Fast and furious. My version.

By TheBookLoverof99

758K 15.1K 1K

Lexi Turner was a normal girly girl and did whatever her parents told her..... up until racing changed her. A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 19

16.4K 321 12
By TheBookLoverof99

I made my way back to the group and found that Vince had returned to the group, without Dom and Brian.  

"Hey guys sorry about that." I said making my entrance look as casual as possible.

"Sorry about what?" Vince asked confused and looking at me.

"I had to go and answer a call." I explained pointing towards the place I had just walked from.

"Well I think we're finished here. This place is going to start getting messy, now that the teens have showed up." Vince joked gesturing the kids in the car currently doing doughnuts.

Vince was trying to make it look casual, their sneaking away.

"That's cool, I actually have to run off anyway. I'll see you guys tomorrow?" I asked going along with Vince's ruse.

"Tomorrow?Hey you could come shopping with me." Mia said happily. "Letty is the only girl here and she doesn't even act like a girl." Mia said rolling her eyes and not caring that Letty and the others had heard her.

Leon laughed and pointed at Letty who returned the compliment by punching him in the arm.

"Sure, I'd like that." I said.

We hugged and began to part ways when Vince ran over to hug me and kiss me on the cheek.

"Bye Vince." I said smiling and pulling away.

I walked through the crowd to my car and drove slowly past the group while they were waving. This way they saw me leave before them.

I waved back and pulled out of the car park to then pull over on the side of the road a little while later waiting for the others to also leave.

I watched Mia, Letty and Leon leave in one car first followed by Jesse, Vince, and I assumed Dom and Brian. Although, when Letty's car pulled out and turned left, Jesse's car turned right.

I followed at a safe distance and parked my car behind a patch of hedges when I saw Jesse's car stop to let Vince, Dom and Brian out. Jesse then sped out of their and parked out of sight.

Which told me that, they were definitely not supposed to be here and when they climbed the fence my suspicions were answered.

I walked over to Jesse's car and climbed in the passenger side.

"Shit, Lexi!" He exclaimed obviously jumping and not expecting me.

"Quiet." I whispered looking around to see if he had disturbed anything.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered back.

"I could ask you the same question." I said glaring slightly at him, he was just a kid. But he reminded me a lot of us when we were young.

"Um, I'm just sitting here, I'm not doing anything." He said defending himself.

"Oh I know you're not doing anything, but I'm pretty sure I just saw the boys break into that garage." I said slightly threateningly. "Whose garage is it?"

"You saw that?" He asked cringing at the predicament he was in.

"Answer the question Jesse." I whispered back grabbing his arm this time.

"It's Johnny Tran's garage." He said looking quite upset with himself and his failure at not being sneaky enough.

"What are they doing here?"

"Well Dom wants to know what Johnny Tran is racing, because someone told him something and he wanted to make sure."

"Really so this is just because of Race Wars?" I asked shocked.

"Yes, what did you think it was about?"

"If I had an idea I wouldn't be asking you."

"I'm on the look out for Johnny Tran." He said eyeing off the area.

"Okay. I'm going to forget I saw this Jesse, and you're going to forget you saw me. Got that?" I said tightening my grip on his arm.


"By the way, if you are scouting the area, it's real easy, stay low, and keep your eyes to the left here and on your rear vision mirror because they are the only entrances." I said before closing the door quietly and going back to my car.

I dialled one of my sources on my way back to my apartment.

"Gretel?" I answered when she picked up the phone.

"Hey Lexi girl. How are you?"

"Good, hey could you please do something for me?" I asked getting down to business, I didn't have the luxury of small talk.

"Sure, what do you need?"

"I need the files concerning the truck robberies that have been happening recently in my area." 

"Oh that's not a problem I've got them right here." She said.

"That's great. Would you mind passing them on to Ben. I'll be able to pick them up from him when I pay him a visit in the next few days."

"Of course."

"Thanks Gretel. Bye." I said hanging up.

I pulled into my car park and climbed the stairs to my apartment which this time was Owen free.

After stripping down I climbed into my bed thinking about the tone of voice Dom gave Brian

I  wondered if he would take that tone with me if he knew all about the new me and what I have done with the seven years we have been apart.

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