The bad boy next door {COMPLE...

By iminlovewithyoulove

674K 17.6K 3K

Lexi is a 17 year old girl Moving into a new town of California. When she finds out her new neighbor is the... More

Chapter one Moving with a problem
Chapter 2 The dares
Chapter 3 Your so stubborn
Chapter 4 Lunch time 4 fun time
Chapter 5 Party time
chapter 6 'yo I aint bigfoot'
Date time heart break
Chapter 8 We are just friends?
Chapter 9 Omg
Chapter 10 You're back?!
Chapter 11 Didnt have a title for this one
Chapter 12 You dont sleep at sleepovers silly! Part 1
Chapter 13 You dont sleep at sleepovers silly!Part 2
Chapter 14 Youre not so bad!
Chapter 15 Fight! Fight!
Chapter 16 Mall (part 1)
Chapter 17 Mall (part 2)
Chapter 18 Waking up
Important must read
Chapter 20 Surprise! Family reunion
Chapter 21 Date?
Chapter 22 Its breath taking
Chapter 23 Prom and presents
Part 24 Merry Christmas!
Chapter 25 It was a dare?!
Chapter 26 Graduation day!!
Thanks you guys
Authors note
Authors note

Chapter 27 YES!!!!

14.3K 413 30
By iminlovewithyoulove

4 years later

"Almost done" my mother said.
"Annnnnnnnnd done" she said dragging out the 'N'

Today is the wedding day I remember how he proposed.


I was driving to my apartment and I got a text message.

Alex honeybear😘: I will be a little late and I'm taking you out to eat.
Lexi boo😍: alright babe I'll see you later.
Alex honeybear😘: k I love you.
Lexi boo😍: I love you too.

I parked my car into the parking spot of me and Alex's apartment. I walked I my apartment door and opened it. I walked inside and petted our dog coco. Which was laying right next to the door. Minitrupe had to be with my mom because she wanted to keep her.

I put my keys on the counter and ran upstairs to my bedroom. See when I said apartment I meant townhouse a big one.

I ran into me and Alex's room, I took a quick shower and changed. I was wearing a black lace dress knee high with a pair of black flats.

I walked out of the restroom and into the room. I but my hair into a braid on the side and walked out to the living room, I turn on the t.v and watch black butler. (Ps my fav anime).

I hear keys unlocking the door an I quickly turn off the t.v and get up from the couch.

Alex walks in with a smile. I smile back and walk over to him.

"Hey handsome" I say Pecking his lips.

"Hey babe you ready?" He asked.

"Ok well I'm going to take a quick shower" he says walking upstairs.
"Ok" I scream after him.

~30 minutes later~

Alex comes down stairs with a white tee shirt and jeans.

He looks hot with his hair messy. I lick my lips but noticed that I was staring at him for to long I look away. I felt something wet on the bottom of my lip.

I noticed it was drool?!??
I blush, and Alex smirks.

He comes down stairs and grabs my hand.
We were walking out the door. Until coco starts barking, I pet her real fast and me and Alex run out the door.

Alex locks the door and we get into Alex's F150 silver truck.

I got into the passenger side and put on my seatbelt.

Alex turned on the car and backed out.

~30 minutes later~

"Can you please tell me where we are going?!" I whined I have been asking for the past 10 minutes.

"Nope" he said popping the 'p'.
"Why not" I asked.
"Because it's a surprise" he said.
"Ugh" was all I said before I turned and looked out the window.

Alex's phone started ringing.

"I'll be right there"

"What happened?" I asked.
"We need to go to Jessica's house" he said.
"You'll see" he said with a glint in his eye but I didn't catch what emotion it was.

~10 minutes later~

We pull up into Jessica's drive way and got out of the car.
"Oh finally your here" Jessica said pulling my into the house.

"Huh?" I asked confused.
"I need your help" she said.
"Alright" was all I said before being pulled into the house.
She lead me to the restroom and closed the door behind her.

"Hold on I forgot my lip gloss" she said walking towards the restroom door.

