was still holding my hand.

"Oh uh sorry yeah, Frances this is Amy Klaus' sister, Amy this is Frances" Harry says and I smile at her offering her my free hand, oddly not wanting to tear my other from Harry's.

"It's lovely to meet you, congratulations too" I say and she smiles taking my hand and shaking it softly.

"Thank you, I had no idea you were Klaus' sister then again you kind of look a like in a weird way" she says and I laugh lightly.

"I get that a lot"

"Frances and Klaus were kinda good friends a couple of years ago" Harry tells me and I nod. What am I meant to say?


"Yeah he's an odd one, but why are you guys together out here? Is Klaus here somewhere? Or are you guys like together or something?" She asks as she gestured to our linked hands making my eyes widen. I quickly pull my hand away from Harry's and shuffle away from him a little after noticing the close proximity our bodies were at.

"Oh no-" I quickly try and explain but Harry cuts me off straight away.

"Friends. Right?" I look at him and he nods shyly at me.

"Uh yeah of course, friends" I say softly after a second or so of silent staring.

"Sorry my bad, well are you guys busy now? I mean I would love to catch up with you Harry and get to know you too Amy" Frances asks kindly. I honestly am starving and wouldn't care who I ate food with right now I bet we're going for lunch. Well we better be anyway.

"Uh no I don't think we're in a rush to get back are we?" Harry looks at me and I shake my head straight away.

"No no" I reply.

"Great, I'm meeting my fiancé for lunch now actually so I'd like it if you guys would join us?" Frances says and mentally thank her.

"Sure I'm up for it" Harry says and she nods.

"Yeah" I add.

"Come on then, escort the pregnant lady please" she holds her arm out for Harry to link with her and Harry grabs my hand and pulls me along behind him after flashing me a sincere smile which I kindly return.

"Where to?" He says.


After arriving at a small restaurant on the edge of one of New Yorks finest streets we finally had our food in front of us and we're tucking in. Frances sat opposite me next to her fiancé Donny on the round table we sat at. Donny was lovely and was covered in tattoo's which were really interesting. Harry spoke with Frances mainly about several things. Frances asked me questions about my family and school and Harry asked more too. Donny was quite but very funny when he did speak. You could he admired Frances by the way he studied her as we ate or when she spoke. It was admirable to watch.

"Amy?" Harry's voice snaps me out of my daze as he gives me a stern look.

"Uh sorry what?" Harry rolls his eyes before turning to Frances before speaking.

"No she doesn't" I look at Harry and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Come get a drink with me Frances" Donny says as he stands up, excusing himself from the table.

"Alright" Frances nods as she stands up before taking her fiancé hand and walking to the bar

"Are you alright?" Harry asks me straight away.

"Uh yeah, I was just zoning out"

"We can go if you want? I mean I know this isn't what we planned-"

"No this is lovely, they're lovely and the food is great" I say as I take the last sip of my drink whilst smiling.

"It is but its getting late" he says as he puts down his knife and fork.

"We'll go after this then?" I raise an eyebrow and he nods.
"Yeah, can I ask you a question? I know it's stupid b-" I shake my head whilst putting my drink down.

"No sure go ahead" he cuts me off.

"Why do you think Jade and Klaus are going out on a date?" I sigh.

"You've been thinking about this all day haven't you?" He laughs lightly as he shakes his head.

"It's been in the back of my mind, yeah" I shrug. Actually it's been bugging me all day I guess that's one of the reasons why I couldn't concentrate on the project either.

"Why are you so worried about that?" He asks and I shrug lightly.

"I don't know, it's just weird I guess- my best friend and my brother are practically dating when they hated each other literally a day ago"

"Maybe they never really hated each other and just said they did and made it look like they did to actually mask how they really felt about one another?" He proposes and I raise an eyebrow.

"Really? All the pranks and shitty comments just cover up some stupid feelings?"

"Well yeah, it makes sense" he shrugs.

"No it doesn't" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah it does if you knew that your best friend or sister was 100% against it" he says and I roll my eyes.

"Fuck that"

"Don't swear" he frowns and throws a breadstick across the table at me.

"Fuck off"

"Classy" he laughs and playfully glare at him.

"Of course"

"No but seriously don't worry about it, knowing Klaus it won't last for long" he says and I nod, knowing he was probably right.

"I know but it's still weird"

"Why don't we go and do something? You know to like take your mind off it?" He says and I frown, looking at him skeptically.

"Like what?"

"Just say you'll come with me?" He says with a small grin falling on his lips making me nervous.

"I don't know..."

