The Dark Side to Facebook.

By IfAllFailsPlayDead

80.6K 1.2K 773

When Lucas's partner is murdered by a group of teenagers, he finds revenge by meeting girls on facebook then... More

The Dark Side to Facebook.
The dark side to Facebook: Post man
The dark side to Facebook: Sarah Part 1
The Dark Side to Facebook: Sarah part 2
The dark side to Facebook: Their Loss
The dark side to Facebook: Diffrent Identity
The Dark Side to Facebook: Irony.
The Dark Side to Facebook: Dinner for one.
The Dark side to Facebook: Stupid Simon.
The Dark Side to Facebook: Maria
The Dark Side to Facebook: Marcus.
The Dark Side to Facebook: Family Reunion
The Dark Side to Facebook: Children never listen.
The Dark Side to Facebook: Broken Hearts
The Dark Side to Facebook: It was me.
The Dark Side to Facebook: Last Note
The Dark Side to Facebook: Annie

The Dark Side to Facebook: "I'm Sorry Lucas."

3.7K 39 33
By IfAllFailsPlayDead

This chapter may answer some of your questions behind all the secrets... muahah (evil laugh)

Lucas is getting more and more ill, can't you tell? :P

I know some might think facebook needs to be more involved that why the next one is going to be him again talking to people on facebook, muahah he is an evil sick dude.


The sun is setting behind the dark musty green tree’s, it’s beautiful all the colours fading in the sky; pink, orange and red it making everything seem perfect; as if there is no sadness in world, I wish everything could be that perfect although unfortunately that’s not the real world, is it?

He has been walking deeper into the tree’s without a clue that I am not far behind, his ‘loyal’ dog is chasing itself around in circles as he just carry’s in walking on. I knew that he would be walking here today, he does this every day.

I watch.

Charlie his dog runs towards his owner with such happiness, his tail is wagging from left to right at a fast pace. Then he throws the ball into the air, Charlie then with his tongue sticking out run’s after the ball into the tree’s. The sun has now fully settled behind the tree’s the moon is now shining above me guiding me to make my move.

“I am going to do this for you Lucy.” I whisper under my breath,  as I step out from the shadows. He looks around with worry as he still has not caught on to my figure in the background of the tree’s.

“Charlie” He call’s whilst whistling, although still no sight of the dog. I step forward.

“Simon.” My voice is clear as ice, perfect.

Simon jumps and looks around and steps back when he catches on to my body in the trees, I step forward although his eyes are still glued on to mine as he once again steps back, both of his hands are trembling with fright. I smile.

“CHARLIE!” He shouts again without any luck, I tilt my head to one side and take another step towards him, this time he does not move. Stupid Simon.

“Luc-as, wh-at you do-ing here?” He stutters his eyes still glued to mine with worry, I chuckle this is one flaw of his many which will get him killed. When you’re in a situation like this you should always keep strong minded, it’s more fun.

“Lucy as you sure about this?” I murmur under my breath, I am willing to kill teenagers because that is revenge, maybe this is cold blood isn’t it?

Suddenly I squeeze my head as a head ache tugs at my head, I’m sorry Lucy, I will kill him, I will! I promise. I look up at Simon is still stood there looking like he has seen a ghost.   

“Well the thing is Simon; I want to play a game with you.” I say with a smirk, Simon looks behind him to see if his ‘faithful’ dog has returned, although with luck he still had not returned. Simon quickly puts his hand in his pocket, his face fills with relief as he pulls out a mobile. Silly man.

“Throw that over here.” I speak; Simon looks up as the click of my gun echoes through the field. Loaded and ready. Without even a thought the phones is realised from his hand and lands on the grass below his feet, his eyes glued onto mine with horror.

“Crush it.” Lucy pushes the words into my mouth; I didn’t even have to think of them. Lucy is my angel she guides me towards making everything alright. Lucy is getting closer to me every day no else knows because they are blind and stupid, I know because she told me. I look back up and watch as his foot slams down against his phone- his only and last hope to have gotten out of this situation, he has just signed his death wish.

“Lucas, calm down. Put the gun down and everything will be okay.” He speaks, his voice patronising. One thing to learn before you talk to me, never! I mean NEVER patronise me. Ever.

“Play the game Simon and this will end easier and quicker.” I chuckle as I step closer towards him, the moon is the only light that is keeping us from seeing each other, unlucky man.