"I'll come with" I said she stopped and turned around.
"No you stay here" she said.
"Ok?" I said walking over to the counter, pulling myself up and sitting on it.

~15 minutes later~

I've been waiting in the restroom for about 15 minutes and jess hasn't came back yet. I jumped off the counter and walked out the restroom.

All the lights were off I walked into the living room:

No one

No one

No one.

Lights lining up on the edges of the path.

I walked back into the house but stopped.

Light lining up on the edges of the path?!

I walked back outside and walked onto the path. At the end there was a sign the said:

Lexi I love you and I know you love me too.
The first time we met I thought you were another slut.(sorry)
But then I started to get to know you.
I started feeling these feelings that I never felt before and I fell in love with you.
I fell in love with the nerd.

       ~look behind you.

I did exactly as told and I turned around to see Alex on one knee in a black tux with a little black box in his hand.

"Lexi justice levin will you marry me?" Alex said opening the little box. I put my hands to my mouth and let out a small gasp. Tears escaping my eyes.

"Yes! Yes! Yes, a million times yes!" I said nodding my head rapidly.

Alex got up and grabbed my hand he put the ring on my finger. After he was done I grabbed his face and kissed him.

He kissed me back it was full of love and passion. I love Alex with all my heart.

~end of flashback~

Brianna walked into the room, she smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Can I talk to you Lexi" she looked around the room. "Alone please" I nodded and everyone left the room.

"Yeah?" I asked.
"Look I'm sorry I kept telling myself that it was your fault for Coles death and I don't know why? I was mad no let me rephrase that I was furious. I wanted to make it right before the wedding. I love you sis" she said hugging me I froze but quickly hugged her back. Luckily my mascara is waterproof.
I had tears coming out of my eyes, but quickly wiped them away. I gave her a smile and we walked out of the room.
Jess came up to us with her pregnant belly. She is seven months pregnant and it's a girl.

I walked up to her and rubbed her belly.
"Um Lexi I think we should go" Brianna and Jessica said at the same time. They smiled at each other and giggled.
"Alright let's go" I said.

Oh I forgot the weddings in my parents backyard so.....

I saw my dad at the back door and they started to play that song that they play when the girl walks in the room.
I put my arm into my fathers and he smiled down at me I could see the tears in his eyes. They opened the door and Alex's eyes met mine he smiled and he checked me out.

Alex was wearing a black tux with a white dress shirt. My dad walked up to Alex and handed me too him. He said a few words to Alex and gave me a hug, a kiss on the cheek and a Hollywood smile.

I smiled back and my dad left to sit down.

~10 minutes later~

10 minutes of standing and looking at each other he finally said the words I was waiting for.

"Will you Lexi Justice Levin take Alex Ryan Balrock to be your husband threw think and thin, threw health and threw sickness, and death do you part" the preacher said.

"Yes!" I said happily.

"And will you Alex Ryan Balrock take Lexi Justice Levin to be you-"

"Yes" Alex said cutting the preacher off.
"Well you may now kiss the bride" Alex grabbed me by the waist and dipped me. He kissed me with love and passion and our lips moved in sync.

I noticed we were kissing for to long and we stopped.

"TIME FOR THE AFTER PARTY!!!" I heard someone say from the back. I looked and saw Jess I started laughing.

We all got into like 5 cars and drove to Alex's parents house. We got out the car but then I felt myself being lifted off my feet. I looked at who my attacker was and it was Alex grinning like an idiot.

He was picking me up bridal style. I smiled at him. I pecked his lips and sooner everyone else arrived. Alex opened the door and we all gathered in the living room.

We sat one the couches and started to talk and laugh. I'm so happy!!!


Hi guys I know it's been a long time since the update.

But next one is the epilogue.

I know I didn't do the vows right so please don't complain sorry.

Picture of Barbara palvin in a wedding dress(ps Barbara palvin is the person who plays Lexi)

Um this is not edited.

And plus there was a Big Bang theory re-run


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