My Werewolf Boyfriend!?

Por Novel19

14.7K 147 54

Kayla and Zach, your typical couple. Young and Inlove. Kayla Knows everything she need to know about Zach, or... Mais

My Werewolf Boyfriend!?(1-2)
My Werewolf Boyfriend!? (3-4)
My Werewolf Boyfriend!? (5-6)
My Werewolf Boyfriend!? (7-8)
My Werewolf Boyfriend!? (9-10)
My Werewolf Boyfriend!?(11-12)
My Werewolf Boyfriend!? (13-14)
My Werewolf Boyfriend?(15-16)
My Werewolf Boyfriend!?(17-18)
My Werewolf Boyfriend!? (21-22)
My Werewolf Boyfriend!? (PLay List)

My Werewolf Boyfriend!? (19-20)

650 7 2
Por Novel19

Chapter 19. Anything

 We pulled up in front of her house. "This is it." Emily said. I look at the small wood house. "Just you?" I asked her. "Pretty much." I was staying with Emily so first, my mother doesn't know I'm in town, an second, everybody else thinks I'm still in Washington.

 We walked in an she showed me to a room. "This will be yours for now." The bed was small, child like. The room itself was somewhat childish. "Who else lived in here." I asked, Emily looked at me an shook her head. "Nobody, just me." She walked out an left me by myself.

 I placed down my bags an sat on the bed. It squeaked at me like a mouse. I looked up the window, rain drops sliding down the window. What are you doing Kayla... I thought to myself. This is such a bad idea, I mean,  what the hell am I thinking!? Nothing apparently!

 "Hey Em." I yelled. "Sup?" She yelled back. " you know if hes already propousedto someone..?" Silence. "I...I really don't know Kayla." She walked in the bedroom an sat by me. "I'm sure he hasn't." She gave me a smile. "The only way to find out, is by going." She said. I stood up an looked down at her. "Then what are we waiting for?" She looked up at me. "That'a girl."

 We walked up the steps to the girls cottage. I opened up the door to find no one, but the one person I was least wanting to see. "Susan." I hissed. She had no emotion. "It's not me." She said. I made a face towards her. "What do you mean?" She walked over towards me. "You'll see." She brushed past me an out the door. I looked at Emily with confusion. She shrugged her shoulders.

 We walked out following Susan. She turned to me. "Once you find out, you would wish it was me over who it is." She turned back around an walked towards the cafeteria. I followed her into the cafeteria. The group of girls where huddled around someone. Giggles an laughs from the circle. I walked closer to find Katrina in the middle, an on her finger, a golden ring with a diamond placed on the top, rested onto it.

 It all grew silence an all eyes turned to me. Katrina looked at me with delite. "I told you so." Susan said with her arms crossed. I threw my hand over my mouth an walked out. I grabbed onto the pole an gasped for air. Her!? Why on earth her!? I thought inside of my head.

 I kept my tears in, an my breath as well. If I breathed, it would all be let out. Someone grabbed my shoulder, I found Emily behind me. I fell into her. "Come on, not here." We walked over to the gym with my head buried into her shoulder an her arms around me.

 She opened the door an I went to the nearest chair. Then, my tears flowed down my face. We sat there in silence for awhile, all to be heard were my weaps. I finally pulled myself together an looked at Emily. "I don't understand." I said. She shook her head. "Me either...." I stood up an pushed a blonde string of hair from my face. "It just doesn't add up. I mean, first off, what about Tyler!?" Emily looked up at me an shook her head once again. "I guess I forgot to tell, Tyler moved off. Him an Katrina had a huge fight after you left. An Tyler couldn't handle it anymore. So, one morning, we all couldn't find him. We looked everywhere, so we finally went to Katrina. We asked her where he was, she just looked at us an said oh so calmly. "Gone." An went back to whatever she was doing."

 It still didn't seem to make sense. So soon, getting married? Something wasn't right, an I was going to find out.

 Katrina walked in an closed the door behind her. I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you, Kayla." Dirty, rotten, no good liar. "It's fine. I'm happy for you two." I placed a smile on my face. "Well good. Emily, can me an Kayla talk, alone?" Emily looked at me an lifted her brow, I nodded. She got up an left.

 Katrina's worried smile went away, she placed her hand on her hip an smirked. "Wow, your pathetic." She said with a little laugh. "Excuse me?" She rolled her eyes. "Kayla, nobody is going to pity you, you brought this onto yourself. You said no, an in return, I got the ring." She lifted up her left hand an wiggled her fingers. "Second choice." I said, she grinned her teeth. "I'm going to be the one in that white dress, ring on the finger, an the words I do coming out of my mouth in the end." I chuckled. "You think I'm not going to say anything to Zach? How I think we should be together?" She walked towards me.

 her strides towards me short an gracefully. "If you knew what was best for you, then you wouldn't even bother talking to my Finance. Better yet, you should go ahead an get lost. You're not invited to the wedding anyways." She was in my face an her eyes filled with threat. "We'll see." I said, she shook her head. "Wedding is in three days exactly. The day Zach has to say those words, or everything an anything he knew is gone. Would you want to do that to Zach? Just so you can be happy?" Katrina was right, am I really going to risk it, just to be happy?