“Lucas, I can help.” He panic’s waving his arms in the air, “Hurting me is not going to get Lucy back and you know it.” A ticking bomb explodes inside of me, nobody says her name! No one is allowed to speak her name! She is mine! Mine! How dare he say that, as if she is no body? She is my sweet beautiful angel who saved me, now I am going to save her. Simon does not know anything! He has everything; he had children and a wife, even a dog for crying out loud!

“Never say her name!” I growl at him with anger pulsing through me.

“Lucas, she has gone. Please, I know it hurts. Trust me.” He whispers trying to calm me down.

“Simon. YOU. Know. Nothing.” I say each word coated in venom, I will make sure his family suffer. How will it feel losing your dad? Losing your husband? I smirk. I know how it feels, I lost everything! My heart constantly feels black.

“Lucas you need help.” He takes one step back, making me aim the gun at his leg. He freezes.

“Help? Seriously, Simon you should already know I spent eight months getting help and that was all your fault, yes I was upset but then you took me any from my home! The only place which still felt like Lucy, they drugged me and isolated me. Everyone left me.” I growl, my chest was heaving with anger, my heart was racing with fury all of this was his fault.

“You were ill Lucas. You still are.” He whispers. “People still care about you; do you remember when you first met my family? You loved playing with my children, you was an amazing man. Don’t you see it Lucas? Lucy she made you into this?” A tear fell across his face, I stopped playing with them because Lucy said that they was using me because they couldn’t look after children, she said not to play with them again. She was right, they used me.

“They miss old Lucas.” He murmured, “I miss him. Lucas… are you the murderer that has been killing all these teenagers?” He asks looking at me with confusion, was it that obvious?

“Yes, it was their fault they killed Lucy.” I speak, a face of confusion once again fills Simons face as he shakes his head from side to side. I felt like I was going to collapse any second, my heart has hammering across my body, my lungs are rapidly pumping air as my eye sight keeps blurring.

“Is that what you think?” He asks under his breath looking down at the grass, tears still flowing.

“Simon.” I tut under my breath a few times whilst stepping forward so that he is four steps away from me, “I know. When I finish collecting all the parts, I am going to be able to bring her back to me, I am going to give her my heart again.” I speak with confidence.

“She didn’t have a heart to begin with!” He growls, red flashes in my eyes as the words pass his lip’s. I aim the gun at his stomach and fire, his eyes grew wide as the bullet entered his stomach, he fell to the ground with a thud, I walked towards him and kneeled near his head, his chest was pumping up and down with shock and pain.

“You didn’t know Lucy.” I whispered into his ear, even though his pain was killing him a low chuckle fell through his mouth, making fury take over my body. I grabbed his body and tied the rope around his legs, he didn’t move he just lay there with his hand pressed against the wound on his stomach. Quickly I pulled the rope with I also tied to a tree branch, I pulled again and his body followed. After a few pulls his body was hanging upside down from the tree with Simon cursing through screams whilst blood carried on flowing through his wound.

“YOU’RE MESSED UP LUCAS! MESSED UP IN THE HEAD!” He screamed, I naturally laughed. He should know better than any one that I am cured, he is the one who signed me out of the mental home.

“Lucy would have wanted this!” I shout before stabbing the knife into his arm, making his cry out in pain, the space around us was still silent apart from his screams.

“Lucy never cared for you Lucas! NEVER!” He shouted at me once again. “She never loved you, never.” He whispered.

“Shut up!” I shouted kicking him in the stomach were his wound was.

“Where did she work Lucas?” He asks, chuckling through his clenched teeth. His eyes were glued closed as he frowned waiting for my reply, why did he want to know? Why?

“She was a manager!” I shout kicking him again, pushing the knife through his other arm making blood rush through the wound, he was paling.

“Manager?” His voice was empty now; he opened his eyes slightly and shook his head. It was just them that I noticed a tear fall down across my face.

“I’m sorry Lucas.” He whispered before his body fell slack against the rope, blood pooled around him. What did he mean sorry? I kicked his body with frustration, falling to the ground I screamed with anger. I heard a rustle, when I looked up I noticed that Charlie was stood under Simons body licking the blood which had fallen on the ground, he then chewed on his hand like a play toy.

“Charlie.” He looked at me and growled. I never liked dogs.

“Go home!” I wacked the dog over the head, he growled again before backing away into the trees leaving me and the body alone, Stupid Simon. Stupid.

I did it Lucy, I did it. I thought weakly as I untied the body from the tree.


O.o What did you think of Simon?


Alright sorry I didnt upload for 2 days, I have been really busy! But I have a new cover for my story which was made for me, do you like better that my old one?

I feel sorry for Lucas, yeah he is a murder but he is messed up and Simon even said that he was once a loving man ><!




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