Actions Speak Louder Than Wor...

By Potatoe_And_Tomatoe

49.3K 1.9K 399


Author Here!
Chapter 1!
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
Chapter 5!
An Unawesome Author Note.
Chapter 6!
Chapter 7!
Chapter 8! Part one...
Chapter 8! Part two...
Oh, You're Still Reading..?
Chapter 9!
Chapter 10! Double Digits Baby!
Chapter 11!
Chapter 12!
Don't Kill Me!
The Long Awaited, Chapter 13!
Sorry For Irritaring You All.
Chapter 14!
Chapter 16!
Chapter 17!

Chapter 2!

2.7K 113 11
By Potatoe_And_Tomatoe

I went through my classes pretty quick and now it is lunch time! Antonio came and walked with me to lunch and we sat at our regular table. Lovino was dragged away by his brother and Francis was flirting with some of the cheerleaders so, It left just me and Antonio. I pulled out my lunch box and white board, and waited for Antonio to return from buying his lunch. My mom has me make my lunch because she believes it will inconvinence people if I had to buy it. I sighed and started to doodle on my board with my dry erase markers.

"Chica, you shouldn't do that! You'll waste the ink." Antonio sat in front of me with his pizza and caped the marker in my hand. I rolled my eyes as if saying 'nu-uh' and took a bite of my sandwich. I ate and listened to Antonio talk about his morning classes. I'd silently laugh at some of the stuff he said and that seemed to make his smile brighter. We finished eating and walked to gym together. I put the strap on my board over my shoulder and held my markers tightly in my hand as we braved the crowded halls. He held my hand tight and pulled me through the crowd and to the gym. I gave him a hug as a thank you and rushed off to get dressed. I walked out of the locker room and got a lot of weird looks from the other students. I shrugged it off and walked up to my P.E. teacher.

"You know you can't have that, right?" He asked gesturing towards my board and markers. I just smiled sweetly and wrote on the board.

'Sorry sir. I'm mute. I am required to use these while I learn Sign Language. I hope you understand.' I showed him and he nodded in understanding.

"Alright. As you were." He said. I put my stuff down on the bleachers and started participating in the warm-up exercises. After P.E. I had a few boring classes and Antonio walked me home. The next few weeks flew by in a blur and now was the much awaited day.

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