Not Just Another Cinderella S...

By 11firegirl11

49.9K 2K 133

In all the love stories, there is a broken girl, someone who's afraid to fall in love. In all the love storie... More

Not Just Another Cinderella Story
1. Manchester
2. Spoiled Bitches
3. Mysterious Numbers
4. Now, She's Gone.
5. Furniture and Frappuccino's
6. Tweet and Trends
7. Meet and Greet
8. Sassmaster Out!
9. Tumbling Through Tumblr
10. Kisses and Hotel Rooms
12. Meet The Boys
13. It's Not That Easy
14. Green Monsters
15. Missing You
16. Find Me
17. Not-So-Little Cupcakes
18. LaBoom
19. Friends
20. Always.
21. All Good Things
22. First Dates
23. Key to my Heart
24. Now or Never
25. Christmas Eve
26. Tricks up Her Sleeve
27. Drunk Admittance
28. Guess Who's Back
29. Epilogue
One Shots (2)

11. Into The Crowd

1.4K 73 4
By 11firegirl11


By the time Harry texted me, I had already made up my mind on going to London. Originally, Tyler and I were going to go for three days since he wasn't all that keen on it, and Dylan didn't want to go at all, so this way I could stay longer and not drag them around with me. I hadn't told the twins yet, it could wait. It was morning now, around eleven, and I still didn't pack yet so that was my main focus.

"Chelsea?" Tyler called out. Crap. All my clothes and my suitcase were scattered around the room, and I hadn't told him yet. He came into my room without knocking. "Hey, do yo- what are you doing? Where are you going?" I bit my lip nervously and played with my fingers.

"Well, I was thinking since you weren't really keen on going to London, I would go with my friend? I'll stay at his apartment and he can take me around London since he knows the place, and you and Dylan didn't want to go so..."

"Wait he? You're staying at 'his' flat?" I realized how that sounded.

"No, no, we're just friends. It's only for a week or so." He frowned.

"You'll be okay?"

"Of course, not everyone's like Cameron," I said, laughing slightly. He frowned again.

"I know, but... I'm just worried about you I guess," he said, sitting down on the side of my bed.

"Tyler I'm fine, I'm way over his sorry ass," I said, as I sifted through my clothes for a dressy dress. I finally settled on bringing the bright lace one Tyler had bought for me for my birthday, and a simple black dress with one sleeve. I folded them up and placed them in my suitcase before moving on to jeans.

"So you gonna put a vlog or something to let our subbies know?" he said offhandedly.

"Oh crap, I forgot about that," I said, as I rushed to get my camera. I turned it on and started talking. "Hi guys! I know this is slightly unexpected, but that's okay right? I wanted to let you guys know that because of some last minute plans, I'm heading off to London for a week! Tyler and Dylan won't be coming with me so... I guess this is the start of our gap year! Yay! I'll be doing daily vlogs, though they probably won't be too long. I'm leaving tomorrow, so I've got to get packing! Bye guys!" I tossed the camera to Tyler. "Upload that will you?" I said.

"Sure." I didn't answer as I grabbed four pairs of jeans, two skirts, and two pairs of shorts, stuffing them into my bag. I also grabbed two large band t-shirts, one of The Fray and one of Pink Floyd. A few chiffon blouses were thrown, and a few tank tops followed suit. I debated on bringing a swimsuit, finally deciding to toss it in just in case.

"Chelsea?" Tyler called. "There's someone here for you!" Who? It probably wasn't Harry, so maybe it was Louis? Though I doubted it, he was spending time with Eleanor. But when I got to the door, it was Louis who was standing at the door.

"Louis!" I said, giving him a hug. Tyler stared at him skeptically.

"Are you going with him to London?" I shot Louis a look that told him to be quiet as I said, "Yeah. This is him." Louis seemed slightly confused, but hid it well. Tyler stared at him for a while, before saying something.

"You're in One Direction, aren't you?" Louis nodded politely. Tyler sighed and gave me a look saying he'd get me back for not telling him. "Well take care of her. I don't want to see her on any magazine covers or gossip shows, got it?" Louis nodded, not looking affected by his harsh gaze. Tyler sighed and turned on his heel, leaving.

"London?" Louis questioned.

"Well, I may or may not be going with Harry."


"Just kidding, I am going." He sighed.

"Just... be careful, yeah? I actually wanted to get you to tell him that I won't be going back, I'm staying with El for at least two more weeks."

"That's fine, why?"

