By clumsylouhaz

5.2K 292 24

Its started with a short of introduced self in a letter and Louis find the letter by faith , then started to... More

20 (part 1)
20 ( part 2 )
25 ( part 2 )
epilogue ?
The End
Alternate Ending


475 13 0
By clumsylouhaz

Harry Pov

" Harry , wake up ! Your classes will start in 30 minutes ! " I heard my mom yelled from downstairs . I groans . I rubbed my eyes and let out a loud yawning . I'm lazily getting up , take my towels and turn on the hot showered water . After showering , I dressed in my usual cloth , black ripped jeans , a blue sweater , the weather is really windy . So it might be cold . So I decided to put a beanie on my hair . I take my bag , wallet , phone and keys . I ran downstairs and go to the kitchen . " you look great today ! " my mom hugged me and kiss my cheek . Well , I'm kind of close to her cause I'm the only son she have . So she still treat me like a baby which is I still like it . Weird . I know . " I'm late now . Bye . Love you mom " I kissed her forehead and hugged her again . " take this bread with you okay . Drive carefully , mom love you too " I nodded and walk to my car . Once I get in my car , I switch on the radio , loud enough to wake up the neighborhoods. It's 8:30 a.m after all , they should wake up just like me ..its not fair to have them sleep peaceful while I'm here being forced to go to collage .

After a few minutes driving , I park my car at the usual sport , under the trees of course. I get out of the car and in count 3 , 2 , 1 " Harry the lonely boy already here . " George said while putting his arm on his girlfriend shoulder . I rolled my eyes . They love to tease me . They , I mean George and Melinda, Josh and Jade , Zack and Sarah . They aren't my friends but they aren't my bullies either . I don't know what to call them . I walk past them, ignore them and walk to my first class . Art class . " Harry you late for 3 minutes , but you are lucky I'm in a good mood today , so please take a sit " Mr David said . I sit at the back of the class and listen to whatever he teach us about . " okay now class , I have an assignment that you guys need to do . So this class have 27 students so I want you guys to make a group only 3 people in one group . So there will be 9 groups only . So now , please move to your group . After that I will explain what the assignment about '' Mr David said . Everyone start to move but I make no move , because I'm kinda lazy to move " can both of us be in your group ? " Liam said . They acting like they don't know me at all ! I gave him a look that saying are-you-seriously-asking-me-that? They both laughing and Niall said " well , you make no move after all . Acting like a stranger to us so why don't we play along . '' he sat down next to me while Liam on his other side .

They are really close to each other . In the past , I once  tease them about them being together , but then it's turn out real so here we go again , " Forever Alone '' I sigh and Niall said " what do you say harry ? " he looked at me curiously , I'm about to answer but then " Horan and Styles please pay attention please ! " Mr David said . We apologies and he continued to talk about the assignment " So now , you have 3 people in your group , okay , the assignment is about Love . " Mr David stopped talking as the student start to talk about the assignment  " I need you guys to do a folio which is like a book , with full of drawing . I want you to draw what the story about . For example , Sarah is in love with this person . So you must draw Sarah and the person who she's inlove.  Get it ? " the students start to make annoyed noises . Well , this assignment will make me vomited.  But it's okay , I have Liam and Niall here . " 1 group 1 folio . You can start it now , and you can sent to me whenever you guys finished. But the last date to sent this folio is on November.  " the class cheered cause this month is January so we have like 10 month ahead to finish this folio . " make sure your folio is interesting cause the principles and I agree to give the winner a trip to Japan for 1 weeks and all of the cost we will pay . So make sure you guys do the best " wow .

The trip to Japan . Interesting ." Guys , we better make our folio interesting. I want to go to Japan !! " Niall yelled , and the whole class laughing at him . I smack his head and he said while rubbing his head  " why you've done that ?!! " I laugh and said " you said Japa-'' before I could finish my words , Niall already smack my head " well , same goes to you Bro " he smirk and I let out my tongue . '' so now , what ? What should we draw , who will be in this story ? " Liam said , '' why don't we just make a story about how both of you met then unfortunately fall in love with each other ? " I suggest , I don't know why I suggest that actually!  "Do you really want to know our love story harry ? " Niall smirked and I rolled my eyes " as long as it's didn't involved with you guys sex story " Liam just chuckle and the bells ring that's mean our lesson is over . " Thank you sir " all of us said and headed out of the class . " let's think another Idea should we ? I don't think our love story is interesting " Liam sigh and Niall frown " why not ? " please don't tell me they will fight over this . Ugh . Lucky I'm single . Let alone fight with me . " looks guys , Harry doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend on his side . Forever alone huh harry ? " Josh said when we walked across the hall to go to our locker . I shrugged it off and Niall held my arms and whisper " what's all about ? Are there anything that you didn't told us ? " I nodded and said " well , see you at cafe later , I have a class to go . Bye Nialler bye Leeyum ! " I quickly took my Math book and walk faster to go to my class . Don't want to talk about it now .