"Come on? We don't have any classes tomorrow or later so we could do anything?" I pause for a second as he wiggles his eyebrows like a weirdo.

"Your lucky I trust you" I laugh lightly.

"So you'll come?"

"Yeah" I nod. What harm could it do?

"Good" he says as runs a hand through his hair and a thick ring on his finger catches my eye.

"I like this, was it a gift?" I lean over the table and point to the ring on his hand that was wrested on the table.

"Yeah it was from my grandad" he says as he twiddles it round his finger.

"It's beautiful" I say and he smiles, his eyes locking with mine for a few seconds too long before I look away.

"Thank you, so what do you think of Frances?" He clears his throat.

"She's lovely, you two seem close" I say and he nods.

"Yeah she's was one my best friends I guess" he shrugs.

"If your bestfriends with her how the fuck are you friends with someone like Klaus?" I laugh and so does he.

"He isn't that bad"

"Uh yeah he is" I say and he smiles shaking his head.


"Let's not get started on how many nasty things he's- actually both of you have done to me and my friends" I say and he raises his eyebrows.

"And let's not forget the nasty things you and your friends have done to us either"

"Your started it" I shrug.

"Really? Little childish isn't it?"

"Not really when it's the truth"

"The real question is, how are we friends?" He says and I look at him kinda shocked, pausing for a second before rolling my eyes.

"That's not a question I want to talk about"

"Well I do, you like me" he says and my mouth goes a gape.

"Do not" I shake my head and he laughs.

"Yeah you do, we're practically best friends"

"Far from it actually" I roll my eyes.

"You wiped shit of my coat!" He laughs and I can't help but snigger.


"And someone who isn't my friend wouldn't do that"

"Well than I guess they're just rude" I shrug and he laughs leaving a smirk on his face.

"Oh come on, admit it you actually enjoy my company" he throws a breadstick at me and I roll my eyes.

"I'd actually rather go home now"

"Admit it" he goes on I roll my eyes.


"Please?" He begs.

"Your begging me to lie?" I raise an eyebrow.

"It's not a lie! You like me and if it makes you feel better I'm shocked that I actually like you too" he shrugs and I sigh.

"That doesn't make me feel any better"

"Ah ha! So you do admit it" he pints at me with a big smile on his face making me laugh.

"No, I didn't say anything!" My voice raises a little as I try not to smile despite I knowing I've been caught out.

"You did!"

"Fuck off Harry" I huff leaning back into my chair folding my arms over my chest.

"Why do you always get annoyed so easily?" He laughs.

"I don't, it's just you you're are immensely annoying"

"I'm not that bad" he rolls his eyes and I do the same.

"You said the same about Klaus and we both know that was a lie"

"Fuck off" he glares at me.

"Fuck you" Harry opens his mouth to speak but is quickly cut off when Fran and Donny come about with a tray of drinks.

"We got you guys drinks" Fran smiles and smile at her as she places a drink in front of me.

"Thank you" I say.

"Cheers" Harry says after taking a sip from his Coke. Fran talks about baby names they've considered like James, Brook, James and Elle. Donny tells Harry about his trips to Brazil that took place in the summer and Harry seems most utterly intrigued by it. Later on it started to dim outside and the streetlights lite up the busy streets from what I could see. Harry asked me about my classes and we talked a little about the project too before leading off and ending up taking the party last night.

"So what's the deal with you two? You guys are dating right?" Donny catches our attentions and I nearly spit my drink back in cup as I glanced at Harry only for him to clench his jaw and look away from me.


"We're not dating" Harry shakes his head and Donny nods skeptically before apologising.

"Oh, sorry"

"It alright" Harry shrugs and I can tell he's agitated by something. 

"That would be funny, right Harry?" I raise an eyebrow and he glances up at me. He stares for a seconds as he jaw clenches.

"Yeah hilarious" he smiles falsely.

"You guys are like just friends? Cousins?" Donny continues and I laugh.

"I for one wouldn't even call us fr-"

"We're friends, she's just a bitch" Harry snaps, cutting me off. I glare at him and the table falls silent so I decide to hit back.

"Actually we're only here because of a project we both got paired up in, Harry just likes to think we're friends when actually he's just a major asshole" I say with a sarcastic smile riling up Harry even more.

"Says you, should we bring up your Dad's meal again? I'm pretty sure they'd love to here it" He says as he leans back into his chair folding his arms over his chest, smirking.

"Should we bring up the time you put pills in my drink before English? Let's not forget the time I nearly got hit by a car because you guys put ice on our porch?" I snap harshly not letting him win.