 "Glad we understand each other." She said. I put my head down. "Oh don't worry now, Kayla. I'll be sure to be a better wife for him then you would have ever been. Just remember, you're doing him good by staying out of his life, for good." She backed away from me an opened up the door. "Oh, have a good day." She finally said, an proceeded to walk out.

 I followed behind. I ran past everything an to the beach. Running down the hill to the sand an water, trying not to fall from the sticks in the middle of the path.

 I fell to the sand, balling my hands in fist. "All out of choices, chances, anything! I can't do anything to stop this..." I said to myself. "Or can you." An unfamiliar voice came from behind me. I turned to see a tall male. He seemed familiar. Then it hit me, its Johnny. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "You don't know the whole story." He said. "You're not explaining this clearly Johnny."

 "I've said enough. You have to find out for yourself." He walked away an back into the woods. You don't know the whole story. What more is there to know? I got up an walked back up to the camp. Game face Kayla, Katrina was just trying to get to you, which it worked.

 I walked up to the girl cottage but stopped when I heard Katrina talking. "Meet at the beach tonight at twelve. Don't be late, understood?" Katrina said firmly. I leaned in to hear better of the conversation but I stumbled on the steps. "Sh." Katrina said, she walked towards the door an I looked for any sort of escape. 

 The door creaked open an I jumped into the bushes. I could see Katrina looking around. "We'll talk later." She said back inside. She walked back in the cottage, turning back one more time, an finally closing the door. 

 I drug myself out of the bushes, branches getting ahold of me. I got to my feet an ran to Emily's truck. Lucky me, she was there. "Hey, I've called an called you! Where have you been?" She said. "Around. Hey, we should go. Just, you know, it's seven thirty, we might as well head back." She gave me a strange look. "Well...alright." 

 We piled into her truck an she started the truck up. She looked over at me. "Kayla, what's going on?" I looked right back at her. "I'll be sure to tell you, when I find out." With that said, we pulled out of camp, an headed back to the house.

 I sat on the rug an starred up at the clock. Watching its every move. Tick, tick, tick. It went on, an on. "Kayla, if the goal here is to freak me the hell out, then its accomplished!" Emily looked down on me. "What are you waiting for?" She asked. I looked at her. "For eleven o'clock." I replied. "Why?" I shook my head. "Not sure what it is." It was true, but, also not all the way true. If I told Emily about me sneaking around at night listening in on Katrina, she would want to come. But I have to do it on my own.

 "Right....well. It's almost elven. An I am tired, so, I'm going to bed. You better get to sleep also, I think you need it." She walked away an into the hallway. "Good-night." She yelled, "Night." I yelled back.  I got up an went to slip my shoes on.

 I looked over on the counter, an saw her keys. I felt horrible for taking her truck, but, I needed a way to get there, an her truck was just the trick. I ran out the door an cranked up the truck. I drove to the camp, an parked in an open space in the woods. I got out an snuck down to the beach. 

I camped out in the bushes, waiting for anybody to come. I heard someone coming down the path, I stopped moving, an even stopped breathing. No turning back now.  A figure walked past me an onto the beach. I tried my hardest to see the face, but I couldn't, they had a hoodie on an it was shadowing their face.

 An other figure approached. "Katrina." The figure said, the other figure (Katrina supposedly) nodded. "Glad you're here." Katrina said. The figure took off the hoodie, the moonlight shining onto the face, reviling the mysterious figure. "So, what's the deal?" Alexis asked. "We both know the plan, correct?" Alexis nodded. Plan? 

 "Great, now, the re-birth of Griffin's plan can finally happen. First, the small town of Isac, next the world. We are finally going to run out the humans, make them slaves. An me, as the queen. Griffin is going to be so proud an-" Alexis stopped her. "What about Kayla? We should know she's going to talk to Zach." 

 Katrina was struck with this. "I'm sure I can find something to do with her. I might as well kill her, she did kill my brother." Alexis nodded. "Katrina, how are you going to be the most powerful person ever, by just being married?" Katrina laughed.

 "See this?" She pulled out a stone. "Before Griffin was murdered, he found this stone. He did all sorts of research on it. Turns out, once the holder of the stone becomes mated an married. They have to throw it into a blazing fire. Then, the stone's power are realised off to the be-holder. Creating an granting all the holders powers an desires. An now, that my brother can no longer full fill this, I must take his place." 

