
Od billiejayy

429K 12.4K 3.8K

This story is about....well you'll have to read it to find out. Happy reading!(NOT A FAN-FICTION) If you're n... Viac

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chaper 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Part 1
Chapter 34 Part 2
Chapter 35 Final Part

Chapter 7

13.6K 438 115
Od billiejayy

(Has been edited)

Nelly's POV

After Gray and I's kiss I couldn't stop smiling. All I thought about was him in my dreams. That's not weird is it? 

What are you doing to me Gray?...

Anyways, I wake up and make up my bed, then text my brother and Grayson back. Then do my hygiene and put on some black skinny jeans, my favorite black sweater with Michael Jackson on it, and my black tims. I then let my hair down, and put in some leave in conditioner to make it curl up. I also but on some mascara, and lip gloss then grab my book bag and go down stairs to eat breakfast.

I get another text from Tino saying that they changed the plans. They got a car from some dealership and they just need me to pick it up and get them from the airport. I reply back saying this that was fine and my mom, Michael and I go to the car and drop him off.

As we head down the road to my school I turn my mom, and debat on whether I should tell her now or later about this, but I go ahead and tell her anyways.

"Soo mom.. Grayson asked me to go on a date with him right?..-" She slams on the breaks and stares at me for like a whole minute then continues driving. She asks, as I continue to stare out the window shocked, reflecting on how my life just flashed before my eyes,"So what did you say?" Like my head didn't almost bash into the window! I say,"I-I said yes.." She just stays quiet for the rest of the ride. She gets quiet when she's thinking hard.

When we pull up to the front of the school she lets out a long sigh, then turn to me and say,"Look Nelly it's fine if you go on a date with Grayson. It's just... I don't want you to get hurt again and shut me out like you did before. It was so painfully for me watching you walk around basically dead and not being able do anything about it. But I trust Grayson. So just be careful please Nelly."

I pull her into a tight hug and say,"I promise I'll be careful momma and I'm so sorry I put you through all that. I won't let that happen again." She smiles and say,"It's fine baby girl, I'm just glad that you're happy now, just don't let him take advantage of you alright?" I nod and she says,"Alright now tell him I said hi, I see him waiting for you at the entrance." We both laugh a little and I say bye then get out.

As I'm walking to him all I could do was smile and think about how beautiful he is, inside and out, but my thoughts were interrupted by Andrew calling my name. I groan loudly and turn around with my hand on my hip and my eyebrow raised. Gee mother nature ain't playin today. He holds his hands up in surrender and say,"Sorry for bothering you I'll just go back." He starts to away, so I sigh and say,"Andrew wait, you already got my attention so what's up." He comes back and say,"I just wanted to say hi and I wanted to know why you didn't text me yesterday. Is everything okay, did I do something wrong?"

I laugh a little and say,"Of course not I was just busy is all." He sighs of relief and say," Oh that's great to here... I guess I'll see you around then." I nod and he just stands there for a few more seconds, then out of no where, he pulls me into a hug. I just stand there awkwardly for a little while then hug him back. After a good two seconds later, he pulls away and smile at me then walk away. Weird. I turn back around and walk over to a pissed Grayson. Oh boy.

I say while grabbing his hand,"Hey Gray, it's fine. I'm not even attracted to him okay?" He sighs and say,"Okay. So that means you're attracted to me?" I just blush and say,"Let's just go." He laughs and we walk in and grab all of our stuff then walk into class. Since the teacher hasn't started class yet me and Grayson talk about our date..

"So I will be picking you up from your house around......... six, is that okay with you princess?" He asks and I just melt on the inside at the fact that he called me princess. I say back, while grinning like a Cheshire cat," Yes that's fine with me." He smiles down at me and class begins..


Today goes by like a blur. Literally. My freakin Math teacher decided to stack me up with work. So as soon as I get home I'm gonna get on it.

Right now I'm in the car with Grayson. He's taking me home. He's talking but I'm half listening, cause I'm just a little nervous about our date.

He stops talking and look at me, then look back at the road and ask,"Are you nervous about the date?" I sigh and say,"Yeah a lil bit." He turns to me and say,"You don't have to be nervous Nelly it's just me. I'm not Jack the Ripper I promise." I laugh and he pulls up to my house and say," I'll see you at six and dress formal okay?" I nod and say 'okay' then walk to the door and unlock it. I walk in and Michael immediately runs to me and hugs me. I kneel down and kiss his head and hug him back then say," Somebody missed me." He laughs then goes to the living room and plays with his toys.

I yell,"Ma I'm hoome!" She saids,"Okay I made you a sandwich. It's on the counter." I say,"Aww thanks mother!" She laughs a little, then her phone rings and she answers it all happy! I know it's my dad cause she always gets happy when he calls, its so cute. I grab my sandwich and head up stairs to do my homework, which takes about an hour, so now I have like an hour left to get ready! Dang it!

I run to my moms room and tell her about me and Grayson's date, and that I needed her help. She picked out my outfit,( which is the dress at the top.) with some blue stilettos. Then she puts my hair into a high puff or pineapple, whatever you want to call it. For makeup I put on mascara, a nice blue color lipstick, black eyeliner, and fix up my eyebrows a little bit. Finally once I'm done I just add a tight gold bangle my dad gave me before he went into the military, and a rose necklace.

I heard Grayson's car pull up and I waited to see if this boy was gonna blow his horn or not! He better not. But I heard the door bell ring so I sigh of relief.

I try to beat my mom down the stairs, which I successfully accomplished. I open the door to see Grayson looking as handsome as ever. Like woah. Had too do a double take. I smile at him and say,"Hey Gray you look very handsome." He says a low 'thank you' then clears his throat and says,"You look stunning ba- I mean Nelly. You look absolutely beautiful.." I blush and say," Thanks Gray. You ready?" He nods and grabs my hand.