"Just because I put hair remover in your knickers doesn't mean you had the right t-"

"Harry!" Fran raises her voice a little at Harry and he turns his attention to her.

"She put viagra in my drink at her families meal!" He points to me, acting very childish.

"You burned my underwear!" I roll my eyes.

"You smashed my headlights in!" He yells in a whisper across the table and I laugh.

"You deserved it!"

"Fuck you, that was too far" he spat angrily.

"Says who?"

"Shut the fuck up you know I would never do that to you" he says. Is he serious? What utter bullshit.

"I wouldn't push it past you" I say and he clenches his jaw again.

"Your pushing it"

"Your pissing me off" I say with a false smile and he rolls his eyes.

"That makes too of us" he says and my eyes fall to the table. The table is awkwardly silent and uncomfortable, I could feel Harry's eyes on me and I can't bear it.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I stand up, excusing myself from the table.

"Amy-" Fran stands up too but Harry stops her.

"Let her go" he says and Fran frowns.

"Harry fucking go after her!" She yells at him in a whisper as I begin to walk away.

"No" I hear Harry say before I pick my pace and walk a lot faster.


I didn't bother to listen to the rest and quite frankly I couldn't hear it clearly anyway. I got into the bathroom and leant against the wall and searched for my phone only to realise it is in my bag which I left at the fucking table. I'm so angry at Harry. Like what the actual hell is he playing at? One minute he's saying we're friends and that he likes me the next he's saying I'm a bitch and embarrassing me in front of Frances and Donny. I just wanted to go home. Fuck trusting Harry to take my mind of Klaus and Jade, right now I think I'd rather be around them two than around Harry at all.

I sigh and decide to just take a second to gather my thoughts and decide what to do next. The thing is I'm so fucking annoyed all I see is red. I just want to fucking kill him. Well not kill him but god he's fucking in for it if he comes near me. Fuck the project I'll just do it on my own. If it gets me away from Harry than I'm up for anything. I huff and pull myself up from the wall. I can't cry over something this fucking stupid I won't. Instead of looking like an idiot in the bathroom I open the door with my chin up and walk over to the table where they're still all sat. I've probably only been gone for a good 10 minutes but I don't care. Harry sees me approaching first and he gives me an apologetic look making Frances and Donny look in my direction.

"Uh well it was nice meeting you guys and I hop everything goes well with the baby and and the wedding, but I think I'm gonna head off-"

"Amy you don't h-"

"How are you gonna get back? I'm your ride?" Harry buts in when Frances starts talking as I pick up my bag.

"Like I said it was nice meeting you guys, I'll pay for my half of the bill and I'll be off" I say as Frances stands from the table giving me an apologetic look as she goes to hug me.

"I'm so sorry about him, he's an idiot ignore him" she whispers to me and I laugh lightly.

"I know I just wanna go home now" I say trying not to sound rude.

"Good luck with everything I hope I see you again" she smiles as she pulls away holding arm length away. I nod and she lets go and holds her tummy.

"And you, hopefully next time I'll be meeting a new member too" I say smiling at her gesturing to her growing stomach.

"I hope so, see you soon" she says and I nod before turning to Donny who had come over beside her giving me a small hug.

"Bye Donny"

"I hope you and Harry figure things out, don't give him too much of a hard time" he chuckles and I do too.

"I won't don't worry" I say as I pull away. I bid my last good byes, leaving money on the table for the bill before turning to leave. I open the door letting the cold air hit me as I step onto the now quiet street. I pull my jacket tight around my body before walking down the street.

"Amy-" I feel someone grab my arm spinning me around only to see Harry looking distressed.

"Let go of me Harry, I'm fine just leave me alone" I snap my arm back had shy away from him.

"How are you going to get home?" He asks not letting me leave as he steps in front of me as I go to leave.

"I'm getting a fucking taxi alright? Now fuck off" I push past him glaring at him as I bump into his side.

"Uh I don't think so" he grabs my arm stopping me again.

"I said leave me alone" I seethe.

"Your not getting a taxi" he says and I roll my eyes.

"Well I'm not getting in that car with you" I spit and he sighs letting go of my arm and raising his arms.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" He yells at me.

"Your unbelievable"

"Are you having a laugh? I honestly haven't done anything wrong!" He laughs is disbelief as I glare at him folding my arms over my chest.

"Go back to your friends Harry, I'm going home" I shake my head as I take a few steps back from him.

"Please let me take you home" he sighs.

"I said no" I say sternly.

"Please, I won't even say a word I'll just drive you there" he says and I shake my head.

"Goodnight Harry"

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