Chapter 24 - Calling the police

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Austin POV

I woke up with Ally beside me in the bed. 

"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?" I ask. 

"hmm quite well" She says and smiles. 

"Shall I make you some breakfast since you're staying at my house?" I say. 

"Yes please" She says. We stand up and for some reason, I want to give her a piggyback ride. So I walk down the stairs with Ally on my back. It's a little bit shaky, but still really funny. I cook her breakfast when we're downstairs, and when we finished eating eat, she starts talking about Kira again. 

"We should get someone to protect us, I know you will, but I'm scared that it isn't enough. What if she'll break down the door while we're both home? What will we do then?" 

"You're right, we should call a police! But do you think that they will take us serious? Because you know, it sounds a little weird that we feel like we're getting threatened, and that someday there will be a girl who is going to ruin your life and my career?" 

"Yep, I know, but we have to try" She says. 

"Okay, I'll call them after we did the dishes, and since you're staying at my house, you have to help" I say with a smile. 

"Okay then" She says. We stand up and do the dishes, but it's way funnier with Ally than when I'm alone. We sing while we're doing the dishes and we're finished in 5 minutes. 

"Okay, I'm gonna call them now" I say. I get my phone and call the police, but not 911, because it's not an emergency. 

"Hello, what do you want to report or ask?" The person says. 

"This might sound weird, but there is someone who threatens us. I don't know, but I think that she will come to our house one day, and my girlfriend and I are scared. Can you do something for us?" I say in my most serious tone. 

"Yes we can, but we need more information. And since it's not sure if she will actually do something, we need to know that for sure" 

"Okay, well, her name is Kira Starr and she is tanned, she has dark hair and suddenly appears everywhere. She sent us notes like 'our names' , 'a skull' and 'soon'. She already threatened us once, my girlfriend saw that she had a gun, but we drove away. Nothing happened that day." I say. 

"Okay, thanks for the information, we will call you soon with our plan" The person says. 

"Thank you so much!" I say happily. I end the phone call and put my phone away. 

"What did he say?" Ally asks. "They're going to discuss what they will do with this situation, I gave him all the information we know and yeah, we can't do more" I say. 

"Okay, thank you for protecting me" Ally says and embraces me in a hug. I hug her back, and we stand there hugging for more than a minute.

Ally POV

"I'm so happy that I know you" I say while pulling back. 

"Me too, but that I know you" Austin says with a weird face. 

"Haha, you're so funny" I say and tap his nose. "So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Austin asks. 

"Shall we write a song? Just like we did back then?" I ask. 

"You know I have professional writers now, right?" Austin asks. 

"Yeah I know, but it'll be fun!" I say. 

"Okay then, because you're so sweet" Austin says and taps my nose. 

"You don't have to copy all my moves Austin" I say and smile. Austin laughs and we walk to the piano, and sit down just like we did back then. We started playing, just an old song, when his hand touched mine. I looked up at him and giggled. He blushed and we continued to play. I played some new chords and Austin came up with some lyrics. This was a lovely day, just getting 'back in time' with Austin.

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