"I... Well I think we're having a little spat, and I want to make it better before I leave." I nodded understandingly. "Do you want to get a coffee or something?"

"Nah, come in? I'm just packing for tomorrow." He kicked up his shoes and followed me to my room where he decided to flop back on my bed. "You know if you wanted to get in my bed, you just had to ask," I teased, grabbing a pair of socks and throwing them into my beg. He looked at me with surprise on his face.

"I didn't think you had it in you."

"Spending a lot of time with two guys affects how your brain works."

"Don't tell me you're like a female Harry."

"Not really, I don't have it in me to flirt so much." Louis was quiet for a minute before I realized how that sounded. "No, I didn't mean it like that, I was just meaning I don't have the confidence..."

"I know. But he only does it for fun, he's not really the womanizer everyone makes him out to be." I nodded.

"Yeah. I mean just because someone is seen with someone, doesn't mean they're automatically dating."

"I think that's a huge part of it, he gets attacked quite a bit by the media. I mean, the rest of the boys obviously do as well, but not as much, and I think we can handle it a bit better than Harry." Nodding again, I sighed sadly.

"Let's get off this topic, too sad for today."

"Music?" Louis asked, plugging in his phone to my speakers. Loud, upbeat music blasted though I wasn't quite sure who it was. He seemed to know though, as he jumped up on my bed and started belting out lyrics, horribly off key. Forgetting my packing for a minute, I joined him, as we half screamed had sang a few songs. I stopped on the fourth one, feeling my throat strain a bit. Looking around my room, I realized how much packing I still had to do, and got to it, though it wasn't exactly easy with Louis there.


"Hey, can I stay at yours tonight? -C"

"Sure, don't even have to ask! ;) -H" Reading over his text, I laughed a bit.

"I'll make sure I don't next time!"  Hurrying downstairs, I piled my suitcase into the back of the taxi. I gave the driver the address, and we drove off. I went up like normal, and Harry let me in like he always did. He looked at my suitcase skeptically.

"You need all that for an overnight stay?"

"No, I'll need all this for the next week or so. Haven't you heard?"


"I'm going to London." He looked at me confused for a second, before it dawned on him.

"You're coming! You're actually coming!?"

"I actually am!" He pulled me into a crushing hug, making me stand on my tiptoes and hug him back.

"Yay! Now I can introduce you to the boys, and show you around London!" He started bouncing up and down excitedly, making me laugh.

"Calm down, big boy," I said, laughing. I placed my bag down and stuck my phone in my back pocket, and headed to the bedroom.

"Where are you going?"

"Well since you're a guy, I'm guessing you're not really good at packing." And I was right, his suitcase had random things messily thrown in, making the OCD side of me flare up. I sat down in front of the suitcase and pulled everything out. Starting with dirty clothes, I folded them up and placed them inside a bag before putting it back in. Then I folded the clean clothes and placed it in, followed by a few pairs of shoes and two hats. I left the pair of sunglasses out though. Harry took a seat beside me as I sifted through everything else in his suitcase.

"You would think I'm good at packing seeing how much I have to do it," he said.

"Yeah, but I know better than that." I threw a few wrappers in the garbage, and looked over my work. "Do you still need anything in your washroom?" I asked, as I went to finish packing.

"Yeah, all of that stuff." There was a jar of some type of hair product, a toothbrush, some lotion, a bottle of cologne, and a dry shampoo sitting on the counter.

"Okay, so we're done now I guess. You wanna go out, or...?"

"Um... Well I guess we're only in Manchester for one more day, we could just walk around and get some food then?" I could tell he wasn't actually too keen on the idea, but it was good that he was making an effort to get out of the house.

"Sure. Can we get a taco somewhere?"

"I love taco's." We chatted mindlessly while I grabbed my bag and we headed down the elevator. I heard them before I saw them, the screaming of thousands of girls. "Crap," Harry muttered. He pulled out his cell and started texting someone. "Okay, there are a few people coming, they should be here in just a few seconds." I looked at the crowd then back at him.

"And you're totally not bothered by this? There wasn't a single person here when I came, that was only like half an hour ago!" I looked at the crowd nervously again.

"Don't worry about it, just go straight to the car, I'll meet you there, yeah?" he said.

"Can I have your sunglasses? I'd rather not have a million 'scandalous' stories around the internet by tomorrow."

"Um, sure," he pulled them off. "Do you have a hat?" I pulled my purple beanie out.

