It Just Takes Time (Book 2)

By Forever_a_dreamer101

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Book 2 of It Just Takes Time. How will Ginny and Harry fight what's right in front of them? How will they re... More

Chapter 2: Walks and Talks
Chapter 3: Blame Game
Chapter 4: Won Won!
Chapter 5: Ron, Ron and Ron again.
Chapter 6: Awkward.
IJTT 2 On Hold! Important Authors Note!
Chapter 7: Into The Forest... again?
Chapter 8: Daydreaming
Chapter 9: The Key (Finally)
Chapter 10: Going Home?
Chapter 11: You've Got To Be Kidding Me.

Chapter 1: Double Date?

4.1K 147 203
By Forever_a_dreamer101


So basically Ginny right now is back at Hogwarts. She woke up and said she had this crazy dream she couldn't remember anything that happened in it except colorful flashes.


"Well, maybe you could tell me over breakfast?" he asked reaching his hand out for me to hold. I hesitated but I held his hand and stood up. 

We walked downstairs to the Great Hall where the aroma of food was smelt, the chatter of students were most definitely heard and my friends were seen. 

"Hi guys." I chirped. 

"Hey!" they all responded. (Harry, Ron and Hermione)

"You certainly took your time." said Hermione grinning.

"Oh shush. I was sleeping. I had this really weird dream where-"

"Wait a minute!" exclaimed Ron. 

"What?" asked Harry.

"Who ate all the bacon?" he asked looking around everyone's almost empty plates. 

"You did!" said Hermione. "I didn't even know it was possible for someone to eat that much in one meal." Ron shrugged and continued to munch on his toast. 

"So Ginny..." said Dean.


"You wanna go to Hogsmeade with me today? It's Saturday so you still have tomorrow to finish homework." he said hopefully. 

"Sure. Why not?" I said squeezing his hand a bit. 

"Hey, Cho and I were thinking of going as well. Why don't we join you guys?" asked Harry. 

"That's cool with me. Ginny?" asked Dean. 

"Of course!" I said. 

"Oh great. That means I get to spend the whole day with..."

"Won Won! There you are! I should've known you were in here eating. Let's go on a walk later today yeah?" asked Lavender happily skipping over to us. 

"Um actually I was planning on going to ... Hogsmeade! Yeah with Harry, Cho, Dean and Ginny! So I'll be a bit busy today! Can't let my friends down now can I?" 

"Oh that's a wonderful idea! I'll meet you all there in 1 hour?" She said hugging him from behind and kissing the top of his head. 

"Well it seems everyone else is coming. Won't you come along with us Hermione?" I asked. 

"I- Uh well actually I was supposed to meet up with Draco today." I coughed so hard milk almost came out of my nose. 

"Draco?" I sputtered. "Malfoy? You're dating him?!" I exclaimed. 

"Ginny, we've been over this. Please don't make a scene about this. Look I know he's a Slytherin and all but he's actually really sweet once you get to know him."

"You're gonna date him after all that's he's done to me?" And that's when my mind went blank. 

"Did what? You've never spoken to him once." she said confused. 

"Nevermind. That's okay. I'll try to get to know him. Bring him along." Hermione's face lit up as I smiled warmly at her. 

All the food vanished from the table as we all started to get up.

"Alright let's meet outside in about 15 minutes?" suggested Harry.

"Are you insane?" I asked. 

"That's barely enough time to tie up my hair!" exclaimed Hermione waving around the bushy mess that was her hair.

"Alright geez, maybe a half hour?" asked Dean. 

"More like 1 hour!" said Hermione dragging me to the Common room and up the stairs. 

"Help me pick what to wear!" she said. 

"Why is this such a big deal?" 

"...well this is kind of like our first official date..." she spoke quietly. 

"Oh well in that case, let's go!" 



Hermione and I walked outside to see Harry already there.

"Ginny, I'm going to go find Draco and invite him alright?"

"Sure." I said as she walked off.

 Harry turned around. 

"Wow, Ginny you look amazing." he said just staring at me. I was just wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a red and black top. 

"Thanks." I said smiling. "So do you." I watched Harry tried to pat down his mess of hair which failed miserably then he looked at my neat red hair which was let out. 