 Chapter 20. The lousy truth. 

"What about Zach?" Alexis asked. Katrina put the stone back in her pocket. "He's no longer needed when I throw that stone in the fire. I'm planning a nice slow death for him, my brother deserves the justice." I covered up my mouth, Katrina was going to kill Zach. 

 I had to get out of here, I had to tell Zach, before it was all to late.

 I banged on his front door. The door opened. "WHAT AN WHO THE HELL!?" Zach came out with bed head, an fist clinching the door. "Zach, you can't marry her!" He squinted his eyes. "What?" 

 "Zach, please, I'm begging you, you can't go through with this." He grabbed me an looked at me. "Hey, one word at a time." I took a deep breath. "Zach, she's going to destroy everything, she's going to kill you!" He looked at me. "Okay, okay. First off, hey there. Second of all, what the hell are you doing here an how do you know about me an Katrina? An third of all, what the HELL are you TALKING ABOUT!?"

 "Zach, don't marry her." He shook his head at me. "You know, I thought better of you Kayla. I thought, sure, she'll be upset alittle. But making up this ridicules. An I mean ridicules story, now that's way to far an stupid of you." My mouth was wide open. "Zach, I'm not making this up! Please, you have to listen!" He shook his head at me. "Goodbye an goodnight Kayla."

 I stopped Zach from closing the door. "Zach, why don't believe me..?" He shook his head at me. "Kayla, I know where you stand, an I know where I stand. But where do we stand?" I went to open my mouth but no words could escape me. He closed the door, leaving me speechless.

 "How can he not believe me?" I thought aloud. "You're not trying hard enough if he doesn't." I heard a voice, I turned around to see Johnny. "Johnny, why don't you stop trying to make me save everything an help out! I mean, you do seem to know more then me."  He crossed his arms. "We all have our reasons, Kayla." I laughed. "Reasons? No reason is good enough to not help out in this situation."

 "Kayla, you are the only one who can stop it." I looked around me. "What does a regular girl have to do with any of this, but her ex-boyfriend just having to be a werewolf?" He walked up to me an put his hand on my shoulder. "Everything," Johnny had a warm feeling, an for some reason, I actually kinda believed him. "It's all in the Silver-Stone Moon prophecy." I gave him a look. "Look it up, you'll learn much."

 Johnny stepped back from me, an began to walk away. "Hey, Johnny." He turned to me. "Thanks." He smiled. "I should be the thanker, but, you're welcome."

 I opened up my door, an climbed in Emily's truck an drove home.

 An so, in order to take back the stone from being thrown. You must sacrifice the one. The one with a pure heart, the one who is willing to save the life of an other, the one who shall become the legend.

 You must destroy the stone when you take it back. Cover the stone in the blood of the one, an throw it back into the flames. There will be no more powers left, no wishes left, nothing.

 May peace roam the earth, an may the brave one lay in peace as well. For we all, shall owe our own lives for hers.

 Her? I thought. I scrolled down to the end of the page, nothing left. Reading the last word over, an over. Not understanding. Or did I..? I looked up at the time, four in the morning. It didn't hit me how tired I was until I saw the time, I yawned an closed out the tabs on the computer. I walked to my room an laid down. I closed my eyes an eased into a relaxed state.

 I laid awake in my bed, an then the one question I had to know the answer to hit me. Does he even love me...? Has he finally had enough of giving me chances, an me turning them down..? The possible answers that I didn't care to much to hear pounded in my head. A warm tear found its way down my face, I removed it with the flick of my finger. Come on Zach..have faith...have faith, in me...

 I woke up to the smell of toast. "Emily?" I said aloud. She walked into my room. "Well good morning sleeping beauty." I laughed an got up. "Ready for tomorrow?" My body froze to this. No, no I'm not. "Yeah, I guess I am." She put on a sad smile. "It'll be fine, Kayla." I sighed. "Cross our fingers." She nodded. I walked over to the kitchen to find a plate with bacon an toast.

 I sat down an took a bite out of the bacon. "So, are you going?" I asked her. She bit her lip. "Well, I'm kinda in it." I grinned my teeth. "Right..." I replied. "Kayla, don't be mad." I forced a smile. "No, no, no. It's completely fine." She smiled back towards me. "Great, I'll drive us to the wedding tomorrow an everything. Well, I have to go down to the camp for wedding rehersals. I'll see you sometime tonight." She went into her room an came back out with a dress in hand.

 "Later." I said, I waved an she walked out the door. I took an other bite from the bacon an hung my head down. If you only knew what was bound to come...

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