Desired Destruction • Edward...


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"you were the lion, i was the wolf; enemies from the start." [twilight; book 1] [edward] [UNDER CONSTRUCTION] More

song tag thingy
Torn Tethers


31.7K 1K 434

"I was wrong; I can't do this." Colton stated upon seeing the thinning tree line turn into the outline of an architecturally stunning house that she assumed belonged to the Cullens.

"No, you are not backing out of this. You need to talk to him Cole." Bella urged from her place behind the wheel of her burnt orange truck that Colton was sure was going to crumble away with every jolt of the vehicle. 

"What if he's not even here? You said he was in Alaska." She attempted to sway the brunette's decision so that she would turn them around and she could just stay inside her room for the rest of her life. 

"He's back; Noah told me he got back earlier this morning." She looked so smug when all Colton could do was pout and cross her arms like a small child.

The truck rumbled to a jerky halt in front of of the intimidatingly stunning house that she felt she was underdressed to even step into. She was sure that if she tried she could easily overpower Bella and take control of the car and drive them back to her house. Where they could sit on the couch and she wouldn't have to confront her vampire ex-whatever-they-had-been. 

Her plan quickly dissolved when Noah Cullen appeared from the depths of the mainly glass building and glided effortlessly down the steps and towards the car. She had never actually spoken to the vampire that her best friend was infatuated with. All she knew was that he had strange mood swings and that he had the power to read your 'thought memories.' Whatever the fuck that meant.

"Noah," Bella breathed as she all but sprinted from the car and over to her boyfriend, placing a large kiss on his lips that he happily returned.

Colton wanted to gag while reluctantly opening the door and cautiously placing her feet onto the gravel covered ground. All of her senses felt heightened and her body was rigid and she remained aware of everything happening around her. Being here sent her on edge and made her spine prickle in a way she couldn't exactly explain. 

"Colton, it's wonderful to finally meet you. So glad that you could make it. My brother will be very pleased to see you." Noah stated, wrapping an arm around Bella's waist after their mouths unlatched.

"Nice to meet you too." She returned with an awkward bob of her head and a shuffle of her feet, hands stuffed into the depths of her parka's pockets to stop them from balling into fists. "You're house is lovely."

He smiled at her, revealing two rows of perfectly deadly teeth that made her want to shudder away. She had never felt so unsettled in her life and wondered why she had never felt like this around Edward. 


She froze, body locking in place at the sound of  her name. Slowly, she rotated to face the woods. Edward stood on the other side of Bella's truck, just off in the tree line looking as heartbreakingly handsome ever. With freshly topaz eyes that stared at her in curiosity.

"Hi," She breathed like she had been punched in the stomach. "Can we talk?"

He nodded, movement robotic as he jerked his head in the direction of the woods before disappearing into their depths. Colton turned around, giving both Noah and Bella a brief, tight smile before following quickly after.

They stood in silence, neither daring to speak or look at the other. The tension was suffocating and Colton wished more than ever that she had never come. 

"I've missed you."

Colton was shocked that was what he had decided was a good way to go about starting this. She couldn't really imagine him missing her, the girl who had basically said she didn't except what he was. But that seemed to be the kind of person Edward was, his love being unconditional, something Colton would never understand.

"I've missed you too." She spoke slowly, gaze fiddling over the rigids and crevices of the ground so that she wouldn't have to meet his hypnotizing his gaze that she could feel burning into her. 

"What did you want to talk about?"

"I've had some time to think. And I think I know what needs to happen between us."

She was met with silence. He was waiting for her answer.

With a reluctant sigh, she pulled her eyes up from the ground to meet his and felt like she had been punched yet again. He was enchanting. Something she had attempted to convince was because he was a vampire but knew it was because it was just him. 

"I can't live without you Edward." She started with a small shrug of her shoulders. "And honestly; I don't want to. I don't care what you are or that we're meant to be enemies. I love you and I want to be with you. And if being around you and your family means me turning into a moronic wolf-person hybrid then I don't care. Because I want to be with you. So fuck species barriers and treaties and all that fucking bullshit and let's just be together. Okay?"

He smiled at her, that crooked smile that she loved all too much. "Okay."

how corny. how thrown together but my edlton shipping heart loves the fluff so i'll let it slide. thanks for reading. comment if you feel like it.

love, p.

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