We were about to walk out the house, when my mom saids before we could leave,"Hey! Be good to her Grayson! Or else!" He says,"Oh I will I promise!" Then we walk to his car, and he opens the door for me and I get in then he runs over to his side and starts the car and pull off.

"So where are we headed?" I ask. He goes,"Well I wasn't gonna tell you at first but I guess I'll tell you the first place we're going which is that restaurant called Spumoni's downtown (I made it up. There's no restaurant in Atlanta named Spumoni's)." I say,"Oooh ok." For the rest of the ride we sit in a comfortable silence just enjoying each others company...

When we finally get there after a long hour, he gives his keys to the valet and open my door for me. I thank him and we walk in hand in hand. Grayson walks up to the guy at the front desk and say,"I have reservations under Dolan." The guy looks at his list and say,"Right on time Mr. Dolan, this way please." He leads us to a small table for two, and Grayson pulls out my chair for me and I thank him and sit down.

Grayson's POV

Once I sit down I just stare at the beauty in front of me.. God she's so gorgeous... I can barely keep my eyes off of her.. She says,"This is nice Gray, thanks for taking me here." I say,"Don't thank me yet beautiful." She opens her mouth to say something but is cut off by our waiter saying,"How is this lovely couple doing on this fine evening. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" I'm happy that he said couple, but I'm mad that he cut off Nelly! Nelly speaks up first saying,"I would like some sparkling cranberry juice please."

He nods while smiling at her and writing it done, then turns to me and says," And for you sir?" I go," I'll get the same thing." He nods and writes it done and asks," Are you guys ready to order yet?" I look at Nelly to see if she's ready and she's still looking through the menu so I say,"You can order anything you want it's on me." She smiles at me and looks at our waiter and say," Do y'all have any sea food?" I love her accent. He literally gets all in her space and reads the menu and say," Right there!" while smiling at her. I'm getting angrier by the minute! Control your self Gray I say in my head. She looks over it then saids," I don't really know what I want Gray, I'll just get whatever you get." I love it when she calls me Gray...

"Okay well then we'll have the Shrimp Alfredo! Is that okay with you Nelly?" She nods and he writes it down and say,"Okay I'll be right back with your orders!" Then walks off. So I speak up and ask,"So Curls how did you sleep last night?" She saids," I slept pretty good. I had a lot on my mind though." Curiously I ask,"What did you have on your mind? If you don't mind me asking?" She looks down and blushes a little then say,"Well you and our..kiss." I immediately get worried and ask,"Was it not good? I-I-" she cuts off my rambling and laughs, then say,"I enjoyed it Gray. Calm down. It was amazing actually." I start smiling really big and blush. I say,"It was amazing for me too gorgeous..." She blushes deeply.

The waiter comes back with our drinks and our food. Once he leaves Nelly prays over the food then we dig in.

"You got a good choice in food Gray! Gawd this is good!" She moans. She has to stop doing that. For my sake. I say,"Well I'll have you know, I also have an amazing choice in women.." She smirks.

Once we are finished eating, I pay and we leave. The valet gives me my car back and we head off to our next destination. Which is also a surprise. We are almost there.

Once I pull into a parking space, which took forever, I get out of the car and head to Nelly's side and open the door for her. I lock the door and we start walking. We are at an outside pavilion downtown. It's really nice. Nelly grabs my arm and say,"I remember I came here along time ago with my dad. It was real fun." I ask,"Oh yeah?" She nods and we continue to talk until she pulls my arm and say,"Can we please go in there!" It was some natural hair store. I say,"Sure."And she pulls my hand with her as we walk in the store. I love how she keeps grabbing my hand.

As we are going from aisle to aisle Nelly gets a little frustrated cause she can't seem to find something so she goes to the register and asks them. Once she has what she needed we walk out and go to America Apparel. She got me a T-shirt and a necklace, I got her 2 shirts and 1 sweater. We were shopping for like an hour or so mostly just walking off the food.

We headed to my car and I put our bags in the trunk then get in and pull off." There's one more place I wanna take you okay?" She nods and saids 'where?' I say,"Not telling you Curls." She grunts then turns up the radio and we start jamming.

Two hours later.....

I pull into a parking space and gently wake Nelly up, but I put a blind fold on her, so she couldn't see what it looked like yet, but I'm sure she could hear the sounds of the waves crashing. So I take it off, when we get out. Her jaw drops and she say,"This is beautiful Gray.." See the sun is setting so the sky is a purple pinkish color now, which makes the ocean have a beautiful glow, and I have a nice, romantic picnic blanket out for us to sit on with a picnic basket.

I also have some nice soft music playing, coming from the car. I say,"Anything for you Nelly." Then grab her hand and lead her to the picnic. Once we are settled I say smoothly," So we have two special sandwiches, grapes, strawberries and some sparkling grape juice. Would you like a glass?" She smiles and nod. I pour both of us some and we dig in. We started talking about any everything while watching the sun set.. I actually keep my eyes on her the entire time.

I decided to build up some courage and ask after a while,"So Nelly, I have to ask you something?" She nods for me to continue and I do,"Well first I'll start here, I know we haven't known each other for a long time, but I feel like I've know you for years, and when I first saw you all I could think was, damn... This is the most beautiful human I have ever layed eyes on. I mean it Nelly. Everything about you is just beautiful. And I wanted to know if you Nelly Tory Simmons would do me the honor of you being my girlfriend?" By now she has tears of joy running down her cheeks. She nods her head and say,"Yes I'll be your girlfriend Grayson!"


Next Chapter coming soon!!! Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!! Btw they were in Savannah, Georgia. TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍷🍾🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂

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