"Never go anywhere without it. I usually have my sunglasses too, but I packed them up already so..." I adjusted the beanie a few times, getting it the way I wanted it.

"Okay, just follow these guys to the car, don't stop, okay?" he said. I nodded nervously as I saw a few security guards trying to separate the crowds. One of them came up to me.

"I got you guys," he said to Harry and I. Then we were out the door. The noise level was amazing, it was so loud. I felt bodies push and bump into mine even though the crowd was being controlled by security. The security guard kept an arm hovering around my shoulder, making sure no one got too close. Ignoring what was around me, I ducked my head and kept walking towards the large black car. Finally, we were there, and I was able to crawl in. I sighed, releasing a shaky breath. Looking back out the window, I saw Harry taking pictures with the occasional fan. It surprised me how easily he was able to call up a smile. He took a while longer than me, and whenever someone was close enough for a picture, he smiled for it.

Soon, he was in the car too as we drove off. I saw him release a breath and close his eyes for a second. Then he looked over at me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. How are... How do you just, be able to smile through that, and just... keep smiling through that..."

"Well it's sort of part of the job."

"No, you could've just made your way to the car without stopping, but..." I decided to stop, knowing he wouldn't take my words seriously.

"Yeah, well I want to give back to them. Can I have my sunglasses back?" I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me, and placed them in his hand. I pulled off my beanie too, and fixed my hair.

"Where should I drop you two off?" the driver asked.

"Um, the nearest Taco Bell please," Harry said. We arrived in a few minutes. I ordered two taco's and a coke. Bring my tray with me, I found a small table for the two of us. Harry came over and sat down opposite me.  

"Eat up," he said, biting into his taco. I followed suit, enjoying the taste. Lunch was pretty quiet, just the crunching sounds of a taco shell. I sipped my drink as he finished his third taco and then wiped his hands.

"So, any fun places in London?"

"Well there's the London Eye, the Big Ben, the usual, but there are some cool small vintage shops, some small restaurants, places that tourists don't know about."

"But you know about them?"

"I know some pretty fun places, yeah." I smiled excitedly as I threw away my garbage and grabbed my bag.

"You ready to go? We could go on a quick walk before heading back to the hotel." He nodded as we walked out the restaurant. We decided to wander aimlessly for a while, until we ended up in front of a small store full of little trinkets. "Ooh!" I squealed. "Can we go in!? Please?" I begged, tugging him towards the door. He laughed and shook his head, but came in with me. There were small wooden carvings of various things, and shiny crystal key chains. I picked up a small piano painted white and black. It was beautifully crafted, the keys even moved up and down, though it made no sound.

"Chelsea!" Harry exclaimed. I looked towards him, to see him wearing a huge sombrero. I laughed and pulled out my phone, taking a picture. I looked around for another strange piece of headgear, which I found. It was a simple white hat with a ridiculously large feather. I struck a pose next to Harry, and I took a selfie of the two of us. We both laughed when we looked at the picture. He put down the hats as we continued looking around. I ended up buying the small piano, along with a pretty wooden bird pen, and a grey fedora with a black band on it. After paying for my purchases, I went back into the back of the shop to find Harry looking at something.

"Hey, ready to go?" I asked. He spun around and shoved the item into his coat pocket.

"Yeah, just let me pay for this. Go wait for me outside." I raised an eyebrow suspiciously, but did as he asked. I waited for a few minutes before he came out with a package wrapped in brown paper.

"Should I ask, or will you just not tell me?"

"My lips are sealed." He then proceeded to call for a cab, brushing off anymore inquisition. I rolled my eyes and hopped into the cab with him. When we pulled up to the hotel, there weren't as many people, but a group of around 30 fans still lingered around. Harry put an arm around me protectively as I hid my face from the cameras. Because there was no security, he didn't stop for any pictures and ushered me into the hotel lobby. I didn't take off my beanie until we were safely in his room.

"I'm really sorry about that," he offered.

"Nah, I don't know what else I expected."

"Right, and you're definitely not just saying that." I rolled my eyes and curled up next to him, feeling him rest his head on top of mine, as an episode of Sherlock appeared on the TV screen. I clapped excitedly making him smile, and started mindlessly babbling about the endless wits of Sherlock.

Hello! I saw that I had gotten over 300 reads... Thank you guys so much! It means so much to me every time I see you guys comment or vote, really! :*  :* Hope you enjoyed this chapter...

Next chapter will be up Tuesday, July 16th!

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