Percy Jackson: The Lost Soul

By Hash2511

368K 6.3K 2.2K

He was betrayed. His Loyalty was judged. So he left. He still helped deserving demigods until they messed up... More

A New Trouble
Trust vs Hate
Forest Trees
Different Directions
Turning back
The Storm
Unthankful Girls
Identity threats
A new challenge
A battle with flaws
The road to finding myself
Raging waves
Water Bubble
Emotional Reunions
A corpse reveals my identity
Unexpected Reveals
Walking in the right direction
Shattered Pieces
The Green eyed boys repel
I recieve a pen
The vow of Revenge
Demigod gathering
Revenge pays me a visit
Sea shock
The road to forgiveness- Part 1
The road to forgiveness-Part 2
Drum Roll Please
Back from the dead

Stuck on the fence

6.5K 146 37
By Hash2511


What have I done? Did my mom disown me?

No fool, she just merely sent you away and would only allow you to return when you change.

Did I just declare a war?

Yes, I was furious, I was sick of being judged by people who said they were family. We say things when we are mad it's an act of wanting to inflict pain on Thalia and the others just as they have inflicted  on me. But my mom, I had hurt her causing her anger to reflect on me as I had done to Camp. My mom, she is an awesome person, one that didn't deserve to cry but I was the reason.

No, it wasn't your fault it was Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Thalia and the rest of Camp's fault for judging you.

What's that disorder when you have multiple personalities? I think I have that, on one side I feel like breaking down in tears and on the other I feel like I should start planning my attack.  

Maybe they will try like we did with Luke, when only were we sure after trying to bring him to his senses did we prepare for war. My dream came into mind of Annabeth making me swear on the river Styx. Images flashed in my head of our good times, fighting in the war against Kronos, when Annabeth stopped Ethan Nakamura from stabbing me in the small of my neck by stepping in front of his blade, the image that appeared when I took a dip in the River Styx of Annabeth standing barefoot reaching  her hand out to help me out of the lake when I had fallen out of a canoe. I shook my head in hope that it would shake the memories out of my head.

No such luck.

I am no bad guy I told myself I am a hero, I am the hero of Olympus, despite what they think of me I will not prove them right. My mom will forgive me because I will change.

A new sense washed over me like a wave, I was a hero and hero's in the end are on the right side.

"Help!" A screech cried.

I raced in the direction of the screech "Help!" The voice cried once more leading me into an alley.

"Do you really think anyone will help us against this thing" a dull voice asked.

"Well, it's more help than you" A girl snapped. "Oh and this is a hellhound to idiot!"

Okay, so voice 1 knows her monsters, that's good I guess. "Where is your bow?" Voice 2 asked.

"It's behind it"

Voice 1 and Voice 2 no longer needed their bow when the hellhound was turned to dust by my amazing sword that my brother had given me. I hadn't managed to get a visual of the two voices before, but now they stood in front of me with shock evident in their faces. There was a boy and girl, the boy had blonde hair and was around the age of sixteen. The girl had auburn hair that was tied in a platt she also looked around the age of sixteen but was a bit shorter than her brother.

"Well done, you know your monsters" I complimented.

"Ah thanks" The girl sarcastically replied. "Listen, if you're I don't know what they called, a guardian to takes us to camp no thanks we are quite good on our own"

"Firstly, it doesn't look like it and secondly I'm not going to take you back"

The girl scowled at me"

"Hi, I'm Nathan and this is my little sister Kennedy" the guy greeted.

"I'm not your little sister!" Kennedy growled "We are twins you dweeb"

"Ah yes you are, I am older than you by three minutes meaning that you are my little sis"

I chuckled as I watched the twins fight. "Hello, Kennedy and Nathan, I am Percy"


"We need to tell the Olympians, maybe they can help" Annabeth suggested.

Once I had returned to Camp and shared the news an immediate War council was called, Annabeth of course burst into tears once she had heard of what Percy had become.

Clarrise was oddly quiet but clearly had something to say about this situation, just by looking into her eyes you could tell.

"What will the Olympians do?" Leo asked "All they will want to do is kill him"

Leo had also been quiet, which was beyond odd as he was probably the most ADHD kid here. Clarrise began to bother me so I did what I thought was right.

"Clarrise, what do you have to say?" I kindly ask.

Clarrise's eyes shot missiles at me, "What do I have to say, hmm let me think" sarcastically she put her fingers on her chin and began to rub. "How about, the Ares cabin will not be participating in this battle as I'm sure nor will the Hepeathetus, Apollo or any that don't your siblings" she spat.

"Clarisse, what do you mean?" Piper asked.

"Don't play dumb" Clarisse sneered "It's all of your faults!" She yelled "If you hadn't betrayed Percy we wouldn't be in this situation, Poseidon wouldn't have disowned Percy and we wouldn't be preparing for a battle against the Romans, you three ruined Percy's life and any deaths that occur in battle are on you"

I felt as if a Knife had been thrown through my chest, I had never thought of it that way and I was partly also to blame. There were tears in all of our eyes as we came to realization that she was right.

So not an awesome chapter, but I thought I could create new tension and add new characters. Nathan and Kennedy are going to be important in this story.

Please keep up with your votes & comments, they help shape the story😝

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