"I feel the need to mess up your hair." said Harry. 

"What? No. Just because your hair's always a mess doesn't mean you gotta make mine messy too." I said backing away from him. I started running away from him laughing. 

"You're not faster than me Weasley!" he said still chasing me. 

"Yeah right Potter!" I yelled from behind. 

But he was right. He came up from behind me and grabbed my waist. I shrieked as he lifted me into the air. I slipped through his hands, but before I could run away, he grabbed my wrist and turned me around. We just stood there. Staring at each other. Still out of breath from running so much. 

"Ginny you feel like something's missing?" he whispered. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean ever since this morning. I feel like there was a part of me missing that I hadn't noticed before." 

"Yeah. That's strange. So did I. You know, I had this insane dream that we wen-"

"Hey! Hands off Potter!" said a voice chuckling. 

Harry instantly let go and failed to cover up his red face. 

"Ginny, you look great!" exclaimed Dean. 

"Thanks." I said glumly. I kind of wanted to see where my conversation with Harry would lead to. It seemed like he experienced the same thing. So maybe I wasn't in this alone. 

Ron started running to us as well. 

"Guys let's go before Lavender gets here."

"Why? Doesn't won-won miss his wittle girlfriend?" I teased. Cho caught up with us. 

"Oh shut up Ginny." he scoffed. 

"Hi everybody." she said sweetly. "Let's go shall we?" 

I saw Hermione and Draco behind us, hands intertwined as they both laughed and talked together. We all started walking.

"To be honest, they're pretty cute together." I admitted. 

"They are." said Harry looking back as well. 

"No they aren't! He's a Slytherin!" 

"What's wrong with that? They seem to like each other enough for it not to matter. And Ron seriously if you love Hermione, you shouldn't care."

"Love her? Pft. Why would I love her?"

"I mean as a friend you idiot. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous of Draco."

"Yeah keep dreaming." said Ron hurrying past us. 

"He so likes her." whispered Harry in my ear. 

"I know." I whispered back. 

Dean apparently noticed this because he pulled me a bit closer to him and put his arm around me. I rolled my eyes as I saw the outlines of the buildings of Hogsmeade. 

"Let's to the Three Broomsticks first yeah?" asked Hermione from behind us. 

"Sure." said Dean as we made our way into the mess of crowded people. Children were running around. Parents chasing them to slow down. Other kids from Hogwarts were there as well. 

"Neville!" I exclaimed happily as I walked over to him. 

"Ginny! Wow, what a coincidence." he said. 

"Yeah. So, Neville have you seen Luna anywhere? It seems like it's been years since I've talked to you guys." 

"Yeah, she just went to get some ice cream for us." He pointed off into a direction from where I instantly saw her bouncy blonde curls. She hurried over here with two ice creams. 

"Ginerva! Hello. If I'd known you were here, I would've gotten you some ice cream too."

"Don't worry Luna I'm here with them." I pointed to everyone who was a few steps back. Harry and Hermione waved as I turned to face Luna again.

"Oh, I hope I'm not disturbing you guys!" I said finally realizing I kind of just barged in with them. 

"Not at all. Luna just wanted to show me a plant she couldn't quite name."

"Right, of course. Well then I'll be on my way. See you later." 

"Watch out for Wrathspurts!" she called from behind me. I smiled at her.

I walked off but looked back once more to see Neville kissing Luna's cheek. So they were together as well? 

"Ready?" asked Dean. 

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said grinning.

 And that's when my body froze. My mind started fizzing and showed me a picture of something. Something I had never even thought of before. A museum? How strange....

Chapter 1 of It Just Takes Time, DONE! Hope you liked this chapter, please vote, comment and share if you did. If you have any ideas for this story or any feedback let me know. Um.... I don't know why but I'm really just happy right now. But anyways, have a wonderful day. (If you're reading this at night, just read it again tomorrow) (Don't actually do that though) (But I mean if you want to, I won't stop you) (Partly because I can't because I don't know where you live)


I dedicate this chapter to ... 

Anonymous_Crazy_Girl ---> Nice username. Thanks for reading! 

meggle01 ---> Don't worry about this story until you've finished the first one! Thanks for voting!

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