After my class , I walk toward the cafe and spotted Niall and Liam at the circle table . I sigh knowing that I must to tell them what happen at the hall. " there you go harry ! What do you want ? Coffee or tea ? Muffin or - ? " I cut Liam words by saying " Tea and muffin please ! " Liam nodded and get up " eh ? Why you didn't ask me ? " Niall exclaimed, Liam laugh and said " hot chocolate , muffin and some bread , am I right ? " Niall grins and nodded . With that Liam leave.  " so now curly , tell me the whole story that I didn't know!  " Niall look at me and I sigh " well , you see I'm 21 years old and I never been in relationship.  The people that you saw in the hallway is kinda sorta my old friends, I guess . They have known me since 10 years ago and it's happen they notice me I don't have any girlfriend or boyfriend on my side . Well , they called me name . Forever alone , Lonely boy , or whatever words but must be lonely in it " I didn't realise I was crying till Niall wrapped his arm around me . " you're not alone harry , you have us , just ignore them okay ? " I nodded and said '' that's what I do " Niall rubbed my back . " hey , what's wrong?  '' Liam said and Niall shush him '' later I will tell you . Harry let's eat shall we ? " I nodded and smiled .

" hey Niall ! " I said while pinching my muffin " wh-ud ? " he said with mouthful " Niall ! Swallow your food first ! " Liam yelled . " sorry ! " I rolled my eyes and said " well , any of you , know how to find a boyfriend or girlfriend or something for me ? " I said . Liam chocked and said " why ? "  " will ya shut up Liam , this question goes to me cause I know why . So mind your own world " Niall hit his forearm and I laugh . " to answer your question , well , just write your number inside one of those book in public libraries " Niall shrugged it away and I nod " that's a good idea !! " I agree and niall eyes widen " ha-rry. . You know I'm joking right ? " I shook my heads and said " it's a good idea after all . " Niall and Liam gasped and Liam said " what if the person who talk to you is a killer ? What if the person is married already ! Whatever you are on , just don't do this . It's dangerous ! " I nodded to just make them calm . Beside why does the killer go to library to read book by the way?  It's nonsense.  I don't care if the person in what gender , cause I'm bi after all .  If the person already married , then they would've ignore the paper and why bother to text me !  So , I will still do this . The Bell ring and I got up . I don't feel like to attend my class , so I lied to Liam and Niall " guys , you can go first . I'm going to toilet , I want to pee ! " they nodded and walk through the hallway to go to their locker while I walk to the direction of my cars .

Louis Pov

" mom , can you help me to go upstairs ? I want to look at fizzy and lottie room for the last time and after that we can leave ? " I said to my mom who was heading towards the door . She smiled sadly and said " that's mean , mom have to carry you . Cmon put your arms around my neck " my mom said to me . I feel I'm burdening her " no mom . I'm heavy . Wouldn't want you to have a broken bones because of me ! Don't want to lost you either , it's enough I lost three of them " I said the last words in whispering tones " oh boo . It's not your fault okay . Now , how can I help you to go to upstairs?  " my mom said while putting her arm around my shoulder . " I put my arms around your shoulder and you help me to wa-. . . " I forgot my legs can't move at all . My eyes begin to watering because of thought of that . " it's okay mom . Just . . Let's go to Holmes Chapel. I know it's a long journey so why don't we go now . Wouldn't want to be there in late late night right ? " I forced myself to smiled and my mom wiped my tears " you're soo strong . I'm lucky to have you . Don't worry about this house , I won't sell it okay . You can always visit this place whenever you're okay . Okay " I saw her eyes to start to have tear as well . I'm sorry mom . I'm sorry for make them died . It's my fault . I'm really sorry.  I hugged her tightly and said " I love you mom "  she rubbed my back and said " I love you boo . Okay now . Ready to go ? " my mom lighten the mood and I smiled , nodding " let's go ! " she said while pushing my wheelchair toward my mom cars . 

Yea my wheelchair. I can't use my legs since 2 last month . It's because of . . . Uh never mind.  Don't want to talk about it . My mom slowly putting her arm under my thigh and I put my hand on her shoulder . She slowly lift me up and set me to passengers seat . After that she closed the door and put my wheelchair on the backseat . Bye home sweet home . I will come here again when I can walk.  I'm sorry fizzy , lottie and dad . I love you guys sooo much . Dad , I promise , I will take care of mom as long as I can . I promise . The car start moving slowly . I sigh . Today is going to be a loooong day .

Harry Pov

I arrived at the public libraries , I never been here . So I wouldn't know where the adults part . I go to the counter for asking " excuse me , can I know um adult section? " the woman sigh and said " never been in library are you? Well , took elevator and push number 3 button . There you will - " "thanks " I cut her words and walked toward the elevator . I push the up button and the elevator open and I get in and push 3 floor button . It's took 54 seconds for elevator to stop . Here we go , adult section . But why it's seem empty ? Oo . It's school time and working time . It's only 12 after all . It will be full later . I tried to find an interesting book to read , well for the person who like to read . I keep searching and something caught my eyes . " Where Is My Prince Charming ? " hoho got ya ! I take out the book and bring it to table to sit down . The title seem interesting but I don't know how is the story . My phone start to buzz in my pocket and not being rude in library , I answer it and whisper " hello ? " then I heard Niall yelling " WHERE ARE YOU ? IDIOT ! We've been searching for you in every toilet in this collage . We are worried if you passed out or something.  Now tell me where are you ? And why ? " I sigh and said " I'm at my class . Teacher is teaching now . Bye " " don't you dare to lie ! You have the same subject with me , ju-" I ended the call without feeling guilty.  I take a piece of paper on my back pocket and write "+0769736542 . A lonely boy who wants to be friends or more than that ;) '' I smiled and place it on the first pages . Then I got up and place the book back in the shelf . After that I leave and go back to collage . Hope I will get to meet my prince or princess charming.  Haha .

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