Sweet Revenge (Auslly)

By AnneR5

109K 1.4K 163

When Austin & Ally meet up again after 5 years, they fall in love with each other. But Austin is still with K... More

An Auslly Fanfic - Love Never Dies
Chapter 1 - Meeting up again
Chapter 2 - Date?
Chapter 3 - Only one kiss
Chapter 4 - You're a cheater
Chapter 5 - Telling Ally
Chapter 6 - You're gonna regret this
Chapter 7 - Publishing The Photo
Chapter 8 - Forgive me
Chapter 9 - I don't know
Chapter 10 - 3 messages and a canceled concert
Chapter 11 - Party at Ally's house
Chapter 12 - On Tour
Chapter 13 - Back In Miami
Chapter 14 - Restaurant Date
Chapter 16 - Going home
Chapter 17 - List of dates
Chapter 18 - Beach date
Chapter 19 - Castle date
Chapter 20 - Restaurant date
Chapter 21 - Nightmares
Chapter 22 - The swing set
Chapter 23 - I warned you
Chapter 24 - Calling the police
Chapter 25 - In one week
Chapter 26 - The day (part 1)
Chapter 27 - The day (Part 2)
Chapter 28 - What happened?
Chapter 29 - Will you marry me?
Chapter 30 - Wedding time!
Not an update
Good news!

Chapter 15 - Hospital

2.8K 33 7
By AnneR5

Ally POV

"BANG" We heard. It was the door. I quickly ran to Austin and clung my arms around his waist, looking for help. He knew it was the door which broke and he grabbed my hand and he ran away to our back door, running towards the car. 

I'm crying and scared at the same time. We get in the car and I look around while breathing fast. She can be anywhere, because we didn't hear her walking around the house. 

Austin drives away and steps on the gas once we're on the road. I don't know where we're going, but as long as we're going away from Kira, it's okay for me. 

Austin keeps looking back to see where Kira is. 

"Austin, please keep your eyes on the road." I say, a little irritated. 

"Okay then." He says and looks back at the road. But he looks back again in a few seconds. 

"Please Austin, keep your eyes on the road. I'm scared." I say. He keeps looking back and I sigh and look to the side. I see a car approaching us really fast. 

"AUSTIN LOOK OUT!"  I yell and I hear another bang. I keep my hands on my head and look down hoping for the best, but I can't see anything anymore. 

Austin POV

I run behind the ambulance men to follow Ally when they bring her to a room. The staff lays her down on a bed and they connect a few wires from a monitor to her body. The men leave and I'm alone with Ally in one room. The tears start falling from my eyes again. 

I walk closer to Ally to see how she's doing. She's still 'asleep' and I hover above her. Then the doctor walks in. 

"How is she doing? Is she allright? Will she ever wake up?" I ask the doctor quickly, question after question, not even giving him any time to answer one of the questions. 

"She's doing okay, but she's not stable yet. I don't know if she will ever wake up, we just have to wait and see how she will be." 

"Okay, thanks doctor." I say and the doctor leaves the room. 

That night, I go home and collect her favorite things from my house, like her favorite kind of flowers and her favorite perfume. 

The next morning I drive to the hospital and place those things around her bed. 

"I brought your favorite things to make you feel at home."  I say to a not responding Ally. 

I sigh and sit down on the chair next to the bed. I keep staring at her until I get hungry. I go to the restaurant in the hospital and have a quick lunch. After that, I go back to Ally's room and sit down again. 

I start talking to her, but she doesn't respond again. I tell her how much I love her and I ask her to wake up again. But she doesn't. I also have dinner in the restaurant and return to Ally again after that. 

I hover above her to look down to her and the tears start falling again. 

"Ally, I'll never forgive myself for doing this to you, I'm so sorry."  I say as the tears stream down my face and they land on her face. I cry even more and one teardrop falls between her lips. She opens her lips and closes them again. She licks her lips and opens her eyes. She immediately looks into my eyes. 

"Ally! You're back!"  I shout and kiss her lips. 

"Hi Austin." She manages to say. I smile at her and walk away to get the doctor to tell him that she has woken up. I can't find him anywhere and I'm away from Ally's room for 10 minutes now. 

Ally POV

Austin is gone for about 10 minutes already. I see someone enter my room. When I see that it's Kira, I try to scream, but there's no voice coming from my lips. She approaches me with a nasty smirk on her face. She walks closer to me and slides her finger across my lips. I try to grab her arm but she immediately pulls her arm back. I pull mine back too, because it hurts. 

"Ow.." I say. Kira starts laughing. Is this real? I think to myself. She walks to the monitor and plays a bit with the wires like a girl does with her hair when she flirts with a boy. 

She quickly unplugs one of them. I start to get afraid and I'm sweating now. I try to move around in my bed but I can't. Kira runs away and then I see Austin return with the doctor. The doctor stands in front of the door and tells Austin that he can't go inside and that they will take care of me. Austin can't see me, but I have to do something to get his attention. 

I murmur for help and I see Austin peeking around the corner. He sees me moving and turning around in the bed and the doctor pushes him back. 

"You can't enter this room right now."  The doctor says and blocks the door. 

"She needs help! Let me through!"  Austin yells and runs so fast that the doctor has to move away. He enters the room and fidgets with the wires of the monitor and plugs the right one back. 

"You're on Kira's side right?" He asks the doctor when he faces him. 

"Yes, yes I am."  The doctor says. Austin runs out of the door and stops a passing nurse. 

"She needs to go to another hospital, it's not safe for her here." Austin says. The doctor ran away and the nurse calls another hospital. 

"She can go to another hospital right now." The nurse says and she walks out to get a few men to take me away. Austin holds my hand while we're driving to the other hospital and when we arrive, the nurse brings me to another room. 

"You're safe now." Austin says and kisses me. 

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